It Keeps Happening

Only $8000 for Beauty & the Beast on VHS? What a steal!

Attached: vhs ebay.png (984x763, 367K)

disney is a cultural cancer that has long since metastasized beyond control

ShitBay is literal dog whistle cancer.

there opened so collectors pay top dollar not surpriseing

monetize normies

>no one bidding at these prices
I can list my toenail clippings for 10k USD, it doesn't mean they're worth that or anyone will pay that
nevermind that though, MUH DISNEY
why waste time on this when there are so many real examples of Disney being a big corporate shit?

Bruh they all have one bid.

damn should have saved my all my vhs

I only buy certain comics off ebay

un opened

Yeah, by some guy who opened the account with the sole purpose of reneging on the auction after it goes through. Ebay doesn't automatically take your money like Amazon, you have to approve payment.

Explain this black diamond meme

What the fuck? Are these really worth that much? I got rid of all my Disney VHS tapes a long time ago fuck I could have been fucking rich fuck fuck fuck

Attached: cryingwojak.jpg (205x246, 10K)

it's just money laundering. That or fake bids.

No, most are just bullshit sales or money laundering.

it's called the disney vault

It's part of the classics release, they call it the black diamond because the logo looks like that, yeah no other explanation. Also $7000? My god that's a lot for a vhs tape.

Nobody actually paid for these, come on

Most people won't actually buy this shit for a lot of money, if at all. It's like Beanie Babies.

You can buy most of the disney vhs shit for a few bucks each.

Attached: 13069502-CE37-4E08-8F45-BEB836DEBF9C.jpg (750x615, 132K)

It's *possible* but they have to be in absolutely pristine condition, unopened, etc. Otherwise they're almost completely worthless.
