Rocko's Modern Life Netflix movie will feature prominent trans story arc

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There's quite enough threads for bitching about this already, faggot


yeah thanks OP but we all fucking know already

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All of a sudden, I'm glad I didn't watch Rocko as a kid.

where are they

I didn't.

I mean the movie is about “modern life”, of course it has to feature lgbt stuff and other popular things
Remember Rocko has ALWAYS criticized popular things, there’s an episode where they “criticize” spongebob and Nickelodeon executives
That’s why I’m not mad about it, Joe Murray has been doing this shit since day one

The mentally ill shouldn't be paraded around like their deficiencies are healthy and harrowing.

>wasting 45 minutes on worst character's (that appeared in like 3 episodes) new axewound
no wonder nick didn't want to show this shit

you really think they're going to """criticize""" trannies?? of course not

they put one tranny in the show and you thank yourself retroactively you didn't watch a cartoon? that's like patting yourself on the back for not watching Ren and Stimpy because John K has been outed as a creep. Idiot.

Rocko was still going when spongebob started?

>Remember Rocko has ALWAYS criticized popular things
You're insane if you think they're going to criticize trannies.
I can't think of a single thing on Netflix that has trannies that actually looks at them critically aside from that one show about the black tranny that's a complete cunt and gets shit on for being an annoying narcissistic cunt.

Called it. See? I told you it wasn't gonna be about a homo. That's too vanilla.


Stop being so transphobic user. We need to encourage the mentally ill and confused teenagers that the only solution to their problems is to undergo horrific self mutilation and hormone therapy. It doesn't matter if they'll just kill themselves eventually it's the moral thing to do.

As long as it isn’t too SJw pandery and a complete Tumblr/Twitter fest, I’m cool with it. It’s rare for a cartoon to have goodly written trans characters.

there it is

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>lgbt stuff and other popular things

>less than 4% of the population

They're loud retards.

Good, I'm happy this is finally turning into the norm

>We need to encourage the mentally ill and confused teenagers that the only solution to their problems is to undergo horrific self mutilation and hormone therapy.
It's the only treatment that remotely works, so yeah.

Well, it was the chemicals.

The villian is based off Trump and there’s a “sexist” and “transphobic” website, obviously based off Yea Forums. Soooo, yeah.

None of you guys remember the clown closet episode?

No matter how hard people try trannies will never be the "norm".

I did watch Ren and Stimpy though. Fuck you tranny enabler.

Want some cis tears, friend? They’re yummy.

What about their allies?

Soooo? You’re a rape apologist?????

Are you going to cry, beta?

>the neurotic narcissist turns out to be trans
The jokes write themselves

i am going to enjoy the shitshow

That's kinda sad, it's not like trans people are a majority in the world, but people should stop to see them as a bad thing.


There are a lot more bi people than trans people, why not make Rocko bi? You don't even need to make it sexual, just have him blush at a dude.

Different user here. I mean, I don't like genital mutilation so much I even don't support circumcision and the Jews let alone sex changes because it hurts people so I don't support rapists either, but at least Ren and Stimpy didn't push rape as normal and acceptable.

How bout them cartoons haha

When the hell did John ever rape somebody? He acts like a total creep with women I'll give you that but until there is more proof that he did anything more than just fondling women then I call bullshit.
I might as well, this whole world is fucked if it keeps going like this. Keep your LGBT shit to yourselves and stop treating it like a religion.

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Wait, seriously?

>like patting yourself on the back for not watching Ren and Stimpy because John K has been outed as a creep
That's literally what Yea Forums does though

How about actually getting involved in your child's life and talking to them about their problems you boomer fuck.

I said it last thread and I'll say it again. When will we be getting porn of her!?

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Watch That Creepy Reading’s video, where he explains WHY all Ren and Stimpy fans are rape apologist. He touched all over and forced himself onto an underaged girl, several times. So yeah, liking the show means you support that shit.

>Ralph is now trans
>Ralph is supposed to be Joe's self insert
What did he mean by this? Is he still gonna voice him?

Every Ren and Stimpy fan is a rape apologist, legit every single person on Yea Forums will tell you that exact same thing.

It's Netflix, they've been doing crap like this for awhile now like Bill Nye's show and other "woke" shows.

I'd be OK with trans people if grown adults did it but they're pushing it on kids. (I'm not talking about in cartoons at all btw,)

I don't think the government should pay for surgery either, because people get upset when you call it a mental illness and say you don't need dysphoria to be trans. Its almost no different than body mods and cosmetic surgery for those people.

