What's the Yea Forums equivalent of the Doomguy? Frank Castle?

what's the Yea Forums equivalent of the Doomguy? Frank Castle?
Yea Forums has Guts and Goblin Slayer

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Other urls found in this thread:


John Constatine or Frank Castle

Not really. They both do it in self-defense, for revenge or for justice. Doom Slayer is basically a sci-fi crazy paladin with a "deus vult" mentality. I don't really have anyone else in mind tho.

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Someone explain why this pic is funny

Someone that really, really hates a specific group and spends their life killing them? I guess Blade would fit that as well.

The only thing Doom Slayer ever cared about canonically is his pet rabbit named Daisy.

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Fair enough. The only other closest one I can think of would be Judge Dredd

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OK I'm headcannoning him as Cream's dad.

There is almost no story in the original Doom games, since the player character is supposed to be a vehicle for the player but there are some nuggets of characterization here and there.

Like how the manual states that he was shitcanned on Phobos after socking a superior officer in the mouth for ordering him to fire on civilians, or the fact that he had a pet bunny that was killed on earth when the demons took over.

So there you have it, the genocide engine that is the Doom space marine has a sense of justice and a soft side, because he is a total bunfag.
Hence why bunny crossovers sort of make sense.

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Aw, that’s cute

why is this so much better than a fully voiced Bioware protagonist?

Judge Dredd.

Because you’re a bitter oldfag who doesn’t like RPGs?

Ain't nothing wrong with a pet bun I have two

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I suppose its because you can fill in the blanks yourself.
If you have a fully voiced character you have to factor in the writing itself and the voice acting, and both of those can go horribly, horribly wrong.

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Because it never gets in the way of the gameplay

Who was fully voiced?

Judge Dredd, Nick Fury, and Butcher from the boys. Dredd fits the best imo

>The reason why Cream's dad isn't in the picture is that he's too busy killing demons and making sure that they don't hurt his new family
>Cream gets swole and charges into Hell to find her dad

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I'm curious, how is it compared to caring for a dog or a cat?
I hear that they are needy and get easily stressed.

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Doomguy looks really cute here.

you might as well post the rest

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Moar Bunguy.

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I'm liking this idea.

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Punisher 2099

that's pretty fucking neat user
some green UAC armor would look nice, right now she resembles a chaingunner, not that I mind though

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oh I get why the style looked familiar
that picture with Judy is really cute man, any chances we are going to see more interaction between the two?

>That Doom Guy fucking Cream image.

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Ranger has a family?

It's some extra characterization added in Quake Champions.
>kill a lovecraft elder god
>all you get as a reward is this shitty arena you can't get out of while the memories of your family slowly erode away

>all you get as a reward is this shitty arena you can't get out of while the memories of your family slowly erode away
Ranger had a hard life.
Reminds me of his Quake 3 Description
>Originally a slipgate explorer, the man called Ranger has faced and escaped certain death a thousand times on a thousand worlds. His experiences have left him more alien than human now.

but all the doomguy memes come from Yea Forums

doubt so but this place has considerably more quality drawfags

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The absolute worst one that makes me cringe every time is from Yea Forums

You know what one. It's the one that people that have literally never even played Doom quote.

>You know what one.
I don't.
Is it the one with back of the knee maybe?

you mean all the lines from the comic?

I get Frank, but I don't see how John fits at all. John isn't the rip and tear until nothing remains type.

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Either Punisher or Conan

Came here to post this

Hex has killed so many criminals if he was real the west would have never been settled

It's a comic, it counts as Yea Forums

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Punisher 2099

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This or Judge Dredd.

Doomguy would never have her, he can only rent her.


Even worse since the comics reveal that Shub Niggurath survived. He literally accomplished nothing in 'beating' her

I really think CharlieXDante is a better ship than her and doomguy

Maybe Id will wise up and finally make a single player quake game with the cosmic monsters again

>how old are you?
>thirty six.....CALIBER
Does he kill people with second hand embarrassment, too?

More like second hand lead poisoning.

This'd be amazing, but they'd probably try to put a story in it.
Doom could almost sort of support a story, but Quake should really just be one long hellish nightmare. If they had some dude call you on the radio saying "Ranger! Shub Niggurath is trying to open a portal to bizarro nightmare land, you need to go kill him." It'd just ruin the tone of the entire game. Maybe they could get more mileage out of relying 100% on environmental storytelling.

user, Shub is as female as a cosmic nightmare can get.

