is homesuck worth the read? refound the sweet bro and hella jeff comics and realized its been 10 years since my shitty friend group got sucked into the tumblr black void and never returned. i avoided it out of spite but i actually have a vague interest in trying it now due to nostalgia.
Is homesuck worth the read...
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Consider this: over 8000 pages. Incomprehensible plot. Boring as shit introduction. The fact that you probably have to keep the wiki opened while you read it.
The ending parts kind of invalidate all the time you spend reading the beginning and middle parts. At some point the author loses control of his own story to other people in his life who were not as funny or talented as he used to be. Only read it if you're interested in what NOT to do when writing an epic. Otherwise, read something else.
i read infinite jest and liked it i dont mind the work involved
have you actually read it? did it have a consistent quality throughout? one thing that especially concerns me is how the first 3 acts were (apparently) influenced directly by his fans through the mspaint forums. i guess you saying incomprehensible plot is a sufficient answer to if the quality wavers or not. but difficult plots arent necessarily a bad thing.
got any good options for reliving the 2008-2013 era of webcomics (or "written works" in general). scott pilgrim is obviously on the list so far.
The quality gradually improves over the first 4 chapters. Chapter 5 was divisive when it started but it's now looked back on well. Chapter 6 is longer than the previous 5 chapters combined and it's really when things go downhill.
kid radd and gunshow are the only long-runners that come to mind at the moment, otherwise there's tons of one-off stuff that you could find scattered about. maybe i'll make a thread for that kind of media. if you want an ongoing epic, i'm currently reading unsounded and that's fucking amazing. it's not as cartoony as my other suggestions but that's where you'd go for story, characters, and lore
>have you actually read it?
>did it have a consistent quality throughout?
No. as I've said the earlier parts are quite dense with information, and tend bore people enough to give up on it. Pic related gest brought up a lot, and it's not completely accurate but generally, the plot reaches a plateau around act 5. It's not going to be as big of a nosedive for you, because you won't have to experience years and years of hiatuses inbetween act 5 and act 7. You'll get the whole package, it's just waiting for you to open it, and it WILL make sense. Some of the twists might seem a bit weird, and others unfair and needlessly cruel but at least it'll make sense. Read the epilogues only after, and only then.
>one thing that especially concerns me is how the first 3 acts were (apparently) influenced directly by his fans through the mspaint forums
The comic wasn't all that influenced in the early parts, even though people sent in actual commands that were actually drawn. Most of it was just silly jests. Later on, selected parts of the fandom (and people) had a lot more influence on the comic.
> but difficult plots arent necessarily a bad thing.
Not really, and that isn't any of Hussie's sins. The story is convoluted but it still made sense. The real kicker was that Hussie seemingly abandoned the comic and left his 'friends' to take over.
it's depressing to hear that the guy abandoned ship and it didnt get the ending it deserved. i think i'll try it out for a few hours though and see what i think strictly because of the nostalgia factor. thanks for the info though youve been great dude.
i didnt realize that gunshow is where all those reaction images come from (i do not read comics at all) ill give that a try as well. unsounded looks interesting, thanks dude.
You'll probably fall in love with it in the beginning like everybody else did. The sense of wonder and adventure it gives you will be like a drug. Know that when things come crashing down and maybe you won't get too hurt.
The first half is amazing, the second half starts out alright, but by the 3/4ths mark it's only worth reading for whatever momentum you still have in wanting to see how it turns out (plus for one specific character who comes in late and becomes the best character almost immediately)
Infinite Jest is literature, Homestuck is nor
>Homestuck is not
I mean. It may have 'enough' symbolism in there to treat it as an epic.
Just watch the voice over on youtube, they practically match the characters head on and it's less of a hassle than reading.
don't forgot googling definitions for words Hussie found from a thesaurus.
does this take away from the integrity of the original (besides the fact that the dude has a shitty mic)
Now is the only time it’s worth reading.
Waiting for updates was suffering, but now you can binge the whole thing in one go.
So do that and remember the fallen who died during the gigapause.
>there are people who died without seeing the ending
I envy them.
waiting for updates was the best part imo, nothing beats reading a random 3am update.
The ending and the events leading up to it are still shitty enough to make me mad like nothing else.
I stuck with the comic for years and then its like I got kicked in the dick as a reward and everyones telling me to stop being mad about it.
Yes, you should read it at least to get an idea of how you should not end your work.
