Cartoon's that can't be R63'd

cartoon's who's inherent concept/premise would never work if gender inverted.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Not with that attitude, you fucking weakling.

What are you implying, user? There are a million men who would fuck animals.

Hey Arnold

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The beast is the archetype for female sexual fantasy. The female gets pregnant and needs protection and or support. So she seeks an animal she can just barely be safe around. Still dangerous enough to protect her from anything else. It doesn't work flipped. Ever heard a woman say she thought she could change him? Its nature anons.

Fucking pussy. Do you even know the French?

No, They keep running away.

Beauty and the beast is about the woman loving him emotionally, not physically, overcoming his gruesome appearance due to who he is inside.

What you're posting there as a refutation is fetish stuff, which goes against the premise of the story, loving the person DESPITE finding them ugly.
Also, the Beast in the story is basically a beast in personality as well as in appearance-- However, a girl behaving like an animal doesn't work or carry over due to girls not really behaving as "macho" alphas like a boorish/animalish man would.

The incredibles 2
My little pony

>The Incredibles 2
Why not, switching the roles is so easy, literally what they did in 2

so really it wouldn't work because women have the problem, huh.

Bob's entire story only worked due to the pre-existing assumption that men suck at housework though.

elastigirl's part of the plot in the first movie was about her husband keeping secrets from her and trying to find out what it is and trust him.
Bob's story in the second movie had his wife openly honest with him, and was about him struggling with jealousy and trying to overcome his Gender handicap at childcare.

>However, a girl behaving like an animal doesn't work

You ever met women in real life? The biggest sin men have done is give those hell beasts rights they never deserved. Women need to be brutalized by men so they can pretend to be civilized. Women need men's boots stepping on their faces forever so they can pretend to be human. Female Nature is just an unruly animal and it needs to be painfully tamed. And any white knight faggot who gets in the way? Castrated and force fed his own bloody cock and balls.

Somehow I doubt you have much of a future in story writing for the entertainment industry.


Are you talking about the Canadians?

mad because your sister wouldn't suck your dick aren't you cletus

Why wouldn't it work?
A female beast would still be able to initially threaten the man into staying and the man could still grow to care for her after a while. The only reason I could think of for it not working is that a man might get over his fear more quickly, turn furry, try to get into her pants well before she starts dying and end the story early.

The beast represents what is viewed as the base instincts of a man-- Territoriality, dominance, ect. The Beast represents a crude man stripped down to his base desires without civilization.
Women aren't viewed as having that as their core instincts, so it wouldn't translate well.

They're not commonly viewed as having those instincts but it doesn't mean it wouldn't translate with a good enough author, you coward.

>Territoriality, dominance
>Women aren't viewed as having that as their core instincts
I think it is obvious to anybody who knows more than a handful of women that that is totally in their core instincts.
If you don't think so go make some female friends and tell your girlfriend all about them.

No. Helen was never jealous of Bob in Incredibles 1. She was worried that he was having an affair or worse behind her back.

Incredible 2 can’t work with the roles reversed because Helen is already good at taking care of the kids.

Women aren't presented realistically in media by Beta Males who makes this shit. Women's core instincts is to be a resource stealing leech to a man.

The only reason "waifus" exist is because Beta Losers who make comics, cartoons, etc can't stand reality that women only want men for their money and resources. They don't actually care about men.

Specifically tell your girlfriend they're cute.

Just give her great big dirty milkers

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Traditional femininity views women as being more demure and focused on nurturing and motherly desires as their base instincts.
Regardless of reality, this is the "traditional" view of what feminine instincts are, hence why most all cultures view women as desiring strong men to protect them so they don't have to engage in battle/combat themselves and can focus on the home/children.
Regardless of how 20th century western culture has moved on to push away from that, traditional views still have far more sway in what an audience expects to see in a movie than in real life.

Additionally, the gaston type character wouldn't translate well to a girl-- When people view a girl as being antagonistic towards another girl, its generally in a political/social way, not a "Get a gun/weapon and go out to personally try and kill them yourself" kind of deal.
A female gaston would seem utterly insane right out of the bat to an excessive degree, unless they tried to play them up as a manipulator who never tries to confront the Fem-beast herself and just tries to use a mob to kill her off.
(Which would prevent the karmic death disposal method)

>female Gaston
>hyperaggressive sexual woman

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The lion guard is literally Male My little pony though.

I think you guys are missing the point of the thread, its just Rule63, not role reversal

Please let me know when you're about to go on a shooting spree so I can stay inside that day

There is literally a she-ra Series going on right now.

The crude woman is not much different. You’re conflating the crude woman with the civilized woman to make your point. The story is about the man becoming a suitable mate for the civilized woman. The inverse would be for the crude woman to become a civilized mate for the man.

Honestly, I'd fuck beast mode Beast of both genders, but none of the actual humans from """"Beauty"""" and the Beast.

Yes, and the Welsh, and New Zealanders, and men of the Middle East, and that guy who fucked a dolphin, and the thousands of men who stick their dick in their cat or dog after their date fails.

If they were going to do a Female beast story, they'd go the inverse and have it be about her learning to love herself as she is and have pride in how she acts.
You can't try and shame a woman into changing in today's atmosphere, it'd be seen as chauvenistic.
Most likely they'd have some girl with horrible self esteem and lashes out violently due to that, and ends up learning to love herself and take pride in being a strong/violent furry due to the man's support, and end with him and her going off to be furfags somewhere in the ending, probably with them contrasting the Female antagonist as a wimp who relies on others to fight for her and can only cower in front of the Female beast.

In other words, it'd probably have no value except as a fetish piece, useless for children's entertainment, but passable as an anime.

Would a Male power puff girls series work? Honestly, the "child superhero" hook seems pretty gender neutral.

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I honestly couldn't tell the male edds from the female ones without looking hard.

Female Beast would be about an ugly hermit girl that thinks she's an awful, evil, useless monster and then a guy comes along and decides he loves her anyway, even though she's ugly and evil. Eventually, she becomes less evil, and turns into a human. Main difference is Female Beast would have way lower self-esteem, be less of an aggressive monster and more of a scheming slimy monster.

The cartoon I think would be very difficult or impossible to gender-flip is Shrek because the premise depends so much on meta-knowledge of what people expect fairy tales to be like. Who ever heard fairy tales about recuing a prince from a castle? And how would the jokes about calling Donkey a jackass work? What's even the word for a female donkey? Jillass? Janeass? Nannyass? how about Shrek 2? There's no female equivalent of Prince Charming and Fairy Godfather isn't a real thing (outside of Garfield and Friends), so who's the villain?

Actually, there were more than a few to have fairy tales about princesses rescuing princes. That being said, the princesses "saved" their princes by behaving as very subordinate (I. E. traditional female values) usually.

The iron stove for example, or the snow queen.

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Same for the Kankers

Someone didn't do their research.

