How do you draw ethnic characters without being racist?

How do you draw ethnic characters without being racist?

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Step 1: Don't care what Tumblrtards thinks of it

Wtf, her eyes are SMALLER than the pic on the right

>if you are non-Asian
why does this matter?

OP is an iToddler and a faggot

how could she score such a qt bf

by that logic all white guys look like this

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That's kinda sad. There's nothing ridiculous or offensive about the drawing on the right

His mouth isnt opened wide enough and he doesnt have a soup bowl beard

Left looks like Japanese while right looks like Chinese.

>"Asian" is a singular, uniform look, not a loose grouping of barely related ethnicities across an enormous area
I just reject your hypothesis.

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It would help if she actually called artists out using some of the art she's been seeing as an example. Right now it just looks like her racist sample was exaggerated on purpose just to prove her point.

Now post the one with the unfunny kike "comedian" that married that nigger "comedian" that got butthurt about her MASSIVE fucking shnoz being exaggerated in a caricature

do it in the past

The problem there is mostly the skin color. also this user makes a good point.

How is Quentin so based?

Ok why should I be outraged about this again?

Is the joke that her ideal look is basically just a white person? She's subconsciously admitting white people are better looking and ideal in every single way?

Because she looks literally nothing like the left image. No Asian does.

Urasawa Naoki, certified Japanese, begs to differ.

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It's not even exaggerated that much.

Not everyone looks like Tom Cruise.

I'm asian and this pic feels racist af
>You have to draw asians like whitewashed anime girls because my own subconscious racism hates looking at people like this
>if you're just plain asian you disgust me
Fuck off, seriously

The one on the right actually looks Asian. Maybe the skin tone is too close to yellow, but it's still pretty far from some racist caricature.

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ok but for real Gina is the worst character in B99 and I was glad when she left

They do

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Kek. Will never not be funny


Artist here. I'm laughing my ass off

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They do.

I think it’s wonderfully ironic that tumblr and Twitter artists try so hard to make it absolutely clear that they’re drawing a non-white person that they end up drawing a racial caricature.

This is how all minorities should be draw going forward. Because after all, minorities are just white people with a different coat of paint.

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Ok, this is based.

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I mean, if you count the Sibir or the Kazakh into "Asian", I think the left may be closer to that.
But it is truly pointless to argue a singular way to depict a person as "Asian".
Not even Japan is an actual homogenous gene pool.
Between Hokkaido and Okinawa I'm sure you can pick out differences just by how much Ryukyuan or Ainu you get in the mix.
And China is a complete non-starter, given the Uygur and Tibetans are technically Chinese, if not by choice.

>some people think "stylized" e. asians characters look like
Who are these "some people" anyway? Every time I see shit like this, they always seem to mention some unseen 1940-tier propaganda caricaturist that doesn't exist.

Draw them as animals and then let you guys complain about it.

Lie. Today's audience can't stand the truth, portrayal of truthful elements will get you labeled as a "racist" and you'll be written off to the black list of "problematic wildcards". So what you do is, you draw a white character, then throw the brown or slightly pasty yellow paint on them, if they're asian (or not), you make sure their names I common white but the surname is common asian. This is known as a "professional netflix adaptation move". Remember, people don't like looking at the truth, they can't handle it, is one of the reasons why pandering is a huge thing now (the other thing being money), oh and foreign social "justice" brownie points! Almost forgot that one.

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That black kid on the left has puffier lips than the rest.

i'm afraid your wife is now 100% a frog sir

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>without being racist?
are you white? guess what? you're racist
now go to hell

Don't you have a Brietbart conspiracy article you need to be shitposting on? You're almost to 10000 posts on Disqus, keep it up kiddo

If you have a problem with your ethnic features being exaggerated or caricaturised, you probably struggle with issues relating to self loathing or internalized racism.


>I still want to fuck that stylized one

All people with dark skin tell me I look like Superman. I look nothing like Superman. Should I be offended?

>don't draw them ethnic enough = white washing
>draw them too ethnic = racist caricature
>try to find middle ground = mansplaining

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I’m a 5’0, dark haired and eyed white dude with very average features, and a decently fit body.

I literally got called Batman/Bruce Wayne like four times when I went to Asia

Might as well ask here before it gets deleted, the fuck is the clown pill /pol/?/

I meant 5’10, but 5’0 sounds funnier so whatever

Clearly the answer is to never include minorities in anything ever. Or never let white people draw.

>I literally got called Batman/Bruce Wayne like four times when I went to Asia

when will the scourge of anti-white racism end???

