Bring back a dead show only people in there late 20s and early 30s remember

>bring back a dead show only people in there late 20s and early 30s remember.
>don’t host it on the original channel
>don’t bring it back for entertainment
>bring it back to promote a political movement by retconing an established character to be a tranny.
>make it the core plot of the revival
>expect people who even remember Rocko to be even vaguely interested knowing its only being brought back to fuck with the show post mortem.
I don’t get the business strategy.

Attached: 1565270883821.jpg (750x703, 322K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get woke.

>I don’t get the business strategy.
The creator already got theirs when the series was bought for an extra session, they can do whatever and still have the same cash in pocket.

Go broke.

There is no business strategy, it's just worthless faggots pushing there mental disability on the rest of us.

Pretty much this

Being trans at the end of the day is a mental disorder

Why is nick funding this
What's their endgame?


("Modern" was in reference to 90's stuff and more home-life problems than politics, but whatever)

>normalfag /pol/nigger starts a THIRD fucking thread about this shit
GTFO of my board you piece of shit! Use the fucking catalog, you imbecilic twat!

Woke points they earn on twitter.

>Makes another fucking tranny thread instead of checking the catalog

Viacom is the entertainment company that eats paste.

I’m 21 and I remember Rocko.

>bring back a dead show only people in there late 20s and early 30s remember
>Know nobody is going to watch it
>Do something controversial
>OP gets so butthurt he helps advertise it

Easy win.

Too bad these fags won't leave for a few more days
90% of the people bitching probably had no idea who Ralph was before this

Right, real rocko fans like us are rock hard that one of the characters got his dick cut off.

But homos and the like represent only 0.5% of the world population

Who doesn't know Ralph?

Attached: IMG_2166.png (220x359, 100K)

Wait, is this sudden influx of retarded trannyposters from /pol/ some sort of organized shitposting effort? I just thought it's a natural cycle of summer underageb& retardation caused by the increase in nervous energy since the summer is ending and there will be school soon.


Attached: 1565269456448.png (629x478, 521K)

No, they were always here user.

Frogs can change sex at will, now you know.

Based bros: Can we get Rachel and Rocko to date?

No they fucking weren't. You niggerfaggot.

This is all we want

Why do liberals hate this ?

Attached: 1467101957985 (1).jpg (976x642, 274K)

It's what usually happens when something like this occurs
>People (aka /pol/fuckers) hear from outside sources this character is lgbt something
>They realize there is a cartoon board
>Mass spam shitposts about it for a few days while never participating in anything else
Also happens when someone dies or something like a video game is "calarts'd"

user they are cartoon frogs and wallabies they can't form human families

now the bighead bloodline will die off


Fuck off faggot

From all I've seen of Ralph it seems in character for him to go this route.

Rocko is a show that takes place during modern times and has a 90s theme to it.

That's still millions of people

No one is stopping you from having that

No, this shit's been happening for a few days now. I'm talking about a disproportionately high number of transexual-related shitposting threads. Most of the time there's one max. The last week there's at least 3-5 up at all times. And it's not your usual metastasizing from the /pol/ tumour, it's more intense than usual.

This stat again
Even if it was accurate it's including places like Botswana who would never watch this in the first place

This outrage marketing tactic is so lame and boring, and so obvious. It's just shills pretending to be angry anti-SJW/lgbt or whatever in an effort to make many threads and thus spread awareness of this show's imminent return.
Modern marketing attempts are so annoying. Hiroyuki should actually bill the creators of such series for the privilege of posting their inorganic and fake publicity threads.

>no one is stopping him
His intense autism and Asperger's are.

>I'm talking about a disproportionately high number of transexual-related shitposting threads
Jessica Yaniv

By the way it's the TERFs and not /pol/
They mad

>shills are mass-posting viral marketing shit

>someone made a legitimate Yea Forums-related thread
>it's about a show/character they dislike
>pruned in seconds

Yea Forums mods at their finest.

Modern Marketing attempts are so boring because they rely on data, formula, and algorithms to decide success. Old Timey Marketing relied heavily on creating visuals and brands.

Stupid faggots like you complain about summerfags when it's not even the goddamn summer. Summerfags haven't been a thing since Gamergate turned the entire fucking site into /pol/ annexes. Now there's literally no difference between then and the people who are here year round.

Huh, haven't noticed
Maybe that other chan shutting down has to do with it

Yes, more threads on this one thing for a movie that hasn't come out yet. I want the whole catalog to be filled with threads complaining about this one thing.

8ch was shut down because one of the gamergate rejects shot a bunch of people.

Attached: download_20190807_210452.jpg (639x800, 177K)

>when it's not even the goddamn summer
Where the fuck do you live lmao it's summer

If any show was going to do this kind of thing, its would be Rocko. They were always juuuust on the edge of being edgy.