This guy has obviously never been to /d/. then again most people on /d/ are probably male-attracted.
Anyway, if the Predator can find female lust just by being terrifying and ripped, maybe I can too.
Also pic related proves that women do the same thing, maybe even worse.

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>However, a girl behaving like an animal doesn't work
the spotted hyena futa
the seahorse mpreg
the anglerfish femdom
the naked mole rat reverse harem
>female animal is not "naturally" submissive
>female is not made from adam ribs
>all cartoons can be genderswapped

That's why it wouldn't work. Belle falling for the Beast took lots of effort on his and his castle staff's behalf.
R63 Beast is a cutie who would find true love just by finding a guy with functional eyeballs and good taste.

You're listing non-human creatures for those though. Those traits are explicitly for other species and are exceptions not the rules for mammalian animals.

You're thinking the girl would be drawn as being sexy/attractive.
On the contrary, unless the people doing it were TRYING to make her look sexy, a female animal would most probably be ugly.

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>male attracted men
Just call them gay you fucking weirdo

What about She-hulk?

South Park.

It's based so strongly on boy culture and experiences only men can have when they're young, so it could never work.

You need to at minimum make her cute enough to clean up well like the Beast did in the original.
And that's above and beyond in some books.

it could work.

She hulk was about a girl gaining self confidence and becoming smoking hot due to her original self being a shy moe without self confidence.
She hulk's transformation wasn't anything like hulk's "Turns into a monster" setup, rather it was about her self conscious desires shining forth so she could turn from a nerd into essentially a popular attractive woman.
Or at least it use to be, I know they've been trying to just make her an angry monster lately, but I don't think that's been liked AT ALL.

If anything, a more likely Fembeast story would be like how she-hulk was, with fembeast being a shy moe blob that feels horribly insecure and shy due to her looks (while also having super strength) and learning to take pride in herself by the male lead.

>the talking candlestick is funny but an animal woman with high test is too unrealistic for my suspension of disbelief
>the non human beast cant behave in a non human way it breaks the story
>all human women behave submissive traits always its the human way

this would work. in fact i can see japan working on it as we speak.

How? It's impossible to have character like Butters as girl. His whole character is that he's not traditionally masculine boy and that makes him different from others. Even a tomboy girl wouldn't face similar suffering.

The point of the beast is that he's basically given in to a Man's base desires-- that is a human man at their core without civilization.
if you start making them give into NON-HUMAN desires, then it ruins the entire purpose of the symbolism of the transformation.

hence the issue with making the Fembeast behave in a way attributable to other female animals but not to a human female's instincts lacks the purpose.

>If anything, a more likely Fembeast story would be like how she-hulk was, with fembeast being a shy moe blob that feels horribly insecure and shy due to her looks (while also having super strength) and learning to take pride in herself by the male lead.
I'd watch that. fund it

Megas XLR. The fat crazy protagonist wouldn't work with a girl.

Inuyasha. The dynamics of the main character and love interest are the defining force that drives the show, and wouldn't work gender swapped (Plus the whole dynamic of miroku trying to feel up sango and being abused for it can't translate if gender inverted).

I think of Inuyasha as a girl anyway so? I believe that a girl and boy can have any personality.

alot of the humor is from the girl abusing the guy in humorous ways though.
That wouldn't be seen as kosher if it was a guy constantly slamming a chick (even if it was a demon chick) into the ground by saying "sit"

>Beauty and the beast is about the woman loving him emotionally, not physically, overcoming his gruesome appearance due to who he is inside.
But who Beast was inside initially is a spoiled asshole. Are you saying no guy would ever love a spoiled asshole woman?

King thrushbeard is about a haughty princess getting humbled by being forced into marrying a commoner after gravely insulting every noble candidate and abusing her father's patience.
Only after she has bettered her ways and eaten a big piece of humble pie is her husband revealed to be the previously insulted king. In the very moment she is literally dropping spaghetti from her pockets on the palace stairs.

>Silly and the beast is about lieutenant sidecut mcbadbitch. She bullies a homeless manlet with a rose. Turns out he was a 6'7" magician in disguise.
>Sidecut is cursed with unshaveable body hair and a bloody urge to mate every month. But she treats everyone badly and has eight wolf titties and a repungent musk. If sidecut doesnt mate in ten years, her magic menopause eggs will never get fertilized, and she will be trapped in her fursona furever.
>ELSEWHERE a twink with glasses named Silly with NO BODY HAIR gets bitten in the neck by a homophobic woman named Gabby. She gropes his gynecotomasia milkers and makes prostate fisting air gestures in the town square. Silly doesnt want Gabby to grab him by the boipussy but Gabby likes ya and she wants ya. We can do this the easy way or the hard way
>Even though sidecut is an asshole and ugly and put Sillys mom into jail and has a bad personality Silly falls in love with her anyway for no reason.
>When Silly tells Gabby he has a girlfriend she is pissed. Gabby decides that it would make sense to do gods work and declare open season on the furry
>Sidecut gets stabbed but gabby dies of natural causes but mcbadbitch comes back to life as a tall blonde woman with no bodyhair and a sidecut haircut.
>Her boyfriend Silly climbs atop her shoulders and they travel the open road happily ever after

God, the fem eds are so ugly

But most people wanted to fuck she-Venom

It's not our fault no one will make hot monstergirls for us because it scares normies

It could work if you made her look like this.

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Easy, Steven Universe
Absolutely unwatchable if the Gems werec all male

Those anime cat girls barely look beast-like! So, that example is bullshit. She's ain't wrong.

Wasn't their a fairytale of a princess covered in dirt and unrecognisable that befriends the prince, but he thinks she'll ugly, and as to like her for her?

I remember an adaptation on TV, she basically looked like cousin it, she was that covered.

Anyone remember the name?


Then move to the Western spectrum of furfags

Yeah, that’s kind of the problem, though! If you wanna make that argument, don’t post a picture of fem-beast that’s fucking adorable. At worst, even if you don’t wanna bone her, she looks like a cute puppy running on her hind legs wearing a princess dress!

>OP thinks men wouldn't fuck a cute monster girl
It's actually much more believable than the opposite

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user you're ignoring that many women don't find Disney Beast physically reprehensible enough for that to be a dealbreaker.

Someone hasn't watched enough anime/hentai/manga. Japan will make wonderfully illustrated anything, What was the name of it? Rocket! Blast off? Nothing like watching a tree rape a racoon.

Dare I ask if anyone in this thread wouldn't ... with her

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I always thought the alien was supposed to be feminine

What known female monster/creatures out there that actually look inhuman and men want to fuck?

I thought pic was wrong but now I can't think of any counter examples.

A shit ton of British TV show monsters, and not just Doctor Who ones.

By the way this is one of the more appealing pics, those tendrils normally have eyes on them, and being the superior species they feed off of all other races to expand and survive having genocided countless others.

