What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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He was right

Literally my grandpa.

from my own experience, he was probably under the impression that him being black holds back his potential in society, just in a more psychotic way.
This is a complex that happens in a variety of races I think

Revitiligo. That's the opposite of what Michael Jackson got.

Were you not paying attention

But why did he have such a problem with them? that problem is just the symptom, what's the disease?

Is he also black?

His dad hit him

His mother brainwashed him into thinking he was white to boost his self esteem.


Not being able to hold on to a single job.


user, have you ever hung out around black people? Boondocks is actually closer to real life than you may think.

He's a depiction of an actual "uncle tom" type, basically a black man who tries his hardest to stay on the good side of the white man.

And he was fucking hilarious. Shame the show only got 3 seasons... Fucking shame..


I heard Aaron is picking it up again.

he hated his dad

But wasn’t there that other seas-
Oh wait, yeah, I forgot we don’t talk about that.

Oh hey that's good news.

nah, Tom the lawyer is the Uncle Tom - Ruckus is a self hating black

Boondocks is being revived by the way

He had that reverse vitiligo.

>held onto 46 jobs simultaneously


he'sa nigger
but I feel the million dollar question of the show wasn't answered yet...
was it rape?

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Yes Tom couldn't consent

His dad hated white people, his mom loved them. He hated his dad, loved his mom. Pretty simple.


a relation between a black male and a white woman is always based on rape

His movie didn't get funded.

>i'm black
shut up nigger

I only catched a couple of episodes on tv. Why everyone hates the last seasons so bad?

Reused some plots that didnt need to comeback
Took Ruckus from a loveable racist with reason to a flat out racist with no room to grow
>slow pointless grandad episodes
Most episodes were gay.

Ruckus suffered from a lot of abuse at the hands of his parents, who made him hate black people and think they're savages. It doesn't help that Tom's the only civilized one in Woodcrest to prove him wrong.

His father and grand mother made typical negroes look fucking tame on top of his mom wanting to be white and putting it into his head that he is also white.

so they just dropped season 2 of black jesus and we aint gonna see it.

His father and Grand Mother are over the top versions of characters from the Color Purple.

he's what I imagine /pol/ to be

Tom is the black guy who stayed out of trouble and didn't get too deep into black culture so he wouldn't be stereotyped as a hoodlum and get anally raped.

He took the redpill

Black people who stay out of trouble and black culture always get shit on by people in the ghetto for selling out. That's changing now because I'm hearing drug dealers nowadays are reading philosophy and business books.

Based & redpilled granpa


You must be yuropean, live near black towns is not like the BBC or CNN propaganda, is NOT a "multicultual or diverse place", is just dangerous

The Color Ruckus

Uncle Ruckus is black but is not a nigger, he work really hard everyday in his 46 jobs!

But Uncle Ruckus is not a "uncle Tom"...Tom is the "Uncle Tom", Uncle Ruckus is based AF

im not though

anyone have any more like this?
only one I remember seeing

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Choose one user!

>Black people who stay out of trouble and black culture always get shit on by people in the ghetto for selling out.

This is a myth. I’ve lived in the suburbs and the hood (S.E. And N.E. DC) and nobody’s ever shit on me for staying out of trouble.

It’s all in how you carry yourself. If you’re some fucking Urkel walking around then people will shit on you regardless of your skin color

Oh, so he was the ones the SJWs listened to.

It all makes sense now.

I live in the suburbs and the hood (Long Island) and I find that a lot of suburban blacks tend to want to move up the food chain. I was talking about urban blacks, especially ones that grew up in NYHA Apartments.

See His parents. Dad was an angry man, mom was a uncle to-... An aunt tammy? Whatever. Point being she worshipped the white skin.

Ruckus becomes County Executive of Woodcrest in the new comics.

In the Radio Interview with Charlamagne the God, Ruckus spells out that he hates Justice Democrats because they can't shut up for five minutes and are trying to help minorities. It's to the point where he'd like Elizabeth Warren if she wasn't a liberal.

There’s a difference between wanting to “move up the food chain” and saying that black people shit on you because you’re not Pookey and Ray Ray.

I’ve never had anyone shit on me for not getting in trouble and I not only lived in the hood but also had friends both in and after school that were about that life. If anything, I’d get shit on if I tried to perpetrate that I was about that life when I’m not.

That's because you were raised better by your parents and peers.

A lot of urban blacks or ones growing up in abusive households tends to create crime because the politicians care more about being in power than solving the problem.

Suburbs place more emphasis on being up to code and civic participation.

Uncle ruckus is literally an Uncle Tom. Tom isn’t actually an Uncle Tom. Uncle Tomis pajorative because the character in the book sat there and forgave his master for having two men beat him to death and basically justified his master’s acts. Basically he was an apologist for abusive whites. That’s what an Uncle Tom is.

Tom DuBois isn’t really an apologist for anyone. He’s just one of the few well-adjusted and reasonable people in the series.

What problem?

>That's because you were raised better by your parents and peers.

