Read some Judge Dredd right now!
Read some Judge Dredd right now!
The recommended lists for you citizens.
I strongly recommend you buy your copies and not pirate them. Pirating is theft, citizens
Alternatively read some Judge Anderson.
Her stuffs also phenomenal and focuses more on paranormal, horror and psychedelic shit
I pirate all my Dredd/2000AD stuff but out of guilt I buy merchandise.
I have all the Dredd videogames, some card games, and like 9 Dredd t-shirts, 2 hoodies and a polo shirt.
The "modern" Dredd stories are stories from 20+ years ago lol. America came out in 1990!
This list needs updated.
In OP's monologue Dredd uses "citizen" and "electors" interchangeably. What are the requirements of becoming a citizen of Mega-City One in the Dredd setting? Does it require public service like Starship Troopers? What % of people living in the city would be citizens?
>Does it require public service
Haha. Mega city 1 cits are drooling morons most of the time.
They literally vote for things by pressing a button on their TV remotes and most of them get bored of the politics and change the channel completely and never vote.
As for being a citizen you have to be born in MC1. Or have legally lived there for probably 10+ years.
>As for being a citizen you have to be born in MC1. Or have legally lived there for probably 10+ years.
that was old Dredd
In the context of losing 90% of your population through a bio-chemical plague then yeah sure. Let them in.
It's not a dredd thread without judge user, the only name fag who I look forward to seeing
Bucciaratti is a good chief
I will. I just want to know what's happening with the TV show.
That's some great art.
>Undocumented Illegals
>Surrounded by a huge fuck off wall
>Outside of which is a barren wasteland
I haven't read this one, but I'm assuming the "undocumented illegals" are actual aliens and not Cursed Earth muties.
Also its funny cus the aliens are literally trying to take over invade so the evil bigoted Trump supporter parody people are 100% in the right to not want them in the the in world context.
I hope nobody who collects the case files has OCD like issues lol
Wow. This story has layers!
Well shit, I guess I'll need to figure out something else. Because that's painful to look at.
Why don't people like Dredd? I don't get it.
It's literally and unironically the galaxy's greatest comic.
it's not American
I really should, since I'm running a lewd Judge Dredd/Eclipse Phase TTRPG.
but it takes place in america and has lots of guns and far right views.
Amerifats should love it
Is this unedited official art? Very racy depiction of a judge, even for that character.
B-but Dredd, I like getting free stuff
It's a commission made by Carlos Ezquerra (RIP)
oh fuck
It was a commission by the legend Carlos Ezquerra. It's sexy cus she's probably fantasizing about dread.
She would have lewd dreams about him cus she had a crush on him. Dredd was asked her if maybe she had daddy issues lol
Judge Anderson = Marshall Meta Lawson > Judge Shakta > Judge Hershey
>Ancient Greek Democracy
Based & Redpilled.
>Current (((Democracy)))
Cringe & Bluepilled.
The shitty movie from the 90s tainted a lot of people's opinion of the franchise.
>lewd TTRPG
what the fuck user
>Why don't people like Dredd? I don't get it.
People don't? I just assumed Yea Forums doesn't talk about Dredd much because it's good and it's much easier to discuss things you hate.
I want peak Judge McGruder step on me.
I unironically enjoy it and don't think it's shitty at all.
Besides the autistic "muh helmet" aspect it's actually far FAR closer to the source material
Dredd isn't far right. It's... its own thing. Came out from lefties almost 50 years ago, after all.
They have a wall to keep illegals out
I love Judge Anderson!
To start with the wall is for keeping people in.
Cursed earth was one of my favorite arcs desu.
Dredd has always been leftshit garbage so this kinda crap shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
I think the left's just gotten dumber over time
Huh? It's to keep the radiated mutants out. It's why they have 50 foot flamethrowers and missile launchers on the wall border
Did you post a judge Dredd thread without filing the proper forms? That's gonna be 5 years in the iso-cubes, punk.
The typical comic "reader" knows of very little outside of a very small bubble of materials and publishers.
It's been talked about a lot. Some of the main arguments include:
- Judge Dredd is an exaggerated view of America from a British perspective, so a lot of the things that the Brits find ridiculous and hilarious, to Americans are just slightly above normal.
- Although the comics, especially the Bolland-drawn ones, were already decently popular Stateside, the 95 movie was their best shot at making it big in the USA and that backfired a lot.
- Getting the actual comics outside of the UK is a bit hard, at least in terms of impulse buys, and having 40+ years of continuity makes it look way more daunting than it seems.
- My personal favorite: Dredd is not a hero. He's kind of a massive cunt for most of his existence and it's very hard to root for him most of the time. So a lot of readers who dip their toes find it hard to stick around because they think they're getting a story about a cool badass hero cop like Dirty Harry, and instead they get a faceless monster unquestionably serving an oppressive regime. So there's a lot of "wait, am I supposed to like this guy or not? Am I supposed to agree with him?" that turns people off.