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The Loud House - a girl with shitload of brothers? It's just weird and would generate nothing but gangrape and bukkake porn. Although token female among all-male cast used to be a common cartoon trope at some point.

Anything with /ss/ implications, such as Steven Universe. For obvious reasons.

Adult sitcoms like Simpsons, Family Guy etc. which are based on tropes like bumbling idiot dad, would be pretty weird if gender inverted. A competent husband with a fat bumbling idiot wife would be quite bizarre to see in a show.

Go to /aco/ and search for the xeno and nightmarewaifu threads.

So didnt beast. And so didnt Beast-Belle in ops picture.
In both versions they are anthrofied, not full beast like in

Well, American Dad kind of tries to revert the family dynamic, with Stan being responsible and Francine being crazy. Though with time, both of them became more and more crazy.


>implying we wouldn't go fuck an adult dragon

>Adult sitcoms like Simpsons, Family Guy etc. which are based on tropes like bumbling idiot dad, would be pretty weird if gender inverted. A competent husband with a fat bumbling idiot wife would be quite bizarre to see in a show.
We're so far into the deconstruction of the American family now that the very thing it was parodying is odd to you? The world of the zoomer must be very strange.
Smart husband/silly wife was the industry standard prior to the Simpsons. While the wife in shows like Father Knows Best and I Love Lucy wasn't fat she was a fuckup and the plot would usually revolve around her trying to fix her fuckup before her husband got back from work.

>When people view a girl as being antagonistic towards another girl, its generally in a political/social way, not a "Get a gun/weapon and go out to personally try and kill them yourself" kind of deal.
Clearly you have never been to Albania.

It was only from doing media research projects that I learned how common serious husband/silly wife used to be. You don't see it much anymore and the era it was common in was so long ago I don't blame Zoomers with being unaware of it.

>girls don’t have outcasts who are easily bullied

Are you stupid or something? Some sort of incel who thinks girls don’t suffer?

Butters has nothing to do with masculinity. He was a side character they tortured because it was fun to watch him suffer until it stopped being funny and he just became a normal kid.


>originally posted by vasquez
That got a chuckle out me.
Having said that, that entire listing, is as basic bitch as it get, I mean it could have at least put some effort into the strawman, fuck.
Seiously, how can someone post Pyramidhead and not give credit for the Nurses?

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You fucks have never heard of Johnny Lingo?

It’s 25 minutes, so the too long didn’t watch is there is this island tribe of people who buy their wives with cows. The more cows the husband pays, the more the wife can brag that she is a 2 cow wife or a 3 cow wife. This story is about Mohana, who is the ugliest girl on the island. Her father is distraught because he thinks he will only get the tail and the horns of a cow for his daughter. In swoops Johnny Lingo, the island trader, who wants to marry Mohana and offers 8 cows, which is absolutely unheard of. After their honey moon, Mohana returns to the tribe an absolute beauty of a woman who has earned her confidence and has become stunningly beautiful. The moral of the story is that treating somebody like they are worth something changes how people think of themselves and how others think of them in turn.

Having the family shun music because of their deadbeat great great grandmother would be a no-no

Thank you! I watched the Grimm version called "All kinds of Fur":

>Only gay men want to fuck a Xeno

This level of plebness and ignorance SICKENS ME.

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We went too far! We subverted expectations and now our subversions have become the expectation! Why must men forge what god has denied?!?

>There are a million men who would fuck animals.
And that inherently hurts the conflict of the story user. If anyone is willing to fuck the beast then there is no conflict you r-tard

Most of Xenomorphs are female, you philistine.

The kind of inhuman monsters "straight" men want to fuck aren't suitable for showing in a tumblr argument because it pretty much leaps straight into hard, depraved, body horror furfaggotry as soon as you delve outside the realm of "hot girl with animal accessories" to "chick in an ugly mask."

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that just means you need a better conflict

The reason why that wouldn't work is because a female mariachi superstar in the 50s would be nonsense. On the other hand, I don't see the problem with the kid being rule 63'd.

>I always thought the alien was supposed to be feminine

It's literally a walking penis.

I'll fuck anything to be honest.

>freaky but oddly attractive hybrid experiment wants to mate with it's human creators
>the guy doesn't even hesitate, goes for it
>woman has to be forced

Highly relevant

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Xenomorphs are based on HR Giger's concepts of "Demon of Lust" so it can go either way, I think. The original suit from the first movie has a literal vagina between its legs.

you are an idiot with no grasp of the female mind. Women actually dont think beast is ugly. They adore his wild and animalistic nature. And Bell *fixing* it, is part of the deal.

Any other conflict would go against the main point of the story user, there's no such thing as a bad conflict, just badly written conflicts.

>not to a human female's instincts lacks the purpose
haven't met too many females i see
protip: they are smelly animals like men, not delicate snowflakes


>trying to tell me that I'm a coward when I'd get in line to fug Venom quicker than them

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I've seen plenty of women saying that the Beast was hotter than his human version.

Oh wait they specified straight men. Nevermind

Fuck off, fag.

Johnny Lingo sounds absolutely based!

source of that pic? aliens vs, is that a show? dr who?

There was an anime about puzzles with the yugioh-like guy constantly abusing the main female lead as jokes.

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Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro.

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This is objectively false.


ingredient Consommé

>I can believe in the alebrijes but a mexican folk singer with a pussy in the past is just impossible
La llorona la llorona remember when the great grandma sang with de la cruz at the end? Imagine a whole movie like that. If you dont think deadbeat women abandoning their son are unlikable enough to remember you could have her run off with a bunch of the family's money to drive home the point.

>> 72 ingredient Consommé

I love this kind of thing because it shows how autistic bitter virgin women are just as deluded about the opposite sex as autistic bitter virgin men

>twitter outrage
Begone, redditscum

once again tumblr tries to make themselves the greater group. What a bunch of tossers, I bet you they just picked these aliens because they needed something "monstrous".

He is! The guy basically shows up, asks how many cows her dad wants for her, and when he says “3 cows” and the whole village busts out laughing, Johnny Lingo says that’s not nearly enough for his waifu, and offers 8. Dude is basically super island chad. Even when they get back from their trip, everyone says “holy shit, that girl is worth 10 cows!”

Post counter-examples

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Is there other anime about girl being rejected by the mainboy being a slapstick? The only other one I can think of is sachan from gintama

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Actually, since the fem Eds are ugly the police wouldn't come.


>straight men are cowards because they're not as messed up as me

Got to love fat bitch logic. She's completely wrong about men's taste in female monsters anyway.

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Huh, never thought I'd see Wizards vs Aliens here.
I'm still sad about SJA

Got examples.
I'm honestly drawing a blank, outside of dragon scalies I guess.