This show was meh before and the Tumblrzation doesn't make it any better except for the faggots that loves the media for the amount of woke points they can farm with. Nothing important was lost.

God, I'm so tired of TiMs.
Why can't Trumptards go out and shoot them up instead of shooting up random Walmarts?

But I go to 8ch to get my porn from there. Where am I supposed to find shiin, Rtenzo, and Jay-Marvel's artwork without going to their sites or Patreon.

It'll be great if she's still voiced by Joe Murray.

Liberals are

Not to mention the absolute fuckton of loli artists who posted on /delicious/.

It's Rocko's MODERN Life. Therefore if you were to make an episode in 2019 it'd probably involve the modern ideals of the time.Sure you might not like them but I wouldn't say it's something the series would never do or that it's strange that it happened.

>mentally ill sexual deviants keep forcing their degenerancy more and more into media for normal people

no they're not

This, now they need an episode about shooting up ShartMart.

>Nobody watches shit for nostalgia
What? That is entirely what the Disney Star Wars films were based around.


The problem with Rocko's Modern Life is that it has a 90s feel to with from apathy in a good way to dealing with a suburban life.

Yes, Rocko's Modern Life is comparable in popularity to Star Wars, so a tactic that worked for Star Wars will easily work for it too.

>don’t host it on the original channel
This is the weirdest part.

How many threads about this would there have been without the trans thing? How fucking many have we had now?

Im 23 and loved rocko as a kid. Altho ive always felt the early - mid 2000s were like 90's handme downs ( like how cartoon network and nick used to constantly air their old shows insted of these days were they dont show any kind of classics anymore ) this whole trans agenda in it feels like cooperate meddling. Like how harvey birdman came back only to rag on the trump issue. Im just really tired if it. Still have hope for the zim movie tho. Atleast Theres an actual story to finish with the whole taking over earth thing

Who will be gay in the upcoming invader zim film ?

10$ on Dib

Rocko should be since Star Wars has always been complete shit claimed to be good because of early blockbuster nostalgia

Because Nick realized 90s nostalgia isn’t as lucrative as they thought, especially after the Hey Arnold movie flopped.

Why is it always MtF and seldom, if ever the other way around?

Anyone, invader zim was always for bisexual scene high school girls.

Don't you remember that same episode had a Bighead family reunion? Ed and Bev will not have descendants but they already have cousins and nieces and nephews younger than Rachel/Ralphie.

What if he's just crossdressing though, I mean, being transexual doesn't necessarily mean they go through surgery

He's Mr. Bigheads son. The creators self insert.

A lot of fans who grew up on Star Wars hate the Disney Films because the movies either killed classic characters like Luke, Hans, and destroy the core concepts to market Finn and Poe as the new leads.

Kylo Ren is the exception because he fully embraces the role as Vader/Anakin of the Modern Era and everyone keeps underestimating him.


I didn't know Mr. Bighead had a son. I assumed him and Ms. Bighead were DINKs since they spend more time bickering than loving.

>Kylo Ren is the exception because he fully embraces the role as Vader/Anakin of the Modern Era and everyone keeps underestimating him.
Kylo Ren is a whiny entitled manbaby who’s obsessed with a long-dead fascist regime, kills his own father, and throws a fit when he doesn’t get what he wants. If that’s the character these fans ID the most with, that’s kind of pathetic.

I want to fuck Rachel

He's saying that Kylo Ren is the only character that's not ruined because literally his entire character is that he's a whiny entitled manbaby and they nailed that to a T.

>A lot of fans who grew up on Star Wars hate the Disney Films
Just because you choose to stay in echo chambers doesn't mean everyone agrees with your retarded opinion.

A lot of characters in the original trilogy benefited from having classically trained actors working alongside newer ones to elevate the characters and breathe life into them.

Modern Actors are either too egocentric, or too reliant on the method acting to work on something like Star Wars.

What's it like being retarded?

So go live in a faux dream land. Nobody is stopping you.

what makes you think that's fake? Both my parents had those sort of lives, they are possible.

user, he has boobs now.

That's the 50s-60s suburban life, user. Rocko takes place during the 90s and captures the feeling of a modern suburbia rather well. Back then the suburbs were the dream, now it's a nightmare.

Wow I actually got this article to be posted

So, basically, Kylo Ren is the perfect self-insert for all the manbabies who are angry about Star Wars?

>Both my parents had those sort of lives
With each other right?

Because it's nostalgia that conveniently ignores the alcoholism, cheating, the fights, the racism, etc. by pretending everything was idyllic and perfect once upon a time.

Is that what white women believe?
You know there are people who aren't white manbabies who think the new movies are shit, right?
Really getting sick of you white corporate drone retards.

