I don't get it, am I supposed to agree with the girl ?

I don't get it, am I supposed to agree with the girl ?

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Has it joined the 41%? Please say yes


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Anyone that can't quit moping about "losing faith in humanity" should just fucking off themselves. The human race is capable of spectacular things. We have eradicated diseases, the quality of life is far superior today then in the past, and thousands of people around the world help each other out and perform acts of true selfless kindness.

That ginger four-eyed faggot is supposed to be a ‘girl’? L2trans.

Yes, because poking fun at people they deem "pseudo intellects" is funny xD, relate-able :O, woke O_O. It's kind of a moral superiority complex.

can anyone dump or link some of those making fun of tranny comics? i really liked reading the pervvert

But jessica is a girl's name ???

is he criticizing people who separate art from the artist?
is he saying we are supposed to NOT separate noelle stevenson from new she-ra?

Attached: noelle.png (599x773, 41K)

Pessimistic assholes need to fucking remove themselves front the genepool for the sake of actual human progress

Yes, you lived enough to see Zen become problematic

How many people were killed by Agatha Christie?

this kind of makes me not want to watch it now, but I'm sure it would like that.

>dedicate your life to being unhappy
>be depressed
No fucking shit, although I unironically enjoy this comic because the author verges on self-awareness every once in a while when they put their insanity on display like this.

I have a friend who won't shut up about how the artist for this card is a "trans exclusive rad fem", and went as far as to deface his copies (four, valued around 100$ each before he took a sharpie to them) . Like, you have to look up the artists twitter and dig for this shit, they're not out there pushing it in your face.

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This isn't your blog man.

I mean twitter is quite all about putting ones stinking opinions on everyones faces but your friend does sound like a sad faggot


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Society needs pessimists, user, the people who need to off themselves are the retards who whine non-stop about trivial issues.

>no way to tell
Please stop posting this...thing's comic.


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I swear that the artists are deliberately drawing in the absolutely ugliest way possible, why the fuck do they do this?

Too bad they dont actually help out the community they hate so much to make it better, I mean I'm a lazy fuck too but even living in a crime ridden city I know theres good people out there who are good to saints

Jesus christ, trannies are insane

>t. a person who was buttraped by a tranny and now harbors a deep hatred towards them

>"um actually most victims of black violence are black" my thesis remains the same: CAN BLACKS STOP KILLING PEOPLE PLEASE

>Terese Nielsen
>who was recently boycotted by tumblr because she is pro trump
>"trans exclusive rad fem"
Your friend is stupid

An actual pessimist would be used to the loss of faith. Being skeptical of people and expecting the bad before the good is the least naive way of living.

>ITT: even fucking /pol/ is tired of these shit-tier trans-whining threads so we decided to shit-up Yea Forums with them
GTFO. These comics suck and you suck.

Trannies must be a blast at parties.

Depends on the type of tranny. There's a lot of Brazilian and Thai videos that show they are quite fun.

The person who wrote this comic is mentally ill so how can I enjoy it?

What the fuck even happened to this comic to make it even more absurd?
>I can't draw people in normal poses so I'll draw skate gear on them and say they're in the middle of skating.

The reason you can't enjoy it is because it's shit, not because it's written by a mentally ill person, you edgy dimwit.

Boy its going to be REALLY embarrassing when it comes out that the artist of this comic sexually assaulted a woman at a convention.

The world isn’t perfect, that means it’s TERRIBLE.
zen says to separate the art from the artist?

How many trans people are out that there apparently many of the crushes I’ve had were trans people?

Explains a lot about nurah.

The rarity of gays and extreme rarity of transsexuals is a taboo subject for some reason.

Trannies get super triggered when women say mean things about trannies.
I would say I wonder why that is, but I think we all know why.

My post flew so far over your head that it's currently in orbit at the edge of our solar system.

Imagine being so fucked up you become the strawman in your own strawman comics.

For the love of god Joe stop shitposting your trans-troll comics and help us fight Abomination

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Lol. This is just a lesbian being a lesbian.

>>Not actually do anything about said cruelty. Just act superior to other people because you're a mope.

I'm sure "she" is a hoot at parties.

Now I get why everyone shits on Kyle on She Rah.

No, it really didn't, you disgusting /pol/ish cross-boarder.

What the fuck, that's worth $100? I think I have like three of them in an old binder.
Thank you, based user.

Trannies don't get invited to parties if anyone has a choice in the matter, user.

They show up anyway. Anyone who tosses them out gets accused of transphobia

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>having a "humble" opinion
>having a "thoughtful" opinion
>having "lived experiences" or any kind of "understanding" that in any way is relevant to normal people


Oh look, you have eyes in your head. Gee, thanks a lot for pointing those out, you fucking retard. Want a cookie for stating the obvious, you fucking idiot?

The fucking irony

Hello fellow magapedes, is this the /pol/ hivemind thread?

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that isn't Misandry, that is straight up manphobia, cute girl needs a boyfreind

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Go make me a sandwich

This right here is why I don't associate with white women aside from getting pussy.
Imagine actually wanting to have a conversation with this glorified fleshlight.

nah, I don't post jessy threads any more, I'm playing too much starsector to do that
also I lost my main folder, shucks

Attached: S1E16_Toffee_%27tell_me_about_it%27.png (1275x817, 721K)

Nah, this is the thread where white trannies pretend that only /pol/tards hate trannies.
In other words, it's another rerun.

Go make me a MANwich, tranny.

It should be easy to defeat lazy arguments like that without eyerolling and strawmanning.
She cannot argue that wilful ignorance is not a valid position or a healthy outlook.
She has to appeal to socmed gossip.
Oooh? A rich person is accused of something? Better hate everything they ever did now!
And death of the author is a valid position for looking at art. To a degree. You can look at Lovecraft and love his work. But you cannot just ignore the blatant xenophobia that is right there on the page. That fear is integral to his body of work as much as it is a failing of his character.
And it is absolutely necessary to view works of historical art without worrying about whether their makers are up to today's moral standards.
Because they are not. None of them. Couldn't be.
Anything made outside the current cultural moment is made in a different era by definition.

So now this is just "How could anyone ever be happy if there are bad things?", with bad strawman arguments badly made. Because having perspective is something that happens to other people.

>This right here is why I don't associate with white women aside from getting pussy.
>aside from getting pussy.
Yeah, sure. I believe you.

who is that hottie next to her?

White women are notoriously loose, mainly because most of them are "functioning" drug addicts.

This is the illogic of hambeast trannies, traps don't brag about passing as grills.

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Molly Ostertag. She tries to downplay the nose.

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Saying you are not attracted to 4 kids wearing a costume is quattuorinfantiscircumdatioornatusphobic.
Because there's no way of telling who's 4 kids wearing a costume or not without them telling you.
You probably had many crushes on 4 kids wearing a costume without knowing it.

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I mean, alters (even for old/valuable cards) are not unheard of. And even damaged/defaced FoWs are probably still worth 90 bucks a pop.

Why are you friends with that type of beast?
Is your brain damaged too ?

The thing that always pisses me off about this argument is how it tries to pretend genitals are no big deal. Telling lesbians and gays they should be ashamed for not being attracted to the opposite sex’ genitalia sounds the exact same as straight people saying “how will you know you don’t like dick/vagina until you’ve tried it?” with a woke filter on it. Trannies were a mistake.

So this is how a tranny perceives women, hm? Seems like a straight guy who thinks all women are soft