He literally cuts people with his edge.

While it does suck they entirely abandoned the Lovecraft angle I think the other Quake games get to much flak and have their own appeal.

I always thought Quake 1-4 did the whole "forcing humans to be monstrous soldiers" far and above better then Half-Life 2.

Literally everything I know about Lovecraft comes from Quake.
And I never even finished Quake.

also humanity. or he wouldn't have done half the shit he does.

I think he cares about the innocent in general
but the guilty
oh boy he gets off on tearing apart the guilty

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I want to argue he looks too pretty...

But the build looks about right (just lacking definition and tone which seems a style thing) and the head and face look like the portrait anime eyes and lack of pixels aside.

It’s like uncanny valley except with a specific individual.

All you have to do make is give a little exposition and show off the big bad before the game starts like what Doom 2016 did and make the levels somewhat straight forward like what the first Quake did

Careful there, Vanilla. Last bunny he was associated ended up with its head on a pike. You're stepping into a minefield here.

more like she will place her head near his pike if you get what I mean AMIRITE

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This. He even saves VEGA in DOOM 2016.

>Tearing the guilty apart
fuck off with your headcanon, doomguy kills demons, not criminals. He's not the friggin punisher.

DOOM Guy would not fuck her. He is too focused on killing malicious demons to have sex.

Instead he will pat her and her daughter on their heads, tell them to be good and to never associate with bad people, read Cream a bedtime story and then leave to go kill more demons to make sure people like them may never have to deal with such horrors

Vanilla might give him a kiss on the cheek though

Boondock Saints definition of innocence. If you're not a thief, killer, rapist you're fine

He did brutally beat the tar out of his CO for ordering him to kill innocent civilians. Though given what he does most of the time "guilty" means those who side with evil demons. Then they get torn apart like any of the resr

I just have the one. She's very big and angry and violent and would probably eat anything smaller than I am. I love her very much.

well you don't have much room in Doom though, all demons are guilty by nature and he is too busy killing those to kill common criminals

hell, both in the OG and 2016 timeline earth is too flooded with demons for any distinction to be a concern
>killing hell itself and then wondering where bad people are going to go when they die
That's Doom at its essence

They require a lot of attention

If you had started this thread on Yea Forums with a picture of Vanilla or Rouge then there'd be a lot more porn in this thread
so this is the power of Yea Forums

there aren't that many Doom themed lewds to go around sadly, that's something that should be corrected immediately

there is that doom hentai game where all the demons in hell are women and DoomGuy can fuck them

Beat his ass, maybe, but he didn't shoot him. Big difference. And when the hell has he ever torn someone apart for siding with demons? Again, doom is about killing demons, and putting human enemies in the game for any reason would be pants on head retarded.

He was trying to kill the broad who sided with the demons in 2016. Even the pre mission description says DOOM Guy wants to kill her

You spend the entirety of DOOM 2016 chasing the robot guy responsible for the incident

Doomguy is going full Frank Castle on demons because they killed his rabbit so Doomguy's quest is totally about revenge.
The first game seems to imply that this is really about the rabbit more than anything else. He wanted to get home to his rabbit. Then when he got home his rabbit was dead so demonkind had to pay.

>sonic fans


It's also canon.

The non sex path specifically is canon. The demons in HDOOM can die without DOOM Guy fucking them

I'm not gonna get into the subject of whether or not Doom 4 is even more than glorified fanfiction, but thankfully the devs were smart enough to not have doomguy fight the evil chick until she actually became a demon, and it's not like you ever do manage to kill Hayden. Hayden's kinda a weird case anyway, as I'm not sure if he's even human or what.
What matter is, for the entirety of doom 4, doomguy only actually kills demons.

