What/who`s artsyle would you love to see in an animation

what/who`s artsyle would you love to see in an animation

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More of it, anyway.
It's been five years!

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This is even worse than calarts

What are you talking about?

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I want to see South Park episode with the storyboard art style

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Why does seeing a girl's armpit make me feel weak in the knees

shadman, but unironically having a show on CN and trying to get as much things past the censors as possible

I like 70s/80s sci stuff, specially if soviet

I said this looks even worse than calarts


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>Show starts
>Show cancelled 3 minutes immediately after.


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hell yeah

Attached: 2011-06-02-Skadi_And_The_Cave_Stupids_3.jpg (800x1043, 905K)

Is this close enough?

bigdad style would be cool or Diives, awesome too.

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this guys art

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Area should make season 5.

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I'd fucking love to see i hate fairyland animated in its own style, in all its detailedness and frame by frame.
But its pretty much too much effort for the average animator
also that one fetish comic artist who draws that tongue chick with blue hair, the style seemed promising too

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Between Friends

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I wanna see Foolkiller animated

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Say what?

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jack kirby
sean phillips
steve ditko
wally wood

only if they can do it justice

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john k pls go

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Mike Matei

That foot is bare.

I'd love to see this in cartoon form too, but the whole saga could probably be covered in 2 hours of footage.

Fabien Mense. He's a French artist who does a lot of visual development work for cartoons, but the final designs are always severely stiffened and lose a shit ton of appeal. I would love it if for once, a cartoon would retain his drawing style. It's not even like he's drawing them in complicated ways, they're still simple cartoon designs, they're just drawn better.

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For the last fukin time, this looks like shit, it's a worse version of calarts its what I call "The Twitter Style" and if you see a lot of mediocre art accounts like me you know they are all the same.

If Gachi ever got into American animation just imagine the outrage. They flipped their shit over the girl who merely drew the Amphibia bitch blushing next to the Old frog dude.

For that you'd need to enslave all of South Korea and put Richard Williams in charge.

That's not what Twitter/Tumblr (Since everyone left Tumblr to go to Twitter anyway) is. You're thinking of pic related, where it's usually artists who are trying (and failing) to combine elements from anime and Disney into a hybrid art style. The artist draws every character with the same facial features and skull shape. They are only capable of drawing a character from a 3/4 view, usually just standing there with their arm raised at the most. They can only do a few expressions, usually smirking. Their color work is basic and boring, they practically NEVER draw backgrounds. And they will overuse an element in their work, such as gradients or shines or textures.

OP's pic looks nothing like pic related. The artist in OP actually uses a dynamic pose, foreshortening, has a composition going instead of characters floating on an empty space, understands how to stylize fabric folds around the body, is capable of giving the characters dimension in its construction. OP's artist clearly knows what the fuck they're doing.

Attached: TumblrTwitter Style.png (1338x1030, 1.54M)

What does the feet smell like?

I think at least three of those are ikimaru.

Not great but fairly harmless. I’d rather look at it then the traditional tumblr style any day.

Jamie Hewlett/Robert Valley, Motorcity was beautiful and I really like Rise of TMNT's artstyle.

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None of these people know how to draw mouths on an actual skull

Just realized OP implied that the artstyle shouldn't exist in the animation industry yet but still, really would like to see more of that artstyle. There's like 2-3 shows ever that has similar artstyle and I need more


Something that isn't afraid of a boob.
I'm not even talking titty monsters.
Just something that shows a woman with c-cup or larger in a non-sexual way, like having boobs is normal.
And then also no Hartman hips.
Can we have that?

Vengo a flotar

>jack kirby
I would say Mike Allred's got a modern day artstyle that matches, and it would be animation-friendly too.

Attached: allredsilver age.jpg (558x549, 93K)

>final designs are always severely stiffened and lose a shit ton of appeal
:( fucking sucks

And speaking of Mike, at least one more Mignola-inspired work in the next decade would be nice.

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>whole saga could probably be covered in 2 hours of footage
Then make it a 2D animated movie.

What exactly would he do that would trigger these people if he did?

Already exists

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Their style is super cool and unique, I feel like it would look amazing animated.

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Se casho el sistema

>already done


Because that’s where the pheromones come from

Minna Sundberg

women poop from there creep

I'd love to see something in Arthur de Pins cartoonier style. Honestly even if it was puppet animated it'd have a lot of appeal to it.