Do you have ADHD?
All the command were cherrypicked to advance the plot or for humor.
A little bit, since there was 'some' fun in interacting things yourself, but overall marginal. To get the most out of it, fiddle around with the comic in the beginning and then watch it. Oh, and don't forget to read through problem sleuth first. Gold.
The first few pages are kinda bad
The story gets kinda confusing though there are recaps for you to take a breath and recollect your toughts
The Trolls are mostly shit with two or three decent enough for you to care
Besides that its really good and has some fucking hype moments.
Dont read the epilogues.
Romance was a mistake.
>Oh, and don't forget to read through problem sleuth first. Gold.
Honest to god, if you want a comedic but bizarre story with a conclusion that leaves you walking away feeling satisfied and content you have to pick Problem Sleuth, Andrew Hussie's actual magnum opus.
I read it a week ago.
I quite liked it but I hated the romance shipping bullshit, how the story dragged on with teenage drama faggotry and a lot of the trolls were quite shitty people I didnt give a shit about being killed
Cascade, Game Over and Collide are cool though, there was a lot of cool concepts and the ending was nice.
The epilogues make it the worst piece of english literature ever made and should be avoided at all costs.
Are the epilogues relevant to the actual story? Is it an actual conclusion or something else?
The story's own conclusion(Act 7(which is a single page/animation) and the credits) is fine. It ends on a decent and sweet note, though there was too much buildup and people were expecting more but I think what we got was fine.
The epilogues is meant as "SO YOU WANT MORE? HERE, GO FUCK YOURSELF". It completely destroys the characters and fucks the entire universe, all while Hussie screams about how canon it is. It's entire purpose is to completely destroy the fanbase and everything homestuck means, and it does it perfectly and I fucking hate it.
If you like ANYTHING related to homestuck, dont ever read the epilogues, you'll hate it like everyone did.
Thankfully, the game that's coming out based on the Homestuck universe(Hiveswap) doesnt consider it canon, and you shoudnt too.
The fuck happened in the epilouge?
I gave up years ago, but read PS again and am thinking of diving back in to finish.
As a person who was in the original HS bullrun 2009-2011, just don't. It's a waste of time.
I just wanted the Problem Sleuth epilogue again, user. PS ended on a closed door opening but the epilogue tied everything up flawlessly. With Homestuck I wanted to know what happened to the 4 kids after they popped out of the juju they were stuck in for billions of years and see LE die on screen definitively. That tracking shot into the juju house? If it showed the kids fly into it, John turn and close the door to really mark 'leaving' the comic it would have been a kino ending for me. The way A7 sets up the aftermath of LE was a big ??? because 'the heroes kill LE' thing told to us we don't know if they would be okay, if they were destined to die forever afterwards, or if something stupider would happen like Calliope's black hole destroying all reality regardless (fulfilling Tavros' prediction of there being a worse big bad than LE).
It's none of the above and way worse than I imagined. I wish I could scrub the epilogues from my memory and live in blissful ignorance like my friends who I warned after reading that utter dogshit.
just read up to cascade and finish there. i honestly don't think reading the entirety of act 6 is worth it now that the fanbase is dead, at least when it was thriving there were a lot of batshit theories and discussions going around so there was still a lot of fun to have in the back whilst watching the trainwreck
i've re-read the entire comic recently and honestly act 6 is just such a fucking slog and since it takes up the majority of the comic. it has it's good moments, like caliborn, but all the bad moments outweigh the good parts by megatons, it really isn't worth it. avoid the epilogues at all cost too
Rose tells John he has to go back to the old universe and defeat Lord English/Caliborn
Before going, he goes on a picnic with calliope and roxy and calliope gives him two choices, Meat and Candy
Meat is raw, but real, it represents absolute canon and everything afterwards will be relevant
Candy is sweet, but irrelevant, and too much candy may be bad for your teeth
If you choose meat, John goes to fight lord english and everyone gets fucked, John dies and Terezi keeps his body. Dirk becomes a psychopath, awakens his true self by comitting suicide in the candy story and alt. Calliope fights him on the narration to gain control over the narrative.
In the Candy narrative, John stays on "Earth C" and everyone is happy and they all get married and they all fuck and have kids or whatever and Dirk commits suicide and a lot of stupid bullshit happens.