Just have it so you can recognize the ethnicity while still keeping the style of the show.
Just look at this image. They could've easily gave Rigby tiny black raccoon eyes and weird teeth, but they made him fit the show's style while still having unique features of an animal.

Attached: regularshow.jpg (640x360, 50K)

That's the whole issue right there.
If you demand all depictions of Asians to look like some Californian Quarter-Asian model or closer to that than to the evident Asian people one could meet in -say- Asia, that's mostly a you-problem.

And the color-thing is even more ridiculous. It's simply hard to precisely hit the impression of color a human face gives in natural light with a reasonable palette. White people always end up looking way off, too. And they are all different from each other, too.
If all your Asian characters end up with any one uniform color or face structure, then you may have an issue with racism because you don't treat them as individuals.
But to try and dictate a single color for "Asian people"? Preposterous!

Aww man, didn't have to do shit.
If she had a problem with looking like a shnozmonster, then she should go get a rhinoplasty surgery like the rest of her tribe.
Always nagging like niggin naggers, they shit on everybody and their looks but the moment the same shit is done to them it's "oy vey! take it down goy! muh holoholo! muh hitlar!".


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I love you Yea Forums I truly do.

My Korean gf draws herself with little slits for eyes. She calls them her "chinky eyes". Should I report her to the SJW gestapo?

Give him a shitty mohawk and it could be me. Down to the horribly squinty eyes and face pubes.

I'm a 6'3" white guy and when I went to Asia people met in my shadow on busy squares.
Che-check you manlet privilege, baka!

>Draws herself with a skinny head when she clearly has some weight to those cheeks

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It's an oxymoron catch-22.

Must've been the highlight of your life.

>Clearly the answer is to never include minorities in anything ever.
This. And if it's drawn by whites, and others have a problem with it, tell them: "It's was not meant for you to consume~".

Wow bro, you BETTER be a white guy or that is SERIOUSLY racist.

they do tho

the character on the right looks alright you fucking retard

Fuck, I laughed so hard at this, my sides reached Nirvana.
Glorious punch line, clean execution.

Have sex

there's a literal gringo with eyes closed from smiling just like her in the same pic
are you this stupid on purpose?

that's like 80 percent of this board

That's too perfect.

ooph dude

That show gets a pass because the creator is asian

>Racist caricature eyes
East Asians have fucking slanted eyes. I'm black I got big lips and nose.

>implying Yea Forums is that handsome
you fucking wish, this is more accurate

>I’m black

Ok /pol/

Man, you wish.

Is that Todd Howard trying to sell a game?

For the longest time blacks also complained about cartoons with big lips, just recently they realized the actually racist thing was to remove them

>How do you draw ethnic characters without being racist?

You will be accused of racism no matter what you do.

I'm white but I identify as Asian, so I also get a pass.

Times like this with posts like these.
It's magical.

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Big think.

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Isn't usually the case that only black characters have lips, everyone else has a line for a mouth.

no but you should upload some of her pics

where did you get this photo-realistic drawing of my face while getting my dick blown?

based thread

One of your Yea Forumsmblr mutts posted this shit with his very cringy edgy poem on /int/. Why are you Yea Forumsmblr scum so cringy?

I only ever draw asian women. simply draw a white girl and give her rat tails

I still draw all asian people to look like this. Most regrettable.

I'm old, I ain't changin' now.

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>/int/fag complains about the quality of his board
>the same board spammed with shitty memes and frogs

You're one to shit talk.

>And China is a complete non-starter, given the Uygur and Tibetans are technically Chinese, if not by choice.
According to the ChiComs, Chinese just means Han, those other ethnic groups are just figments of your imagination.

>"A human skintone"

Pretty offensive to asian people who literally do have a yellowish hue in their skin tb h

yeah you posted that cringy edgy shit. at least /int/ is by far less america centric than this garbage mutt board. just kill yourself stupid americunt.

>eyes are slits when smiling
Oh come on.

Jesus christ that nose takes up like 75% of her face.

>My cousin is half Chinese his bilirubin was a bit high when he was born and we all thought it was funny as hell.

Underrated post here

Billy who?

The world is so crazy and stupid that it's like a joke. Hence clown world.

/pol/ is all Mexicans tho

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>I’m a 5’0
Jesus christ. Grow a beard you fucking dwarf.

shes fucking korean of course shes racist against other asians.

the important thing to note here is that you should never listen to cali-asians about anything because they're all self-hating hapas.

Its an enzyme that made his skin really yellow.
Just needed a little sunlight to get some vitamin d going to clear it up.


Step one, dont be American

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Don't all asians hate eachother?

