You have been wrongfuly terminated form your current job. You also happen to be insane and living in Gotham

You have been wrongfuly terminated form your current job. You also happen to be insane and living in Gotham.
What's your "theme" as a supervillain?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The Razzler. Wrongfully accused of sexual harassment, I force people into awkward/uncomfortable situations, like taping one person's hand to another's butt.

I was a chiropterologist.
My theme as a supervillain is a human-sized bipedal bat.

Affirmative Action Man.

mad stan 2.0

I am the Scissor-man!!!

A serial killer who uses a Scissor motif for everything

I'm a biotech grad, so I suppose I become DC's High Evolutionary

> wrongfully fired from a fertility clinic

I don't know exactly what my gimmick is, but its gonna be weird.

>work with kids
I'll have a child army that does my bidding

I've been terminated from my job of selling corn. Going insane because I'm worried about the off season and finding a job. Making a corn suit to disguise myself from any who may know me. So I start terrorizing farmers markets and bombing corn trucks and setting fire to fields of corn. As revenge of course. In the end Batman kicks the shit out of me in a corn chip factory after I tried to poison the public through the chips. I get hauled off the jail for life for my crimes. Batman names me The Husk. Because in the end I was just a shell of my former self.

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Wouldn't you be like that guy who used his own sperm?

Steal large quantities of semen and cash from a sperm bank, use cash to get comic-logic strength sleep gas grenades from the black market, and forcibly impregnate large crowds of women. Preferably ones that you blame for your predicament via insane troll logic

I'd read that.

I would become 'Theatric'.

Whatever crime I was doing would be done up on a stage complete with a set and props but not unlike that amateur 'The Joker' (Theatric would see him as just a silly clown, not a true Thespian) and on the stage would be hostages acting out the most tragic parts of their lives or of the person the trap was laid for.

The fear of being a hostage brings out the true method actor in them and thus I am doing crimes in pursuit of the perfect 'scene'.

I'm the nite owl


I am The Draftsman! I know every building plan in the city and use this knowledge to break into or bring down structures. I guess I would also know all the vents a man could fit in and set traps for Batman.

You need a goon named Colonel Kernel

>You have been wrongfuly terminated form your current job. You also happen to be insane and living in Gotham.
>What's your "theme" as a supervillain?
"Crow Magnum" I train crows to commit murders.


>a man who has an empire of pickpocket children
i think i've seen that before

>work at an omelet place

I become the Eggsecutioner.

Hrrm, Daniel. Willing to turn life around so late in the game? 90 years old, Daniel. Willing to take risk?

oh yeah I guess I ransom them too I dunno

Half ass! Wrongfully fires for only doing the bare minimum to get by. I don half of a donkey costume and begin my spree of half crimes!
I hold a woman at gunpoint but forget to take her purse!
I break into a bank but don’t plan an escape.
I send a ransom note to a rich father but forget to kidnap his son!
Soon Gotham will tremble at my feet!

A murderous murder, you monumental monster.

>like taping one person's hand to another's butt.
that is actually sexual harassment though

I dunno, I'd laugh if I saw it.


The Potato Sack Man. I rob banks wearing burlap bags. Underneath the bags are ballistic plates and kevlar. I'm only active during the winter because I'd die of heat stroke any other time of year.

The Infiltrator. I write and draw the most popular kid's comic in Gotham, and add hidden, subliminal themes that make the children who read them grow up to be delinquents and criminals. Parents/Authority are clueless to the comic's cause of all this because only the mind of a child can subconsciously interpret the comics' true meaning. Parents even celebrate the comic as promoting positive values, and they believe there are other causes to their child's bad behavior. I also pay off distrusters and promoters to make sure I get as many kids as can to read them, but the comics sell themselves after a while.

Just go full Jigsaw, except instead of people having to kill each other or maim themselves to escape, they have to do something that makes it too awkward for them to ever interact again.

>I'm like The Joker but retarded


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I was fired from the clown factory for raping the products.
now I am the clown rapist,


>Fired from a bookstore.

I guess... I use the plots from famous crime books and try to re-enact them?