In both stories there is also a lot of character changes and stupid bullshit, such as
>John becomes depressed
>Dirk becomes a fucking psychopath
>Karkat and Dave become turbo gay
>Jade becomes a hyperslut with a dog dig and fucks everything that moves while being very promiscuous
>Rose starts getting sick because IQ too high
>Roxy becomes non binary
>Jake becomes justin bieber and a massive faggot
>Jane becomes a BITCH and makes a crocker corp empire
>Obama is canon and is a Hope player that guides Dave
>Dave and Karkat stage a coup against Jane
>Kanayana and Rose try to deal with troll reproduction now that they dont have to be culled all the time
>Vriska gets sucked by the black hole during the LE english battle in the meat timeline, ends up in the candy timeline where she fucks gamzee and hangs out with Rose's and Kanayana's Daughter which is also named Vriska
>Everyone goes fucking insane
>Aradia, Sollux and Alt Calliope are the only sane characters left
Its a fucking shitshow, and both meat and Candy end on a open note which means they dont even give conclusion to anything, it just creates more questions.
>the candy timeline where she fucks gamzee
And then kills him. Don't forget about that part.
Also, she basically calls out Hussie for his shit decisions regarding the story.
>ARADIA: you werent even sympathetic to the very story it seemed you were trying to get me invested in from the beginning
>ARADIA: almost like a mean prank!
I recently finished it and am reading the epilogue. Overall pretty damn good.
What do you think about the epilogue so far?
Just read the Intermission.
I’d recommend Problem sleuth and then the first intermission since the MC gets introduced in PS
You could also read Jail break if you like cyoa style stories and since it’s the OG but it’s not essential. But I would read jailbreak first since it kind of sets the tone for the story style Hussie goes for and is basically a rough draft for problem sleuth.
Honestly as someone who’s entire 2009-2016 was completely devoted to homestuck it feels weird to be completely ambivalent towards it now.
>Honestly as someone who’s entire 2009-2016 was completely devoted to homestuck it feels weird to be completely ambivalent towards it now.
Ditto. I think that's why I didn't mind the epilogue as much as everyone else did. The only character I still have any kind of investment in is John, who didn't get character assassinated too hard, I think.
Although reopening the story at the end was bullshit. I just want Homestuck to be over, and for hussie to move on to something else he's excited about.
No. Read Problem Sleuth instead.
Threadly reminder that Spades Slick did nothing wrong.
where is nep
>Honestly as someone who’s entire 2009-2016 was completely devoted to homestuck it feels weird to be completely ambivalent towards it now.
you just grew up from webcomic for teenagers. it sometimes happens to everyone. like how I was obsessed with fateverse and raildex and not I don't give three fucks about either. you're not getting more depressed and jaded trust me you don't
Just finished candy. I am a dork for narrative takeover meta crap and am intrigued to see where it goes in meat. This whole thing feels like some kinda lead in for a sequel work with all this robot and ultimate self nonsense. Candy mostly made me sad to see how fucking depressing everything went, but it serving a narrative twist was pleasant.
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff is the only good thing to come out of homestuck.
its like watching su boring and shitty plus red.dit/tumblr teir
Personally I found the characters and internet meme reference humor utterly insufferable and couldn't get that far into it.
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff and Problem Sleuth are fun though.
Just ignore the epilogues and you'll be fine. I finished it last year and it's been my main interest since then.
Jade deserves to have a Dave that loves her.
Like others said read Problem Sleuth first, it's shorter, ends nicely, and it's really good.
Homestuck began sort of like Problem Sleuth and although seemingly everyone finds the early acts "boring" I thought they had good charm. The webcomic is good for a while, though early act 5 and early act 6 are pretty boring. After a while I think Hussie became actually spiteful toward his fandom and decided to turn the webcomic into a sort of artistic statement about undermining everyone's expectations and non-climaxing everything. It's just like what the writers of Adventure Time did after mid season 5, except they did it on some weird quasi-Buddhist motive. Hussie on the other hand just seems spiteful. You do have to realize he was dealing with an utter garbage fandom that constantly got mad at him for dumb shit. He always got back at the fandom in-comic but it got increasingly less playful and more spiteful once he stopped even interacting with the fandom anymore (no more formspring), they had become absolutely insufferable by then.
Why is this thread still up? Mods do your fucking job
Jade deserves to get her fucking skull punched in
Trolls werent the issue with homestuck
For being a fucking degenerate creepy furry weirdo
then what was?