There have never been too many mainstream examples but /aco/ always has demon/alien/robot fucking threads, not to mention /hmofa/

Yeah, there's Aho girl

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They can still do a comic death for female Gaston. Just have one of her followers linger after the townsfolk have been dispatched to the castle and accidentally overhear her gloating about how she's using the idiot mob to take care of her problem. She could be, I don't know, a slash happy murderer who is using the Beast as a cover for her own activities.

This will be your beast (female) for tonight

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>female beast would never work! all men are jerks!
>yes it would, look
>wow men are so weird i'm crying right now


>when I was a girl I ate 4 dozen eggs
>every morning to make my bust get large
>and now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs
>so my chest's roughly the size of a barge

Humans are wild animals. Therefore we already fuck wild animals.

I would still fuck it as long as she has a good ass I can grab and claim as mine..

She doesn't want to admit that the problem is her, and not other people.

>Anime picture as profile
>Don't know how to read
Shiggy Diggy

>Implying I'm attracted to "let's take some anime girls and put them ears" generic and cringy anime characters

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I know I've seen something like this where the hero meets an old hag and has to agree to marry her or something not knowing she's a beautiful woman under a curse.

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Conclusion isn't supported by evidence. Wanting to fuck ugly things doesn't make you brave, it means you're desperate.

I was going to go on about how I'm glad I'm not attracted to ugly monsters but then I realized there's this thing and also the momo one.

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I find myself a little surprised that I have to say this:
There's nothing wrong with liking pretty things.

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>There's nothing wrong with liking pretty things.
Of course the isn't, the problem are the design, they are lame and boring as fuck.

id fuck anything weird

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You're thinking of the "loathly lady" story popular in the middle ages. Wife of Bath's Tale, Wedding of Dame Ragnelle, etc.

not only that, the guy cheats on his girl (the other scientist) to fuck the hybrid

I don't think they could have done Shazam! with Dad Batson abandoning his kid and ending up in a deadend job with an abusive girlfriend with any sympathy at all.
>If you dont think deadbeat women abandoning their son are unlikable enough to remember you could have her run off with a bunch of the family's money to drive home the point.
See above:

That kinda depends.
Some "monster girls" are indeed just ears and a tail. Catgirls have been a thing for a long long time and are cute, but otherwise dull. Mermaids, snake ladies and centaurs aren't original but are neat otherwise.
Then you get shit like "cow girls" - the worst offenders are when they just have cow print clothes and ears. It's fine when they do something interesting like four boobs but that typically isn't the case.
Though I'll posit this guess: Part of what makes them boring is it's common place. People find the "unique" designs exciting because they are commonplace and you see them all over. Whereas the exciting is stuff you don't see often. You're bored by the designs because you see them everywhere: The female figure has lost its allure because women are ordinary. Plain. Commonplace.

Am I wrong?

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I'd hit it.

Y'know, if you look at she-hulk's story you could see it as a cautionary tale about hedonism.

>tfw i can't make a Siren thread on Yea Forums without said thread dying with ~10 replies at most
I know someone else must be attracted to these things I KNOW IT

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Looks like a "regular" old mermaid to me.

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Remember girls, if you're a socially anxious and lack self-confidence, stay that way and never turn into a 7' tall glamazon with giant tits. Otherwise 30 years later some hack will try to fridge you with a missile to the titties then quickly retcon your death due to fan outcry but then they'll decide that you need to a PTSD crippled, Goon-faced musclebeast and keep you that way to "own" the sexist incels but then downplay the PTSD and give you the same kind of sex life you had back when you were a glamazon.

That's just a cautionary tale about letting marvel put pen to paper.

Here's a question, why are Mermaids overlooked in the "hardcore monstergirl" fandom but are the rage everywhere else?

Eh, I'm just going to take my shot at writing for Marvel and do a storyline where it is revealed that Jessica Jones was voluntarily working for the Purple Man the whole time and made up being mindcontrolled and also abuses her kid, because why not? I might also introduce a doughy, middle-aged, bald, white guy villain named Ryan Sidneb who keeps trying to molest Luke Cage during confrontations, but I'm not entirely sold on the idea.

Because classic mermaids are just normal chicks with a fishtail. Hardcore monstergirl types are more into things like Zora from LoZ or Naga from WoW.

Could work if the character is actually drawn beastly, savage, and shown to have a short temper. OP's pic is a complete misrepresentation and something closer to Catra would make more sense.

Its also hilarious user's here think they could put up with such a woman when real world 3D and SJWs make them drop their spaghetti or piss them off.

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I was talking about why mermaids get avoided on monstergirl discussions despite the fact that they're popular as fuck

Same reason centaurs don't always get brought up.

People are worried about fucking animal pussy.

See, here's the thing. Nobody wants to stick their dick in those cunts and I don't think anyone ever intended to.

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I was so happy I could give ADA the assaultron legs. Jesus christ that robo ass.

Not op but if that's your issue Double Mermaids(like the one from Starbucks)

seven vaginas

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Moderately okay but nippleless boobs annoy me.
Now go watch She Creature and get back to me.

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Girl Monsters >>> Monster Girls

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There’s no problem with make a r63 beauty and the beast. You just couldn’t use the designs in the OP. That pic is trying to make fembeast as cute and diminuitive as possible, when she should be every bit as monstrous as the original beast.

>you will never hold hands with her second pair of arms while she hugs you tight

I'm fine with that.

Anyone have pics of that?


If it's fluffy and I can stick my dick in it and it can consent of course I'm down.

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tfw an animated show will never have male human x male monster romance

Honestly tho, I feel the same thing to almost every jap cartoon character, most of them are repetitive garbage with zero value, so "le generic anime girl with ears and tail" is just an extention of "le generic anime girl".

I know it's for fapping, but, come on, have some standarts.

You wanting to fuck an anime cat girl just means your a degenerate zoophile. It has nothing to do with dating someone who your not attracted too.

Am I the only one who gets triggered with anthro characters with hair. There's no way a living being could evolve into having hair over its fur.

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You wanting to fuck an anime cat girl just means you want to fuck a anime girl. It's nothing to do with actual monsters and xenos.

Please just shoot up a WalMart already

Kill yourself fag

but women thinks I look like a beast and reject me.


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Monster Girls Quest.

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This is more in line with what I was thinking of. Monstrous but still somewhat feminine.

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>in this ITT

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Doubting she would actually braid her hair on her own, if she were to keep the beast's personality, at least, not in the beginning.

>I can't think of any counter examples
That's because there aren't a lot of explicitly female monsters outside of popular media that aren't just the same boring "human girl with some attachments and skin paint". Normalfags freak out at the subtlest hint of femininity in what are also supposed to be intimidating, inhuman monsters, unless it's explicitly shown to be a joke. This is because they conflate femininity with sexuality, so to feminize something inhuman is the same as saying you want to fuck. And your only allowed to do that with human women or else your a sick dog fucker with unrealistic expectations.

It's not our fault society is scared to death of male sexuality.

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Still fine with this.

