Is this the best animated film ever made? Honestly, it’ll take a lot to top this one.
Is this the best animated film ever made? Honestly, it’ll take a lot to top this one
I don't know or care whether you're being sincere but I really wish you hadn't made this thread
Is not even in the top 5, I'm not even sure if is in the top 10
Is good but you are overrating it way too much.
another "i liked a shit movie " thread
Explain why it’s shit then.
It's the best mainstream one made in the past 5 years, that's for sure. Disney's been on autopilot for a long time now.
Contender for best this decade
Absolutely not best of all time. The depth is too deep for this
>Toy Story 3
>Lego Movie
Were the 3 best cgi movies of the 2010s
kill yourself its trash you make this thread each week no one wants you here
do yourself a solid and walk into oncoming traffic
Bitch I know you cried at Toy Story 3 ending too, we all cried, is ok to cry.
Lol and I know why you will think this
explain why it's trash
because its garbage and you have no human value if you liked it LOL
Great argument but okay, m8 :^)
it is now leave i won you lost
*blocks your path*
Are you going to explain why it’s shit though?
Have you only seen a couple of animated films? This shit was in the "good" category but not even close to great.
Give me more examples then.
It rhymes with "I do not like triggers"
No but it is great and I hope tons of 3d movies in the future go very stylistic like it. Maybe not the exact thing they did as to just be a copycat but more unique ideas like it.
honestly yeah. i think about this movie a lot.
>Black taking over white man
>interacial pairing with blonde white girl
>girl has nose piercing when she is 14
>nig hop all the way through
I finally see why this is being shiled so hard
Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 it 8/8
I'm not of the opinion its shit, its really not, its just kind of mediocre and held back from being 'good' by
>Lots of plotholes, mostly around Kingpins actions because otherwise the villain would win, and that's only allowed to happen at the start of the movie.
>Penni, Proker and Noir are completely superficial characters, they just appear randomly in the story and make no meaningful contributions or develop over the course of it. They're not even plot elements to move the story along, they're just kind of there
>Followup to previous point, because they're so underdeveloped and pointless, its downright baffling they tried to give Penni a drawn out emotional moment with her robot being dead despite establishing in their quickie intro that the robot is just a machine, the pilot is the spider who's perfectly fine. This isn't a passing thing, its drawn out to be this big moment in the middle of a climactic battle and it just makes no sense.
>Mile's Dad brief moment of hating Spider-Man is pretty damn pointless and forgotten the exact next time they meet, so that development never made any sense yet took up a lot of time.
>Everything about Gwen's introduction makes no sense and it comes off as a mid-episode retcon to explain why this cute girl in class is also a spider.
There's more issues besides that, but they're mostly just irritation rather than real problems, tried to just stay focused on where the story and characters failed and as a result the whole foundation of the movie is pretty shaky and very much requires a 'don't think about it' approach. And frankly, anyone who says the greatest animated movie ever made requires you not to think about the plot probably shouldn't be the judge of that.
I can list a tonne of animated films better than this overhyped dogshit.
>durr ur jus a racicsst!
not an argument, faggot
You liked Lego Movie but not the other two? I think you might have the autisms, my friend.