But the 90s were more upfront about suburbia being a very boring place to live in and how 30 years of working the same job can drive people mad.

White women have always had shit taste so it's really no surprise.

toad you so

Yea, because living in a time where there was no internet and you were forced to be a normie or else you'd get the shit beat out of you/sent to a mental asylum to be lobotomized sounds just so fucking awesome.

White people who think the suburbs are boring are really fucking stupid.
I would take boring and safe suburbs over the "fun" inner city where I get to watch tranny crackheads beat the shit out of (and stab) each other over an 8 ball.
Boy, that sure is fun, I sure love living in a shithole, it's just so VIBRANT.
I mean, who REALLY needs to leave the house after 9 PM? Going outdoors at night is overrated anyways.

>I mean, who REALLY needs to leave the house after 9 PM

People with a life that doesn't revolve around shitposting on the internet from your mother's new boyfriend's basement.

>can't tell sarcasm

Wow user, imagine being such a fucking invalid that you couldn't detect the obvious sarcasm there.
I'm not surprised, modern Yea Forumsmrades seem to be a brain-damaged bunch.

>this is what retards actually believe

It's probably because America went well out of it's way to make sure that "The American Dream" was mostly available to a particular type of person (usually white), and if anyone dared approach, even by their own merits, the people in those communities would flip their shit and try and chase the person out.

The GI Bill promised that you'd get your due for fighting for America, but the reality is that if you weren't white, you probably weren't going to get shit .

It's less of a dream and more of a false promise.

Have you been hiding under the rock. The suburbs nowadays are currently plagued with drug overdose, a loss of jobs, and now rising gang trouble as many places fail to adapt.

Have you ever actually been to the suburbs user? I've lived in them my whole life and they are shitholes. It's where all the poor people live because the houses are all run down and falling abart because they were built in the fucking 50's and 60's.
You have to drive forever to shop because all the malls the neighborhoods relied on went out of business in the fucking late 90's.

In other words they're slowly becoming more and more like the inner city.

FtMs are significantly less common, and testosterone does a much better job of making them pass, so nobody gives a shit. Basically, since embryos begin functionally female and then masculinize if they're male, gender dysphoria is recognizing that either your body or your brain did not masculinize while the other did. With MtFs, the brain does not masculinize while the body does, and with FtMs, the body does not masculinize while the brain does. Simply by the way the process works, it's much less common for the brain to masculinize by itself, making FtMs far less common.

This sounds like TiM "science."

>the same posts in 3 separate threads

Attached: 1466110464467.png (640x480, 289K)

I thought there were more MTFs because men are pressured to conform to traditional gender roles way more than women. If a woman wants to wear suits and get her hair cut short no one cares, but if a guy wants to wear a dress everyone freaks out.

Only Levittowns are becoming more like the inner city. Suburbs that existed before the 50s-60s are still holding together.

Which is what exactly?

That's also probably a factor. It'd be much easier for a FtM experiencing less severe dysphoria to just butch it up, so to speak, and mitigate some of it.

Fuck off fag

They playing you.

This is a new character that's probably going to be married to Ralph.

Unless I hear source that's actually supposed to be ralph, I'm not buying it.

I am genuinely worried that lesbians making out will eventually become "STOP PATRONIZING MY SEXUAL ORIENTATION. THERE IS NOTHING EROTIC ABOUT TWO WOMEN KISSING ON THE LIPS."


Can we ban all people who have browsed /pol/ from ever posting? It's a containment board for a reason, even /mlp/ is banned on other boards.

Stop using your retarded TERF slang, just say tranny

Just ban anyone who's ever browsed /pol/, reddit, tumblr, lolcow, crystalcafe, kiwifarms, 8ch, and any and all trans-related political sites.

LGB and T are opposite issues. T isnt even a sexuality.

>Stop using your retarded TERF slang
Make me, faggot.

i dunno, i'd recommend looking into a mirror and asking again.

Wow, it took you an hour to come up with that?

further proof that maybe you should follow my advice. different user here, but i see your mongoloid ass assumes anyone who disagrees with you is a samefag lol

today on things that never happened...

>I-I just jumped in to call you an idiot, I-I'm really a different person
Are white people dumb enough to think that anyone falls for this?

Mods are useless cunts and niggers.

believe what you want, i'm sure it's easier to believe that one less person thinks you're an absolute dumbfuck. at the end of the day you're turning "popular" opinion to form your own thoughts. i really want you to think about which is worse lol

>at the end of the day you're turning "popular" opinion to form your own thoughts.
Wanna try that again in English?

*turning to

there ya go. way to reinforce the dumbfuck angle by not assuming that, considering it should've been obvious in the context of the rest of the post.