It's not like the Beast's bestial form was physically awful, it was more a reflection of whatever the bitch witch's interpretation of what a self-entitled 12 year old was.

She deserves the Dmolotov


Pretty much.
All the storys are for girls and it wouldn't work because they would have a problem with ugly girls... or ugly guys.

Like all emos really.

good taste user

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I would fem-beast, would you anons?

Where does this guy in the middle come from?

Quest of Glory 2.
In reference to that part.

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Like most women, she fails to comprehend the male mind. Too many of them assume everyone else thinks like them. And I don't mean they think like women, I mean they're self centered enough to believe they think like THEM.

A lot of guys, a lot of guys love exotic features, real of fictional. You ever hear of jungle fever? Going native? It's not exclusive to fucking black girls. Everyone has always secretly wanted to bang the new thing, or just get a little of everything. If only we could be honest with ourselves there would be less prejudice. Through penis, unity.

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go on

>OP's pic is a complete misrepresentation and something closer to Catra would make more sense.
Why would someone who looks more human make more sense?

Literally everything about anthros is impossible from an evolutionary/biological perspective. If you go back far enough, our ancestors looked like pic related. Why didn't we become big anthro squirrel things covered in fur with fluffy tails? Because that skull structure wouldn't be able to house our brains, that fur, in Africa, would have hindered our endurance running based hunting strategies, and tails are just structurally incompatible with human backsides. (it'd have to connect with the spine which would make us all hunchbacked at best, and clearly we've figured out how to walk without needing a tail for balance anyways)

Anthros are all aesthetic. They're more enjoyable when you consider their designs from a character design perspective or even a symbolic perspective.

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Would still breed.

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Evolution doesn't mean that at any one point an any will have the most efficient form or will have shed older features that were a disadvantage.

Evolution could encourage one branch that's horribly suited for the environment to survive over the other one that looks ideal, but only because of an immunity to a plague or toxin.

I'm not trying to defend furries here, but you trying to say that an animal's biology is impossible because evolution is damned silly.

Is it gene stealing if I give it willingly?

Nigger, are you even trying to turn me off?

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Holy kek, didn't know about this

I would want her as my furry wolf gf

Hilda has low Deerfox IQ and only craves Twig's dick and cum.

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It was huge on Yea Forums

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There's nothing wrong if you don't find anime or hentai hot.
But by that same extension, it's not a lack of standards to find it hot either.

Fem Diablo is only for hate fucking.

Looks good. I don't go there and it's not just because of sneed

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Geiger himself wanted to fuck female xenomorphs

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She can carry me in her arms like Amazons she is.

Would still breed.

Hilda was bit by Twig, which turned her into a deerfox, and now all she can think about is breeding with Twig.

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>breeding with twig
>not gaining the insatiable urge to violate David

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Why would Mute, Deerfox Hilda want to breed with a human? She just wants deerfox dick.

>when you realize humans are basically the ultimate furry

If pyramid head counts as brave why the fuck the nurses don't? They both have hot bodies with a scary cover

as much as I don't like Monster monsume. Dragon Maid is the worst at barely changing the look of the girl and calling it "monster girl"
just googling dragon girl gives you better results

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I just watched it twice in a row. Gold. So many great lines in such a short sequence.
>We just cleaned the glass.
>She's humping the glass bro!
>Jensen! No!

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Dragon Maid usually has her hiding her tail which means she has two sticks in her hair, which are supposed to be horns, and slit irises. Later they pick up a loli with a puffball tail that might as well be part of her pajamas, and a NEET dragon that just looks like an anemic guy in a black suit. Oh and a tittymonster dragon that just looks and acts like a bimbo, which no discerning dragon features.

Shit is genuinely disappointing if you want a monstergirl. They all just look like people with colored contact lenses.

Yes sir!

She wants that timid shota seed

>what are horses

Animals can grow several different kinds of hair, Hell, Humans grow several different kinds of hair.

Shut up Cletus

This person has never been to the nightmare waifu thread on /aco/

>ywn hug your bare chest to her fuzzy body as she carries you on her back with her long mane brushing against your own back.

>What!? No! Who told you that? I'm not on trial here!

The "cow girls" part come from their big lactating titties.

Quad boobs is the superior way to handle that I think.

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Why not both?


Real talk we need more bombastic inhuman villainesses. Even one's that are downright terrifying would be neat

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lel these cat ladies literally regurgitate the same shit incels/MGTOWs whine about when they can't get that 10/10 gf, but saying "lol I don't need a gf, all women are sour grapes anyway imma strong independent male who need no girl".
There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay single, but if you need to bitch about men or women in today's society constantly, then maybe go for that guy or girl that's mediocre as you and try to make the best of what you have. Also they should be glad that they don't live in 3rd world countries that have sex slavery and shit

laugh at both, ignore and move on

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>human form is boring and generic
>Dragon form is cute and even attractive
Dragon girls shouldn't be allowed to have a human form. Same for catgirls, birdgirls, etc

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but monster boys exist too
I hate these western fujos who have such weak frames of reference to look for in fiction, we really need to section them off as the same category as normals who watch modern capeshit. its all so tiresome

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okay... your point is solid, but that SPECIFIC example you are replying to does not support your point, at all. Monster Musume girls actually have a lot of personality, but they are also somewhat aware of how beautiful they are. they aren't interesting because of their beauty, or despite their beauty. their attractiveness is intertwined with their personalities. It is also a sex comedy, which is a little weird.

i creamed

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...jesus, that shit ain't right. A REAL dog has no right to be hot.

C'mon man, I can only become SO erect! This thing doesn't go past 102%


Only twigs dick can fit in her puss, sorry.

Literally anything with a mane proves you wrong.
Also many animals have multiple coats of fur so layering of fur/hair is clearly possible.

Ahhh sweet summer child. I wish I had your naivete still.

If only you knew...

>kpop threads

Wasn’t Venom supposed to be a woman or something? I remember something about the original Spider-Man gave some lady a miscarriage and that was going to be the reason she would want to kill Spider-Man so bad

>these cat ladies literally regurgitate the same shit incels/MGTOWs whine about when they can't get that 10/10 gf, but saying "lol I don't need a gf, all women are sour grapes anyway imma strong independent male who need no girl".
I don't see the connection.

>Bumbling idiot wife is bizzarre

This is weird, because back in the past that was the PREDOMINANT stereotype.

Look at shows like I love lucy-- the premise is generally the crazy moronic wife driving the hardworking man insane.
I mean shit, we STILL have that-- King of the hill has hank being the sane one and peggy being the crazy one.

isn't the basic design of Xenomorphs supposed to be "Dominatrix monster" anyways?
They have high heels for christ's sake; Their bodies are very thing and svelt rather than bulky to give off a subtle feminine feel, and their physical power comes from being bigger than humans not muscle.
I mean, they were designed by H.R. Giger to be as sexually freudian as possible (the egg's the chest bursters come out of look like they have vagina openings for example)
This. Beast is already basically an attractive furfag for girls/gay men. he doesn't really look "Ugly" at all if the person has an anthro kink.

