Immortal hulk is go-

>immortal hulk is go-

Attached: Immortal_Hulk_022012~2.jpg (356x547, 82K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not this fake outrage again


Can you honestly look at his face and think he’s being serious?

theres already a thread for shitposting about it, use that one

Doesn't matter the phrase "trans rights" shouldn't even be there in the first place

>159 replies and 43 images omitted. Click here to view.
>22 posters in this thread

>not this fake outrage again
You don't get to use something and then cry when it gets used against you. This is the future you chose

Attached: 40.jpg (734x823, 129K)

>shits on trannies


Non tumblr trannies are ok and this book is bad

>Look ma! I learned how to crop images!
Jesus Christ Batfags are desperate

Attached: Immortal_Hulk_022012.jpg (1192x1833, 737K)

Do you really want people to be themselves? I mean REALLY?

Do you really need to start two threads about the literal exact same thing? This is some especially pathetic trolling. Are you the same person who used to constantly start threads about West Coast Avengers because you were furious that a comic book was being written by a woman?

I really don`t care, but man is this art ugly. The lineart, the colors, ugh.

The whole page doesn't make it better

>you were furious that a comic book was being written by a woman?
Oh geez, it cannot be any fun being you

I liked West Coast Avengers

It’s kinda funny how just the words trans rights sent these anons off so hard. It’s such a small throwaway line

Oh my God someone said trans rights in a comic book oh my God the goddamn sjws are taking over muh comics

It's similar to how SJWs get mad every time they see word nigger used by a white man. I thought we were supposed to laught at sjws, not minic them

Is this for or against transgender rights

It was months of this guy posting the same troll thread sometimes three or four times a day every day. His level of insane hatred was bizarre to watch. The singularity of his focus on such an innocuous book.

Excellent troll

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So you find the term unironically triggering?

>So you find the term unironically triggering?

I find it unnecessarly political she could have written an article about pineapple on pizza and it would have done the same thing with people getting angry

Thre faggot, enjoy trying to push you fake outrage for the next month.

>Yea Forumsumblr is real

Attached: 5E508A3FAD3C44D38BB3548CE825791D.png (985x1239, 360K)

How did you type this post without at any point realizing how ironic it was?

Imagine seeing the word "trans" anywhere and being thrown into an autistic rage.

>oh no! better use buzzwords!

Yeah, you are a retard, not like this was a secret to anyone.

>Haha, Hulk smash puny transphobes!
>You ain't puny tho, you're stunning and brave!

Yea Forums is stupíd enough to forget that this is Joe that we are talking about, and he doesn't give 2 fucks about trans degenerates, he just wants to fuck with people and get rich.

What do you expect? Yea Forums doesn't read comics. they just want to make outrage threads and shitpost.

Any reason you think writing pineapple on pizza would have been fitting for the character?

>Any reason you think writing pineapple on pizza would have been fitting for the character?

Because it's not about trannies and people get just as angry about pizza

>meme writing
Yes. That's exactly what comics need, dumb fucking memes.
I have a date with a transgirl next week, she's gonna wreck my boipuss.

Are people really defending an comic writer literally having the characters turn to the camera and parrot their opinions?

Literally two panels later he says he likes it because it sends people into a frothing rage anytime it's brought up. Which this very thread proves him right.

But I mean why would SHE write that and why would that be brought up as a noteworthy article she wrote?

Nah. We know that already and any person that didn't fail english class should be able to figure out the jokes from the single panel or a single page if Banner joking about trans is too subtle for them. It's those other crossboarding tards that are doing this despite it telling them on the page that he specifically enjoys watching them be trolled.

>But I mean why would SHE write that and why would that be brought up as a noteworthy article she wrote?

I dunno I just don't want to see the words "trans rights" in my comic books



>the mere concept of transpeople having rights is deeply upsetting to me i don't want it in comic books ever
Fucking cry more. Why is anyone giving you the time of day?

So we're back to you being triggered and nothing more.


>s-shouldn't even be there in the first place

I never said I don't want them to have rights. I just don't want the words in my comics. Politics take the front seat in comics there's no reason for it



>entire point is the man praising someone for talking about a topic that upsets people
>"why can't he praise her for talking about a topic that upsets people but with a topic that doesn't upset people"

>unnecessarly political
Ouh noooo the baby got triggered! Dear, tell us where the evil trans touched you.