Just my two cents

But we have /lgbt/...

Where does it say that? Any clips or sources?

It wasn't originally supposed to be on Netflix in the first place, so you're full of shit

Archived now. Was HUGE. 700 replies.

They don’t do research. Yea Forums will always be the “sexist, racist, dangerous site” in their eyes thanks to the media.

The monkey's paw strikes again.

Barely anybody was talking about the special even though it's coming out in a few days. When this news hit, THAT'S what got everyone's attention.

I really don't care, it's not going to stop me watching the show.

>Not Heffer's brother
WTF!?! You LITERALLY HAVE a character that was made for this kind of story, and you didn't do anything with it!?

Being trans doesn't mean you're mentally ill.

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>but they're pushing it on kids
no they're not are you stupid or something


You could always go to a drawthread

The movie is targeted to adults who grew up with the show back in the 90's. Today's kids don't know anything about Rocko.

So what does it mean exactly?

Watch That Creepy Reading’s video. It’ll have you whistling a different tune. He literally explains WHY watching Ren and Stimpy is a bad idea and how it shows a lot about someone if they still watch it.

There was a gay episode back in the 90's

Equally loud, slightly more retarded.

>Oh, and parents of gay kids are suddenly bad parents
Wow. Makes total sense

Ok. So what? He was already canon gay already. Plus THIS happened too.

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To be actually trans, and not a transtrender, you need gender dysphoria, but is dysphoria a mental illness or not?

Some retarded parents think that since their kid likes something kids of the opposite sex like, that means they're transgender.

Oh boy, another show for TiMs to jerk off over.
Can't wait.

We don't even know what hormone and puberty blocked kids will go through as adults because its so new that they haven't even grown up yet. They're like lab rats.

>wanting porn of that thing

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He's a nutjob but I hate how Alex Jones was mocked for this by people who should care about our environment.

>Trannies aren't mentally ill
Yikes! Dilate tranny!

What boards aren't gay? I see bara everywhere, furfags, fujoshits and /fit/

>30 minutes
Yeah, nah, I don't have that much of an interest.

>You raised a genetic dead end.
>Aren't you proud?

Uhh, John Money literally put a young boy born with a mutilated penis on puberty blockers and raised him as a girl.
He blew his brains out in his mid-20s.

You mean, SHE blew her brains out.

he never identified as a girl throughout the entire ordeal

Yes, obviously. You're saying that sarcastically like that's not the case.

I literally said I wasn't talking about trans characters in cartoons. My post was a few sentences wrong how hard was it to read? They as in doctors, the medical community, transexual advocacy groups.

I have never in my life met someone with a "trans" child that anyone sane would consider a good parent.
It is white people parenting to the max, where instead of telling your child fucking NO once in awhile, you capitulate to a fucking 6 year old like the bitch you are.
>B-but he said he's really a little girl!
I'm sure he also said he also said he REALLY wants to eat candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, doesn't mean he should.
Blows my mind that white people can justify letting a child, someone that can't even decide their own fucking bedtime, make major life-changing decisions regarding what gender they are or aren't.

Doesn't matter. No penis= girl. Check mate conservacucks!

It’s a disorder.

damn, bro, you got me there

That's what a lot of single monsters did in ancient times. They had no idea how to raise a boy, so they raised them the same way they were raised.

And yet people still pretend that John Money's findings and theories hold any water, despite his principle test being a complete failure.

Nah. Fake as Fuck as well your existence

Yeah, I'd like proof of this one, too.

Didn't Heffer have a crossdresing brother already?

I wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with this shit if they would just stop jerking themselves off about it. Just make the thing, have passion for it. let it speak for itself.

We're talking about trans not gay

>No one's posted anything about the mayo

Da fuck? That's like one of the only episodes of this show I even remembered.

He was a male cheerleader. Nothing confirmed he was a crossdresser or transgender.

Oh no we better not get polyamory shit too.

I'd rather a million trannies over 1 'polycule'

That said, I don't see anything about RML criticizing Spongebob.

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Back then it was for comedy effect. Now it's all about making a political statement.

>rocko's MODERN LIFE

well OP what did you expect? Of course they will shove LGBT shit, it's the MODERN TIMES after all.

Rocko”s mother life? More like WOKE-O cuckhold life!

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why cant cartoons just be about the jokes


I miss that variety. Now Nick only airs the same 4 shows every day.