It might not seem like an important distinction to make, whether doomguy kills off that chick before or after she becomes a demon, but it's a pretty damn important point to the main themes and ideas behind the games. The shit doomguy kills is always 100%, without a doubt evil. Evil doesn't really exist in the real world, but when you invent demons its easy to just say they're evil and their existence is nothing but harm for everyone and everything, therefore it's never not justified to kill them by the dozen. You start killing off humans, that's kinda another thing. It is never, objectively, and inarguably justified to kill off a human being. You might disagree with me, but I don't really care because this isn't about what you or me think is justifiable. It's moreso about how a lot of people believe in the sacredness of human life and all that jazz. Doom isn't about pondering moral fucking quandaries, it's a nice way to let off some steam with some very brutal hardcore action that doesn't feel dehumanizing. Having doomguy kill people wouldn't just betray his character, which truthfully is a bit subjective as he doesn't HAVE much of a character, but it'd ruin Doom's appeal of being the game where you can murder the shit out of objective, inarguably baddies.

Rabbits do need a lot of attention, and they can be very easily startled. And I don’t mean “BOO! You should see the look on your face” startled, but so startled they get a heart attack and die from it. That’s not to say they’ll die if you so much as accidentally drop a pan onto the ground, but it is a possibility nonetheless. Also they will chew things constantly, their teeth never stop growing throughout their lives.

buns is good

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Yea Forums also has this fine lad

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>Evil doesn't really exist in the real world

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is this shopped

Giant Flemish rabbits. they rarely get -that- big, but they do get pretty hefty.

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>Believing in the concept of evil
What are you, 5?

>Believing in the concept of evil
>What are you, 5?
Bud, you're either extremely naive, or extremely edgy

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I'm not an edgy 15 year old moral relativist who thinks everything is "ok in context."

giv giant bun gf

There's shit that's inexcusable, I'm not that dumb, but "evil" is fucking childish. Evil is a force of nature that can't be helped. It's practically magic, unexplainable. Real people do terrible things because of reasons, not because they're "evil". Those reasons might be shit, sure, but they're still there. Evil is reserved for skeletons in RPGs, people that religious people don't like and what 5 year old kids think bullies are.


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What is the functional difference between "evil" and "inexcusable" to you?

Many many many serial killers and mass rapists had no reason behind what they did. They just did it because they could and they had an "urge to do so."

Evil does exist in real life, and to think otherwise just means you deserve to experience it first hand.

You do something evil because of magic nonsense reasons, like "being born evil". You do something inexcusable because of a terrible sense of morals, typically from growing up in shitholes or having mental health issues or the like. Evil people know they're evil and don't care, because they're cartoon characters, while human scumbags usually think they're justified in their own actions.

Body Language.

You're definitely wrong. There are plenty of evil people who do horrendous things and know they're doing something wrong. They do it because being evil makes them feel good.

That's a fucking mental condition, not evil. It's not comparable.

user, i think you are simply associating the word with fantasy and fiction because that's where we see it all the time (Good vs Evil, etc). That does not mean that it does not exist.

People do horrendous, awful just because they can. Just because it's fun. Sometimes reasons are given, but a lot of the time, it's just a flimsy cover for "because I wanted to. Because i like to do it. Because it stimulates/pleases/entertains me." Maybe a little too much time on the relativity pill has given you this idea where only the utmost extremes can be called bad, and even then, people have reasons, even though said reasons are often flimsy, fronts, or flat out nonexistent. Are there mustache twirlers in real life? Not in that sense, no, of course not, and I think that's where you're coming from, but don't try and conflate that with what really goes on. Don't let the nonexistence of the caricature lull you into thinking the reality isn't there. People do awful, repulsive shit just because they feel like it.

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I appreciate an actual thought-out response, but I disagree on a straight up conceptual level. There's always a reason, and you can always ask why they did something. If that reason is bad, you can ask why do they think that bad reason is good enough. Humans are complex creatures, and I don't believe in some magic force that drives them to do bad things.

Anyway my goddamn point is that there'll always be people like me who don't believe killing humans is ever 100% justified, and if you just stick to having demons as the sole enemy you don't even fucking bring up the problem of who thinks what. Everyone is fine with killing demons, and if you start putting human enemies in it just raises a problem that has 0 reason to exist.

user, there are plenty of people who do awful things in a state of complete sanity just because they enjoy it.

Porn when?

>Goes on a decades long rampage to kill every (insert enemy here), despite the fact that it's impossible

You say all that but then you post Gacy, who likely just murdered all those teens because he was outrageously gay and couldn't deal.

