Anymore incel-core comics?

Anymore incel-core comics?

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all of them. what a shit thread

The Incel

There is literally nothing wrong being an incel

The Spider man manga from the 70s and early ditko spiderman are the best I can offer you

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It's jsut not fair. Fuck the mossad for this.

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Basing your entire identity around how you’ll never get laid is a pretty good way to ensure you end up on a self-destructive path that eventually leads you to suicide or homicide.

I never thought the Last Man was incel based to tell the truth but thank you for reminding me I have to finish reading it.


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I am not a virgin because i cant get laid. I choose not to get laid. I say NO to filthy western women.

You and the rest of the society think that we are fucking crazy psychos. Well how do you think that happens? The society keeps pushing us and treats us like dirt. Its inevitable that one of us nice guys finally snaps decides to take revenge on the society. You have no one to blame but yourself!

That shit was very good.

El Paso patriot did nothing wrong

Fuckin incels

Anything by a comic gater

>I choose not to get laid
Then you aren't an incel, dumb-dumb.


What makes a comic incelcore?

Choosing not to get laid isn’t incel at all, it’s the smartest move a guy can make and the quickest path to true enlightenment.

very incorrect

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being good according to this thread

I guess the ending is justified but I honestly thought the last few chapters were crap and contradicts what some of the earlier chapters setup.

>dreams about raping someone
>freaks out that he had that dream
>begins to masturbate to that dream

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Lol incels

Honest question: how can someone stop being an incel?

Can someone redpill me on this whole incel and nice guy thing?

Dont mean t sound offensive but literally having sex and stop being embittered the world is an unfair place.
But are you asking how to have sex?

Victimizing yourself can help a cause, but it doesn't help the individual. Being empathetic and being able to get into people's shoes can help you out in general. Also, learning social skills (specifically with women) can help.

To add to that, most women say that you can just "talk to them like a regular person" but what they don't realize is that men have different ways of talking than women do. Some women do talk just like you (mainly women that go on these boards but there's the rare exception out of them) but it's best to go the safe way and be polite, but not creepy. Relax, maintain eye contact, and figure out what interests them to find a common ground.

You can make fun of us Incels all you want. It is all you can do. It is all you will ever do.

In the end you lose. Everytime you chase girls and have sex with girls you lose. You are nothing but slaves to women who uses sex to control and manipulate your tiny little brains. You are nothing but slaves.

I am not beneath you! You dumb sheeps are beneath me. I am not a slave. I am a free man. Nobody controls me. Not society or women. Enjoy living your miserable little lives having sex and being slaves.

Even thought he gets laid several times?

Incel isn't normally a self identified marker though? It's just a qualifying statement.
>Is male y/n
>Has had sex y/n
>Wants to have sex y/n
Anyone who answers yes to all 3 is by definition an incel.

Incels are literally the assblasted versions of virgins.

Their existence i just pathetic

>I say NO to filthy western women.

U L T R A Virgin

>But are you asking how to have sex?
No, I was asking how to stop being a bitter asshole who is afraid of everything. I know that sex will come after I stop being and asshole.

>Has had sex: yes
>Is an incel

You can't really, most people who end up like that lack the capacity to develop a social circle. And as they don't have that they have no one to teach them the social skills needed to acquire one.
>polite, but not creepy
How can someone incapable of distinguishing the two do this?
Kill your ego. Murder it. Simple be happy, if you feel sad or mad or anything focus all your attention on being happy, keep doing this till you can't tell the difference between genuinely happiness and what you tell yourself.
If you can't do this you lack any steping stone, get a gun and start killing.

Fug my bad, should have been
Hasn't had sex y/n

Just read everything by this guy.
It's a guide to raising your child to be an incel.

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its clearly just a troll stirring the pot.

Honestly I find this guy's work unsettling.

