Why was this hated so much?

why was this hated so much?

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It was shit.
I heard it got a little better (or less shit) in the later seasons.

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>Venom attacks and hits Spiderman in the stomach
>Spiderman: This reminds me of when I was really hungry and I hate this spicy chili and it hurt my stomach
>Cut to gag of chibi Spiderman eating hot chili and his head is set on fire and he's going AHH OOH OWW
That's the show

Disney put a low priority on good writing and animation.


at this this show had colors.

unlike modern marvel "cartoons"

I thought the first season was not nearly as bad as Yea Forums would have you believe but each following season was worse than what Yea Forums would have you believe.

Also it was the next spider-man after spectacular, the only good spider-man cartoon, so of course it was hated.

Spectacular died for this.

Because it took the place of an infinitely better show

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Peter Parker was a immature brat who shirked responsibility and the teammates weren’t any better or particularly interesting with the exception of maybe Iron Fist.

Whiney little bitches favorite cartoon got cancelled for it, it could have been the best SM cartoon ever and they'd still cry. It was a solid 7/10 at best, certainly miles ahead of the current show

>certainly miles ahead of the current show

Artwise maybe, but storywise about even.

I honestly thought the opposite. The first couple of seasons had some atrocious humor and horrible story decisions that made it hard to stomach. The latter seasons had less impressive animation, but the characters were either bearable or written off.

I wouldn't even say that. I found the art and designs to be more detailed and realistic, but not necessarily better. It felt very ordinary and suited for toylines. Most of the designs were ripped from the comics, so it offered nothing new. Also, the animation wasn't bad, but it wasn't impressive either. Nothing that could rival anything Spectacular gave us in that department.

This show honestly should have been a Deadpool cartoon with the way they have Pete break the fourth wall for crappy jokes as much as he did.
At least then it would have fit the character a little better.

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>comparing Film Roman animation with the current shit
You're fucking lying to yourself if you think the art is on par

Disney didn't have anything to do with this show aside from airing it.

And that one crossover with Jessie.

Dogshit adaptation

1. The art style does not lend itself to the cheap animation.
2. The cheap animation itself.
3. The general lack of traditional Spider-Man villains.
4. There's barely any supporting characters who are regular humans, nearly everyone is a superhuman or SHIELD agent.
5. There is an over-emphasis on giving Spider-Man gadgets and shit.
6. There aren't any down to earth problems for Peter like rent money, because SHIELD takes care of all that for him (they even rebuild his house rapidly after it gets destroyed).
7. Some of the previously established concepts that actually made it in, are for some reason unpopular ones like Ultimate Green Goblin.
8. Cutaway gags replacing quips.
9. Fourth wall breaking replacing narration.
10. The supporting characters from the first two seasons got replaced for the sole reason of marketing a new line of toys.
11. The characters they replaced with were the two billion Spider-Man copies Marvel decided to shill during the Slott run.
12. There was no real plot in the first three seasons.
13. Season four removed the cutaways and added a plot but at the expense of making the animation even worse.
14. Even until the very end, things would just happen and get resolved within one episode, even if it was repeated and obviously didn't need to be resolved like Harry being Venom.
15. Appearences of other Marvel characters was pretty much just MCU shilling.

TL;DR: The show got nothing right as an adaptation and couldn't even be decent on it's own.

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Did you even read the post correctly?

No I didn't, what are you going to do about it shit for brains?

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I don't need to do anything since you're making yourself look like an idiot

Yeah that's what I fucking thought, pussy


You thought that you would still make yourself look like an idiot? I guess we're both right about something.

You're damn fucking right, retard

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It show had troubled production. First it was a traditional spider man cartoon with man of action humor, somewhere, along the lines it changed to be spider but brave and the bold, next it became spider man with teens titans

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Sam was kind of a douche in this

Ultimate harry best harry

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Yeah, I avoided his book until I realized that everyone on the book, including Loeb, was writing him better than the USM cartoon version.

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Loeb's Nova is incredibly underrated, especially since it and Ultimate X are pretty much the only good post-son's-death comics he's written

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It had a very juvenile and dated sense of humor that had basically none of the cleverness you need to write a show about fucking Spider-Man. It was targeted toward kids, but even the kids hated it because it was lame.

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i'll admit that i watched every episode. the show does go full retard, but not all the time. the action was passable and the show lasted long enough to draw from a lot of the source material. they didn't necessarily do a good job of adapting it, but it was nice to recognize things.