Overall, there's no single major reason, but rather a combination of factors.
Maybe it’s been repurposed but to me it will always be Dear Chief Judge Cal’s monument to himself, built by enslaving the entire population of the city to keep them locked in with him. For their own good.
As a burger, I honestly like the fantasy of a cop that actually cares about the law, instead of being a terrified punk with a gun.
Same. I think there's an interesting conflict in a lot of American audiences where they want cool rebels even within their institutions. They want stories about Harry Callahan or John McClane, about loose cannons who buck the rules to protect the innocent, who rock the boat but never turn it over. So Dredd is kind of an anomaly because even his early moments of rebellion are all based on his absolute ironclad devotion to the Law. Which while great for some readers, might be a hard pill to swallow for folks used to less rigid protagonists. And then we get to the bits where that devotion makes him fuck over real innocents for the sake of the city and...
Remember when Anderson went to Mars and discovered humans were engineerd by aliens and met with the aliens they became hostile and wanted to kill them and it's fucking awesome and happened 20 years before Prometheus?
>buff Anderson
Grud on a greenie!
has REBELLION hacks finally Killed Hershey as they wanted it?
John Wagner himself did it.
storytime it user, Wagner has a special place in hell for this.
This. The ideal Dredd movie for me would have been 1995 one with the main character from 2012 and a bit less of Rob Schneider.
Offworlders from Space Colonies gone south. Or Extraterrestrials. Or the Mutants are finally making their play to be recognized as legal citizens.
You could do this shit a lot of ways. Personally, I like the last one, because Dredd's been sympathetic to mutants in the past.
IDW Dredd is an alternate continuity.
You post some Judge Dredd and I'll read it. I guarantee it.
;__; I'm gonna miss her so much, I can't believe they killed off Harvey too.
Cal built the walls when he took over the city because he was offended that people were moving away from his insanity.
She's not dead yet, she's just terminally ill.
I wonder if the irony of you flyover chicken fuckers calling anyone else dumb will ever hit you.
Wagner seems to either keep pulling his punches with Dredd or he really wants to kill him and keeps being talked out of it.
Gave me a good laugh.
How long Rebellion will tell him to cure her with some rejuvenation shenanigans?
They've been pretty good about letting Wagner run things how he likes.
Yes but in case of a "new dredd game" in the works, they will bring her back.
Why? Casual fans wouldn't know her except as Dredd's love interest in the '95 movie. She wasn't even in the other one except as a brief cameo saying she was handling a riot, which meant she wasn't the Chief Judge.
Anyone know what the comic is called that is based in this universe except the main character is a clown investigator? It's got very heavy noir themes if I recall correctly. An user posted a storyline years ago and I absolutely fell in love with it
bootlicking cuck
This one?
>It's why they have 50 foot flamethrowers and missile launchers on the wall border
Trump could really stand to learn from Cal
But those words mean pretty much the opposite of what you seem to be trying to say. Are you the alt right robot?
Using PMCs like Cal used the Klegg?
With super-duper-space cancer that's 100% uncurable.
At least it's not jigsaw disease
Strange brigade sold well along with the remaster of Rogue Trooper
Also they are making a new Dredd Game with an unknown reveal date.
now imagine a Dredd game with nowadays rebellion with both Dredd and now a Rejuvenated Hershey as playable characters?
Dredd already plotshielded her.
Or Grubb's disease.
Why would they make Hershey playable? Giant, Anderson, Rico, and Beeny are right there.
because they need Muh Stronk female character, and Hershey fits the quota perfectly.
Plus Rebellion is playing a Lot of Dredd vs Death lately in their streams
>stronk female character
you mean beeny and anderson?
And if they're making a big deal of Death vs. Dredd, then Anderson's the automatic choice.
This comic is so ahead of its time. This guy realised society went down the shitter and fully embraced the clown world.
And what if the plot of the sequel picks from where this game ended, and WE need to rescue anderson from the Dark Judges once more?
Plus there is also the fact that newfags wont know who Anderson is, they will remember only of Diane lane in Her PEAK as Hershey from stallone movie.
>newfags wont know who Anderson is
I guess you forgot that Anderson was the co-star in the 2012 movie and got more screentime than Hershey in the original?
said movie with only us and a few cultfags will know.
Again, people will remember More of Stallone's Dredd than 2012 Dredd because of the memes.
I remember downloading the complete files trades and Anderson had red hair in her first appearances , then she was a blonde all of the sudden.
Having lewds toughts of a female Judge is breaking the law?
Underrated? I recall starting a thread on another site to discuss whether he's Dredd's arch-nemesis or Judge Death is.
Judge Death wins that competition hands down.
