Has he ever been wrong?

has he ever been wrong?

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Shiroe? A ton. Not often but he messed up quite a bit on occasion.

At the end of the deathflix series he predicted Alita was going to be garbage but it turned out he liked it.

>Look at me guys! I'm the infamous nazi youtuber!? Isn't it just CRAZY that people think I'm a NAZI!!!

You're stale E;R


Seethe more

I don't get the Hitler speech at the end of the SU video

He is a weeb, so his taste is pretty terrible.

I dunno, but Legend of Whorra aside, not Yea Forums. Phuck off.


>Every ""critic"" is ATLAfag
Makes you think

>It's a shitty e-celeb/critic thread

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>it's an authoritarian tranny board
honestly you should be grareful for every thread you get from normal people

fuck trannies and fuck e;r and fuck you for sucking his asshole


I have a question, what does he like? He dislikes most mainstream anime, most mainstream cartoons, most mainstream games and most mainstream movies and series.

Good anime, cartoons, games, movies and series. Believe it or not, there's more to those mediums than the shitty surface-level lowest-common-denominator stuff.


He's barely scratched the surface out of any of those.

no, his humor just triggers Yea Forumsmblr feelings
people regularly try to get his videos taken down for "hate speech"

Avatar, Steins;Gate, and Death Note.

His Get Out review did get removed from YouTube, despite being one of the most tame.

cause mainstream anime most of the time are shit compared to anime's that endgoal isn't about selling products but to tell a story.

I know he likes invader Zim so if the Netflix adaptation sucks then we can at least get something entertaining out of it.

Yes actually. Even if you let his try hard edginess slide by his points are fucking pathetic. Even the Nostalgia Critic is more dignified than him.

He likes Boku no Hero and One Punch Man.
Both are popular.

I remember a time when Yea Forums would have thought e;r was too tame instead of being too offensive like they do now. I blame the MODifications to the board over the years.

Salty much?

let me guess it's one of those tranny jewtubers who made a 5hr video about su

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I like his quick shitpost vids, wish he’d do more of them.


>Normal People
Pick one, tranny.

Care to explain? His mad max points were pretty solid.

Wasn't he that guy who said Fury Road was shit and kept implying it was SJW propaganda? That's some pretty shit taste right there

Do they realize they are giving him exactly what he wants?

Did he actually say "hate men" in that part? Ive only watched the latin american dub and he says "hate humans" in it.

imagine self shilling.

He pointed out all it's logical fallacies which usually goes hand in hand with SJW stuff

For example?

>Death Note
Shit taste confirmed. It can be scrutinized just as much, if not more, as he does with the stuff he makes videos about. Also I thought he hates Mary Sue protagonists but somehow he likes Light?

I mean broken clock and all that; Hes obviously an alt-right fag but he still gets some things right.

>logical fallacies are inherently SJW

>nazi youtuber!?


He believes Gary Stus aren't AS bad because they're proactive

Do retards actually still try to go "STOP CALLING E;R ALT RIGHT CUZ HE'S NOT LIBERAL"

Like bitch just see who he follows on twitter. I'd respect him more if he just owned up to it rather than "GEE LIBERALS CALLIN EVERYBODY THEY DON'T LIKE A NAZI HUH?!!"

Light isnt a mary sue, he is a faggot. Its the death note being op as fuck that lets him get as far as he does, Just look at how he ends up loosing
>the shinigami can extend their lifespan by writting humana into the deathnote
But also
>the only way a shinigami can die is by saving a human
Fucking retarded

The alt right doesnt exist

the left, right, liberalism, doesn't exist while you're at it.

What's the problem? It makes sense that extending a shinigami's lifespan is the opposite of shortening one.

Never. I'd love for him to do a video on castlevania (netfux)

The four spectrums of politics are:
Anarchism Statism
Cultural Progressivism Cultural Reactionary (ism)
Wealth Redistribution Laissez Faire/Private Economies
Sanity Wackiness

On a four axis graph, can you guys plot the where you think the various American Lefts and Rights are?

Oh my, I hope you don’t also think Antifa is actually fighting fascism.

>I hate Fury Road
It's hard to imagine people this retarded.