So tell me, what rights trannies want that they don't have?

The whole thing reeks of "if people hate you for it you are doing the right thing" which is a flawed concept in of itsself

>Politics take the front seat in comics there's no reason for it
The front seat of this comic is invading Fortean's secret base you disingenuous fuck.


These posters aren't pure Yea Forums posters, they're crossboarders, and like on their home boards, they only shitpost about their knee-jerk outrage to jerk off about "hehe stoopid libtards!"

the right to force you to pay for their dick getting flayed and inverted


That's the character, his values are allowed to be different from yours.
Not to get fired for no reason would be a good start, maybe give all the ones who were fired from the military due to policy and not due to their own demerits back their jobs.

Lmao, wow.


Are you autistic or something

How come if the characters values are different from a liberals it's bad then?

it's amazing how people always say THIS ISN'T ENDORSING IT when the full context says exactly that it is

Who are you talking to? I'm sure you can find a random person who thinks that, but that's not relevant to me, who never argued that. Don't move goalposts.

raping children

>Not to get fired for no reason would be a good start,
if you want to remove at-will employment that's its own matter.

>maybe give all the ones who were fired from the military due to policy and not due to their own demerits back their jobs.
why do you think the mentally ill should be given guns? I sure as shit know I wouldn't trust one of them to have my back.



The thing is not everybody agrees at what "trans right" are. There are subjects that are divisive even among the liberals:
For instance:
>right to transition for minors or even preteens
>right for man>woman to work in a women shelter
>right for non-transioned man>woman to access women bathrooms or women abuse shelters

what plugin do i use for this?


What's make them your comics if you don't even read the comic in question?
I don't mean that in a "THIS WASN'T MADE FOR YOU" sense but in a lack of ownership or reading experience for you.
Example: Gold Digger isn't part of my comics because I never read any of it. The Lie And How We Told It is part of my comics because I did read it (and that comic is vague indie bullshit with terrible art and I don't want that in my comics).

Didn't need its own thread, you special snowflake. No karma here.

>if you want to remove at-will employment that's its own matter.
It has long since been law that people don't base their hiring or firing practices on things such as sexuality, gender, etc.
>why do you think the mentally ill should be given guns? I sure as shit know I wouldn't trust one of them to have my back.
Irrelevant, we're not talking about a mental illness.
>b-b-b-b-but i think it's a mental illness even though most professionals in the field explicitly disagree with me
Show me your medical degree. You're likely the kind of scientific ignoramus who thinks the 40% meme is actually real.


I'm sorry user, I have literally no clue what this all caps spergery has to do with my point.
Do you care to elaborate or is this just as fruitful as debating with one of those precarious AI bots from web 1.0 that can only repeat keywords on certain subjects?



Some alt-right conservacuck high schooler is upset that people were acknowledging the existence of concentration camps in America, so he spams that in any vaguely political discussion to cheapen the concept and turn it into a meme or something retarded like that.

I think the concentration camp thing is making fun of liberals who are upset about the camps on the border that are concentrating populations of people? I don't really get doing it here?

>It has long since been law that people don't base their hiring or firing practices on things such as sexuality, gender, etc.
Yes, and it's already illegal for trannies to be fired for being trannies. You said "for no reason" which falls under at-will employment.
>Irrelevant, we're not talking about a mental illness.
Okay, why should we give guns and force other people to rely on someone with a 40% chance to kill themselves? Why give them guns and push them into extremely stressful situations when they've shown they can't take the heat?
>You're likely the kind of scientific ignoramus who thinks the 40% meme is actually real.
it literally is real, tranny. you can ignore it all you want but at the end of the day, mentally ill people are latching onto the tranny fad and then killing themselves because it didn't cure their mental illness. You people will be gone in 20 years.



>Do you care to elaborate or is this just as fruitful as debating with one of those precarious AI bots from web 1.0 that can only repeat keywords on certain subjects?
>repeats keyword again
So... this is the power of web 2.0 users...

I was literally acknowledging the double whammy these threads always get where a bunch of people deny the comic is endorsing the values in question, then the full context proves it is, from where the concern is reframed as "y-you can't deal with differing opinions from your own" instead of "t-they agreed with you".
So apparently besides just spamming the guy's reading comprehension is also shot to buttfuck nowhere.
Is that what they call "winning the culture wars"?


