What's the last most influencial cartoon series of all time ?

What's the last most influencial cartoon series of all time ?

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Star vs


>the last most
The same as the first most

Gravity Falls.

Rick & Morty

I don't think you thought this question through

Depends what you mean with "influencial". Cartoons like The Simpson and South Park have no doubt left their influence in American culture, and I think Rick & Morty is closest to a modern cartoon than can do the same.

If you mean influencial in animation industry, Adventure Time.

Gravity Falls, feels like everybody is trying to do overarching mystery lately


>all these faggots NOT saying Steven Universe or The Horse Show despite knowing it's true.
The only other contender is Rick and Morty

What did rick and morty influence ?

Adventure time started the trend of episodic shows moving towards having an overarching plot

Final space

It's still hard to say by now as the young folks who are really into it are still growing up and we have no idea how long the show is going to last. But as I see it, it has a chance of raising a generation of people who are into cheerful nihilism much like South Park raised a bunch of people into "both sides" thinking.

The thing is that just like how you were never supposed to agree with Eric Cartman, you're not supposed to agree with Rick either. But that's what the fanbase is doing and we'll see where it goes.

Literally who

Detentionaire premiered befire gravity falls

OP I'm going to let you phrase this question in a way that makes sense
what have any of these shows influenced?

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Horse show has created a huge fandom that's observable by real people in real life, reaching beyond the corners of the internet, one which - if we measure it by raw amount of images uploaded to one of their leading websites - doesn't seem to shrink despite the decline of the show.
It has likely produced more fan content than any other cartoon in history. It's practices are felt and copied by many other fandoms.

The Simpsons is the only correct answer you fucking idiots. Go ask in the streets who Finn or Star are and NOBODY will answer it correctly but even my grandmother knows who Homer is.

Shut up boomer


Whatever started the Calarts style first. I want to say Adventure Time.

Paw Patrol
>consumed by every toddler
>has almost dystopian ideals of work ethic

Can't wait how the kids watching this will turn out

This is all Yea Forums's fault for lauding this as the greatest cartoon ever back in 2010

Rigor Mortis

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Gravity falls

>What's the last most influencial cartoon series of all time ?
Merrie melodies. Not even a matter of discussion.

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Adventure Time EASILY

MIckey Mouse.

Of the last decade? Adventure time
In general? The Simpsons probably.

>All this Adventure Time

It's like you people don't even know about The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. Oh god, you don't know, do you? Pendleton Ward, the creator of Adventure Time, worked previously on Flapjack. But, not just him, Quintel, the guy who went on to make Regular Show, Alex Hirsch, the hack behind Gravity Falls, and Patrick McHale, the guy who made Over The Garden Wall, all worked on Flapjack first. Adventure Time's influence is easier to see from a consumer standpoint, but if you want to talk about influence in the modern cartoon industry and don't bring up Flapjack, you are an ignorant idiot.

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Yeah, it's probably this. Though it was just a 3rd rate Ren & Stimpy rip-off with all of the stuff that would offend fat lesbians removed.

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