Mainstream heroes without retarded no kill rules

Mainstream heroes without retarded no kill rules

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They had a no kill rule til Sinestro Corps war.

No kill rule is not retarded. Heroes are supposed to have high morals
>but they escape from prison all the time
That is the result of comics being basically endless, each new writer wants to play with old toys again
>But k-killing them w-would end t-this!!
Don't be retarded, it won't. Death means nothing in comics. Every major dead villain would be eventually ressurected or retconned to be a clone.

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What this user is getting at No-Kill is a tried and true staple of the genre, if you don't like it you can go read some small scale creator owned shit where the "hero" is some random shithead just like you OP

Space cops kill when its absolutely necessary

>comics are not supposed to be logical.

>Don't be retarded, it won't. Death means nothing in comics. Every major dead villain would be eventually ressurected or retconned to be a clone.
>Dear Bat-Diary: I killed the Joker for the third time last week, this time dropping him into a vat of his own acid, rescuing the pregnant women he'd held hostage over it. It took him a month to come back last time, so that's a month the clown college can actually advertise in Gotham. I don't know how many lives the Joker has, but updating the headstone is cheaper than a room at Arkham.

Logically super villains should not be able to escape from super prisons designed specifically to contain them

Snider's run had an immortal Joker. And two other ones

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He was supposed to have it, but Grant forgot about it.

Killing killers is moral. It takes longer to get revived than to get out of Arkham.

Thanos come back to life faster than Joker can get out of the Asylum nowadays

Suck my dick faggot. there are plenty of heroes that dont get innocent people killed so they can jack off their muh 'morals' boner.

No, capturing them, leaving them to cops, and having them recieve death penalty later is moral. Lynching is not.

Johns established in Sinestro Corps War, that Hal had no issue with killing, he was just worried about excessive use of it.

He didn't have a rule about that in the Geoff Johns run

No kill is a result of censorship, it was forced onto the creators

Executing convicted criminals is moral and lawful.
Don't blame the Batman, blame the judge who sentences them to prisons that are easily bribed and corrupt.

Hal murders the shot out of the corps in Emerald Twilight

He was crazy. Doesn’t count.

Which was forever ago and during a war.
Current Hal just had an arc where he was giving the Darkstars all of the shit because they were using lethal force against the bad guys.
Then literally RIGHT after that he kills a weaponless guy who was surrending.

did you just read the one page?

also that dude was a slaver

Oh wow, a real tragedy. Slave trader got what was coming to him. Vendetti’s run also has him destroy the planet he and Sinestro was on, so I think he knows who to save it for.

the guardian told him he might have to kill on this mission to get in good with the Dark Stars

Only stupid zoomers think superhumans having a no-kill rule is bad.


He saved people who did worse things than him.

And Hal suddently be willing to get orders from the Guardians didn't make any sense either.


And you know, fucked up those kids

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The problem lies not in the no-kill rule, it lies in the writing. When you have maximum carnage shit with Spidey swinging from "kill him, he deserved it!" to "killing is bad!" and a second later Carnage murders someone it's just plain old shit writing. In the best case scenario, after the first fight the villain should be captured and never ever seen again. Boom, no murder nedeed. But you know this is impossible, since capeshit.

I think Batman tier autism is stupid but the crux is that you should aim to hit not to kill or not to kill..

agreed senpai
