Why and how is Ultimate Xorn/Zorn here?

Why and how is Ultimate Xorn/Zorn here?

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he isnt an ultimate Xorn.
Earlier that issue many dead mutants were resurrected, like Sophie and Esme Cuckoo and the "evil" Xorn of Morrison, who I guess is good because he isnt under the influence of Sublime anymore.

That is Morrison Xorn. And the tree man is Black Tom

why is Black Tom a tree...his powers aren't even remotely related to nature

He was like that in Generation X (which Hickman said he was a fan of).

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He has the ability to shoot beams from wood objects, that's his power. that makes him plant related.
I am pretty sure in the terrible Austen run he became a plant monster and killed a kid in the mansion.

Maybe it's not Xorn or Zorn

Maybe it's one of Sinister's Chimera mutants who looks like Xorns because they were a DNA source

Because he is the only Xorn that ever did anything cool with his powers.

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it could be, but being one of the 2 Xorn brothers seems more likely. Looks exactly like them, and Xorn looks like the kind of mutant who doesnt age at all, having a star for a head/brain

from House of X 1, looks like one of the 2 Xorn brothers, most likely the one that was dead from Morrison till this issue

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But why he looks like that out of nothin'? I know ult Xorn was written by Hackman.

What he did?

Created a blackhole and aoe his own team and Ultimate Reed Richard's children.

Reed's children = these fake humans ?

>That is Morrison Xorn
Or its Xorn's brother, Xorn.

Wait, wasn't Morrison's Xorn actually Magneto in disguise?

That's... a loaded question

And the answer is complicated

Is was Xorn evil twin brother who has a blackhole in his head pretending to be Xorn pretending to be Magneto.

So, in Morrison's run, Xorn reveals himself to have been Magneto all along.

Then, Chuck Austen introduces Xorn's brother, Shen Xorn and reveals that he Xorn from Morrison's run was his brother Kuan-Yin Xorn, and he was pretending to be Magneto pretending to be Xorn.

Then Marvel decided that Scarlet Witch had been fucking with reality for a while before Disassembled, and one of the things she did was create a duplicate of Magneto, and that was the Xorn from Morrison's run. So it became a construct of Magneto created by Scarlet Witch pretending to be Shen Xorn's brother pretending to be Magneto pretending to Xorn.

And then, for shits and giggles, after House of M, Marvel reintroduced Kuan Yin Xorn as a real person, but as a dead spirit in charge of all the power/energy that was removed from the mutants by Wanda's 'No More Mutants'. Sentry throws him into the sun.

TLDR: In trying to undo Morrison's run, Marvel went full retard, and choked on its own dick every time they tried to explain how retarded they were.

>the black hole in Xorn's head was actually a plot hole


toppest of keks

why even bother introducing a brother character with the exact same powers and design?
they can just as easily bring them back...
they did the same shit with Thunderbird and Warpath

His mutant power is the ability to fire energy blasts through wood, so in the nineties he got some wood grafted to him so that he could fire his blasts without having to carry around his stick, but then his body started merging with the wood turning him into a plant man and driving him kind of crazy.

is that just green magneto, Polaris who got a sex change
or Polaris's son?

Either it’s an almost 200 year old Magneto. Or it’s one of the chimera clones.

This is why Scarlet Witch is better off away from this X-Men shit.

All they do is use her as a fucking plot device, even when she was in limbo for 7 years, they used her as a plot device.

Why not?

You tell me

God damn it Austen

Like dnd?

As opposed to Avengers which had Byrne and Bendis screwing over the character completely only to be fixed by those self-insert fanfics by Heinberg.