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Looks like those ugly ass Zwinkies that kept comin up in banner ads in the late 00s-early 10s.


The Style is based-off of Don Bluth, user. The man's made quite a few mediocre movies but I'd recommend seeing Cats Don't Dance.

He did a couple and I think Zombilium is being made into a movie.

Perooo...so looooco vó?
como va a postiá eso?

Upper right corner isn’t that bad, the rest of these look like crap. Is the one with the top hat supposed to be that pyramid guy from GF?

Yeah, it's human Bill Cypher.

it already is one iirc

SLB. I kinda like that Don Bluth thing.

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Mainly just drew a lot of slightly too lewd art of underage characters. Just look at Star in OP’s picture who is 14. You don’t catch it because it’s a regular thing on Yea Forums but tumblr is a different beast.

I still can’t believe that shit, they were also sperging over an OK KO board artist drawing an adult character too “sexy” in their boards
This purity culture garbage is cancer

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I wish the movie had used these muted, tapestry-esque colors

They would have to use serious digital trickery to make it possible within a 30 year lifespan. Something that generates form-wrapping textures on a 2D animation.

this shit was kino tho

that kinda what klaus is innit

>Hating on Gashi-Gashi

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Hell yeah brother
I'd kill for an animation in the style of Kerascoet. I'd be there day one to watch a film adaptation of one of his books.

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and stinky

Now THAT would be some genuine nightmare fuel if put to animation.

That....actually sounds like a fun idea.

diives sucks

Junji Ito

Eh, break it up into 10 minutes episodes and you got yourself at least one full season for Adult Swim or some such shit.

same, i really admire his artstyle.

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Uh oh...

Surprised they haven't been hired on as character designers for an animated property yet.

Kaneoya Sachiko, who also happens to have interesting backgrounds as well as character art.

Only if they keep all the weird pervy elements of her artwork though.

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Hey don't post the forbidden comic you creepy pedo

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I would have preferred if they let Lexxy animate all of HS

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Based Nico


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No mention of Abby yet? Weird

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I'm not sure how that would work. Abbadon's art has an imprecise quality to it that gives his artwork a lot of texture. I'm not sure how you'd replicate that. And his designs are so busy they'd lose a lot from being simplified.

Katsuya Terada's Zelda. All day every day.

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NOT...Whoever this is.

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The Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark movie should've been a claymation anthology. That would've been incredible. Though I'm really glad they're at least clearly producing a kid's horror movie that is actually trying to scare kids.

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Tovio Rogers


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Amanda Conner.

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Jim Mahfood. I could see him having a very breakneck chaotic kind of animation style like Superjail or Hiroyuki Imaishi's animation style.

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Paranatural. If only because the pacing would probably improve exponentially.

OLD paranatural maybe, if you want to see new paranatural on TV you can just watch We Bare Bears. Same softness, same dull color schemes, same "watching paint dry"-level of excitement.

What about this guy for Victor and Valentino?


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There was a website that let you draw like this easily, someone could personally make frames with that

Jean Giraud / aka Moebius:
desuarchive.org/wsg/thread/2196238/#2205097 direct links: s2.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/wsg/image/1496/01/1496019398386.webm

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Shut the fuck up sonic

Good news, that artstyle is trying to copy the Don Bluth movies.

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oh you're right

that is a very nice foot in the OP pic.

hey, based!

John blanche

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>Star vs in different styles
I'd totally watch the 30's style.

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I'd take 70s and 80s as well, just for nostalgias sake

70s star is thicccck

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>2000s is just Butch Hartman style

>gashi cartoon series

>all the womens legs, butts and feet are drawn incredibly well, and animated super smooth
>women are always taking their leggings/shoes off every chance they get to be barefoot

Id watch it.

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I fucking love this guys art but can never find it


Hands down best Powergirl.

It'd be tarantino tier in terms of foot faggotry.

paper cuts

cute feet


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This guy used to do TG art on DeviantArt
It's fucking him

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Shenamation. I would kill for a Scalie Schoolie animated series.

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Hijos de puta!!!

I would love to see Rebecca Sugar make a cartoon or movie entirely in her very own art style, like her earlier animated shorts or pic related.

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>gashi gashi hasn't uploaded anything in two years

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That VA sounds familiar

What Drawfag would you like to see their style as an animated feature?

He posts on twitter now.

...but that's already animation

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You really should watch more porn