Thoughts on this Hickman chart?

Thoughts on this Hickman chart?

Attached: Moira chart.png (6050x1687, 815K)

It'll be interesting to see what's up with life six

As dedicated autist, i fucking love Hickman charts

Her sixth life is our actual non-fiction world

same visual design as the East of West one

Attached: 26-33.jpg (2490x547, 188K)

Moira asked Dr. Doom to help her in her sicth life. Doom then created a machine that stole the powers of all mutants, making himself the all powerful GOD EMPEROR DOOM. Moira then shot her own head and started again.

The tenth timeline makes no fucking sense.


UK universities do not act in loco parentis for students under the age of 18, who are legally considered to be children (usually written up as minors, as they have not reached the age of majority/voting age).

While it is possible to enter into certain types of contract in the UK as a minor of 16 or older, the university would require that the parents act not only as guarantors on any contracts the child was unable to sign - financial agreements such as loans, including course fees - but to provide support to the child. This would need to be agreed in writing as for the university to just wing it would involve some strict liability offences (that is, offences where it is only necessary to prove that the act was committed and guilt is proven, sidestepping the issue of intent) regarding child welfare. Such offences can result in imprisonment for individuals and unlimited fines for organisations and individuals, as well as improvement orders from authorities and the courts.

Specifically, since UK universities do not maintain separate halls of residence for the under-18s and most under-18 students are simply 17 year olds who will turn 18 within the first academic year of attendance (having begun primary schooling in the september of the school year they turned 5, instead of beginning the september after their 5th birthday which is the latest legal date for a child to begin primary education in the UK), there are issues of maturity and group conduct to consider. No UK university would agree to house a minor under the age of 17 in its halls of residence, which leaves only private sector housing as an option. Private landlords are notoriously difficult with university students, and are free to refuse to enter into any contract with a child, no matter how mature they appear to be in their academic achievement.

tl;dr unless she's living in Oxford with her parents, she didn't go to Oxford at 16 in any world

Copied from the other thread

I want Hickman to somehow merge all the timelines into one so that the entire history of the X-Men happened because of Moira.

the ones that go over are the "evil" ones and the ones that are under aren't.

i'm a little confused by the tenth timeline cause it seems like the most standard/recent one but the big meeting with Xavier is clearly the first time they meet

it's gotta be going somewhere like that.

Its rubbish.
Its a little bit "yas queen" and retroactivly retcon. Guess he liked the idea of Jenny Sparks from the authority.
Its unneeded and convolutes too much the history.

the tenth timeline is current 616 canon. We're just at various points on it -- the implication is that Moira told Xavier everything she had ever known before he started the x-men, so they've been manipulating the system unbeknownst to everyone else.

Destiny was a better "i know future and past" women.

My gf came to uni when she was 16 and we lived in the same halls of residence.

I don't like the color choices

In medieval times 13 year olds used to go to Oxford. Maybe they still have that around in that world

The avengers charts turned out just a waste of pages in the end, but I can't remember if the f4 ones were.

Either way I'd just ignore them this time.

You know mutants aren't real, either?

That was the whole point retard
Tony made the Avengers Machine to give Cap something to do while he was fighting the Incursions

For real, WHY doesn't she go to someone like Reed or Strange? I would suggest Pym but that'll just create an Ultron/Nimrod Hybrid.

Unless that was in the 1970s then your uni broke the law, as did your imaginary girlfriend's parents or legal guardians, or if she had none and lied about it to get loans and fees arranged, your imaginary girlfriend did too. And Oxford does not accept 16 year olds into halls regardless.

Not at Oxford.

You know it's weird that a middle aged man fantasizes about underage girls without adult supervision taking part in an explicitly adult pursuit, controlling his world and ostensibly being the central figure of it, but actually being 10x disposable dolls for him to play with?

That's weird, user. He's fantasizing about little girls who are secretly grown up enough to control him, explicitly so given their precocious intelligence and magic powers, which sounds an awful lot like the muh animal passions defense of a sexual predator. Of course Hickman would never think that way, he's just whippin up a fantasy world with his unbridled genius.

But they do say write what you know. Probably should have stuck to highschool dropout situations like all the other comic book writers tho.

So why does Moira think Krakoa will go any better than Faraway?

Presumably because they waited to do it until they had Omega mutants and a defensible infrastructure as opposed to Faraway.

Keep in mind that according to PoX #1 she seems right and Krakoa only fell 40 years in the future due to chimerae sperging out

Does he gets off these things?

I want to know how the apoc timeline ended

>TFW The Bad future gets adverted due to the Master Mold space station in HoX#1 gets fucked because they allowed HYDRA agents aboard.
>It falls into the sun while the sentinels scream "HAIL HYDRA!"

It's explicitly said that everyone considers her a crazy young prodigy because of her memories, so it would not be a stretch if an exception was made. Don't know why you're trying to make it a sexual thing though, you weirdo.

Her parents just rented a shitty apartment and she lived there.

The compression doesn't, but Hickman's tweeted that getting Moira's death and Genosha genocide the wrong way around is a mistake.

I don't think it'll turn out to be the case, but the idea that life 6 is 616 is growing on me. On a meta level it would mean that all of the Moira lives after 6 are futures that we, the readers, will never get to, just like all the 'possible' futures in X-Men/Marvel comics.

Its not even that. Yeah, due to the compression we have shit like Legion being born less than 5 years before the present day.

But its shit like the Magneto/Xavier split being Year 47, which doesn't fit with Erik being active as Magneto way earlier in a previous timeline. Or Xavier sets up the school and recruits the O5 after Year 47, but in fourth timeline, he recruits them in Year 35. But clearly, the current timeline doesn't have them recruited as adults, which is impossible according to fourth timeline. This shit is not even internally consistent with the fucking premise of the issue.

I like the idea and general plot of the issue. The details are completely fucked due to Hickman lack of attention, though. Unless, as an user mentioned in a previous thread, the fucked up continuity is intentional, and there's some time fuckery going on.

>You know it's weird that a middle aged man fantasizes about underage girls without adult supervision taking part in an explicitly adult pursuit, controlling his world and ostensibly being the central figure of it, but actually being 10x disposable dolls for him to play with?
>That's weird, user. He's fantasizing about little girls who are secretly grown up enough to control him, explicitly so given their precocious intelligence and magic powers, which sounds an awful lot like the muh animal passions defense of a sexual predator. Of course Hickman would never think that way, he's just whippin up a fantasy world with his unbridled genius.
Found the pedo.

Projecting much, user?

>Does he gets off these things?
I think it's more of a compulsion like a kleptomaniac feeling the need to steal things just to steal things rather than a fetish.

It's kinda sad, really.