With Rocko btfo, how will pic related be ruined?

With Rocko btfo, how will pic related be ruined?

Attached: best-invader-zim-episodes.jpg (825x464, 40K)

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It won’t be

I doubt they will push any fag agenda.

Have you seen the new character designs? Absolute shit.
>I doubt they will push any fag agenda
>Aired on Gayflix

Dib somehow gains the ultimate victory over Zim

Gaz a lesbian.

If they have the slightest mention of romance between the main characters

I'm somewhat out of the loop, how was Rocko ruined? The trailer looked just fine to me.

Joe made his self-insert transgender

>With Rocko btfo, how will pic related be ruined?
>I doubt they will push any fag agenda.

>Dib and Tak team up to stop Zim
>They bond over their mutual hatred of him and appear to have chemistry
>Dib tries to kiss Tak
>She shoves him away and says that she has a girlfriend
>Due to this humiliating rejection, Dib becomes an even more seething MRA than he already is

There ya go.

rocko seems fine. still gonna watch it

>that greentext


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It's fucking bizarre (but completely deserved) how low people's expectations of artists are nowadays. In the past, the worry was "Is the story boring?"; now it's "Is the story trying to convince me to cut my dick off?"

That's it? Personally I wouldn't let a single fag reference ruin the entire movie for me.

Attached: again with this shit.png (540x468, 381K)

>Dib and Tak team up to stop Zim
>They bond over their mutual hatred of him and appear to have chemistry
>Dib tries to kiss Tak
>She shoves him away and says that she has a girlfriend
>Due to this humiliating rejection, Dib becomes an even more seething MRA than he already is

This post is honestly even more weird considering I read a fanfic about dib and tak this week

>Rocko btfo

Says who?

I hate this, but it would be in-character for Dib. He can never, EVER win. Or even if he wins, he still has to lose somehow. That is the rule with him. He HAS to suffer. He can never be happy.

So I could see this awful shit happening (but it won't because Jhonen has a No Romance rule, thank god).

Not him but the whole plot is about the trans character and other character's reaction to the character. The episode title is literally 'I have no son'

I'm worried that they'll put so much time into it and none of it will be comedic

>The episode title is literally 'I have no son'

No, that was an episode of the original series (the one that introduced Ralph Bighead). The tranny Netflix special is called "Static Cling" (for some reason).

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They will pull a Tuca and Bert & Ernie-type spin.

dib and gaz are fukcing SPICS, everything is round and jhonen needs to die

user that isn’t even the name of the movie. It’s called static cling. The episode you are talking about comes from the original run of the series.

I think it may be called static cling with it having to do with the show that the frog made?

Was that axe used to cut off Ralph's penis?

hispanic's not a race you dumb irish cocksucker

It already is. The movie has already turned it into a cal arts style shit show. It doesn’t even have half the spirit the original show had.

>Romantic relationships

I'd be okay with this (but I never had any emotional investment in Zim) as long as they have no Zim/Anybody undertones


Dib hooking up with an Irken girl is the ultimate irony and best imaginary ending. Don't take that away from me, Jhonen.

My money would have been on Peter Wolfe.

He's far too obscure

Everyone in invader Zim is asexual and aplatonic

Wait people ship Dib and Tak? I thought Dib and Zim were the big ship. Times change I guess.

They also ship Zim with Gaz

I ship Dib and Tak but only if it involves femdom.

It's technically /ss/ is why.

Define spic?

Like castizo, criollo, or mestizo?

Oh wait

You can't read

The only characters that would even slightly be confirmed gay are the Tallest and currently dating.

trans character subplot

Spic is a slur for mestizo, spic.
And we WASPs hate you more than micks do.

Dib was a trans boy the whole time.

That's from Rocko, not from Zim. What the Fuck are you talking about now?

Read the sequence of messages again.

weird colors and animation.

It doesn't have the spastic ADHD jerkiness of the original and I find that unsettling

My only gripe is everything being round.

Get me proof not coming from any lame ass user mouth, Visual Evidence we need.


Lot of irish hate, it ok, your women spread like butter for the red dick.

They're making a joke about how Zim will be ruined the same way that Rocko was

Because Reboots sucks?

He dilates with the handle.


Look a fossil.


>making a meme to compliment your diaper rash
Nice one.


who the fucks still carries that shit around like a badge? laughing my ass ON for this one




forced memes


If this happens, I will throw a brick in Jhonen's window

Attached: dibcel.png (1170x756, 1.06M)

Zim decides he needs to become a MAGA redneck to fit in

British are still the largest minority ancestry among whites in the US.

I remember co shitting their bricks over the fact Gaz and Dib were Mexican. Which shouldn't be a surprise given Jhonen home town.

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This. It's the exact same mindset I'm in with the whole TF2 comic Scout/Miss Pauling/Pauling potentially being a lesbian situation. It fits the series if it happens because it's humor is built on intentional let downs. It would still hurt if it happened though.

That's very weird thing considering co loves Guillermo Del Toro

It depends if you're a het or a homo shipper. If you're going for het shipping most go Dib/Tak and Zim/Gaz. The latter is self inserting girls who find more in common with Gaz than Tak, former is probably based on their mutal hate for Zim and potential team up even if there wasn't much chemistry in the show.

At least that was the vibe I got from the fanworks made during the show's prime.

GDT is a fucking hack and Shape of Water is one of the worst Picture winners ever

Wait, what happened with Rocko?

Oh, nothing. Just that Bighead has no son. He has a daughter.


true but the other nominees were shittier

It won't.

Ummm, through shit-tier animation, sweetie.

Holy shit I didn't think it was that bad. Why does this happen every time? Why can't animators stick to what went so right?
Is it only because the industry-standard programs of today can't replicate how people use to animate?

is this the thread where we make up things to be outraged by?


God, remember when characters didnt need to have arcs or grow? If zim was made today both dib and zim would grow as people and become friends.

Did you even watch the show? They were starting to build an arc, with Dib repairing Tak's ship and planning to travel the universe. The Resisty was introduced so Dib could join them. None of that came to fruition because the show was cancelled.

Just jelly because your fanfic of a golden age monster having a penis will never win an award

The designs are round and cuter
The colors are all off
The Dib no longer has a big head
Dob & Gaz are tan even though considering their lifestyle they should be pale (and nationality does not make a skin color mandatory, Jhonen).
The animation seems cheaper
The backgrounds have a billion layers but somehow not the same comic-level detail as the original
Everyone will sound old
Membrane is fat now

Implying it's not muscle under the coat

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Then I should've seen some arm
The studio animating this is too cheap to add that detail.
So instead he wears gloves like he's inseminating cows.

>gloves like he's inseminating cows