I wish for a Rocko's Modern Life to come back!
I wish for a Rocko's Modern Life to come back!
Jeez you guys really hate trans people. Did it ever occur to you that maybe this is the story the creator wanted to tell rather than “pc agenda pushing”
It occurred to me, then I rejected that premise as being idiotic.
>if you hate blatant virtue signaling you're a bigot
I'm honestly more upset on the likely chance we're gonna waste what is probably the last Rocko thing ever on some OC's pity story.
might as well call it rocko's postmodern life
Nearly every time the merest possibility of a trans character comes up, there’s a flood of hateful disgusting comments that derail the thread and I’m just so tired.
Yes, trans people might be “over represented” in fiction but so are elves, of which exactly 0 exist in real life.
Trans and gender variant people exist and have existed for thousands of years in many cultures; they’re not a “new” thing.
They deserve to have their stories told just like anyone else, and it’s sad that you fucking clowns can’t deal with that.
What on God's green earth are you sniveling man-children bitching about today?
>an OC
Want to know how I know you never actually watched Rocko?
In this particular context it's a dumb and pointless addition to an existing work.
Make something original. Make an original trans character instead of shoehorning a trans storyline into a beloved show from 20 years ago.
You know the issue is going to be in the telling. A trans person in fiction is never just a trans person. They can't just be another character who by the way is trans. It HAS to be the first and only part of their character. If you wrote a black character like that, he'd be a fat fried chicken eating drug dealer. And it's not right there either.
Trans characters are fine.
Bringing back a classic show and making one of its characters a tranny, just because, isn't.
I sincerely doubt anyone would complain if they DIDN'T make Ralph trans. That's how pointless this is.
So trans people have the right to have their stories told...in a blatantly shoehorned, unimaginative way?
One would think someone who so vociferously calls for something would want it done in a more respecting, tasteful manner.
You'll never get any media worthwhile if your willing to accept table scraps.
>They deserve to have their stories told just like anyone else
This could have been a pleasant surprise, if it were handled well. But I'm deprived of that surprise now, because this is all over online media. That tells me this is marketing, and marketing is what grosses me out.
>A trans person in fiction is never just a trans person. They can't just be another character who by the way is trans. It HAS to be the first and only part of their character.
Being trans is a defining part of many real life trans people’s identity because of just how hard it is (socially and financially) to be themselves, that part’s fairly realistic.
It’s only “shoehorned” because it makes you uncomfortable.
>It’s only “shoehorned” because it makes you uncomfortable.
Gr8 b8 m8, now dilate.
You're trying so hard it's amazing.
It’s true though. You people don’t actually care about “tasteful nuanced lgbt representation” you just don’t want to see it at all.
Yeah there’s gonna be some poorly written gay characters. There’s plenty of poorly written straight characters, does that mean we should never include them because they might not be perfect? No that would be stupid, and so is being nitpicky about lgbt stuff.
There's a difference between a story about a person who happens to be straight and a story specifically ABOUT being gay (or in this case trans).
I wanted the Rocko movie to be about Rocko and the core cast, not a tranny side-character and how they hate their own gender.
You're not even using that word correctly. Nitpicking involves some hyperfixation on minute details, not with a general concept or the way it's implemented.
Quit while you're ahead.
>I sincerely doubt anyone would complain if they DIDN'T make Ralph trans
Fucking bullshit. Assholes like OP will complain the moment there's a trans character in fucking anything. You can pretend you have some kind of high horse because "it's because they changed an established character" but you're deluding yourself.
>Did it ever occur to you that maybe this is the story the creator wanted to tell rather than “pc agenda pushing”
I did, but then I remembered it was on Netflix.
Unless you've decided that Joe Murray is a liar now, he had this storyline planned when it was still supposed to be on Nick
My hatred stems from how transpeople treat not only straight people but gays and lesbians. You only need to go on /lgbt/ for five minutes to see that most are sociopaths.
>You only need to go on /lgbt/ for five minutes to see that most are sociopaths.
Most trans people are not 4channers, just like most cis people aren’t 4channers; they aren’t a baseline for “typical” people of any sort. Also a lot of the /lgbt/ userbase have internalized transphobia which complicates things.
Elves aren't insufferable faggots
Given their percentage of the population, how many trans people would constitute a representative sample? Like, how many displaying the same behavior would you have to meet before you could say it is a behavior common to trans people?