Because you need to bake the fucking cake, bigot.

I think forcing someone that wants to look and develop a certain way because of the beliefs of their parent is wrong and immoral.

We should have bodily autonomy to develop whatever way we want. You say children can’t make this choice, well guess what, nature doesn’t wait. If you don’t put someone on blockers then they’ll develop and have irreversible changes. The normal route for children is putting them on blockers until they’re 16 and then having them decide if they want estrogen/testosterone or to be taken off blockers and experience their birth sexes puberty. Win/win.

You all are so quick to make fun of unpassing transpeople but also want to stop transpeople from accessing healthcare at a time in their life where it’s still possible to develop to look like the sex that they identify as. Hypocrites.

>single monsters

Nice Freudian slip but I unironically agree. Most school shooters were raised by single moms.

>You LITERALLY HAVE a character that was made for this kind of story, and you didn't do anything with it!?
What’s dumber that Ralph a popular character among gay 90s Nickelodeon fans. They took away a character that works as a coming out of the closet metaphor and gave it to transgender.

I too believe that the age of consent should be abolished, nice to meet a fellow member, what's your ID number?

True to life. Never met one that wasnt

gays are a forced meme, but a meme nonetheless

It's always either trans or lesbians

I just want one cute GAY couple in a prominent cartoon.
The closest I get is Wing and Wong and they barely count for reasons.

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So if my son likes pretending to be a girl when he's three, I should take him straight to the doctor to slide off his dick right then and there, because he's made up his mind. Great advice. I bet you were one of the people who mobbed Mario Lopez last week.

>Failed artist
>Becomes a tranny
What did nick mean by this?

They are. It's argued that kids who are trans and undergo HRT prior to puberty will have an easier time passing when they reach maturity because their development will be significantly altered (which is at least partially accurate - undergoing HRT during puberty will stunt normal development of physical and sexual characteristics - whether this makes it easier for these people to pass when they're older is debatable).

Most trans kids who transition start in their mid-to-late teens, but many doctors who advocate transitioning as treatment are pushing for kids to start before onset of puberty (you've got kids as young as 12 now going on HRT and some are pushing for it to be started even earlier).

And of course, genuine concerns like the risk of misdiagnoses are completely ignored, despite the serious ramifications of someone undergoing HRT only to later realize they weren't transgender.

Many people have no principles and play "teams" instead.

I like social commentary but I hate how preachy and one sided it is now. It reminds me of the shit I grew up with when I was Religious as a kid. Instead of you know, funny social commentary like Seinfeld or some shit.

You didn’t read the part about nature not waiting and people being able to start their natal puberty at 16 if they choose.

Eh, they not going to criticize trannies but from the synopsis (Rocko finds Rachel and becomes a hero for O-town) I could see the point being that everyone treats Rocko like a hero for helping a trans person and he gets feed up with it because it shouldn't be different than helping anybody else

>wanting to chop your dick off and have doctors pump you full of hormones is normal and healthy

Shouldnt u be dilating rn tranny?

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Yeah that’s actually what I said. You’re an idiot.

Yes, nature doesn't wait, which is why the age of consent should be whenever a girl hits puberty.
Are you trying to say you don't agree?

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They put gays in Young Justice last week

>only to later realize they weren't transgender.
At least they'll be pretty and cute, and not manly and hairy.

Are you? As a parent, if your childs teacher decides for you and for your child that they are questioning their gender, and you disagree, you can get CPS called on your ass

I said cute.

I get the joke that Ralph is a shitty experimental artist and he becomes a tranny, but why do I feel like the payouts will be very weak and preachy? many people here took the chance to dilate?

I find it so hard to wrap my mind around how people actually think this way. Please NEVER have kids. And don't talk about what's natural. Shoving a dildo into your man-made open wound to keep it from closing is NOT natural. What the fuck.
Instil good moral values into your children while allowing them to be children. Seek help. My God.

Ok. I pretended to be a frog when I was 3. I guess that means I'm a frog because I made up my mind then and there. When I was 5, I thought it would be funny to pretend to be a Potato. Maybe I should've gone through some weird surgery to make that possible. The next day I thought I wanted to be a Power Ranger. Why didn't anyone give me my morpher?

A person isn’t going to be affected forever if they can’t have sex with people over the age of 18 at 13, but they definitely will be affected if they do. They’ll be scarred forever. Which is why we have the age of consent, the protect children.

