Tigger Movie Thread

Feeling depressed so watching a fun movie from my child hood.

Anyone else remember this movie? Shit was good, hopefully it still holds up as I watch it.

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Winnie the Pooh material is peak comfy

Cute but some parts went into weird pop culture references.

from what i remember this movie was pretty depressing but sure, go for it

I never watched it. Please post as you watch I want to get put in the mood to watch it.

Well, it has a good comfy ending. That's all I need.

Oooh when? I don't remember.

Ohh you haven't? It's a fun little movie. youtube.com/watch?v=VEACgwQZvds

Weird music choices for the trailer though.

>Tigger gets existensial crisis about being "the only one" and decides to search for a tigger "family".


I think there was a whole song with Tigger talking about his "family" and basically you had gladiators, Marilyn Monroe, and more that kind of came out of nowhere? It's really blurry in my mind.

While almost DYING

>it's a 'the friends we made along the way' episode
I know it's standard fare for a series like Winnie the Pooh to do something like that, but I am never satisfied with these kind of endings.

Nothing brings people together more like traumatic experiences and nearly biting it

Oh yeah I think I remember that.

Thats fair user.

>Tigger's completely heartbroken expression when he finds out that his "family" is really his friends in disguise and thinks that they see his family as a joke.

>The fantasy sequence
>Jerry Springer
>Pop Culture
>Winnie the Pooh
It could be pretty funny if this was a surreal bootleg knock-off kike-tubers usually make fun of, but this one was made by Disney...

Attached: the_tigger_movie__jerry_springer_tigger_by_peppermix14-d5v5kyr.jpg (965x828, 106K)

Attached: TiggerV1theonlyone.png (675x675, 905K)

Since most characters in Winnie The Pooh are Christopher Robin's plushes, what the heck happened in his head during this movie

Oh my god I forgot about that part.

Christopher Robins Surreal Experience about his family.

Tigger is shit.

Eeyore > Rabbit > Owl > power gap > Pooh > Piglet > Tigger


don't bring your Tier Shit into my tigger thread you wanna go.

So... How bad is it most of those movies makes me wanna cry nowaday?

Honestly not that bad. The movie doesn't feel super kiddie, so its def something you can enjoy as an adult. Well, to an extent.

It's a fun movie. Surprisingly dramatic for a Pooh flick.

I always get choked up when Tigger is saving everyone from the avalanche and gets caught by it. Heavy stuff.

He puts them to safety on his "family tree" too

>Eeyore > Rabbit > Owl > power gap
Jesus christ! I hope people beat you in school for being so boring

Tigger crosses the line from exciting to obnoxious.

I've been trying to remember a Winnie the Pooh movie from about a decade ago or so, I don't know. I think it was a straight to DVD release.
It started on Christopher Robin's room, the characters were shown as puppets, and we got small segments of them interacting with each other, then we got the narrator reading one of the stories inside a book, each character had a story about them. I might be remembering wrong, but I think one of the stories was about Easter.
At the end of the movie, we get to see Christopher Robin returning home from school and promising to read them more stories. Anyone know what film is this?


user I unironically love you. Bless your heart.

i'm gonna say the t word

Found it on my first try, nice!

The Nigger Movie


Honestly I'm surprised it took this long for someone to make this joke

I finished the movie, good movie I would cry again.

A lot.

I know that feel.

>from what i remember this movie was pretty depressing
Some of the Winnie the Pooh films have a tinge of tragedy in their set-up
>The Search for Christopher Robin animated film is about the gang needing to accept that Robin is growing up and won't always be there for them anymore
>Piglet film is about Piglet being missing and Pooh realizing him and the others have been a shit friend to him

Basically spent my Holiday 2000 watching this and Toy Story 2.

>yfw watching the Tigger movie
>Funny happy scene
>Tigger suddenly makes that heartbroken face
>Tells off all of his friends
>Wanders off into the snow alone, crying out for his real family, shivering and cold
>Start tearing up

Seeing Tigger upset really fucked with my 6 six year old brain

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>he couldn't handle Tigger's Ghost Fastball

Literally everyone else >>>>> power gap > actual shit > rabbit

I shipped trigger with Ms roo

Trigger movie when?

I thought pulling heart strings was standard for Pooh material, aside from their "shitposting at each other" comic strips.

Fair. I think I could ship myself

You ever notice how tigger is one letter away from tiger?

He's also one letter away from bigger!


They just wanted to make him happy, Roo just wanted an older brother... And then, they send him on a desperate quest for something he already had.