Fine. You can go to Reddit and see that most transpeople there are creepy perverts and pedophiles. Or you can see Twitter’s band of completely deranged transpeople like Yaniv. Are you starting to see the pattern?
Also I am a tranny and I’m self hating for a very good reason. Most transpeople don’t just mind their own business and disturb others.
I used to have a tumblr and would see thousands of "kill all TERFs" and any such variation. Trannies are unhinged, clearly, since they think they're the opposite sex
I’m sorry that you hate yourself trans user, but it’s not your fault society doesn’t respect you. Really that’s the root cause of a lot of “degeneracy”; trans people who have a warped view of gender and sexuality usually are that way because of having to hide their true selves for so long. Years of repression are hard to undo.
>missing the point this hard
I said no one would complain if they left Ralph as he is. Learn to reading comprehension.
>because of just how hard it is (socially and financially) to be themselves
Oh no, can’t go to work today cus dilate.
You want to be treated as equals, yet also want to be handled like babies.
You should not hel the sympthomes
>be themselves
Trannies literally do the opposite of "be themselves".
Excuse me? That's pretty much the defining trait of elves
And what kind of stupid point is that? Comparatively, no one was complaining that Rocko's Modern Life wasn't getting a new movie, either
Eh, Rocko's modern life has a female character with a hook instead of a hand, and that was before the inclusion of amputees has become popular. If such a character can exist in Rocko's modern life, then so can some transfrog in a sometimes gross cartoon about a dorky kangaroo guy who sometimes watches a movie about a male superhero with really big magical nipples.
did he forget he already made a joke that made fun of trannies?
Well for one elves are not introduced at the last fucking second like you idiots are so people know what they are consuming. It would go along way if rather than demanding to be included under the table in popular things and surprise people like a raisin in a chocolate cookie you entered the market in an honest way.
I daresay that anyone on Yea Forums being "outraged" at the thought of somebody turning trans is just shilling for the show in a viral attempt to spread awareness of this show's return.
Queers and other weirdos have always been a staple in comics and cartoons like this one.
You're such a disingenuous faggot. There is no true "honest way" for you.
Most people here will just spout excuses but they really do hate trannies. It's part of the whole counter culture/edgy thing. LGBT is in so people here need to pretend they themselves aren't degenerates. It's why so many people here are now starting to act like conservative christians.
Why are you even here if you are already convinced everyone is here is just out to get you?, are you just a masochist?, get fucked retard
Because seeing bigots come up with half-assed excuses to defend their bigotry is kinda funny
So you are just sowing discord and acting like its funny, you are not better than the average /pol/tard
LGB is in.
Nobody likes trannies.
I see we've found a suitable replacement for Superman Smashes the Klan.
How am I sowing discord, retard?
What did I miss?
By refusing to listen to people even though you are the first one who tries to engage in conversation? All you do is reply with "nah you hate trans people" and then you wonder why people think you are an unbearable piece of shit
Reactionaries being reactionaries. Nothing much out of the ordinary
Oh boy, not only is it a tranny, it's a /leftypol/ tranny.
Because you do hate trans people. You can sugar coat it all you like with paper-thin justifications, but the truth is there isn't a single way a piece of media could include a trans character that you wouldn't complain about.
Not him, but I hate trans people. They're disgusting, obnoxious abominations. They're basically like cockroaches.
you’re the boomers now. Treating women and lgbt people like human beings is normal these days, our culture is finally growing up and your outdated regressive views are getting left behind. No one cares about you anymore.
Everyone hates trannies
Looks like you made your mind. Just remember your words the next time you are crying under your pillows bitch.
Ed Bighead has no son
>implying I'm a tranny
Is that all you have?
You care about them, you will cry about the damage you are doing to them
>I hate it so it has to be virtue signalling and thus I must hate it even more!
I think we've just discovered the source for perpetual energy: incel butthurt.
Why can't you just admit to yourself your own bigotry? Those who agree with you already have
That’s not an excuse to be a disgusting degenerate. Fuck off.
Literally nothing wrong with it
Bigotry punches Nazis
Why do you want me to be diametrically opposed to your opinion rather than somewhere in the middle?, does it make you realize how disgusting you have become in your pursuit for justice?
Ralph's whole arc in the original series was about how much his dad hated him for following what was in his heart instead of buckling himself into a life he would have hated.
Ed himself had a similar bit of conflict, with the whole clown thing and the constant problems with his wife stemming from their sexual incompatibility.
Their whole family's a mess and always has been. Ralph coming out as trans makes complete sense. If nothing else, it's definitely living up to the series concept of being modern.