I assumed it was trying to scare off the political thread.
Like how you hear that posting about tiananmen square protests will cause Chinese spamming to automatically leave a chat.

>Yes, and it's already illegal for trannies to be fired for being trannies.
Then why are you defending the new policy of firing trannies for being trannies from the military even though anyone who was both a tranny and qualified to work in the military was doing fine? Why reverse something you acknowledge should be illegal unless you think it SHOULDN'T be illegal?
>it literally is real, tranny.
Prove it, kid. Link the study, and not just an edited screenshot of a section of the study. The entire study.



>Then why are you defending the new policy of firing trannies for being trannies from the military even though anyone who was both a tranny and qualified to work in the military was doing fine? Why reverse something you acknowledge should be illegal unless you think it SHOULDN'T be illegal?
>new policy
It's not a new policy of not hiring the mentally ill. They shouldn't have been hired in the first place, they're ineligible.
>Prove it, kid. Link the study, and not just an edited screenshot of a section of the study. The entire study.
Is it 2009 again? It's not my job to spoonfeed you just because you don't like it, neck yourself fag boy.

camps of concentration?

It's more like that sneed and feed meme that supposedly began because some kid got mad that people didn't like the new seasons of Simpsons.


>It's not a new policy of not hiring the mentally ill.
Irrelevant, they're not mentally ill.
>b b but the medical people are wrong and I AM right because i SAID SO
Not how it works.
>Is it 2009 again? It's not my job to spoonfeed you just because you don't like it, neck yourself fag boy.
Good, we've established that you can't prove shit, have a nice day, child.



Maybe this is a psyop to devalue the use of these camps as a political shutdown
2 seconds on google. 41% attempt suicide, 51% are HIV positive, 55-65% have other disabilities.


This makes it so much worse. You mongrels defending this really make me sick. You're so thirsty for a truly decent Marvel book that you'll outright defend virtue signalling this blatant. And he's just going to keep doing it.

>I don't really get doing it here?
Since it’s going on in several threads for hours on end I’m guessing legitimate autism




He literally has the troll face in the upper right




This has nothing to do with comics.

>when the mouseshill has no other alternative

If he responds to this post, his mom will die in her sleep tonight



Attached: 2922239_-_Grimm_Jaune_Arc_Lie_Ren_Nayaase_Beleguii_Nora_Valkyrie_RWBY_Ruby_Rose_comic.jpg (2400x3200, 1.06M)

>no response

Attached: gay_hell.png (344x422, 209K)


R u a bot



>he didn't reply
Holy shit
Got 'em man

You know this Camp spam makes me a little nostalgic, like how in Yea Forums before captcha would have threads spammed until autosage


>still not replying to that specific one
it's afraid



If you respond to this post, your mom will die in her sleep tonight

Hey mods, do you mind?


Anyway its completely reasonable to be put off by pages where the author decides to pause the story so that the characters can break the fourth wall to establish that they agree with all the authors political opinions.


Trannies are fags but worse, prove me wrong. (pro tip: you can't)

I guess they didn't want the Hellboy audience after all?



>real fans read shit books


>that pic
why are christians such mentally ill sadists?

You wouldn't be here if the article was anti trans.

Or rather, you'd be posting "lel based"

Disingenuous faggot

>t. sinner

You should use your psychic powers to solve crimes instead.

mods = gods

but that's not what the page is about. in the same page its explained that fixit liked her articles because it infuriates people. Joe's basically a shitposter that thrives in the suffering of others and there is nothing more to the story.

>Ha! Complaining about comments on articles and ending with a half baked praise of calling this black woman brave, that'll show 'em!

Jesus christ I thought it was just the one panel.

I didn't realise "reading seething internet comments is entertaining" was a political stance.

Or the author wanted to find opportunities to prove that hes progressive enough in his superhero comic.

that's probable, but take in consideration the context and how many times something like this has happened in the comic. So far it has been twice and although out of context it might seem like its a shoehorned opinion, when the rest of the page(s) is taken in consideration the context becomes clear and turns out that Ewing is just using modern controversies to move the characters. For example in here we see that joe doesn't really care about trans people; he was bored, decided to check mcgee's work and then loved how she managed to anger people.

>implying Ewing doesn't self-insert on that page

He wanted bloggers to write articles about how he called a fictional black woman brave.