Better than who, exactly? What do you know about my life or how I was raised? I’m talking about how other people treated me. The statement was that being straight-laced gets you shit on by black people. 99% of the people that I’m around are black and I’ve never had that happen to me.

>A lot of urban blacks or ones growing up in abusive households tends to create crime because the politicians care more about being in power than solving the problem.

Dude, I grew up around “urban blacks” and I’ve never seen anyone “create crime” because politicians care more about “being in power” than “solving the problem”. Whatever that means.

Look, people in poor communities tend to be poor and have little options, so they generally do what they think they need to do to survive. Some people resort to crime as a result of poverty or frustration with their circumstances and a feeling that they can’t do anything productive to improve their situation. I’ve never had to deal with making that choice because any circumstance that I’d have to deal with like theirs was simply a phone call away from going away for me.

>Suburbs place more emphasis on being up to code and civic participation.

Suburbs places more emphasis on people with money. That’s been my experience. When I lived in the hood and the suburbs, people just universally minded their own damn business. But poor communities have poor resources and poor people tend to do all sorts of things for survival that you won’t see in the suburbs because people living in the suburbs have financial security while people in poor communities are way less likely to be in that position.

He's an aggressive Uncle Tom

It never fails to make me laugh that there are people who unironically think Tom DuBois was the "Uncle Tom" character and Uncle Ruckus wasn't.

Guaranteed replies:
>Tom didn't "act" black enough, that's an uncle tom
>Tom married a white woman. That's an uncle Tom!
>Tom was a prosecution attorney, a position which disproportionately condemns black people. Uncle Tom!

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That's the joke. Tom is just an average guy who respects himself and others, but other blacks would call him an Uncle Tom out of jealousy because deep down they all want what he has. He's intentionally contrasted with Ruckus.

/pol/ should kill themselves.

A couple thousand trolls killing themselves wouldn't change much. Now on the other hand if all blacks killed themselves then the world would be a lot better off.

Self hating nigga.

>This is a complex that happens in a variety of races I think
Except Asians who are above that shit and make something of themselves regardless of how society has treated them.

Why not both?

>Except Asians who are above that shit
You must not know many Asians.
They complain about that even more than black people, especially the gay Asians.

I lived in the hood and people definitely shit on you for not being heavily involved in black culture, especially in high school.
Nowadays as a grown as man the only people who do that are ghetto trash and single mothers.

then you're sympathizer, even worse.

lol no it's not

Literally nobody would miss you faggots.

cry harder tyrone

Conspiracy time? Aaron McGruder used him to vent about how he secretly hated his own people. See the the difference between the webcomic and the show, Aaron wrote the comic as a teen in the 90's and it was all about racism and how poorly whites pander to black culture, and then made the show as a adult in the 2000's, when genuine black culture took over the music and TV industry, and the show is just about making fun of everything terrible in black culture.

Aaron's persona being Huey, despise being a edgy leftist weeb, is also the only smart and decent black character in the show. While everyone around him isntead of fighting the white right being waste time being indoctrinated by tropes of the now mainstream black culture like glorifying violence, lazyness, crime culture, Kanye West egotism, rap comsusmerism, cheap entertanmeint, homophobia and hate against other minorities, race favoritism and lack of education. Aaron as a black activist now lives with the harsh truth that when his own kind became finally gained notoriety in american culture, they became exactly what people aways shamed them for being. Like the Martin Luther King episode said, this generation of blacks actually became a bunch of niggers

kys cletus

There's something so much sadder about seeing a self hating racist then just a hating racist. I think it's because it's more apparent how those beliefs harm the one holding them. = (

Uncle Ruckus had problems for sure but he was still a person who had a lot of suffering in his life. Hopefully he finds a way to be truly happy.

actually most white people can't stand you, it's really not a southern thing as you all migrated pretty substantially once you were no longer strictly farm equiptment, so you would have been better off with something pastier like Paul or Kevin

I'm white lol

not anymore

Am I a race traitor for not hating black people lol

Furthermore America never did a 180 on blacks like they did to Asians. Funny how geopolitics can make a country shift their view on a group of people.

>prosecution attorney
Didn't he do defense work to save other black men from his worst fear, prison rape?

He was blackpilled.

He was originally a prosecutor, but then switches to defense later on in like season 2 or 3. There's a bit where Huey calls it ironic that part of Tom's job is sending other black men to the thing he fears most.

Watch the Color Rukus episode. He had an abusive father and his mother tried telling him he was adopted and white to try to make him feel better about himself. Dude was messed up from the start by his family

Because Tom isn't an uncle Tom in any sense of the term. People just assume he was because his name is Tom and they don't have any critical thinking skills past that.

Nothing about Tom's character is part of the "uncle Tom" archetype. He's just a relatively successful, white-bread guy. He's not obsessed with pleasing white people and he's not "betraying" black culture by being who he is.

The closeted racists come out just as expected.

> that problem is just the symptom, what's the disease?

Black Culture itself. Huey talks about it all the time in the show. He's just more eloquent and optimistic about it because he's the protagonist and the audience is supposed to take him seriously.