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I liked Fury Road yet I can appreciate his input, I think that’s one of the fundamental differences between an adult and a child.

You're forgetting Internationalism Nationalism but I'm glad you included the underrated Wacky Spectrum.

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Yeah, and Cinema Sin's input is also something you can appreciate. It's incredibly hard to make valid and substantive nitpicking videos but my largest problems are his weird fixation of max being the only character allowed to have agency, and that he 'forgets' the point restated like four times that they're running away from an oasis to an oasis. That's the entire point, that's why they leave Joe, they're going to an OASIS, not even Cinema Sins is that deluded in trying to hate a movie.

One Punchman Anime, Avatar the Last Airbender, Death Note Manga
Mostly stuff really popular stuff from the early and late 2010s
I'm in the same boat. Past How to Train your Dragon 2, Stranger Things Season 1 and Infintiy War I haven't enjoy much of modern entertainment.

I think it’s funny how the women that were left with the oasis fucked every thing up and at the end when they get a new oasis they begin to waste the water even faster than Joe.

Can't wait for his video on Static Cling.

>this thread stays up
>the bobbypills thread was deleted
I am extremely confused. Does Bobbypills break some obscure rule or something?

Attacking random people on the street and trashcans is not fighting fascism.

They’re weren’t unironic Nazis running around shooting up public venues back then. I just legitimately don’t think he’s joking about the Nazi shit; he has way too much esoteric knowledge about it.

>t. dude trust me, it totally happened.

What does this have to do with that post? You don’t need to support Antifa to tell that e;r is an unironic Nazi. He makes it pretty damn obvious and explicit, same with Stonetoss.

>one of the people retarded enough to think a trade off to being well fed in apocalypse is being a sex slave to diseased disfigured fat old person

You definitely have Trump Derangement Syndrome, the majority of people terrorizing the public are Antifa, (one of the recent shooters is tied to them). The majority of lies being spread through the media is from the left, guess what the supposed Nazi's you think are doing, cleaning up Baltimore and helping the disenfranchised.

>Try hard who's whole gimmick is "HEY GUIES! I BROWSE Yea Forums AND /pol/
E;R, Mumkey Jones, Empty Hero, Mister Metokur and so on are fucking useless

You're half right

When the fuck did I say anything about Trump?

Either way if you think Antifa losers are killing more people than like the five different fucking explicit white nationalist shooters in just the past year that each had body counts of like 20-50 then you’re delusional.

>Nazis cleaning up Baltimore and helping the disenfranchised

Not him but you purposefully omitted the 'supposed' part.
Antifa think capitalism is nazism.
Anyone right of 'the left' is a nazi to them.


Alright, fine. Antifa are crazy too. I never claimed to support them.

That's fine, sorry for jumping the gun but it's also fair to say you did the same by thinking that people are not joking about Nazi shit. People have been doing this for years; South Park, Mel Brooks, Whitest Kids You know, edgy humor has been around forever.

I get that, but dude, the far right uses that very idea to mask the fact that they’re legitimately not joking. Both the synagogue and mosque shooters riddled their manifestos with “sarcastic” memes and the latter was literally spouting them as he ended the lives of 50 people. I don’t think the answer is to ban edgy jokes or anything, but you need to be able to recognize when people have way too much esoteric knowledge about the subject to “just be joking.” E;R is one of those cases; he literally sprinkles his videos with obscure Hitler quotes and white nationalist terminology (“Jewish question”, etc).

Isn't this the same when it comes to the right.
Anything "to the left" of the right is SJW libtard cuck, at least by going on here.

e-celeb threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

I got recommended a video about Saitama and Deadpool that he made and it was the dumbest thing I've ever watched.

>but you need to be able to recognize when people have way too much esoteric knowledge about the subject to “just be joking.” E;R is one of those cases

That's completely subjective to you along with every other individual. What seems like an obvious extremist to one is nothing but a comedian to another, it's similar to how a terrorist will see any person with a particular religion and won't see any nuance, only a person that needs to die. A bit of an extreme example yes but look at regular politics and media for more relatable examples, hell look at that video that posted it's clear as day to any normal person that these people want to help a community but some will always see an evil ploy behind it.