There's a horror in his pants. Not fit for television to let kids see his flat color figure
Different user here, but I revel in the futile tears of reactionaries.
Captain Marvel and Black Panther made literal billions of dollars, British icons the Doctor and James Bond are both women now, the Little Mermaid is black and the new She-Ra is super popular with fans and critics. Diverse media sells.
Rage all you want but it doesn’t matter, because no one cares if a bunch of incels buy their product or not.
Listen, you'll never be a woman, you have a mental illness wherein you think that certain body parts don't belong to you. But suck it up, you're a man, though luck.
But if you're post-op, than I can only hope that the flesh wound attached to your colon will get an infection and kills you quickly before you realize what you did after which you would have inevitably killed yourself like so many of the trannies do.
I'm just trying to protect you from yourself, self harm is not healthy behavior. Nor is forcing your disease on little kids, they don't need to know about this. Your kind is so rare, that they'll likely never meet any of you so you don't need to be in cartoons.
>intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
Being a tranny isn't an opinion, you dumb tranny retard.
I’m non-binary, but why assume anyone defending trans rights has to be trans themselves? It’s called having empathy and being a decent human being.
If you’ve never had dysphoria, you don’t know what it’s like to feel trapped in your own body, I have. For many trans people hrt and surgery are quite literally life saving, being allowed to transition drastically reduces rates of self harm and suicide in dysphoric people.
So should there be an element of surprise or shouldn't? Make up your mind trannie haters.
"Transitioning" is a meme.
It doesn't change your gender, and they never pass.
Not even other trannies like trannies.
Alright I’m out of bullshit to spew so the jig is up. Half the posts in this thread are mine, I cobbled together every pro-trans argument I could think of no matter how delusional and baseless.
I have dysphoria myself and briefly considered transitioning but after doing research and looking up what it actually entails I realized that anyone who intentionally mutilates themselves is insane. The transing of children is even worse; the fact that doctors are approving puberty blockers for kids as young as 9 is all kinds of wrong. Imo bottom surgery is the modern day equivalent of a lobotomy.
It’s a goddamn cult that preys on vulnerable people who have had all other elements of their identity stripped from them in this post-modern hellworld.
You call enforcing their delusion "empathy"? You need people like me to drag you back to reality, you live in a bubble where you start thinking that it's natural how you feel, you live in a fantasy.
You need to start traveling, see the world, see that there's a billion things more important than yourself or trans-rights and representation. You're wasting your life living a lie you convinced yourself is actually the truth, while what you were born as is somehow a lie.... If you stopped living that lie, you would finally have time to enjoy the world instead of always thinking about how you look. It's like that's your whole identity, how shallow can you be if your whole identity relies on being something that you're not. Those XY chromosomes ain't ever going to change, just accept that.
i want acceleracers 5 and for the tradeoff to not involve anything bad happening to the movie itself
Same here, but nothing good ever happens anymore.
i wish for DC and Marvel to start doing crossovers again
if i get a cartoon i'm shoehorning as many trans in as i can just to piss Yea Forums off
Gotta love it when these incels see 1 drag queen on /pol/ or some shit and immediately assume that all trannies never pass.
Have you considered that if they passed you wouldn’t realize it, retard?
People don't really care about trans in new cartoons, it's just when the reboot inject them.
Not even a very good projection.
You do realise this is literally 'bait' the thread, right?
Stop replying to this retard
EVERY fucking thread because it's obvious bait for (you)s. Do your fucking ((job)) mods
gender isn't real, tranny.
>Yea Forumsmblr doesn't exs--
I don't hate trans people, retard. I just don't believe in transshit. It's the most retarded movement to date, full of a bunch of mentally ill people.
Are you kidding me? People who transition and hrt have more problems in the end. Especially kids and old people. Ever heard about the dude who got sex changed and later got old as shit and forgot? Then when he found out again that he mutilated his dick he started freaking out. There was also a kid who was put on puberty blockers and had a whole slew of problems growing up, including feeling like everyone was growing up around them, not having attraction to anyone, and more that I can't remember. Transshit is a harmful gimmick that fucks people up, and it's horrible that it gets pushed so hard now.
Better hunker down for tomorrow boys and girls. This board is going to go Full Autistic over this and be super butthurt.
It's like no one ever actually watched Rocko. The show already dealt with issues like homosexuality and interracial marriage.
This thread alone was just a sample of what's to come and goddamn is it hilarious.