I remember when japan took a poll about if Nkorea attacked america and the most chosen result was to invade Skorea.

Congratulations, it's a caricature!

asians historycally have not been treated worse than italians or irish or even jews, with the exception of the japanese during WW2.
Why do they act like they have victim status on par with black americans or native americans? Even jews in Germany don't play the victim card as much

I'm tanned does that make me black?

/pol/ going through an absurdist phase.
Other way around, South Koreans voting to invade Japan if we invaded North Korea without their say so.

Do they? Most asians I've known love ethnic caricatures. They think they're cute.

Oh. Still illustrates my point. Fucking asians always hate all other asians.


This. The most racist individual I've ever met in my life was my old Korean boss. He'd talk about "niggers", "spics" and "jews" all day long. But he was never more racist than he was talking about other types of Asians.

Urasawa is one of my alltime favourite artists

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Unironically, Yea Forumsmblrinas are truly out of touch, much more regressive, ignorant, and older than Yea Forumstards. Also much less liberal and diverse. Post this on Yea Forums. You white soibois and roasites will instantly get BTFO.

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>How do you draw ethnic characters without being racist?
Not a single drawing is racist in and of itself, people provide that judgment themselves.

some things will always be taboo like drawing black people with big bug eyes and huge red lips
to a lesser extent, asians with bright yellow skin and buck teeth

its KINDA okay if you give these traits individually, but not really okay if its all together

probably the worst thing you could do is just draw all minorities one way instead of multiple ways

basically, don't let 1 ugly asian be the only asian in your comic kind of shit

>tom Cruise
he's jewish

Have you ever seen a Chinese character in anime?

Nope, he’s of English, German and Irish ancestry.

If you're worried about offending people while making something then stop making it and stop making anything because you're very much in the wrong line of work.

no he's a Scientologist
which is arguably worse

>South Koreans voting to invade Japan if we invaded North Korea
South Koreans are the biggest weaboos. they rather be considered Japanese.

Thank you, this is the counterpoint to the "negroid" pol posters use as a argument.

>GF is SEA has eyes like right
>Literally every Korean I've ever met has the left unless they for surgery

why are you Yea Forums cucks this stupid and old.

i mean, dont you even know theres a bunch of counter-meme images to easily kill this ancient meme.

what do you mean

Fuck I meant the reverse

he's like over 9000 level of clear and have surely ascended beyond mere genetics by now

Why do I get the distinct feeling this bitch is an Asian-AMERICAN?

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>unless they for surgery

Why are koreans so embarrassed about the way they look?

Sometimes this board is still alright

why do white people think it matters
why do white people have so much fascination with asians also being racist? like it justifies their own racism?

She should be asking herself why she thinks "slit" eyes are unattractive. In Chinese culture these are known as "phoenix eyes" and considered regal.

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Black are also racist. As are jews. And mexicans. Hmm, it seems like everyone is racist.

don't, make them extra racist for the hate views.

whats your point?
how does that justify racism?

Everyone's a lil' bit racist

What is Vince doing here?

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Because white Americans both left and right cry the loudest


No matter how woke you think you are, the generation that comes after you will think everything you ever did is problematic. I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's just a form of lashing out at their parents.

you see this with any asian girl who dates a white guy

>why do white people think it matters
>why do white people have so much fascination with asians also being racist? like it justifies their own racism?
new flash sweetheart, every ethnic/racial group is racist. Latinos hate blacks, blacks hate asians, asians hate other asians, and don't get me started on the caste system in India. The idea that whites are somehow the most racist is silly.

how does that justify racism

>shoot the loudest

Just pointing out that you assume everyone who is racist is white. That's racist.

Drinking a nice cup of grape kool-aid

i've never seen a black person talk about how japanese and koreans supposedly hate each other
like racism is a hive mind and its not an individual belief


this. if you're not racist, you're not paying attention. it's just newspeak for pattern recognition of human behaviors.

fuck me that is perfect

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you would think that would stop being true after trump but it only became more true

you Yea Forumsmblr sjws/oldfags are talking about old false/dead stuff as if its still alive and can still work as the smug narrative "yeah this is a taboo" or "asians secretly wanna be like whites" lmao

too naive and impressionable, and out of touch. i dont gather the images, but its a fact that Yea Forums polacks finally gave up on spreading this meme and lost the game, cause Yea Forums azns developed and had a bunch of evidences that can scientifically and objectively disprove this shit.

I have. Just because you haven't seen it does not mean it does not exist. Stop being racist.

>i've never seen a black person
Because you avoid them you racist

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