If a child goes on blockers they have a choice to go off at 16 and develop how they would’ve naturally. If they’re denied care they’re being forced to develop a way they don’t want to, which would definitely affect you forever.

I think the real problem here is that people like you just don’t think trans people are real or legitimate.

Wasn't ralph just meant to be a self insert joke for joe murray? What the fuck happened

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Oh yeh I do.

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They're the same people who let their kids stay up until 12 AM in 4th grade, eat candy and junk food all day, and try to be their kid's "friends."
In other words, people who make fucking awful parents and produce dysfunctional fuckups.

I am willing to bet 99% these cases of child sex changes are because the mom wanted a girl instead of a boy, munchausen syndrome by proxy to gain sympathy and attention, and extremely regressive views on gender which is by far the most ironic. I.E. If a boy plays with dolls that means he has dsyphoria.

Vice versa on these for the opposite genders too.

Parents actually do that now as a cure for their kids autism, lol.

Dilating is to keep the vaginal canal depth the same, not to keep a wound from closing. You’re very misinformed. Read a book.

Because no one has ever been born a frog or potato or power ranger. It’s either male or female. Why is it so hard to believe that someone can be born with a male brain but female genitalia and vice versa?

Gay males promote a healthy appreciation of the male gender.

Trans is like feminism to the max and bullshit.

Gays aren't special snowflakey enough anymore, user.

Honest question when I was 6 I wanted to be a duck because I loved Mighty Ducks and Darkwing duck was I a furry?

Maybe Joe's transgender?

I'll just have to settle for watching Arashi no Yoru ni for the 50th time.

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I’d rather a few people slip through the cracks than many trans people being forced to develop into something they hate.

People that you make fun of.

Is the case you’re talking about that guy that had a botched circumcision? Because he was forced to be a girl. If anything that shows the gender is innate, that person was raised a girl their entire lives and still saw themselves as a boy. Very sad case but not really relevant to children transitioning.

This really bokus my picos

Everyone has an innate sense of gender.

It’s the best middle ground we have at the moment. I don’t think the alternative is moral.

Because there's no such thing as a male brain and a female brain, you're just a fag

>Having good moral values
>On Yea Forums of all places
Nice joke

But more kids will be hurt than saved. It's literally the simplist of maths. I'm not that guy and I don't make fun of trans people, I think they need help but this aint it son.

Blame auto-correct and me not reading what I wrote. You're right though.

Nah we had bug chasers and too many sluts

That's hilarious considering that Ralph was already a crazy deranged person.
So it's not that weird that someone who already went to the desert to make a giant sculpture of fruits with spoons later thinks it's a good idea to cut his dick. And he/she has daddy issues.
The movie looks it's gonna be nice, Rocko's modern life always did these kinda strange over the top jokes like the chokey chicken, i like rainbows thing, the spanking monkey, etc. And only seems that people have gotten somehow in bigger prudes

More importantly, why does it matter? Why is having a "female brain" in a male body a problem?
And no, watching lots of moeshit and wanting to get paid for being a slut is not having a female brain like most trannies want you to believe.

It’s not torn open, it’s dilated..Intersex women sometimes have shallow vaginal canals as well, they also have to dilate if they want to have a vaginal canal at a similar depth to the norm.

Yes, there are only two genders.

If you’re coming from the stance that all transgenderism is is a fetish then i don’t think there’s anything else to talk about. You’re too fargone.

I knew Joe Murrey was a liberal, but Jesus fucking Christ.

>All these deleted posts

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makes sense because certain species of frogs in nature can actually do this

I'm genuinely not trying to upset anyone and my post got pruned (wow, a warning too?)

Abandon ship I guess

I can’t talk about this anymore because I got warned, but just know that transpeople are real and most just want to live their lives. I find the fetishists gross too, but you can’t generalize. That leads to hate.

Rule 63 art has always existed.

>gay frogs are becoming real

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I'm sure ruining franchises people like with forced tranny issues will finally lead to everyone accepting their delusions

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I thought redwood fucked off though.

to be fair this shit is really in character for Ralph

my wild guess is this is gonna be a jab at modern cartoonists and is gonna get slammed in twitter and loved over here.

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What the fuck does this idiot mod think the thread is for

Okay let's all just go back to NOT TALKING ABOUT THE OP I guess
What cartoons did everyone watch! Happy mod? Since I can't talk about the fucking OP.

Are there people who unironically post on Yea Forums from anything other than their phones?