The plague doctor.
i'm not insane, i swear my research about the bubonic plague is correct, i just need a plague outbreak to prove that my theory is right. this mask? is to protect me from the plague, how can i cure it if it can affect me too? what? that it has been disproven that the plague doctor mask can protect you from the plague? Ha! nonsense! once everyone is infected with the bubonic plague, i will cure them and receive the praise i rightfully deserve, yeah some might die, but is their fault for not listening to me. Now if you excuse me, i have work to do.


"The Human Brick"

When I leap off of Wayne Tower I'm bound to hit someone on the sidewalk below

Disgruntled sysadmins seeking vengeance are too common to really qualify as supervillains.

Maybe we could form a guild or something. We call ourselves Null Reference, because nobody can point us out

>Fired from a gun store
The Gunman; I got fired because I helped a criminal file his background check and successfully buy a gun, even though it was my boss who made me rush it through. I now go on to just scatter guns everywhere kids and other less than responsible people can find them, leading to more shootings as people act on whatever grudges they have. I also occasionally encourage bank robberies to fund my activities. My costume is basically the merchant from RE4’s getup, but with a big case to carry the guns. Revenge plot would be to make sure all the guns can be traced back to my boss and get as much attention on him as possible.

Essentially yes but there I'm an actor by profession so not much scope to change up the genre there. I tried.

>blocks your path

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>Batman can't touch you because then he's the bad guy
>That, and he has to fight off an army of brainwashed children to get to you

I’m the Orphaner. I hang around alleyways waiting for kids to walk by with their parents, then kill the parents.

But I work from home and my own boss, how can I fire myself?

The Misconduct Man.

I get everyone wrongfully unemployed, including everyone in this thread, causing them all to be supervillains.

All in retaliation for being fired for an unintentional tort that was not my fault.

Because of TONY STAR- I mean Bruce Wayne!

Split personality, but that's been overdone already.

The Embezzler?

The Frightening Tax Frauder?


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Expect no mercy from THE GIG ECONOMY!

Ah, then I'll be Patsy and Big Boss.

I work with gemstones and jewels IRL, so I guess when I'm Patsy Topaz, I'm a simple run amuck thief who uses jewel encrusted weapons and gadgets, but when light shines on my Emerald Brooch, Boss Emerald comes out and uses a Tommy Gun that shoots out polished gemstones and is an alpha gang boss who uses jewels and gems as currency.

To make the difference notable, as Patsy Topaz, I'm small frail and wearing overly baggy clothes with jewel rings too slipping off my fingers, as Boss Emerald, I'm big, buff, smoking cigars and the rings are clearly tight enough for my fat fingers.

To go with the Jojo 5 vibe, Boss Emerald will call Patsy Topaz and Patsy will constantly ask where the boss is, as he steals jewels for the Boss, unaware that he is the Boss.

My theme is that I transform people into shitty furniture and sell them at discount rates, with the buyers being none the wiser. Batman comes to investigate after a string of serial disappearances, and gets turned into an ottoman right after sending a message to Robin. Robin enlists the help of Plastic Man, and the two defeat me after reflecting my furniture ray, transforming into a shitty end table with slightly uneven legs.

I'd basically become Cheapo from Stripperella.

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Actual picture of your villain

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Fold a coaster under that leg, you'll be fine.

>The Sperminator
Run around with a gun like Condiment King but your special sauce is semen!

I'm just giving you shit. It was a good idea user. Sorry for being lame.

>artist for an indie game studio
I suppose I just somehow draw portraits of law-abiding citizens but the portraits come to life & commit atrocities, without bothering to cover their tracks, ruining the reputations of those I drew.
That's the best I could come up with.

all your dialogue has to be corny and/or corn puns

>snake breeding
I shed my skin and become the Ouroboros, armed with endless quantities of snake shit, dud eggs, and the instinctual sense of unease people get from looking at snakes

The Impractical Joker

or you could bore everyone to death


Not sure what name I'd have but I'm sure someone could come up with exciting plots involving wax ribbons, human tissue, and dyes.

>Dr. Fetus Deletus

just being a gamer is edgy enough

this is great

What job?

>the comic book artist
fear me, for I am...THE COMICS CODE!