Death is just a monster. Like the other Dark Judges. Obviously here's more popular and shit cus of he cool design and all but yeah Maybe would more likely be Dredd nemesis. He actually avoids Dredd, manipulates the law. He's crafty and sly. You can tell Dredd fucking seethes about him when he isn't stopped.
Sounds like you got one of those fake ones.
Lemme explain. Some people took the covers off of some of the Case Files and replaced them with "Maximum Color Editions", using old Eagle Comics reprints, because they didn't like the black and white.
Death is. PJ Maybe only makes it because Wagner loved him so he wrote everyone else to be an idiot and gave Maybe a bunch of deus ex machina bullshit.
If yours looks like the one on the left, you got the reprints made for the American market instead of scans of the actual Case Files.
How does the economy even work in MC1?
There's a 99% unemployment rate. And unemployment benefits are only a few hundred creds. So who the fuck is paying for everything? How do people live and eat and buy shit? How the fuck do the Judges have space stations and all these nukes and equipment?
How does Munce Co. be a quadrillion cred company? Who's buying their products?
I got the impression that Wagner grew bored of Judge Death years ago, but still enjoys PJ
The government's buying their products. They also trade with other Mega-Cities and alien races, which brings in a lot of economy. When you've got people farming asteroids for precious metals, you don't really need to worry about cash.
Well why don't they give it to the people? Why don't they terraform some land and send half the people so another new city so there wouldn't be so much rampant crime?
Maybe's more Dredd's opposite than Death is. Maybe is his Joker while Death is his Venom.
Isn't he dead now?
Because if it were that easy to just terraform some land and set up a new city-state, they'd have unfucked the Cursed Earth by now.
>trying this hard to troll JudgeAnon
Thankfully we've not had any more 2000AD creators pop their clogs since that little cluster last year.
Maybe? I haven't been keeping up.
Last time I saw him was either when he trapped the Dark Judges or took the role of the mayor
>you voted for someone else that did not get elected so this somehow invalidates the democratic process
Simps were a way for 2000AD, a kids comic, to address gayness. Simps were stand ins for gays. They're a whole subculture in MC-1 not just this guy.
It doesn't invalidate it, the point is that only the ruling regime is only supported by a tenth of the population. Of course, it doesn't say what percentage actually supports a dictatorship...
It's a post scarcity economy that doesn't acknowledge it, we might end up that way the way we're going
in a democracy, ruling regime is supported by the majority of voters. and the entirety of voters supports the fucking democratic system by participating in it. furthermore, every citizen has a right to vote and the retard who wrote that comic rightfully works in fucking comics.
dictatorship is not supported by anything but force. did you pass sociology 101?
You're not supposed to agree with Dredd.
Though, to be fair, they did have a referendum to keep the judge system. The Judges won.
It's supported by a relative majority in this case, and I was talking about this particular situatuon, not real life. My point was that a dictatorship would in all likelyhood not even have support of a tenth of a population. I agree it's idiotic.
Huh, apart from the first 3 I believe most were colored. Why the region difference dough?
>to be fair, they did have a referendum to keep the judge system
Rigged election.
Vote A for judges or B for democracy? The democrats stood no chance in a skewered system like that.
>furthermore, every citizen has a right to vote and the retard who wrote that comic rightfully works in fucking comics.
do you really have any business calling anyone stupid when you're too retarded to understand that you're not supposed to agree with the character?
I thought it was a combination of most of the electorate not really caring, and a good chunk of it not understanding the voting process
>not understanding the voting process
Well duh, they made it needlessly complicated.
Nice to see the Matchbox Landraiders make a brief comeback a few months back.
Because the Eagle reprints were 80s-era reprints of 70s comics.
They didn't think fans would buy black and white and they had more money and better printing abilities than... I believe it was IPC who owned 2000AD at the time. IPC was notoriously cheap.
it's even worse for me because I have the versions with Dredd's face on the spine.
You realize that the Judges are pretty leftist as well?
>Near-universal healthcare
>universal living expenses
>everyone's on welfare
>owning guns is a laborious process and you get arrested for not having a proper license
>smoking's illegal outside of smokatoriums
>coffee's illegal
>sugar's illegal
>soap operas are illegal
>comic books are illegal
>The death penalty (outside of certain acts of terrorism and betraying the city) is illegal
-t. MC1IDF
You think that's a bust? THIS is a bust...
They do have a well regulated militia with fucktons of weapons, it’s called Citi-Def. Of course you get assholes putting dope that sends everyone into a frothing murderfrenzy in the water but hey, that’s the Meg for you.
Those have been fun.
I call myself a Dredd fan but I've actually skipped over all of the black and white Dredd stories. Except for Day the law died and original Dark Judges.
Black and white comics give me a headache and I can only read them for a short period before getting a sore hear or feeling tired. I love the 90's stuff the most anyway.
Enjoy your time in the cubes.
Not in person, obviously. That would be weird. Discord, Roll20 for combat, that sort of thing.