Stop using Yea Forums for a bit

>stop using Yea Forums for a bit
>see a twitter clip of this show from a onions chugger
>"we're gonna start a pizza shop"
>"yeah, let's put pineapple on them, it only seems natural"
>drops him and goes on her merry way because haha quirky
>immediately see this show is meme culture pandering shit
>go back on Yea Forums
>Yea Forums likes it

Star was shit and we all agreed, so why do you guys like this shit

I know I only saw a clip but it was a really fucking telling clip

Attached: shit.jpg (1650x2422, 679K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>twitter faggot from earlier is still trying threads

t. bad taste in thread baits

People only hated Star because of the shipping, and the ending.
This show has no shipping thus far, and I doubt Anne will go space-Hitler any time soon.

>immediately see this show is meme culture pandering shit
ooo don't tell him about the dabbing statue

Hawaiian pizza is shit, but I've have had pineapple that was okay.

The show touches some dark stuff, dead tadpoles, cannibalistic frogs (two species)

Brenda Song

Attached: brenda-song.jpg (750x522, 92K)

I haven't been here in 3 months

You can call this bait but I genuinely want an answer

I thought people didn't like the main character Star, I didn't

I figured it was from the clip user, that doesn't surprise me

the hating pineapple on pizza meme is like the starter kit NPC dialog all normies have to have installed, as if anyone actually gives a shit or finds it funny at all

I like the show, sorry you don't, that's it.

I just want to know why user

I'm not here to just shit on the show which is why I haven't past my original post, I just want to know why Yea Forums likes it

Star and Anne are nothing alike, Anne isn't le quirky random girl.

>NPC dialog all normies have to have installed
God I fucking hate you

What's her personality

From what I saw that's exactly what she was

They wanted to make a singular pizza
The rest of your post is not even worth responding to

I like the setting, all characters are likeable and not annoying and that's kinda it I guess.
She's just kind of a normal girl, a bit on the dumb side, not too girly nor tomboyish. Also has a messed up idea of what friendship is at the start of the show.

You saw one Twitter clip about one single specific moment, you can't expect to know a character completely just with that.

That's pretty neat desu. Besides the clip I saw and the dabbing statue is there any lmao memes humor because I can look past those two examples if the show is good

Then why did you respond

I don't usually say this because it's almost always used for bait but it's obvious you're mad

What the fuck I didn't put any word after "neat"

True, that's on me for assuming I guess

>I won't watch a modern cartoon because of a single scene with le quirky humor.
Get ready to never watch a cartoon again user.
Like it or not, there are some shit things you'll just have to accept for a good show.

She’s a dumb teenager and she makes dumb teenager jokes sometimes
But if you give it half a chance I think you’ll find her more endearing than annoying

A writer on gravity falls really liked the transformation Pacifica went through so Anne is a OC of her and the creator Grandma. Also Brenda Song personality bleeds a lot into the character.

Attached: 1448860702401.png (1280x641, 906K)

t b h gets filtered into desu

>never watch a cartoon again

Not every cartoon has le quirky humor (I fucking love SpongeBob). I will admit the most recent cartoon I've seen and enjoyed was Gravity Falls though

Alright I'll give it a watch

The thing is that it is the same people who like Star Vs. You can note that by the mass spamming they do and what kind of content they spam
As as you know Star Vs wasn't liked here outside a couple autists, so Amphibia is the same. A couple people, who like it because of its similarities to Star Vs, making it seem more relevant then it is

How exactly does one chug onions?

Oh I guess I just wrote t b h and forgot

lmao Amphibia is nothing like Star vs.

Oh boy here’s this bullshit again
You can probably ask for a mega here, just watch out for possible spoilers

He was talking mainly about the character development Pacifica went through as an inspiration for his show, not the character of Pacifica herself.
Anne is nothing like Pacifica, maybe Sasha.

It's pretty much the same outside the show having no apparent ships yet, which may or may not change. The fandom substituted it with Sasha/Anne headcanons
So better then Star Vs for the time being, but these shows are always known for being decent at the beginning and god awful at the end

Yeah I always found the comparison odd, even if Braly himself or whoever made

They are not and you’re the big gay and I’d explain why in studious detail but I don’t want to prolong this thread’s existence of OP already decided to give the show a chance

Sasha is most likely Pacifica. Except more ghetto

Attached: sketch-1563831948072.png (1920x995, 1.4M)

Oh, we talking about the actual show or the shitty Yea Forums fandom? Cause even then while Amphibia has shitty /u/ headcanons, Star Vs. had shipping wars.

Yea Forums is full of hornt autists, I've just been ignoring Amphibia threads once the hiatus started.

It's taken from an interview where he namedrops Pacifica and how her changes inspired him to have characters that actually change and evolve in his show too.

>Star Vs. had shipping wars.
Amphibia had Sprig where, for awhile, was shipped between Maddie who he got engaged to (not a kids let's get married, like hop Pop signed him over to the father in-law) and Ivy his childhood friend. Ivy won, Amphibia didn't spread it more than one season.

don't jinx it nigga

Didn't even need more than 2 episodes, unlike Star Vs. where shipping wars were in the fandom and in many many episodes of the actual shows.

>see a twitter clip of this show from a onions chugger
How did you find Tulip's twitter?


She's the kind of upper-class princess who would date the wrong kind of person just to upset her parents.

>why do liberals always compare politics to Harry Potter and Star Wars?
>hey, aren't people who disagree with us just like NPCs from the vidya gaems???