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I thought they were going to do that after the deadpool movie.
But i guess Loeb didn’t care

This made me smile

Deadpool was in the show and Donald Glover was making a Deadpool cartoon but FX cancelled it.

>came out right after Spectacular got cancelled thanks to legal bullshit
>wacky gags all the time
>Luke Cage and Iron Fist are now teenagers?
>Drake Bell is not a good voice actor or actor in general

Loeb was no longer overseeing Marvel Animation by the time the Deadpool Movie was out.

>Ultimate Spider-Man
>Only Ultimate thing about it was Gobby.

At the very least this show had a really cool doc ock and hydro man

Speaking of spiderman villains, who thought this was a good idea? youtu.be/tiEhNaOnM8k

>the only good spider-man cartoon
clearly you've never seen Spider-Man TAS

>Doc Ock
I really got a kick out of his design. Tom Kenny nailed the role

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I think they did have a Deadpool episode, from what I remember it was actually pretty good.

>we want the Teen Titans audience

>3. The general lack of traditional Spider-Man villains.

And when we did get them, they tried too hard to make them different. Emo teen Vulture, school shooter Rhino, Mortal Kombat Scorpion, Kraven being White Tiger's nemesis, etc.

Doc Ock is the Alfred of the Spider-Man franchise, a character that is always enjoyable, no matter how bad the adaptation is. He's the best character in this and the 2017 cartoon.

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They did.
And he was voiced by Ron fucking Stoppable.

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So it was good.


ironically enough, having deadpool around made the show's adhd-tier humor work

I feel like this is supposed to be an edgar allen poe reference or inspired by him.


You know, this show would have been a million times better if they cut back on the cutaway gags. This isn't a fucking Seth Macfarlane show.

That, and they hardly ever put focus on Peter's intelligence, which was one of his defining characteristics since forever, even with his markedly more pronounced teenage dumbassery in the Ultimate Marvel comics. Smarter than a good deal of his peers, but not Reed Richards smart. MAYBE on par with Tony Stark, depending on the circumstances, but otherwise isn't going to be thinking circles around Mr. Fantastic.

Also, the purpose of Spidey's jokes isn't for others to groan at, they're a coping mechanism that serves to keep his nerves under control while simultaneously keeping his foes off-balance. You can have his allies be annoyed at him for joking at an inopportune time, as that's usually why a lot of his peers would get annoyed with him back in the day, but they otherwise thought he was actually pretty funny.

I will say that the freeze-frame "talk at the camera" moments were a neat take on Spidey's snarkier inner monologues, though. Too bad they were saddled with a bunch of bad visual gags, and were usually followed up with a bad cutaway gag.

That, and Drake Bell was a good cast for Spidey, but everything else about the show just dragged it the fuck down.

cute image but
>They gave Luke Cage Victor Alvarez's Power Man outfit instead of his Power Man outfit.
I get that they didn't just want to give him a yellow shirt and pants but still.

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tries to be family guy

they even had negative man

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>ITT: babies crying "not muh" about a cartoon made for 12 year olds

I don't know

Bait harder, faggot.

>the truth is bait

Will we ever get a good adaptation of Carnage?
The one in this was just Peter with the symbiote or some shit.

>let's turn Spider-Man who's main appeal and focus has always been the the struggle to manage the responsibilities of being a superhero and real life into a family guy light sketch cartoon show.
>you want to see the drama of Peter Parker constantly having to disappoint or endanger his friends and loved once due to his secret identity? Fuck you, you get crinchy Deadpool like jokes and you will like it! Also Spider-Man now works in a team with other lame characters nobody cares about because again FUCK YOU!

What was wrong with the 90s cartoon?

Carnage without at least one drop of blood isn't Carnage.

>muh violence and gore
It's a children's cartoon user, you're not getting that. Especially the nineties Spider-Man where he couldn't land on a roof with pigeons.

>shill crying that nobody likes his cartoon

>Drake Bell was a good cast for Spidey
It’s too bad this show made me hate listening to his voice because I agree.

I wanted to fuck White Tiger so it wasn’t all bad.

Imagine if the writing staff of Family Guy wrote a Deadpool cartoon.
That's what's wrong with it.

It's amazing how they managed to make a show where both the MC and the people shitting on him were equally unlikable.

So like Family Guy

Was it that bad? Damn


Don’t forget that the team had absolutely no development between each other, and then in the season finale, they had the nerve to pull the “BUT THEY’RE MY FAMILY” move. It was so unearned.