>Megas XLR. The fat crazy protagonist wouldn't work with a girl.

Not with that attitude. Just because you don't want to fuck her, doesn't mean a female protagonist doesn't work.

That's just Transformers with a slice-of-life bent.

Xenomorphs are living rape machines with many sexual aspects to their designs and life cycles. Also the eggs were originally going to have one slit open looking life a vagina, but had to change it so it could be shown in more places.

>I Love Lucy
>The Nanny
>American Dad

It's happened.

Roseanne and The Nanny were in the 90s, not that long ago.

To be fair, it would actually make more sense with a girl host anyways-- The Symbiote is already basically a yandere ex girlfriend that is essentially torching her ex's car every week but would get back in their pants in a sec if he asked.
Is that supposed to be red riding hood as a werewolf or something?

I mean, fuck, it would actually work better if it was about violent male Non-organic aliens and a girl who taught them the value of non-violence and talking things out.
if anything steven universe is a SUBVERSION of that type of scenario by having the guy be the wimpy caring one and the girls be the violent warlike ones.

Shit, didn't armada already kind of do that with starscream being befriended by Alexis and somewhat learning the value of morality/feelings from her?

> only a million

What wouldn't work about it?

Violence and impulsive territoriality/abusive control of one's mates are viewed as masculine core traits.

If you made it R63 it'd basically be a fetish piece about a twink and a furry amazon.

>trailer trash brothers chasing after scheming girls
I need this

Can I keep them in that form even if they fulfill the rose thing?

What about premises that would work BETTER as gender inverted versions?

My life as a teenage robot for example would be drastically more successful with a male robot due to that kind of show selling better with young boys.

The Beast at least had a male figure, he wasn't a hunched back dog

You know that if its a "Girl is a monster" movie they'll pull a shrek moral at the end with them remaining a monster and the moral being "You were ALWAYS beautiful".
It would be seen as sexist to do otherwise since you'd be linking a girl's worth to their physical appearance and society's view of them-- This is seen as "okay" for men but not for women due to double standards.

They wouldn't be girls then.

You sure bro?
Its all about how they're pulling their posture, the beast started out hunchbacked in appearance and would fall back on it when he acted like an animal. It was only when he was acting like a man and overcoming his nature that he stopped having a hunchedback appearance.

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Danny Phantom is pretty similar

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yeah, pretty much. Hell, My life as a teenage robot is basically a girl version of Astro boy.

Honestly, thinking about it it almost feels wrong to say that MLATR would be better gender inverted when its entire POINT is to be a gender inverted version of a common Male cartoon premise.

Samurai jack would work 100% the same if jack was a girl.

His figure is still human esque though. Broad shoulders, big biceps. is basically the same but sized down. Its body needs to be a touch more feminine. Maybe more emphasis on the hips

You'd only need to do that if you're banking on her keeping that form at the end, if its just a punishment form there's really no reason for sex it up.

How much bigger was his dick in beast form?

depends on the animal and it might be smaller if he got most species

But what if I like monster boys, too?

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>begins thinking about R63 disney movies

Would a R63 alice in wonderland work or be too /ss/?
it'd basically be about a young schoolboy being hurried off into a bizzarro world by a bunch of insane women that torment him and force him to run around doing pointless errands.

Humans actually are proportionally more well hung than the vast majority of all other animals due to evolution due to females picking males with large dicks.

>n-no! they got longer so they could scoop out other males' sperm! I swear that's the reason!

chicken or the egg? If the males with larger dicks scraped out competitors sperm, isn't it also possible for the females who were sexually attracted to that might also proper more?

Indeed you are correct.

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The purest of loves.

Hmm, I'm actually glad that they didn't go with that route, as the origin wouldn't work well with the symbiote IMO.

I'd rather it be a loony stalker fan who gets pissed at spiderman basically telling her to stay away due to her creeping him out due to her obsessiveness (or being like buddy from the incredibles, her wanting to be his sidekick/love interest)

I stopped watching that movie when the thing killed the cat, if they kill the cat in any media I'm out

Any biologist worth their salt knows it was the egg.
Attracted to what, scooping or big dicks? Doesn't matter: all fertile women produced offspring. They never needed to compete, unlike men.

Wow, you dodged a bullet here

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Monster guys are literally a dime a dozen. Like 20% or more of cartoon and comic book characters are monster guys, and girls schlick off to them all the time.

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Shit, I actually want a male Sailor moon show with a ditzy useless female love interest who shows up in a shit costume to give useless advice and them bumble themselves away

like a real life waifur...

If we assume the plot stays basically the same, I don't think it could be really seen as /ss/ unless directed/animated that way. I don't remember it being really sexual, was it?

>hybrid slaughters him, rapes her after it undergoes a hyena moment

How Hollywood views furries.

Lol, they think they're not normies. I love nightmare waifus. Thanks, Evolve

Her a Brisby.

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you mean like male lions?

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There technically already is a female beast. Sparrow from Tara Duncan, although she can change back and forth, if not always voluntarily.

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Hell we had the shape of water which was one big movie about a woman fucking a fish man I'd kill to see roles revered more often.

Nah, not sexual at all.

me on the floor

I think I prefer the dragon forms...

>the bottle of lotion next to Jensen

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If I were trapped in a castle with a horny beast-lady who wanted to pamper and love me, I'd probably end up fucking her desu. As would 95% of men.

I don't think you realize how thirsty and degenerate I am.

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we need more monster femboys/twinks who loves human males

I can’t wven find the example right now but I know for a fact that the /nightmare/ thread in /aco/ has got some weird shit.

No not the monsters, the WEIRD shit. Some user makes mathematical sexual abstracts and shit. That’s an acquired, high brow taste.
This image- that shit’s a challenge. This ain’t amateur hour.

>overcoming his gruesome appearance due to who he is inside.

Dude. Lots of girls thought he was way hotter as a beast. Didn't help that his human form looked like a milksop.

God you’re a faggot

She wouldn't be pampering you though, she'd be this shrewish bitch that is trying to force you to be her perfect trophy husband and getting on your ass to make something of yourself.

I would stick my dick in Venom, would be pretty cool asserting my dominance over a supervillain.

they are made for pure love

that's a male body

Monstergirls are furries for cowards.

>that's a male body

that's because female bodies have an inherent-4 strength penalty, in order to actually gain a benefit from a monster form it has to be a male monster form for the girl.

The one in the great mouse detective movie...

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I prefer the latino version since it was the first version I watched.
We need more mouse/rat girls

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Burmecians should have been a playable race in FFXIV instead of Vera.

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god, the PS1's graphics were so bad (And the art style so stylized) that it was honestly hard to really get much out of Freya's sprite as being an anthro animal.