But it can't be considered actual employment unless you're a playtester; I wouldn't even consider streaming an actual job, either.
Then again, most people don't consider "artist" as an actual occupation, either.

Former NEET unjustly fired from his parent's house and forced to seek gainful employment. Works various service jobs but does them shitily, no one in Gotham is safe from my bad service!

You better be a 4 armed naga hunk or else I'm calling Red Hood to cap your ass

>Aviation Industry

I become THE MAX, with the ability to send people up into the air then suddenly drop them back down instantaneously

I worked as a English/Spanish translator, but after I was fired due to a mix-up in my grammar, I ended up insulting the King of Spain. Now, shirking in the darkness, I enact my revenge. . .by becoming "PALABRACADABRA".

I'm constantly entering the mayor's office and changing all his important papers into unintelligible words. International relations with the city are completely ruined and as I sector off the city bit by bit, crime runs rampant. I can partner up with gangs on both sides and become a double agent, while still doing my own shindig on the side. My anonymous, ñ mask conceals me from everyone

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I'm the number cruncher
I work my way into Gotham's banking systems and secretly transfer the dollar amounts less than a penny from all interest-earning accounts

I set this up in off-shore accounts and as shell companies, really only using it to pay for mundane things (gas, groceries, clothes, etc) or finance the occasional vacation or party for family or a close friend

I'm a skeleton but I can lift a reticulated python so that must count. I wonder how Batman would feel about being slapped by a python.

I mean in oroboros mode
Hmmm, maybe lanky human could be your "civilian" form and hunky naga your "criminal" form. Batman would never know who you really are

>A&P mechanic
>I like birds
I guess I become the DC equivalent of the Vulture.

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Quick, come up with a comic starring YOU
>Mild-mannered pet sitter Douglas Kahtson is taking care of Ace (Bruce's dog) and Isis (Selina's cat) while the two are on an exclusive rich person cruise
>Only after they leave does he reveal his DIABOLICAL PLAN
>TAKING PHOTOS OF THEM AND SENDING THE PICTURES TO GOTHAM'S CRIMINAL MASTERMINDS SO THEY CAN GO "awww that's a cute kitty ohhhh the dog's all lazy and under a pillow haha"
>But that's not all
>He is also using strays as his secret intel squad, helping crooks find out where and when cops are coming to bust them
>Now it's up to Ace and Isis to stop the Petnapper before Bruce and Selina return and have to pay Doug exorbiant fees for his work, thus BASICALLY STEALING FROM THEM!

>user rips open civ form and snake form crawls out
>user running around doing shit like slicing out thin samples of people's brains/hearts/whatever and using tissue stains as calling cards
>drawn to life user with essentially endless power, limited only by his own skill as an artist
Some of these could genuinely be pretty cool


>implying you're not raping them

His weakness is that he take himself too serious and corn puns drives him in to an autistic rage.

"Road Rage." I can almost guarantee that any job loss will result from traffic or my behavior as a result of it. I will go mad and fucking eat a mother fucker, I swear to God.

t. urban shithole dweller

I'd read that.

Are your minions the sissor sisters who are lesbians?

I work on maintenance at a college and at a summer camp.

Wat do?

The Cleanser, every crime you do is for the purpose of keeping everything clean. Do you like my idea?

After an embarrassing accident whilst driving a forklift, I steal a prototype forklift mech suit and become, THE FORKER!

I lift out whole safes from banks, flip over police cars that are in the way, and use terrible terrible puns using the word "fork".

"Whoops, sorry officer, I fork-et you were there!"
"Get out of the forking way!"
"Fork you, fork you, fork you, you're hot, fork you..."
>Batman about to deliver the final blow
"Oh, fork."
And that's where he punched me so hard my fork shaped hat flies off.

Ha, I like the concept.
I think my motive could be expanded even more broadly to making sure everything is orderly/working, since there's more to my job than cleaning.

Or since I work maintenance at a small Bible college in the rural Midwest, my schtick could be that most of my crimes are only just adequately achieved with duct tape and WD-40.

