This leaked joker script

>this leaked joker script
holy shit this sucks lmao

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Sounds like were I used to live.

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First source

Second there is nothing wrong with this scene.

Look up the archive for Joker script.

was this written by a sophomore english major

>His is one of the few white faces
gamers rise up indeed

>DC movie sucks
wow is that even possible?

This leak is false.

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Post proof it is, other sources confirmed it months ago, you'll see when the movie releases.

Truly it is a society we live in.

>other sources confirmed it months ago

Keep denying it, shill. The movie is crap.

Denial is what DC fans do best. That and calling everyone who says anything the don't want to hear about DC "Ladderbro".

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This makes me want to rise up on roasties.

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Not seeing the problem. It sounds like you just wanted an excuse to make a company war thread

>other sources who read the same fake script

Exposition about fucking laughing? This is what people need to know about Joker? His laugh is a medical condition?

Fuck me, this is awful.

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>That and calling everyone who says anything the don't want to hear about DC "Ladderbro".
I'm surprised people still deny that this autist exist after the countless pics with the same filenames with the same comments.

The faggot act just like Barneyfag.

>I'm surprised people still deny that this autist exist
It’s because anyone else that criticizes DC has a good chance of being called “Ladderbro” too. It makes people think it’s just something people say to deflect criticism of DC even though the guy is real. Also, archives show the guy with the distinctive shitposting style now isn’t even the same guy who had the “Ladder” style bookshelf to begin with.

I don't know any of those people and see no reason to take their word.

Why would the script call him Joker when his name is Arthur in the movie?


He's adopted. Arthur isn't his real name, finds it out late into the script.

are you really surprised? everything about this movie has screamed "STEAMING PILE OF SHIT" since it was announced and every bit of new info we get just makes the smell more rank

I like the part where Joker drives over Eggman in an SUV.

>Joker shows his "Be patient i have austim" card

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Yeah, I'm thinking it's gonna be kino

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It's going to be this:

So, Aspergers?

This looks like something I would have written 7 years ago.
But yea, the ghetto fucking sucks, wouldn't recommend it.

Wow I guess DC fans were right when they said DC turned things around. DC's future is looking really bright right now.

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People are praising the movie, though.


no they aren't

at best their praising Phoenix

BoP had good screening unlike those, Joker's were mixed.


I suppose it could be fake, but it sure didn't feel fake. And it was a terrible script. Just awful.

You zoomers are just to obsessed with your smartphones and pokemon to understand how deep this scene is.

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new banner?

>his is one of the few white faces
In no way would this ever show up in a major Hollywood script.



Wait a second is this a real thing? Is that something that can happen irl?

A friend of mine laughs when she's nervous, even if it's incredibly inappropriate.

Real Ladderbro hates the DCEU and Nolanverse but always has something thoughtful to say instead of shitposting

That happens to me a lot too that's why I was wondering
It's actually pretty annoying. I don't know if it's like "medical condition" level but yeah

Oh well if it had a good test screening it must be great

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He really doesn't

You’re right I’m sure someone just wrote an entire screenplay that matches up with everything known about the movie so far because how funny will it be when people see the actual movie and it’s slightly different haha

This is going to be amazing