Conan the Barbarian

Conan and chill

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scans because the recoloring is a crime against god and nature

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Went back and read the latter part of Dark Horse Conan (Brian Reed's run, Fred van Lente's run, Cullen Bunn's run) and holy shit they were terrible. I want everyone who pretend's Aaron's Conan is bad to go back and read that crap so you have a reference point of what Conan comics have been like this decade pre-Marvel. Aaron's Conan is a fucking masterpiece compared to that stuff.

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Man they really scraped the bottom of the barrel for that.
Aaron's Conan is great and the only good Marvel thing I've read from him, he's got the narrative style down

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I'm with you, Aaron's Conan is genuinely fantastic. It's the best thing I've ever read from him and it's the Marvel book I look forward to the most month-to-month. You can really tell he's a Conan fan.

Unfortunately he's on Yea Forums's shitlist so people will go >Aaron and say it's shit even though they haven't read it. I just wish Marvel would do a better job with Savage Sword. Issues 1-5 were awful. 6 was bad too but at least it was a one-shot. 7 by Zub was the best so far, with 8 also being by Zub so should be good as well. 10 coming up is written by Roy Thomas so that should be a treat. Really wish they would just set up a consistent team for this book. Right now it looks like cancellation fodder after it hits its #250 milestone.

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I love it, but then its also the first Conan book I've ever read.

Make sure to go back and read the Roy Thomas stuff, especially Savage Sword. Also the Dark Horse stuff by Busiek & Truman. Conan is just the best, man.

Shit I was gonna go pick up the run of Savage and Belit because I was enjoying this so much, bummer that it's not good. It's a shame because I love the idea of having a secondary book with a rotating team for characters like Conan that lots of people want a shot at writing a story for.

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I mean I'm only speaking for myself, you may as well read that stuff online to see if you like it. I just thought it was crap. However, issues 1-5 have Alex Ross covers which is probably worth the price alone.

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letters page (before letters arrive)
one thing I appreciate about Aaron is his dedication to the letters pages

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awesome, have been on a heavy Conan kick lately, reading the Lancer book series, Roy Thomas stuff, even the Milius script for the 3rd Conan movie

Wait, Savage is getting cancelled? Fuck.


No no no, I'm just speculating.

Really since I was a kid I just love anything with a map or infographics like this, I would have loved this stuff

The Dark Horse reprintings of the Marvel stuff got a godawful recoloring that makes everything look brown and muted, which I think is kept in the current digital versions.
Marvel is reprinting the series in omnis with the original coloring guides

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Dark Horse released the BWS run on Barbarian in these hardcovers with just horrible recoloring. Not as bad as the Neal Adam's Batman recolor, but pretty bad. Old inks and modern colors do NOT mix and I don't know why anyone ever thought they did.

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Oh. Hope not. But at least they'll get to finish the casino arc. AKA Yu-Gi-Co.

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Oh hell yeah. Conan is about to send some mutts to the shadow realm.

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This stuff is like Bronze Age Jonah Hex where i just enjoy every single issue, you just get a good story told by people who know what they're doing

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Fucking all of Neal Adams' shit is recolored like this.

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jesus christ we need to start outlawing recolors

Yup as is Simonson's Thor, it's baffling to me, like who is that even for
Collectors are half the market for this stuff

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The baffling part is that it was done so by Neal Adams request. Not just that, it was re-inked, by Neal Adams, at his request. If you put the original issues besides the recolored collections, the art literally looks different because he re-did the inks and fucked everything up.

Why did Adams want to do this? Did he really think it would improve on something that is a sacred cow of comics? Did he want extra money by also getting inking credit? Is he just insane and wants to watch the world burn? Tune in to next week's episode of Dragon Ball Z.

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it probably started out as a money thing (I think his wife also worked on his recolors) but now I think ego is also a factor. Anything I touch turns to gold sorta shit. Its sad to say but I kinda hope he dies soon so itll be easier to release original colors

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Man, these ads...

The comic was literally completely 100% ruined. It is no longer readable. I am seething with anger.

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>The baffling part is that it was done so by Neal Adams request
Well, we all know Adams is a bit silly by now

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>Well, we all know Adams is a bit silly by now
No kidding. I tried reading Batman Odyssey and wondered what prescription cocktail I would have to down for it to start making sense. There's fever dreams, then there's Batman Odyssey.

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>August Derleth


Oh shit no way, the Cthulhu fanfic maniac!
Best part of old letters pages is spotting cameos!

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I think I know what these are for

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was never crazy about the helmet

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I wish Kull the Conqueror got more exposure. Not that I don't love Conan, but Kull was the progenitor

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I wasn't aware of that character outside of being in DC sometimes, but reading about him I think I'm gonna have to get on reading those RE Howard stories, looks super interesting

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Wait the DC version isn't even like tangentially the same character apparently
I had actually thought they were the same for years now

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I know this one's recoloring was particularly offensive and you'll see why

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(Green) elephants on parade

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Fun fact: this elephant is implied to be an Old One.

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That's all for tonight. Thanks for reading.

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Thanks for the thread, Texas

Insufficient bumps

The Marvel Omnis have the original colors. But much brighter than the scan, obviously.

Agreed. I just read up to 51. It’s all great.