Maybe simply "The Maintainer"? A lame name, but it was the M.O. for my crimes that I really wanted to nail. Thanks, user!

After being fired from the local Pizza shop I swore revenge on all Italian food and will forever terrorize Gotham's. supply of it. I shall become MussoMeanie!

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Call yourself The Blue-footed booby, just to make batman say it.

Thats corny


>"It's too late Batman! The young intern from Wayne enterprises has fallen right into my trap. Now, he must Preform at Karaoke night in front of his crush with a large Marinara sauce stain on his new white button-up!

>Work at Plumbing/Hardware Store

So basically i can hold the city ransom by threatening to clog everyone's sewer/water lines or fuck with the gas lines.

or I will threaten to Break every toilet in the city because guess what Porcelain is fragile as shit most toilets are not very hard to crack/break

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Call yourself the Crapper Tapper

I can't even get a job.

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Grassroots. Fired from my job as an ad designer, I now work to spread my propaganda all across Gotham to control the masses for my own deeds.

>wrongfully fired from the Truck Unloading Crew at Wal-Mart.

Let's call it Wayne-Mart for the topic's sake

Me and the boys from unloading steal one of the semi trucks and reinforce it into a killdozer esque death machine and start plowing through the houses of the corporate big shots of the company that make near millions yearly off the backs of laboring hard working men and women. We still call ourselves the Truck Crew. Unloading pain into those Wayne-Mart corporate fucks

>The Pizza Guy
Delivery (of death) in 30 minutes or less

>wrongfully fired from being an IT intern
The Understudy
I temporarily contract myself out to other villains and help them operate in the background. Once a job is done, I rotate to a new villain. This is to expand my horizons until I graduate college and become the Master of None.

Or else it's free of charge.

I work at a movie theater, and have been there for years. My name would be "The Projectionist". My theme would be movies of course, with my outfit being composed of various references to films. I would recreate movie scenes to torture my Batman and have fun with it.

My evil plan would be to make people's cell phones explode in their hands


The Recruiter. I act as the go between between my clients, name-brand villains, and potential flunkies among the criminal underworld.

To what end?

>Library clerk.

The Shelver. A madman obsessed with proper organization, going into a psychotic rage the minute he see's something out of order.
Books, people, things, all must be organized according to the dewey decimal system.
Children must be organized according to age and subject, fiction or non fiction and placed in the proper cubicles. Women and men must be placed by profession and subject. Those who identify as neither will be placed in the LGBT section along with everyone else in that catagory and I don't give a damn if you hate each other that's where you sit or so help me I'll get the hammer and make you sit. Religious organizations must place their places of worship along the appropriate numbered section regardless of past crusades, jihads, or any other disruptive influence that has been properly placed in the historical section.
They cannot move, must not move, for they'll put themselves in the wrong place and that's just not done. They can only leave with a library card, but that's impossible because the items in the library aren't allowed library cards. Only patrons are allowed cards. Do you hear me? Only Patrons!

>Liquor store
I would be known as the Whole-Sailor. I'd fly a technologically advanced airship I stole and refitted to look like a pirate ship. My minions and I would swing into bars, replacing all of their alcohol with my own locally-brewed moonshine. We wouldn't actually hurt anyone though, it would just be a very elaborate form of guerrilla marketing. All my diabolical schemes would be about trying to get Batman to try my booze, because an endorsement from him would be big enough to show up my old boss.

Wally Green, a mild-mannered customer service rep who is wrongfully fired after a customer complains about his service. He carries a large collection of different medications, each granting him a different physical enhancement.

box ghost

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They call me the Bitch Breaker
$40 spay/neuter, free of charge for the Bat

> villain name: The Jerk

I get fired from Gotham Community College's Bookstore, so I dedicate my time to targeting anything to do with either of the colleges in the city.
I have a sort of Robin Hood mentality of everything I steal from the colleges goes back to the students who are so deep in debt that they need to get horrible jobs like mine.
Batman finds out my true identity from a torrent I have with pdfs of every book I ever sold, that I put up after getting fired and posted to every school forum and messageboard.