I read PS and I didnt like it, like homestuck the early parts were so much better and then it dragged with special attack bs for 700 pages.
That's the epilogue's fault, real Jade is a caring loyal gal who just wants what everyone else has.
I liked the epilogues, fight me.
Too many characters, pandering to SJWs.
why does jade have to suffer
what has she done against hussiecrew?
>almost like a mean prank!
That part was that hurt me the most
If you liked it because it's a story with an objective in mind and it strikes the goal perfectly, then its fine
If you liked it because of what happened in the plot, then fuck you.
Being straight for having a crush on the opposite sex?
>sequel work
Act 6. The whole quadrant thing you gotta take it most of a joke
She dared to show interest in a member of the opposite sex for no reason! Besides having common interests and mutual attraction and all that.
>it's good for what it is
Is there anymore of a brainlet opinion?
Thats not my point
Its good because its terrible and being the worst thong ever is the objective of the epilogue
>It's bad, but at least it wasn't straight!
This is porn isnt it.
>Infinite Jest
I go on lit every now and then, what's up with that book? Why's it a punchline?
Porn? No, it's an edit of a Paradox Space comic.
Davejade is retarded since jade is too good for an insufferable prick like dave
yes but Dave's the only thing she really wants. He doesn't deserve her, but Jade deserves whatever she wants, and what she wants is Dave. Also Pre-Act 6 Dave is good.
its very long and filled with technical language about all sorts of shit, and has a non linear plot. there is an entire chapter about a black guy's internal monologue written entirely in ebonics, its about 30 huge pages. its a great read try it.
>what she wants is Dave
Just because she wants him doesn't mean he's good for her. She needs to move on and date literally anyone else besides him. Besides, Hussie's shilling for davekat completely killed any chance she could have gotten.
Don't be like the jaderose shippers, give Jade what she wants.
A Dave that can love Jade is a Dave that's gotten over himself anyway, and is a perfectly serviceable character that isn't a chore to read.
>Dave is Hussie's self insert
>Slowly morphs from a stoic but ultimately good person into an uncaring whiny asshole
What did he mean by this?
they dont like each other
Try telling tumblr that.
I'd recommend it. Start with the previous adventures first (Jailbreak, Barb Quest, and Problem Sleuth) so you have an idea of what you're getting into once you start Homestuck. Also get a SWF player. Interactive pages that make use of Flash will no longer function after 2020.
>a Dave that's gotten over himself
That's not Dave then.
Rewriting a character for a ship is very /tumblr/.
No. From a more focused and objetive point of view, Homestuck as whole stands as pretty mediocre webcomic from beggining to end.
The first half has a lot of charm to it, but once you take a much more serious look to the story structure, general tone and even what kind of characters the comic tends to favor the most, everything starts to fall on its own.
Act 6 onwards is irredeemable burning trash and you shouldn't even bother trying to acknowleged it.
In the end I will just go and tell you to read Intermission (factually the best section of the entire comic).
When you're dealing with the epilogue, liberties have to be taken. But the epilogue does make it perfectly clear that Dave is in fact capable of not being a bitch and manning up to be the husband Jade deserves, it's just a rare occurrence.
When did I ever mention the epilogues? Those aren't even canon so they can't be considered as evidence towards Dave's character development. Just accept the fact that Dave is too much of a whiny cunt to ever give Jade what she needs.
If we ignore the epilogues then Dave is perfectly capable of manning up and popping a puppy in that pussy
Not really.
Yeah really
>Boring as shit introduction
The first few acts were literally the best part of the comic. After that it started taking itself too seriously.
Davefag delusion at its finest.
I'm the exact opposite of a Davefag, I'm just saying he can.
Act 1 is actually trash outside of the meteor conversation.
Act 4 is the best act with act 3 close behind. 2 and 5 are tied but if you're picking and choosing only the best parts, act 5 is actually on par with act 3. Act 6 starts off fantastically and then really really quickly drops into shit that only ever stops being shit when Caliborn is talking.
The intermission isn't very good and there's nothing wrong with skipping it on rereads.
Homestuck sucks the lord's balls. It has the brain of a Turd. The ending of the comic reads like Hussie was wearing a diaper filled with the tears of his colorful-haired friends while reading it. It's a soulless mishmash of tumblr and twitter posts he looked at, which ultimately dissolves into nothing that makes a statement on anything.
It's worth it though, because you will one day see one Andrew Hussie reap the fruits of his poor effort.