God you people are fucking snowflakes. Get outraged over something that actually matters and effects your life, not a Hulk comic book.

why? there is no gain for him from doing that and if he really wanted to do so, he wouldn't have given context to the pages and leave them as literal bait.

Based Yang

What is this concentration camps meme and what is its relevancy with this thread?

>If you stand up for those that can't stand up for themselves, you're not puny
Fuck you retards, this is actually a good message.

What if it was cheese pizza?

>Okay, why should we give guns and force other people to rely on someone with a 40% chance to kill themselves?

Have you ever looked up how many military veterans are completely fucked up and end up killing themselves?

operative word. they come out fucked up by what they experienced, they don't go into it fucked up.

There's nothing ironic about that post, but according to outragefags like yourself, replying AT ALL is a sign of being triggered.

>journalists write editorials on current political issues

Holy fucking shit

What do you expect from these retards? They can't see subtext even if it hits them in the head. Ewing had to spell things out on issue #20 because they couldn't get it.

Yes, and every time they are deployed you are taking a risk because they might kill themselves while on duty or get PTSD at the battlefield and risk getting their squad killed.

Nothing wrong with not allowing trannies in the military. You get rejected for all kinds of minor things like ADD or IBS

>Yes, and every time they are deployed
People diagnosed with PTSD are not eligible.

The whole page is about Joe praising the chick because
a) she pisses a lot of people
b) stands for the rights of weaker people

All of that is IN character for the new Hulk, for the old Joe and for Banner. You are only upset because the example given is something you disagree with politically.

>tfw you die because fred who was supposed to be watching your back is so dehydrated because he can't retain fluids that he's seeing things crawling under his skin

Did the anti sjws become the triggered sbowflakes?

somebody edit a hitler mustache on him por favor

>rights of weaker people
What rights are they fighting for? Why is this parroted constantly?

I agree that this Hulk especially would enjoy people getting enraged though.


Just drink water. Its a relatively minor condition that effects way more people than being trans.

Unless they're a right winger, centrist, Trump supporter, libertarian, incel, mgtow. Everyone else can be themselves though.

>why are religious people, especially muslims, such mentally ill sadists?


>Just drink water.
Okay, what if you're out of water?
>it's a relatively minor condition
No it's not, it's fucking devastating you mook. Without medication you're just going to drag everybody down, and medication is:
a) fucking expensive, and
b) a logistical nightmare to supply to people overseas.
You can't bring your own medication because when you run out you can't just pop into the local CVS and get more, you have to get it through the military, and for the military it's an extreme expenditure. That's the reason just about any "i need my medication" disease disqualifies you from service. Because they have to babysit you.


Thank god.
Bloodsports were a cancer


Its not "fucking devastating" don't exaggerate. It varies wildly. Most people who have it don't take any medication at all.

Obviously severe cases would bar you from service. Just like being mentally ill and needing hormones would.


triggering right wing manbabies only makes this comic even more of a masterpiece


>I dunno I just don't want to see the words "trans rights" in my comic books
I thought you guys were joking but no, you're legit triggered by this. Hahaha!

Attached: 1560372353805.jpg (613x819, 167K)


There you have it, the silly /pol/tard think this is an acceptable reply.

This is why I just pirate this comic



And I'm sure Ewing is hurting about th-- oh wait no, top 5 series beating Batman still. Damn!



Care fo

Attached: 5138D1akMBL._AC_SY400_.jpg (319x400, 36K)



This book is ugly. I refuse to read it, but I will continue to gush about the ross covers.




You should, user. It's probably the best written Hulk book ever, and the art grows on you.





But the military literally gives wavers to just about everything today just to get new recruits.


What's the problem OP, comic hurt your feelings?

Attached: Poor opinions.jpg (922x786, 124K)



>t. neverserved

Alright then. Maybe I will.

Attached: moltar280.jpg (280x210, 27K)



Attached: T.Rights.png (640x611, 265K)



what does this mean either way?

I'm glad to know that Joe Fixit is a proud supporter of trans rights. good thing that I don't buy western comics anymore

Attached: Simpson_b163d9_5646490.jpg (469x419, 21K)

41% of trannies have attempted suicide


The page as a whole makes things way fucking worse.

Fuck Ewing fucking sucks at sending a political message.

