Mesmer should have been snapped up by the CIA as soon as Vought dropped him...

Mesmer should have been snapped up by the CIA as soon as Vought dropped him. A touch telepath would be unbelievably valuable to intelligence agencies. Just sort out his family trouble and pay him well and he'd be happy to work for you.

Attached: i see fat ppl.jpg (300x168, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread: 15:48:11

fatso bump

The deputy director was hugely opposed to supes being in the military, so I don't think she would have gone for one in a government agency, especially one that deals mostly in foreign matters.

Yeah but all he has is touch telepathy, they can make him wear gloves around them & kill/coerce him if he acts up. Being able to get the deepest secrets out of a target in minutes seems too good to miss.

And if the USA doesn't want him, other nations surely would

It would make her seem like a massive hypocrite if she were to start picking and choosing which supes would be allowed to serve the country.

If she don't want him, the DIA, NSA etc would.

that was the whole point of his character, he's a two bit telepath in a world where many hundreds of superpowered individuals exist
there are likely ones that do the job better than him and have a face for television too

Attached: Homelander as a child.gif (270x270, 1.14M)

>two bit telepath
Don't be silly, he'd be crazy useful

Taking this opportuny to have a short rant.

I just finished the storytime here on Yea Forums because I wanted to read the source material before I got into the show, and holy fuck is Ennis terrible. Any good faith he gets on good ideas, which he genuinely has, are immediately throw out of the window because of all that constant atrocious dialogue, characterization and grinding the story to a halt because he needs to have a wank session and write walls of superfluous text over the military/conspiracies/world war 2. "Edgy" gets throw around far too much but goddamn this man never grew emotionally past 19.

I'm aware the show changed a lot and I'm really looking forward to watching the concept put to a better execution. Christ it was like a parody of itself in some arcs, the terrible art and Hughie's lines didn't help either.

I've read the storytime & watched the show. The show is better

So far I still like the Comic plane rescue scene over the show one
I loved how in the comic the 'rescue' was fuckup from beginning to end but I like the show version for relaying how the supers have simply grown lazy with their powers which fits in universe and was used as a major plotpoint as well

That is true and would seem like a no-brainer for us but it has to be put in perspective of the show's universe where superheroes are just another level of celebrity
He really is worth much more and has so much potential but he's also a washed up child actor with a record of bad parenting, you have to remember how much focus the show put on how the supers were perceived on social media

I will agree though that it was odd that he was not picked up by an underground group, again I go back to how if they wanted a telepath there are probably a plethora to choose from who are more willing to get down and dirty unlike him to sold out at the first chance

I want this nigga to be a devout fanatic wahabi Muslim who genuinely wants to build a caliphate with veiled women, homos forbidden on pain of death, slavery and all the rest but I know theres no way the show will be that brave.

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Man he's in it too? I thought the doppelganger and the redhead were all the chubs I'd get.

>a washed up child actor with a record of bad parenting
That's good though because you can threaten him with losing his nice well paid new job with you and access to his kid. How he was perceived previously wouldn't matter to spooks imo as long as he gets the goods
>if they wanted a telepath there are probably a plethora to choose from
Maybe but we have no evidence he's not the only one with telepathy

Yeah Ennis wrote for that fucking Castlevania show and ALL the dialogue was pretty unbearable.

>Maybe but we have no evidence he's not the only one with telepathy
I'm just speculating user, I agree with you that it does not make sense a seemingly powerful super is just sitting around and I am just attempting to rationalize it

Given that he had to exert himself a little to fuck up the Female and didn't super sense Frenchie hiding till the coast was clear, its unlikely he is who he is in the comic. So who/what is he then?

Attached: The-boys-21.jpg (1200x800, 150K)

We agree then, thanks for indulging my autism. Have a good one.

>So who/what is he then?
Playing the long con. I'm still banking on him being who he was in the comic.

Unless you out right blackmail him like The Boys were there is no way to no if he is lying or not

Well, I would like to see pompeo face to face sometime, I have written sometimes and I would love to hold a 9mm, actually on this premises, it would be nice to have a personal secret communication from there and conclude missions in my homeland. It would be a pleassure to get the best of your intelligence and artifacts.
#20190729 La nueva ilusión óptica que juega con tu cerebro: ¿la foto tiene color o está en blanco y negro? - CLARIN 15:48:11

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See , its the equivalent of blackmail and the material he draws out of peoples heads can be checked out as far as is possible. Of course you spy on him as well to see if he's playing any games

He came there to kill Frenchie and should have detected him doubling back with supersenses. When he thinks he's killed the Female, he runs in the direction Frenchie fled

>Comic Homelander has X ray vision
>Never looks under Black Noirs mask once with it

I thought he could only see their skeletons and QM's implants

That was Ellis.

Hmmm, I'll accept that. TV Homelander should be able to do it though since he looks through walls to perve

CIA probably knew he would do anything to get back in with Vought, which would make him a liability. And his celebrity status compromises him as a stealth operative anyway.

They said there was a metal he couldn't see through (nickle? It wasn't lead.) so maybe Black Noir's mask is made of that.

>And his celebrity status compromises him as a stealth operative anyway
Theres always plastic surgery but you'd use him to scan captured terrorists and defectors rather than use him as a field agent

They've changed things for the show so I wouldn't doubt it, but he said comic Homelander and I'm pretty sure he had actual x-ray vision

Zinc, but I'm pretty sure the comics don't mention what he can't see through since the whole "Box of Translucent" doesn't happen. I explicly remember a panel of him looking through a wall at the 7 and all he saw were skeletons and fake tits

>and write walls of superfluous text over the military/conspiracies/world war 2
It is almost not a problem now but then you realize that readers had to sit through Legend's shitty exposition dump for MONTHS.