I was fired from the Condom factory after I accidentally mixed the materials improperly in one batch resulting in a rash of unexpected pregnancies,

Now I prowl the night taking my revenge on porn shop and drug store patrons who I beat to death with a Giant Condom Shaped Rubber Bat.

I am Fap-Man

>gas station attendant
I am the Gas-Man!
In the dark of the night I siphon your cars of their precious fuel so I can laugh at your misery when you can’t get to work on time in the morning!
And if I’m feeling particularly heinous, I replace it with diesel, ruining your engine!
And worse of all I wash your windows but leave tons of streaks!

>warehouse production associate
Literally just the Box Ghost.

A mortician that becomes Creeping Death

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I was fired because I "choked" under pressure. Now I stalk the streets to kidnap and torture people by strangling them with my many trick nooses as my alter-ego, Breathplay! I don't even steal anything, I just indulge my latent sadism and torture people and permantly fuck up their vocal cords for fun! And they'll live with a scar around their neck to remember who did this to them forever! We'll see who chokes now! Hee hee ho ho ha ha ha!

is it a shark?

News Producer
Fired for producing a biased piece of news, I now create news of disaster. I AM THE PRODUCER!

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sounds like a freakazoid/earthworm jim villain if he was actually transformed into corn due to falling into a vat of nuclear waste at the county fair


The help desk...I provide quality customer service at the local villain mart.

I was fired from my job at the local deli
im going insane because my wife left me for a nigger, my son is a tranny, and the lonly reason i was fired is because my boss didn't like how the other employees treated me more like the boss than they did him.
I become the butcher, and use my cleaver to chop up my former boss, my ex-wife and her nigger lover, and the fake tits my son had surgery to get, and sell them on the black market

The Master-Bator

I jerk off furiously while doing all my crimes.

>was fired from my job as a muckraker because the small time criminal i wrote a piece on blackmailed the publisher with death threats.
>went insane after going home to see my wife and two children murdered with the note, "should have kept your mouth shut." left behind
>i become the MuckRaker who uses his knowledge of the criminal underground to hunt down, brutally murder, and expose criminals on my hunt for the man who killed my family.

the nurse
you get the classic sexy nurse attire and the classic murdering people with medical equipmemt stuff.

I was fired for my lack of productivity in my government job.
I then became, THE BUREAUCRAT!

I force people to wait around in long lines. I hold up traffic. I cause death and destruction through delays.
Maybe i literally drown people in paperwork too.

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Villains user, not based heroes

>Get fired from my job preforming maintenance for Gotham's sewers
>use my knowledge of the sewer systems to commit robberies all across Gotham
>eventually get eaten by Killer Croc
I haven't come up with a good name yet. someone give me an idea please

>literally just the plot of Office Space

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The Dweller
Man Hole
Sewer King

Secondhand. I put people into clothing that's been used and not washed. It's usually very itchy and uncomfortable.

The bat defeats you by giving you a bible and the only two in tact shelves left in your sadistic warehouse of organization is "fiction" and "nonfiction".

have you guys ever seen the movie "Death Proof?" I'm like that except i'm an elevator assistant

Boy, you better hope the Bat gets you before /k/ does.

Just have him take shit too far. He exposes his boss. He exposes people only tertially related to the crime. Eventually, he even exposes himself, the madman.

I was fired for my job in IT, and then make up a front as a freelance temp IT worker to steal money, then download the MEMZ Trojan to a company's network. get caught by batman before i can fuck up wayne industries

>megaNEET, turned to crime because of his inability to get hired
i could see it

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The salami slicer: fired from a deli I track down the men who fired me...

What if I don't have a job?

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>start of the episode, The Razzler is born
>in his mind, from his perspective, he was wrongfully accused
>half the episode spent with The Razzler montaging through videos of sexual harassment as well as the entire Jigsaw series
>second half of episode switches to Batman's perspective as The Razzler beings to take his revenge
>we see that The Razzler really was a sex pest creep and deserved to be terminated
it's pure kino, right up there with Mask of the Phantasm

That's a Babydoll level breakdown waiting to happen. I love it.

you say that like Batman would give enough of a shit to stop me

>Wildlands Firefighter

Oh ho ho ho ho

>professional clown
Well fuck.