Nigga Moments are a real thing. The leading cause of death for black men from the ages of 15-35 is homicide, and it's by a margin so wide that it's terrifying. There are almost 150 unsolved mass shootings in America, and most of them take place in black neighborhoods like Chicago and East St. Louis. Blacks are prone to ignorance, violence, aggression, and destructive behavior. There are a variety of factors that contribute to and possibly excuse this fact, but it is very much a fact.

oh are you done dilating?
alright pack it up boys fun's over for another couple of hours

Do you white people always have to bring up asians like every race has the same history and lifetsyle?

This isn't a black people thing,this is poor people thing
rednecks in small town make fun of you If you move out and peruse a education,Old Guido's in Italian neighborhoods take pride in the fact they have never learned English


This. All social strife stems from economics.

he pleases white people because he's married to a white woman

oh and his name is literally TOM

Ruckas cant be an uncle tom because he doesnt consider himself black. he has revertilago

Will you ignorant niggers PLEASE shut the hell up?

Is this it? THIS is what I got all those ass-whoopings for?

I had a dream once!
It was a dream that little black girls and black boys would one day drink from the river of prosperity, freed from the thirst of oppression!
But lo and behold, some five decades later? What have I found but a bunch of trifling, shiftless, good for nothing niggers!

And I know some of you don't want to hear me say that word. It's the ugliest word in the English language!
But that's what I see now: NIGGERS!
And you don't want to be a nigger!

Because niggers are living contradictions!
Niggers are full of unfulfilled ambitions!

Niggers wax and wane! Niggers love to complain!
Niggers love to hear themselves talk but hate to explain!

Niggers love being another man's judge and jury! Niggers procrastinate until it's time to worry!
Niggers LOVE to be late! Niggers HATE to hurry!

I've seen what's around the corner. I've seen what's over the horizon. And I PROMISE you, you niggers have nothing to celebrate.

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why was the new season so shitty

The main guy behind it wasn't a part of that season.

He does not like The Urbanite Culture however misappropriates it to all Dark skinned folks.
He is the wise fool, wise in his insight, but foolish in action.

While the issues of Urbanity run rampart, no one really wishes to fix this, because the uncultured Man will shrug their shoulders and say "Well, its Ethnic Group" while those of Culture will not want to lose their revenue of easily entertained and easily catered to audience of ignorant sad sacks who literally kill each other and refuse to educate themselves about the world and society around them, let alone try to escape their own constructs.

It's as Huey says, The Man keeps the Black Man down, however The Man doesn't give a flying fuck about color or ethnicity. They only care about Ignorance and the Prevalance of, while keeping people as stupid as possible so that they can sell worthless shit to, while promoting self destruction.

It's not just a black thing, and its not just an Urban thing. Its a global fucking epidemic of Ignorance so that people will consume, procreate, and make due with minimal comfort in a world where literally anyone has opprotunity to do whatever they damn well please.

In this world its Kings and Peasents, and the Peasents are so indentured in Peasentry that they cannot function outside of it.

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you left out the line about how terrible BET is

He don't ever relax

Yeah keep believing it's not biology. The absolute state of the idiocracy in action.

It's kinda of understandable since most black people can't even define it. It's morphed into an insult for any black person who "acts white" instead of someone who worships the white man. People would unironically call MLKJr an uncle tom if he was around today.

lol "his name is Tom therefore he is an uncle Tom". Guaranteed dumbass argument every time this topic comes up.

Whether or not white people are "pleased" by Tom's wife is irrelevant; he didn't marry her to please white people.

Ruckus is completely cognizant of his blackness in several instances in the first season. The first season finale, he is portrayed as being entirely aware that he is black, but wants to go to White Heaven by spreading White Jesus' word.

Uncle Ruckus is the uncle Tom character. Tom is just a guy named Tom and dumbasses think his name must mean he's an uncle Tom character despite him having exactly zero overlap with the uncle Tom archetype.

But nobody in the show calls Tom an Uncle Tom or treats him as an Uncle Tom. Literally nobody's Jealous of Tom. He’s basically a non-factor.

Yes it is. It’s a particularly obnoxious myth because the only people that really get shit on are fucking obvious nerds and nerds getting shit on is something that happens with every race. When I was in high school, I was on the honor roll for three years in a row and tutored some of my classmates. Nobody ever gave me shit for getting good grades or knowing how to read.

>he pleases white people because he's married to a white woman

Whut? It used to be against the law for a black man to marry a black woman.

Dude, the Asians that we get over here are an elite sample. Pretty much anyone that can afford to fly to the US would be. For instance, African immigrants do similarly well in America.

Pretty much all Asians in the US are from families that immigrated to the US in the last 100 years.

>It's kinda of understandable since most black people can't even define it. It's morphed into an insult for any black person who "acts white" instead of someone who worships the white man. People would unironically call MLKJr an uncle tom if he was around today

first off, an Uncle Tom is a sellout. That’s the fucking definition. Plain and simple. Secondly, nobody would call MLK an Uncle Tom if he were alive today tho Malcolm X basically called him a sellout in the 1960’s. What are you basing your statements on?