Why is she such a great character?

Why is she such a great character?

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Cleavage attached to a pretty actress.


>shes a gud actress cuz muh dik

This is your brain on cum


Pretty childish guys, I was trying to start a legitimate conversation about her character arc

>eww males attracted to females yucky
This is your brain on soi

She's really not anything special besides being one of the more attractive characters in the MCU.


she's not pretty though

>t. homosexual

> Has self-doubt
> Endures alot of tragedy and pain
> She's sad but isn't self-pitying, and wants to be happy
> Isn't a quipping pop-culture machine
> Is powerful, but afraid of her own power
> An outsider, she feels disconnected from humanity

She's the opposite of a Mary Sue.She struggles through shit.

She's hugely relatable as a result.

Yes, but those tiddies tho. You can see their veins and shit

what's with this "cumbrain" meme

no homo sorry fag
veins aren't really a selling point. i guess they're okay but they won't look like that without the pushup bra

And yet even with all that, she's completely dull. She's more reactive than proactive. She doesn't do much unless something bad's happening to her. In fact, she ONLY does anything when something bad happens to her. As stilted as a lot of female characters are in the MCU, the writers at least attempt to give them personalities.

It's shorthand for thinking with your dick propagated by people no one would ever find attractive.

Most heroes are by nature reactive, not proactive. A huge part of what Wanda is about is being an abnormal person in a relationship with another abnormal person, but wants to live a normal life. She talks about how her powers have changed her, and her fear of losing her humanity.

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>can emote beyond vague disinterest/smugness
>cool powers but still vulnerable

>i guess they're okay but they won't look like that without the pushup bra
but she's bigger than you'd expect without it

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Boobs. She's just boobs. There's nothing bigger to her than her milkies.

Actually they contain her massive real size


So make a thread with your stance on what makes her great instead of fishing you coward

She's not.
Her entire character arc was the girlfriend.
At the end of the series she's can apparently solo Thanos.

That's not good writing. Her powers limited to implanting fake memories. Then it was "I can telekinetically do things" and finally "I can solo the most powerful bad guy ever".

She's ashit character

Valid criticisms aside.
You either dont know the comic character, inherently hate her for some reason or havent been paying attention throughout the series.

OP posted the MCU version
Comics Wanda is pretty fucking great. MCU Wanda is literally: muh brother died, muh boyfriend died, me now super angee and gonna hurt thanos

Scarlet Witch and Blade are kindred spirits, something which most casuals don't know as they only know the boring mutant shite.

Keeps flip flopping between Badass and Poor Little Girl, never gets so much as a slap on the wrist for anything she does, attacks Vision in Civil War despite begrudgingly agreeing to stay with him whilst the whole Accords mess blew over, abnormally strong in Endgame despite barely being able to fight Thanos before. I also feel like she’s supposed to be Jewish, joins Hydra anyway, and then for some reason has a bunch of crucifixes in her room.

Extremely fuckin hot, though, Jesus.

Chaos Magic scales with emotion, user. The more intense, the stronger she becomes.

As the mind stone augmented her mind, it makes sense that her Chaos Magic would manifest initially as telekinesis. It actually makes total sense.

As she hates Thanos with the fury of a million suns (the red eldritch energy spewing off her is literally pure hatred), and has the power of an Elder God flowing through her, its not a huge stretch.
Wanda's emotions are rarely that strong.

> Watch me make that retcon permanent. Bye, bye, muties.

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What character arc?

>Yea Forums incel doesn't understand the power of love or the excruciating grief of love lost forever

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Again this is not about Wanda in the comics.
It's about the MCU character who had no backstory other than "muh brother and bf dead, me angee".

>Why is she such a great character?

Is she though? There is more screentime in the MCU devoted to other characters assessing and talking about her compared to actual scenes fleshing her out.

Becoming a hero, even though she never really wanted to be one. Being inspired by Steve and Clint to better herself. Rediscovering her humanity with Vision.

A journey away from humanity to becoming a mystical being who stands apart from humanity. Wanting a normal life, but then coming to terms with letting go of her desire for a normal life.

Her character arc in WandaVision will dwarf that of the 4 movies she has been in thus far.

good post

she is achilles. power to overcome nations coiled and at rest, until her patroclus is killed and her inconsolable rage is set loose for a vengeance that can never satisfy her. she's never going to be whole again, and she may destroy herself in the process. she won't of course because character shields.

wanda is the best.

>At the end of the series she's can apparently solo Thanos.
She's essentially the same as Captain Marvel. They're both humans empowered by infinity stones.

Well, that's what WandaVision is going to be about, user.

Being born at Wundagore Mountain in a creepy demonic ceremony, for a start.

>she is achilles. power to overcome nations coiled and at rest, until her patroclus is killed and her inconsolable rage is set loose for a vengeance that can never satisfy her. she's never going to be whole again, and she may destroy herself in the process. she won't of course because character shields.

that's your fanfic, as far as characterization though all we've gotten so far is muh vengeance/fury and muh sorry for killing folks, and she alternates back and forth between these, and only these

She lost her accent by endgame, which is what bugs me the most about her.



TETAS y culos

She hot

>those veins

She looks like a Neimoidian.

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