So you don't believe, in the context of Doom, that Olivia Pierce, who butchered and murdered her fellow employees, sought to bring about potentially the end of the world, and was more than willing to damn the entire planet of Mars by consorting with creatures you have labeled as "evil", is evil?

>It is never, objectively, and inarguably justified to kill off a human being.
I'm pretty sure it would be objectively and inarguably justified to kill you, you waste of hydrocarbons.


>I don't believe in some magic force
Never said it was magic. In fact, I acknowledged that was what you were referring to and agreed with you. (there are no such things as mustache twirlers. etc). And while I'm ahead I'll also agree with you on the demon point - that's what DOOM demons are for, something you can kill without remorse - a being whose sole intent, purpose, pleasure, and fulfillment is bringing unthinkable suffering on anything that breathes.

But there's something you ought to know about humans and their complexity - for all the reasoning we are capable of, for all the thoughts and reasons behind what we do, good or bad, there is a simple calculus. You say it is never 100% justified, and to some extent you are right - there is never a way to truly know with all clarity the intentions and thoughts of another human heart, but for all its worth, a decision has to be made. A scale has to be weighed. I cannot know the thoughts of the boys who raped and tortured Junko Furuta to death, but I can very clearly see what they did, and how they bragged about it openly. I cannot know every single thing that went through the head of Ted Bundy or Gary Ridgeway, or that Taliban fighter who ordered that 6-year old to suicide bomb a patrol. but I do know that Bundy/Ridgeway loved to lure innocents into being brutally murdered, and that the Taliban fighter had no consideration or remorse for the life of that boy or his family whom he and his comrades raped, mutilated, and murdered.

It seems inflexible and almost arbitrary, and in a perfect world where we knew each others thoughts and intentions perfectly, we wouldn't need such a cover-all system, but in the end, something has been done, and something must be doe in response. You're right. We can never see the full picture, but we have to act on what we can see. Scales have to be weighed, even if we don't have access to every minute gram potentially attributed to the offender's plate.

Action must be taken.

Fully voiced Bioware protagonist components: voice acting, writing, animation. Fuck up one of these and people hate the character.

Doom Slayer petting his bunny: cute, nothing to fuck up, you can fill in the blanks with your imagination.

Holy shit, guys, how come this thread get this far without posting Primal?

Shame on you all

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Still waiting for Gennedy DOOM cartoon damn it.

Seriously it's a perfect match

I'm not gonna argue about this anymore because I'm tired, but yeah. I do agree we have to do what we can to stop assholes and scumbags. I guess the best way I can boil down why I don't consider all those rapists and murderes "evil" is because I'd like to think they weren't destined for those terrible actions from the day they were born and if things had gone different for them, they would have ended different too. At that point it just comes down to your personal definition of what "evil" even means, though. I still don't really agree with you on some stuff but I do appreciate the thought out response.

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Because as simple as Doomguy is, he's nicely put together. He's not complex, he's not super developed, and his backstory is barebones, but that's all he needs because, as little as there is to him, what he does have is executed impeccably. His character is basically summed up as "hate evil demons, protect innocents, mangle the face/assets of anyone who tries to make excuses." Not a whole lot to go on, but it means it's harder to mess up. All we need to express this persona in Doom is a gestures (punching the screen with Hayden still talking through it), simple one-off actions (destroying the argent energy equipment), and regular behavior (constant shows o contempt to his enemies through quick an impersonal brutality).

There's not much to work with, but what's there is very easy to make work. He's a one trick pony, but he can perform his trick perfectly.

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>outrageously gay
sounds evil to me

Is that firepunch? I should reread that shit because honestly I couldn't really tell what the moral of the story was. Was a good read overall though.

whether a person can be inherently evil and whether a person can commit evil for evil purposes are two very different questions

Any time. Good talk

here I was expecting crossover fanart and you fucks start debating on evil

Guess this site still sparks from time to time

Well hey, crossover fanart is great too.

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The game doesn't need some complex background story, it's just a guy fucking destroying demons, that's the same reason why genndy toons like Samurai Jack and Genndywars works really fine. Simple concept, full action, you don't need anything else.

Also this With the silence protag you can also infer "incorruption, unstopable" and other hero characterstics.