Bro, they literally give neo-nazis, gang members and criminals moral waivers to allow them to enlist because that's how low they have to go to get people signed up.


Being a good person has never been a requirement to join the military.

Whos OP, no trigger warning? WTF man.



The page is excellent for this forum.



He doesn’t give a fuck about trans rights holy fuck. Yea Forums really is this stupid




Ewing is too unsubtle, the way he express his personal views always fell forced and out of place.


Calm down, just a couple of cringy pages can't ruin a whole run.

This. Joe Fixit is Banner's supressed edgy teen that he never got to be in high school/college.
He likes that her articles got butthurt comments on the internet. Because he's an edgy teen.

Too many different Hulks in one single run, this shit feels like Legion.

Yet he fucked a nigger

>He likes that her articles got butthurt comments on the internet.

Attached: ^this.jpg (540x564, 30K)

And? Did that trigger you? What's the point you're trying to make here

>a fictional characters isn't racist like me
>thos makes me MAD!

Grow up

Horribly accurate.

>Immortal Hulk was the first series I bought in YEARS
>Even ignored that one "white men get to be angry!" page
>Now this

Why does Marvel insist I don't give them money? I dip my toes in once and I'm burned for it, never again.

Attached: this is nice.png (1102x1600, 362K)

>Trans people
>Can't stand up for themselves
>Literally shutting down businesses left and right


>>Trans people
>>Literally shutting down businesses left and right
Name five.

In this video he admits to getting several shut down while currently being in court with others and he's confident he'll win them as well.

For the record you don't get to decide how many of an example is needed to make a point, but I think the fact I still surpassed it when I have no doubt you posted that expecting either no reply or a reply without evidence, I hope you take this moment to humble yourself. or kill yourself, that works too.

Attached: moom.gif (480x270, 2.37M)

>"left and right"
>literally one little old lady who runs a waxing studio out of her home
>also Canada
Wow. Do you think you could take a moment to reflect on how this isn't as prevalent as your diseased little mind thinks it is? You yourself could only come up with one example and it's literally nothing.

Try again.

Attached: muchy.png (322x395, 201K)

Way to take ownership of something you're not entitled to.

Pretty sure I'm entitled to it more then a bunch of fake fans that demand change and then don't buy said comics

What was TOBA doing in the Maestro timeline?

>also Canada
We all hate him too, rest assured
Even the legbutts up here think he's a fucking predator

Attached: D0H1mTkWsAErT32.jpg (250x246, 11K)

Not really, neither are entitled to anything even if you pay for it. They're not providing you with a service, you're buying a product. It's up to you whether you enjoy it or not, but you can't demand them to cater to your interests.

Read the whole thing without posting the name of the source or author next to a meme arrow

Attached: 1550600547684.png (250x250, 65K)

Half of this is irrelevant.
>hurr durr what if someone attempts suicide at age 7 and then comes out at 40
that gets controlled out because it's in the general population too, retard.
>most importantly being that a suicide attempt can be anything from self harming to merely thinking about a suicide attempt.
wild claim citing nothing from the study provided without evidence.
>However the study actually shows either being out or visible as trans increases the suicide attempt rate by up to 17% — that’s almost half of the average.
wow, who'da thunk it that trannies being recognized as trannies makes them want to die more? How is this relevant?

Nice op ed faggot, how about you add yourself to that statistic instead of wasting the time of people who actually contribute to society in a meaningful way.

Not that user but
>contribute to society in a meaningful way
We're on Yea Forums arguing over two pages of a Marvel comic.


>We're on Yea Forums arguing over two pages of a Marvel comic.
Literary criticism has more intellectual merit and social value than making up bullshit about trannies for the sake of an argument. By telling user A to do something meaningful with his life, it is implied that even arguing about comic book pages has more meaning and value than the behavior user A is engaged in.

The fact that you need that spelled out for you means you're a fucking idiot.

Imagine getting mad because you can't agree with every character, even the ones that are just temporary personas of one person.

Attached: 1408243190090.png (228x422, 138K)


What's the problem? That page was a wonderful example of having politics in comics without being obnoxious or shoving it down your throat.

The general feel and tone of the page is "Even this scumbag is on board for Trans-Rights so why aren't you???"

>implying that isnt correct


>implying thats not still ramming politics down peoples throats
Can't have it both ways

Really because the SJWs have been having good