>You can't really, most people who end up like that lack the capacity to develop a social circle
But I have friends and good friends from College and high school. Also, my best friend is dating one of the few incel girls I have ever met in my life and he thought he had no chance with her. She is pretty, not an instagram girl pretty but pretty.

It really is, the guy is too nice just for the sake of it or just to feel good with him.

>we live in a society

Not quite, I have a lot of friends but that doesn't help me get a woman

He's not nice, he's pathetic.

Congratulations retards you're fine, lean on your freinds for social situations and practice flirting as best you can. How old are the two of you?

He lacks all dignity, he has no respect for himself, and thus no real respect for his freinds and family.

I am 25, kind of average, not ugly, I still haven't started to get bald yet and I just need to loose some pounds.

Mid twenties, yes I have done that but getting rejected in front of your friends makes me not want to try that within my social circle when I'm out, I made out with a girl once but she wanted nothing to do with me the next day

If he is so pathetic how does he have a wife and a kid?

A wife that won't touch you is far more pathetic than not being married.

I wonder if moon monkey knows about Yea Forums?

How often do you socialize?
I understand that user, but nothing will change if you don't keep trying.
Wife married him cause she thought he would be easy to control probably.

Am I an incel if I've had sex with women, but I can't stand their general attitudes and how they're kinda manipulative?

Honestly, most of the time since I am in College. Hell, I even got to talk with girls and all and people think I am a good worker.

Huh, do you feel anything for some of the girls you know?

I am reading mot of his strips so far and the wife is a cunt.

Not really, I don't want to be in a relationship right now.

>How to distinguish between creepy and polite
Creepy would be having secret intentions behind your polite actions. Gawking at a woman for too long and talking about awkward subjects without knowing her can also be considered creepy. To be polite, you can hold doors, listen to what they say (this one's important, but if you don't want to hear what they say, you can excuse yourself. you shouldn't be forced to stick in a conversation if you don't like it), respond at the correct cues, and try to look as approachable as possible. Finding something in common does wonders for both people, so I'd recommend doing some subtle ice breakers and let conversation go off in a tangent. Usually, if a conversation can withhold going off on a tangent, its because you're both comfortable enough to keep talking to each other.

Incels usually don't turn their lack of sex into an identity. It was a derogatory word used to insult male virgins. Now it's just a buzzword

incel = involuntary celibate.

in - involuntary
cel - celibate

celibate: virgin

you: not virgin
you: not incel.
you: some random retard who is autistic about women.

Stop kicking me, I'm on the ground already... Christ, just let me cry myself to sleep at night; I don't need to be reminded of it during my waking hours too...

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No you just have shit taste in women.

Wait, you can become celibate after losing your virginity, can't you?
Celibacy is just "not having sex"

Involuntarily celibate = women refusing to fuck you.
So, you lose your virginity, but then no other woman other than the first one allows you pussy access.
Are you not then still an incel?

involuntary - beyond your control
celibate - no sex

someone wants to have sex with u and u refuse - voluntary.

you: able to have sex. voluntary celibate.
you: not incel
you: some retard with autistic views on women.

No, you're just a normal guy.

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Maybe you should try to do what you did the first time to get laid again.


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Not him but could have just been a pity fuck so it was luck dependant

>Being an incel
>When hookers and prostitutes exist

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They're scared of getting STD's. A fair thing to be scared about, user.

>What are condons?

>more accurately

Nah incel means involuntary celibate. If you want to talk about something else use different words

I don't know. Must be a strange new food somewhere. But back to the STD's, accidents happen, and I'm sure most incels would rather have sex with love than sex without love, no matter how desperate.


>I choose not to get laid.
Uh-huh. And I'm Bob Dylan.

Oh shit I’m a big fan

Not very nice if you harbor so much hatred for everyone and can easily think of killing them, are you?

Boo get new material

You don't. The traits needed to stop to be an incel would prevent you from becoming an incel in the first place.

have sex

If I can talk to people, girls specially, work with them and flirt with them, am I an incel? Do I really need to have sex in that case to stop being an incel?