A non davefag could clearly see that there is no possible way of Dave getting the stick out of his ass and improving as a person. If you truly cared about Jade you could see that Dave would be one of the worst partners for her, as evident by how her relationship with Davesprite went.
What would Karkat's hell look like
>Homestuck sucks the lord's balls
> It has the brain of a Turd.
Even in Homestuck prior to Act 6 (which any sane person ignores) he was able to improve as a person. Ignoring the epilogues means we see Dave instead taking the first steps towards getting over himself, and according to the credits is fucking Jade every night while Karkat watches and cries.
If you truly care about Jade, you care enough to give Dave a chance to redeem himself through fatherhood.
The epilogues.
dave is for terezi
Just read Problem Sleuth instead.
sorry, Terezi, being a seer, is for John.
Viz Media must be kicking themselves over the acquisition. They waited too long and bought in as the quality and content stuttered and faltered badly.
I think Homestuck still has enough good meat on it that Viz could develop it into something good, albeit different. But they'd need to edit a lot.
Isn't someone else publishing hiveswap now?
Yes, Fellow Traveler is
It should be possible to just make the flashes work without pre-installing anything right? The youtube rips and html versions are really fucking bad, like 360p with worse audio than the flashes, really?
Who do you have in mind? Karkat? Don't make me laugh.
>it's been years since Homestuck ended and shat the bed as hard as it did
>Yea Forums feels empty now and the hole it left has yet to been filled by the hollow new content we get
When's our next epic bros I can't take this anymore
>you probably have to keep the wiki opened while you read it.
if you're retarded, maybe
>instead of dating Dave just make her date Dave, but even worse and with a fear of babies
jesus the epilogue even killed the threads
read problem sleuth instead, or just read the intermission
Found you.
It Hurts did homestuck better than homestuck
A lot of things do Homestuck better or write homestuck better
>It Hurts
It still hurts
Homestuck would be a 9/10 with a better ending
Genuinely one of the few comics that made me
Homestuck would be 10/10 with a better act 6
I read homestuck way after it had ended, and having experienced none of the pauses and whatnot, I didn't think act 6 was so bad, only the last part of it and act 7
The fucking porn is better than normal Homestuck at this point
I'm an archival reader too and I think A6 was the biggest slog to exist barring Caliborn segments and Game Over. It's a glaring problem to be totally invested up to A5 and realize halfway through A6 that things you were invested in don't matter. The only saving grace is I only spent two weeks casually reading Homestuck, I feel for the people who dealt with waiting years for that kick in the nuts.
That's because porn has a vested interest in keeping things in character.
Even better
maybe it's due to being a eurofag or some backwards ass Yea Forums-tier english education but seeing americans complaining about the language in mspa makes me laugh every time
user it's one thing to say Jade shouldn't get with Dave, but Jade deserves a family as much as Hussie deserves a beating.
>over 8000 pages. Incomprehensible plot.
This, but I wouldn't say "incomprehensible", so much as "convoluted". Very convoluted.
I was devoutly following, up until the first big interactive flash game. There was so much fucking dialogue, so many places to go, so many different routes and dialogue trees and areas and so much lore that would finally give the skeleton bits of exposition up to that point some kind of framework to understand the world, that it was taking hours just to get most of the way through, then it started getting into clones and cloning tanks and time travel and time travel clones and spirit-world dream-state time-travel troll-kin cyber-reality inverse-dimension universal-afterlife hexa-clones, and I just gave up. And this time it couldn't even be blamed on the crazy and inane random reader suggestions for plot development.
Homestuck just became too "heavy", and I had no idea where I was supposed to go with it, so I had to drop it. It was just too much work to try following, for very little reward, and an outright offensively-cringey and obsessed fanbase (reminiscent of Furries and Bronies).
I never was confused, but by the end I was unsatisfied. The retcon was the point of no return and the quality never recovered.
i liken it to LOST in that it brings forth interesting concepts but gets so invested and wrapped up in them that it's to the detriment of a more casual audience. even when the comic gets into character arcs and romance bullshit it's still underpinned by a super convoluted universe that explaining any one concept to an outsider would take 15 minutes and a crash course on the plot thus far
Homestuck would be an 11/10 if it were a different comic that didn't absolutely blow.
read problem sleuth
Homestuck would be an 11/10 comic if all the girls were barefoot.
no, it never was