Oh this should be interesting, why?

Why even compare the two? Is it a weeb thing?

oh never mind, I thought you had a real viewpoint.

Comics and manga are basically the same thing, and they're both specifically superhero comics. I can see the genre overlap there, thus making them comparable

>Is it a weeb thing?
Probably, I don't read either because I'm not an incel

I'm sorry I didn't like the video, man.
But why compare Saitama and Deadpool specifically? What is even the point?

Go outside.

He made an entire video sucking One Punch Man's dick and that show's extremely popular (and is also actually good, at least the first season).

>But why compare Saitama and Deadpool specifically? What is even the point?
To analyse themes? I dunno, what was he saying in the videos? They're an hour long together and I genuinely haven't watched more than clips of either show/film

>Cancerous e-celeb thread
Pls get this garbage out of this board, its trashed up enough as it is

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Yes. In nearly everything except Life Is Strange and Korra where he's surprisingly flawless in both.

E;R is black.

Both Deadpool and One Punch Man are comics ment to subvert the traditional beats of superhero stories, his arguments attempted to explain how the deadpool movie was not a subversive story but a traditional one with a few gimmicks to make it seem different.

This is never implied by the text, it is pure speculation. The MM's had their oasis turn fetid by what sounds like a natural disaster, you could maybe speculate it was their fault but there no evidence for this. There is also no evidence that Joe needs to ration the water for any other reason than keeping the mob alive but weak, guy has a massive hydroponic garden and enough resources to keep all those fat girls fat.

This criticism sounds clever till you realise you need to miss massive clues in the film for it to make sense.

>Both Deadpool and One Punch Man are comics ment to subvert the traditional beats of superhero stories,
Since when did this describe Deadpool?

Care to give a better description of his initial inception?

Mercenary with no personality.

You really believe Joe didn’t need to ration water in a post apocalyptic world, (not that I believe he did a good job to begin with).

He has the most basic of takes and whenever he doesn't have anything worthwhile to say he just goes
>watch anime lol
Also, this has nothing to do with Comics or Cartoons. E-celeb fellating sessions can fuck off.

>>There is also no evidence that Joe needs to ration the water for any other reason than keeping the mob alive but weak, guy has a massive hydroponic garden and enough resources to keep all those fat girls fat.
>both the water and the "mother's milk" was shown as a currency substitute

Are you one of those people that need things explained with narration?

I didn't like Fury Road and his "review" was still awful.

Are you one of those who put their vague assumptions about anything else and then are too cowardly to explain them?

Cowardly? I assumed you were intelligent enough to understand the significance of shit being used as money.
He did not keep those land whales fat because we was swimming in resources, he did it because the milk was even more valuable than when he spent to get it. As for the water, you're just fucking stupid if you can't understand rationing it in a desert wasteland.

There is a difference between Mel Brooks, a jew, making fun of Nazis to show how pathetic they are, and someone using Holocaust images and jew jokes for no reason other than to be contrarian and attract alt righties in searach of getting pandered to.

>That's completely subjective to you along with every other individual. What seems like an obvious extremist to one is nothing but a comedian to another, it's similar to how a terrorist will see any person with a particular religion and won't see any nuance, only a person that needs to die.

You sound exactly like the type of cryptofascist who, once their bullshit is pointed out to them, starts being all defensive with no arguments save for "BUT IT'S SUBJECTIVE!". Guess what? The type of vague zealous extremist you are using for a strawman is a bit more direct than the people we are talking about here.

>I assumed
That's your first mistake, dumbass. I'm not even the same poster. Question: how do you know that the water is not enough? Answer: You just decided on it because it is "logical". For a movie that was already over the top.

He is sitting on an reservoir that likely serviced a population larger than the small settlements we see many times over in the pre-apocalypse, there's no secret code to this film that needs cracked. Joe is obviously an exploitive tyrant squatting on old world tech and using it for his own advantage.

>Only Jews are aloud to make fun of Nazis
>Only whites are aloud to say X

This is the same thing

>show how pathetic Nazies are
>manage to take out over 6 million Jews in such a short timespan

Give credit where it’s due, that’s fucking impressive.