Before Star, who was the poster girl for female Cuckery?

Before Star, who was the poster girl for female Cuckery?

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Star is kind of the poster character for cucked. No idea how such an idea took off. Probably guys pushing their fetish in the general or something.

like a million star threads today. what's happening?

I don't think there was a poster girl.
She kinda inaugurated the position.

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your mother

It's fucking spelled cuckquean you absolute plebs

Trips of truth



Asumi. She literally sleeps with the woman who cucked her

This madwoman who cucked herself.

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Kim Possible

nobody. the very concept of cuck didn't exist before Star.

Gem sexuality is weird, so this is both true and not. Also she can always murder Connie and take Steven for herself. If only she had the good sense to groom him.

Was she really though? I always thought it was just a meme spawned by Kim cucked by Bonnie 34.

If Star is Queen of the Cucks, does that make Finn King?

>The Cuckíng and Cuckquean of Cuckland
>the only sex they ever have is when they cuck each other
>their heirs are actually children of two of their lovers to make sure they're both cucked by raising them
Sounds hilarious. Would watch.

Pretty sure it’s just a pun.


Like Star, she got better though

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At this point I feel like it stops being a cruel fetish and is just some weird kingdom tradition.

The giant crystal atop the castle's highest tower is powered by jealousy, anger, humiliation and sexual frustration and the royal crowns transmit it to the crystal.

Make it happen.

No, but the porn is hot, so who cares?

Ok, but it won't be Yea Forums related and will be for my personal use.

Finn isn't really a cuck. His crush on Princess Bubblegum was mostly that, a childhood crush.

He did legitimately fuck up in his relationship with Flame Princess but that doesn't make him a cuck, just a horny teenager who fucked up something great that he had.

I don't remember did he get cucked by Huntress Wizard or something? Because if not he was never cucked.

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True, Finn by definition can not be a cuck.
Star however actively helped her crush get with another girl. That's a cuck.

Fucking Cinnamon Bun cucked him.

you cant pun a word with basically the same word. it's the same etymology, we just use a different spelling to denote the diversified meaning.

I won't exactly call her the poster girl for female cuckery but she canonically gave her crush advice on how to ask another girl out to a dance.

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No, Finn fucked up his relationship long before Cinnamon Bun came into the picture.

And since we don't know Finn's ultimate romantic fate like Regular Show did for all we know Finn and Flame Princess could have gotten back together at some point in the future, or they didn't.

Who’s this guy?

>I don't remember did he get cucked by Huntress Wizard or something?
Read the comics, HW basically blew him off.
>HW talks about how home is place you something something love
>Finn the Incel King replies by attempting to flirt or something, I can't fucking remember "love, eh" or something along those lines.
>HW tells the Incel King to fuck himself and then fucks off.

Finn definitely isn't a virgin, since he got raped by purple cloud, but he definitely is and involuntary celibate.

>gets btfo by literally every woman he has shown even a smallest interest in.
>his former love interest en up rather going lesbian that be with him.
>he just takes it.
>not a cuck.

Compared to him Ice King is a fucking Chad.

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no, she's the poster girl of crazy stalker

Finn is canonically basically a god playing at being a lower lifeform or something right?

Is he just the opposite of Tenchi?

Pyrrha Nikos from rwby.

I'm Star, Queen of the Cuck0lds and I command you to... blow my bf in front of me

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>Be the Queen's hand/chambermaid
>The Queen wants me for some reason
>She wants me to have sex with the King
>She casts a spell to make me infertile for a time so I won't carry a bastard
>Apparently I'm not the first or last
>I hear the Duchess is a frequent guest of the Royal couple

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that's because star didn't know what love was. not surprising given the modern climate of confusion. She was in love with marco from the start, but due to her tepid past relationships, she didn't recognize it as romantic.
Marco also didn't really get it, he was so used to this heavy crush thing he'd carried

I wasn't talking about Star.

Seems like a good deal to me.

At this point, I wonder what exactly would the tone of the story be. Could it work as an over the top gag or a deconstruction?

I believe in her case, people actually rooted for her cause she was pretty much a cinnamon bun

>the s11 comics

She watched Peter fuck Liz only because she was too much of a pussy to actually tell him how she felt.

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Arnold liked other girls but he never got to them, because she actually has enough balls to sabotage all his chances with them. She's definitely not one

>I didn't watch Too Young

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This is the penultimate cope


i thought that was black bolt?

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she couldn't kill greg yet you expect her to kill connie?

It has to have a comedic element. I'm thinking of one of those "the hero just can't win" comedies where the heroes have some good points, but are mostly selfish lechers who you don't feel bad for too much.

She didn't kill him because she didn't see him as a threat. It was on the level of killing your crush's dog out of jealousy. Now she knows and no matter how Connie trains, she's still a garbage meat sack compared to a hard-light gem.

It wasn’t a very good episode anyway.

Good question

you've mistaken childhood puppy love for true romance?

It's the one straw Finngum shippers have to grasp. She kissed him on a cheek as a kid so of course she was totally DTF as an adult. Finn was cucked so hard, it's not even funny. Both romantically and socially.

How exactly does that episode disprove that it wasn't just puppy love?

It wasn't any kind of love. Finn was just infatuated with her because she's a princess and PB just used him as free manpower.

Just like 616 Gwen

why does she fight the forces of evil?

Because she needs something to do while Marco is sleeping with other women.