I'm sorry.

you guys think we'll ever get a eldritch styled singleplayer quake again? I fucking loved the first one. Maybe after doom eternal, right?

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Doom looks like it's enjoying a renaissance of sorts while quake seems to be muddled in a slump. We ca only hope that in the coming years quake will relive its glory days.

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Eh, Th's alright

The thing is that Machine Games expressed interest in doing a new Quake game, and I don't thrust them to do anything after the fuckups that were TNC and Younglbood.
How on earth do you start so strong only to fuck up the one of the simplest videogame premises out there? "nazi there, shoot shoot" shouldn't be too hard, but no, they made something great and then they dragged it through the mud, fuck man.

If anyone gets the license I hope its Id Software.

Quake is not all that dead, the mapping tools are getting better and better and now you are seeing cool projects more often, feels liek each month you get something interesting coming from that scene.

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Did quake ever have glory days? I mean yeah, it did, but never at the same level as Doom. It kinda feels like they made the first game and then just didn't know what the fuck to do with the series after. Quake 2 was a mistake.

Quake truly shined with its MP scene.
Quake was fucking huge and it peaked with Arena, and you still feel its legacy today, Team Fortress started as mod for the original game, and I think the precursor to CS was at some point a Quake mod too

I mean in the mainstream sense. Yeah, quake mapping scene is full of great stuff. I'm just talking about the "in" factor that DOOM is beginning to enjoy again. Not saying that's the sole merit to a series or course, just to make that clear.

>but never at the same level as Doom
Well duh. Doom is doom. Not even its own sequel could kill it. I'm just talking about quake on its own merits and hallmarks.

That's well and good but people who love quake multiplayer but what about autists like me who just enjoyed the feeling of the singleplayer campaign?

Good thing is that you have 20 years worth of user made maps to play, including the more recent stuff, Arcane Dimensions and Mapjam X are fucking stellar.

Also remember the two official expansion packs are cool too, if you need help running any of that shit easily check the OP in the /vr/ Doom general.

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John is pretty much the opposite. He solves his problems almost completely passively by conning and finessing his opponents, whereas Frank and Doomguy just brute force it. Plus he actually has a sense of humor and isn't just a stoic brick shithouse.

Well, i dunno about Frank, but Doomguy's not always stoic.

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Alright, that map in your pic does actually look fucking tight. bindingtower? Is it any good? I probably should give some map packs a try. I did play both expansions, and the weird mappack machine games did for the anniversary.

Distinct in Doomguy's case, and you interpret a silent protagonist's actions through your own lens- that's a known thing, that's why people like Gordon Freeman and Master Chief so much. The point when Halo's storyline started getting fucky was 3 when people started acting like actual characters instead of action movie cliches


>that bunny who has an instagram account dedicated to him cuddling with his giant bunny gf

You only wish you were this comy: instagram.com/lilly_sunshine_flemishgirl/

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Binding Tower by Albert.
Its a pretty neat little map, I recommend it.
Go on Quaddicted and get the Quake Injector, it can download any map you want instantly and install it for you.

Also try Copper, its a vanilla+ gameplay mod that irons out some of the kinks of the original game but keeps the same core gameplay, it even has its own map pack.

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God so cute. I want one of those units.

frank castle and judge dredd have been appropriated by morons and bootlickers who think the characters attitudes are anything worth striving for.

jesus fucking christ those "thin blue line stickers" with punisher skulls are retarded.

so are the morons who think Judge Dredd wasn't a parody of the "simon-says"-style of american policing

thanks, buddy. I'll be sure to check it out

Lobo and he fucks Lola Bunny

>reverse search e621
>deleted fr DNP
fuck this noise

Use furry.booru.org to avoid artist bs.

>Yea Forums equivalent of doomguy
Something between ghost Rider and punisher.

yeah for some reason even after searching the name of the artist I get results all over the place

reminder one of these two kids grows up to be Doom Slayer

Yea Forums equivalent of the Doomguy is Doomguy

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nah, bethesda clearly just paid lip service to the Tom Hall canon without actually thinking it though

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I tought they just made him a bitch boy? so Finn the human

they are also the grandkids of B.J. Blazkowicz

in the books his name was Flynn Taggart
though the books veer into batshit directions rather quick and are not canon