To be honest, while good, I still think 9 is overrated and just got marks for being after 8 and returning to a more class based system than the previous 3 games (Where characters blurred into virtual homogenization due to espers/materia/junctions apart from limit breaks)

On rpg's-

The cliche of the Hot blooded shonen lead encountering the pure of heart healer and a mysterious purity based power of some kind wouldn't work R63'd.

I mean, can you imagine a plot with a rage filled violent rebel girl and some nonviolent super pure guy?
I mean, shit that sounds gay as fuck. The only way I could see that working would be if they tried to pull a "The girl is a monster of some kind and can only be saved from her nature by their peacefulness" or some shit, but past that the guy would just come off as a faggy bitch and the girl an unlikeable bitch, without any real chemistry, unlike the normal cliche pairing (Cloud/aeris, Gene/melfina, Ryu/Nina, ect.)

Brisby is the pinnacle of a caring mother.

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Quite honestly I'm surprised there hasn't been anyone in this pit of degeneracy posting teraurge yet

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That isn't rpg. That is Japanese trash.

Its most prominent in RPGs regardless, even if it pops up in other stories (Note that i listed an anime as well).

Regardless, its a commonly used cliche and would never work gender inverted.

>I mean, can you imagine a plot with a rage filled violent rebel girl and some nonviolent super pure guy?
I think they got super close to that with XBC 2. The guy feels like a total wuss while best girl is a hotheaded rebel.

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guys. Not boys. The kind where you'd say
>I ain't a queer or nothin, but I'd totally touch dicks

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There we go, WEIRD shit.

None of this anime cat girl bullshit.

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Ciirriic stop wanting to fuck math.

What is a M.A. man?

I still haven't played that game yet, I wonder if its on steam yet.

Keep reading to the bottom part of the pic

I remember seeing an overview video of this series and the narrator said this scene caused her sexual awakening.

but was he portrayed as spiritually pure in some way or having some sort of deeper connection to the world/nature?
That's usually an attribute of the female secondary character to the shonen protagonist to give them importance despite not being the fighter of the group.
(like aeris having her ancients connection, melfina and her leyline connection, ect.)

>still no female Grinch

This movie was pretty shit all in all, but the first sex scene, with splice and Brody, indulged my angel fetish and is genuinely one of my fav sex scenes in any media. I don't know, it's just so beautifully shot, and despite the fucked-up nature of the proceedings has such a unique, mesmerising atmosphere of... purity?
>tfw no splice gf
I'd be ok with futa splice too

Fem DD is kinda cute

That, but with aliens. Gib moar space babes (male).

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I want to eat her feet

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is that lotor? He's literally just a purple elf.

How would the movie be different? It honestly wouldn't impact it 1 bit.


would tap that.

only that even looked dragon like was Elma

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Yes. A cute evil space night elf. This is awesome.

He's also the shittiest villain in the show.
I liked the new voltron, but new lotor was pretty weak. Like, Zarkon was incredible, but it felt weak without him.
Final season was hot garbage, and felt like a total cluster fuck (WTF ever happened to the evil shadow demon you guys were hinting at and was trying to corrupt allura? You just kind of forgot about that?)

Disney's beauty and the beast was genderswapped taming of the shrew in the first place.

Dragons having a human form that doesn't look dragon because the whole point is that it's a human form has been a thing in japan for over 30 years.

Dragon maid in comparison to most keeps a lot more dragon features.

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I'm still pissed they never thought to let you get one as a mount

Still lame.
I want a legit dragon female x human male romance to be done.

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how the fuck is this thread still alive and have this many replies

>I want a legit dragon female x human male romance to be done.
Go read pretty much anything from Sanzo, human male x female monster is his entire schtick.

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Sanzo's too good for this world. Don't usually care for weebshit, but his stuff's great

Fear leads to Anger,
Anger leads to Hate
Through Hate We Are Immortal!

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>they'll pull a shrek moral at the end with them remaining a monster
Good. I want keep taking her by the horns.

Love this kinda humor.

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Dragon dildos do support this

>Tribe of rapey shota goblins.
It's a crime that there isn't a single doujin about this.

R63'd version would get so much fuckibg flack

I mean, hair over its fur like they have a fucking wig. I've always find that retarded in terms of character design.

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In terms of character design? Jap toons are mostly lame and boring.
In terms of fapping? Don't really care, just saying have fucking standarts.

It would work but not with that Beast design. She was drawn too cute, she needs to be bigger and more threatening.

Was discussing this with someone a bit ago actually. While I think you're close with her needing to be more monstrous, I think bulk would work against a feminine design. I say play to a slightly sleeker look, so as to contrast with the robust form we know today.

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Humans already have hair-hair and body hair. It used to cover our whole bodies, despite our species also having head hair. We just started losing most of the insulating hair due to having sweat glands.

Scratch the back of her neck and rub her bully before giving her a portion of the steak I was meant to have for lunch? Yes I would.

People fap to the X-Com snakes all the time.

What exactly is it about this picture that tell me without a doubt that the artist would fuck that pikachu?

THIS fucking thing, what was it called?
I need more pictures of it

It's funny because the more you read the actual dialogues, the more you find out Link is actually a fucking manslut.

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Hogan's Heroes because it sadly never got a cartoon adaption.

>I don't understand japanese mythology and folklore, the post

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>still no female Grinch
Are you sure about that?

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>mythology and folklore
>literally aped western motifs for their cutesy slutty maid bullshit

Just imagine that she has an anthro face.

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Because dragons are totally and exclusively western, amirite?

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Least the kind they prefer to use in their harem animu. When was the last time you saw one that looked like this in their shit?

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Not that long actually.

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Fucking weeb

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a writer? books?

While it does not mess with its inherent concept/premise, I still think ATLA would never work if it was gender inverted.

At least the plot would be way different.

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she will stole your Christmas... and your virginity!

But like any Gender Swaps it's just a fun thing to imagine. Mostly people like thinking about how the character dynamics and chemistry between them would work anyway.

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Don't really want to risk a vacation, but you can find the rest here.

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>"Idiots. I'll do it myself."

that would be a nice present, thanks

scary but shy makes a cute combination

>hair over its fur
You mean manes? Like a lion? Or a horse?

How about hair over feathers?

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Get this 3DPD shit out of here

I bet she's a monster in bed

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That mango is so fucking adorable.

Of course it wouldn't work, not if you make a female beast that cute

>tails are just structurally incompatible with human backsides. (it'd have to connect with the spine which would make us all hunchbacked at best, and clearly we've figured out how to walk without needing a tail for balance anyways)

no don't tell me that, you are ruining my dreams of haveing a furry gf or been a furry.

(what do you think of gargoyles, would this work?)

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Queen Chrysalis from horse show for a lite example

>tfw you will never live in a quaint little japanese town out in the boons, haunted by friendly bakemono who just want to live in peace and harmony with people.

