ITT: comics that are funny because they're true

ITT: comics that are funny because they're true

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Normally I'd shit on something like this, but this one shits on Nintendo so I like it

Imagine the shitstorm if this came out today

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Why do you keep making this thread?

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this is good shit, simplier times.
The main problem with modern days is the number of mental gymnastics people force to convince themselves they arent racist or offending anybody, more than the comics themselves being """"problemattic"""" know what im sayin ya cunt.

Its not like they were trying to be woke, it was a different time; They just wanted to make an edgy joke.

Chads hate women and Incels hate women. Roasties truly don't catch a break.

Don't forget women also hate women.


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>hit the gym for years
>good haircut
>shower everyday
>fine height
>lots of female friends
>be kissless virgin
Thanks OP I totally get your image it's so true lmao

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it's probably your personality
sorry dude

But I got a lot of friends like I said
Hell I'm throwing a party for 30 people at my house 3 days from now