Supposedly one of the Ducktales ducks is canon bi now so we’ll see

Not talking about how you feel about trannies for starters. Just talk about how this is a hamfisted approach for Rocko's Modern Life at first glance at least instead of going on tirades about mental illnesses

Why am I not allowed to talk about how the OP makes me feel? Cartoons can concern real life issues.

It's because your post wasn't pro-trannies.
Notice how those didn't get deleted.
Seems one of the TiM jannies got super triggered.
I used to, but I stopped caring about the quality of posts on this board years ago.
Looks like I made the right decision.
The thread's being autosaged, it'd just a honeypot at this point.

Post Stonetoss until the tranny janny 40%'s itself.

I was smart enough to switch over to my phone the second I got a warning, lest I enrage the Thought Police. I didn't even say anything negative.

Stonetoss makes anti-SJWs look retarded though.

My post wasnt pro-surgery but it was pro self-acceptance so this mod can fuck off with his own brand of negativity.

Uh...ok, any idea which one?

Take it to /pol/ or somewhere else, keep Yea Forums about cartoons.

Fuck off tranny.

It IS about cartoons, its about how I believe this cartoon is sending a negative message about disliking the genitals you were born with. ITS NOT A GOOD MESSAGE FOR A KIDS CARTOON.

So take all stuff about trannies to /pol/ or just the negative stuff?
I hope the mods know that by doing this they're only pissing off people who post here and making them more and more likely to join in on /pol/ shitposting in the future.
This is like Yea Forums levels of dogshit moderation.

Dilation day is a very dangerous day

He saw himself as a boy because that's what he was born as. His genitals being mutilated as an infant didn't make him any less male than a typical boy. That guy's case suggests biology is what's innate, rather than gender. How can gender be innate? Gender is based on stereotypes and influenced by culture, which is constantly changing. Biology, on the other hand, never changes and is based on facts.

Go Dial8 40%

Again you can talk about how dumb the idea is without going on about how trannies are fucked in the head, it isn't that hard. Also

Aren’t frogs capable of changing their own gender?

awww this triggers you? lemme really trigger you.

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I didnt say theyre fucked in the head kiddo. Also your broken quote will never change that teaching hormone supplements and surgery over accepting your genitals is a bad message. Youre just as bad as gay conversion therapists. Its wrong.

Look man I don't disagree with the acceptance thing but either way it's not on topic.


>chopping your dick off is political
literally what

Or /lgbt/ or wherever you think it would fit I do not care

And talking about it on Yea Forums is any better? Spare me.

See, this concept would be completely normal in a setting for Rocko, because trannies are weird.

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Dumbfuck, the point is that the positive posts defending trannies didn't get deleted, it's obvious nothing to do with it being offtopic, some tranny janitor just got triggered.

> Gender is based on stereotypes and influenced by culture

How do you think gender would even exist without biological sex existing in the first place?

good, Yea Forums is actively going to shit once gookmoot took over

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I just checked the archives and I saw a few deleted posts defending them, I don't know what you're talking about.

Nick was smart to drop this shit on wokeflix

Mainly because all the mods are now just as incompetent as the Yea Forums mods.
At this point the only way to save Yea Forums would be if someone like Notch bought it and fired literally every single mod and janitor and just started from scratch.

maybe I can be free from this shithole

When the subject is tranny cartoons?
Go dilate.

>I was born with a straight females sexuality in a mans body, give me pills to fix this
>wtf no thats wrong
>I was born with a females brain in a mans body, give me pills to fix this
>ooh youre so brave

I actually feel undermined, like me learning to be okay with being gay meant fuckall.

I think there's a pretty big difference between merely being attracted to the same sex and the insane delusion that you're somehow trapped in the wrong body, but can totally become a girl if you chop your dick off and fuck up your body with the wrong hormones.

Considering like half of human life is sex and relationships or working to support a relationship, I would not describe a sexuality with a "merely." It's the drive for a lot of human action.

Cope, faggot. All I'm seeing is people using the topic as an excuse to rant about trannies in general rather than the way it's impacting the show or not, like or

>all these deleted posts
>none of them are porn

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Dial-8, and then 40% yourself.

But I did and thats what matters more.


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The cartoon frog thing is trans, bros... it's fucking over...this is literally the extinction of white people

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Has none considered it might be about Heffer? Heffer means cow right, but he's very male?


Heffer's brother was a joke though, this is going to be positive and about acceptance.

So all I have to do is put on pearls and do my hair and I too can become a woman?

Look out boys, here's comes Momma!