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you do realize that there have been cases of people born with vestigial tails, right

This, animals and kids dieing kill my enjoyment of movies.

Would eat.

Vicar Amelia is cute.
I want her to scream at my penis

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>not a thick furry muscular 7ft tall beast princess to dominate the twink
What has Yea Forums become

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Is it furfaggotry to want to fuck aliens?

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There seems to be an epidemic of girls not knowing what straight men want to fuck, despite us being very open about it.

You can mount one, just to stab it in it's back. But they'll kick you off. Imagine just running through the game wrecking everything in your path with fireballs and huge ass sword while you guys do twin bow and arrow shit.

I mean I'd fuck the shit out of gwenom, if a person in essentially a black skinsuit with sharp teeth is enough to count as a monster.

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>they all just want to fuck those sluts that get more likes on instagram than me

I never thougt i'd live to see a Sliver in lingerie

Any and all Medusa's. Doesn't really matter how they're drawn. I just find the concept itself arousing.

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If said alien are just anthropomorphic animals then yes.
If said aliens are 100% pure ayyys then no.
For more information visit the xeno threads in

Bretty good

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>going to /aco/

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That's a baxxid.


>yfw you realise as she partakes in communion she holds the pendant as you would with the body of Christ, even in beast form (notice that she holds it close to her heart with her left hand).

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Bedside Chimera

Female voice though. That's a musclegirl.

that voice with that model just doesn't work...

I would a Beastess

It would not work because she is too cute the village will embrace her


She got introduced to furville, and couldn't handle it.

Don't remember, but it doesn't count because he's a he.

A centaur would be downright amazing be honest, a girl half giving you consent over her horse half? Goddang

Centaur Leela was lewd AF.

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The professor already sounds like a huge pedo (if you don't know the character of course) with boys it would feel even more like it (even tho it would be more wholesome seeing he teach the boys men lessons)

Looking at that purple tail

But then rowdy ruff girls...

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is this some kind of a thinly veiled /hmofa/ thread?

What about Shrek

It was relegated

>Shows "Monsters" that are just humanoids with more teeth and looks fierce/dominant
Does she realise that she's as vanilla as the monster girl lovers? Male and female sexuality and attraction are different since genders have different needs out in the wild. This is also why "Male power fantasy" is a retarded argument since the fantasy originates from female attraction, albeit its often exaggerated.

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I can't read moon, what are they saying?

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With every inch of my dick ad I mating press her into the matress

Girlston confirmed for braphog

>you now recall all the Gaston edits of yesteryear

Being sapient kind makes that point invalid.

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I wish to talk to monsters

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So basically this version is B^Uckley having a breakdown over finding out that he's sterile

user, the only thing I know is I want to fuck it.

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>imagine a girl dog who's mostly characterized by the fact they go around dating/fucking all the men in town

Could and would never happen, even in family guy.

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Miss Piggy takes miles of human dick a year though.

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Sure, why not

She's awesome

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This has awoken the big penis user what have you done

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I can't wait until some idiot in the mob yells, "She's just misunderstood!"

This would never happen in real life if it were a large group, though if it were a small group of dorks (which is looks to be 4 people), I could see this weird ass conversation going on. I could name two-ex friends and coworkers that this would happen with.

My Little Pony would ABSOLUTELY work.

>"Baby I know its hard but I still want a child..."
>"It won't mean anything, its just safer if its done naturally."

This is why you don't argue with women.

>Woman says something completely wrong
>Man tells her she's wrong and gives evidence
>Woman says the man is a weirdo for caring so much and acts like he is attacking her

Do not argue with women.

It's eyes look really spooky like this, am I the only one who finds it kinda spooky looking?

i fail to see the problem here

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>anthros would be the result of ridiculously extreme sexual selection and/or very specific genetic bottlenecks
I know you didn't mention sexual selection, but I think that would be hilarious and fitting considering how hyper sexual a lot of furry media is.

I'm not an osteologist nor have I watched Gargoyles, but that tail looks like it's in as right a place as it can be. It actually looks like it would be useful for balancing against his wings if he was hunchbacked, but google images shows the gargoyles mostly stand up straight. Back wings themselves are another thing that just can't work (unless they're a useless result of sexual selection or something like that.
If you don't mind you furry gf being hunchbacked and her butthole being in a weird place, I guess it works.

Yes and they're tiny, often placed randomly around the lower back, and can't move.

If you knock it out of her hand you can prevent her from using it to heal herself.

That's kinda the point. It's not much of a curse.

Oh shit, I didn't recognize it's doing Farrah before.

so theres no way demona would work?

would the na'vi from avatar work?

what about jake long?



I fucking knew that Sailor Moon guy

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>Star Wars is sitting on a species that can carry human babies

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There are quite a few species in Star Wars that can interbreed with humans.

>bodypainted girls
No thanks

>cartoon's who's inherent concept/premise would never work if gender inverted.

>Rey ends up fighting her mother
yeah but any good ones?
it is edible though?

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Togruta, Twilek, Bothans, I think Rodians can as well, at one point Wookies but that should be retconned by now.

too bad those little bothans and those smelly rodians are no longer canon

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Yes they are, bothans are mentioned explicitly in the movies as having delivered plans of the second death star.
And Rodians are still seen as well, Greedo in particular.
Unless you're explicitly referring to whether or not they can create hybrids with humans, which is no longer canon in the strictest sense (being from the Legends era after all) but then that's only because it hasn't been mentioned yet leaving its canonicity up for debate.

Not sure, why

That's not a Bothan, that's McGruff the Crime Dog

Amazing, the thread reached bump limit.

No porn was posted.
I see no reason why it wouldn't.

The whole point of being turned into a beast is that it makes her look scary and ugly though, so making her elegant would kind of defeat the purpose.

Honestly I see a B&B genderflip being more of a subtle and psychological story, where her "beastliness" would be angsty inner demons that she must learn to control, rather than just being a jerk.

Sleek doesn't always mean elegant, user.

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I'd still hit it

Didn't Plague waifu the werewolf girl pretty hard?

Alright, close to near-human.
Same as above
Okay that's weird, but still mammalian I guess
Nigger what
Would make more sense than rodians.

Yeah sure, let's make a race.

Don't look at me, look at the writers of the EU.

height is the best way to add bulk to a female character to make them large/intimidating without hurting the femininity.
If you need to make some part of her big/muscular, go for the legs and thighs since those are traditionally feminine areas (See chun li having bodybuilder thighs but being seen as sexy)

Finally, if you do bulk her up, contrast it with an overcompensation of another area, like a very cute/feminine face and large rack.

>Making Buttercup more butch
It'd be better if things went so far in that direction that Mirror buttcup "clicked" back over to zero and was the moe girly one of the group.

nigger, my little pony is literally the defacto girls show. Only barbie is girlier.