>I choose not to get laid.
then you're not an INVOLUNTARY celibate, retard.

I get this is an edit, but you can tell what the original one was and it's depressingly creepy.
>"How DARE you not liking Product?!?!?"

Here you can see he tried to be a Chad but then he went full virgin.

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Then, you're not an incel, you're just a clueless normie. Just go on a date, you normie.


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Is this an incel metaphor

Cunts can't be incels.

Yes they can. I have met some incel girls.

No you haven't.

>BBC buffet

what the fuck does this even mean. if it's an incel analogy it makes no fucking sense, I mean it makes no fucking sense either way.

Imagine being too stupid to understand a Stonetoss comic.

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I love the constant subtle berating while they pretend to give an advice.

Yes you are right I haven't since you are me.

Then why does life reward the biggest assholes with money and women?

fuck you retard, it literally makes no sense

>womyn hav standard.s.... but.... there's really men everywhere... stupid fucking wmoen

and the analogy used is

>womyn vegan... woman hungry?? but meat everywhere!


Because you are thinking money and women = happiness.

I don't see many sad rich people.

Stonetoss haters all have an IQ of less than 60.

You can be unhappy and poor, or unhappy and rich.

Hey buddy you forgot this

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Only good post in this thread

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Lunarbaboon definitely. The world is coming apart around him but nothing happens to him since he is ''nice''.

Incel is specifically a term used by the people it describes. It's used in the name of their online communities, it's used by them towards each other. It wasn't created by people outside the community, it was something they came up with and started calling themselves.

Stop putting the pussy on a pedestal and find validation in other pursuits. Study something, create something, or take up a serious hobby and improve your skills in it. Sex isn't the end all be all of being happy. For many people, it doesn't improve their happiness at all.

They do that at home or at their therapists

>nice guys
you had me up until here

>Sex isn't the end all be all of being happy.
If that weren't true, virgin and incel wouldn't be used as insults at all.

I mean, technically he's not wrong.
A lot of men are raised to be huge pus... I'm sorry "Nice Guys", which is basically vagina repellant. They're not taught how to actually pick up women, they're taught to postrate themselves before the vaginal alter in the vain hopes of getting gifted with sex.

There is no such thing as involuntary celibasy.
If you're incapable of putting aside a dollar a day and then go fuck a whore after a year, then you're a spineless faggot, but your celibasy is still selfinflicted. It's not involuntary.

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Using lack of sex as an insult is ancient and has roots in the evolutionary desire to pass one's genes on. However, that being life's only worthwhile pursuit is left for the lower beasts. If sex and passing on one's genes was all there was to life, the only marker of success, then your average single mother of five and your average dead beat dad would be more successful and important than Isaac Newton.

To clear something up, incel is used as an insult by drawing associations with a person and the online incel community. It has less in common with virgin and more in common with any other undesirable group that you might want to associate someone with. It's probably more similar to how tranny or sjw is used here then it is to virgin.

In what fucking lunatic way do you imagine Y is an "incel-core" comic?
You want an incel core comic, it's gonna be cyberfrog or that q comic or the one with the Confederate flag bikini.
It's gonna be a comic that has as a core message that whole spiel Spencer had Red Skull drop on Captain America.

>lists a bunch of chad comics
Let me guess; you're a tranny.

as far as I can tell, the "nice guys" thing was just made up by a certain section of the population so that they would be able to justify hating men who have never actually done anything improper at all.

What the hell was his problem? Was he just a sociopath?

No, you are at most a mgtow but more likely you're a normal guy as those are perfectly normal complaints.

Then... You're not an incel, you're a volcel

Yes, but you can't pretend like the word isn't used to describe people who aren't in those communities. It's become a generic descriptor even if it was only held by a small number of people once.

havent read it myself but i saw the movie. i heard the comic (or the moviei cant remember) described as "Harry Potter for Columbine kids"