How does he fare in the DC/Marvel universes?

How does he fare in the DC/Marvel universes?

Attached: Alucard.jpg (284x177, 9K)

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Depends. Pre or Post Schroedinger?

Batman fucks his shit up real quick. Dude has dealt with bloodsuckers and demons before. This guy ain't shit.
Shit, Iron Fist and Power Man can double team Al's ass with ease.

He's probably be as tolerated as someone like the Spectre or the Punisher, since he doesn't have any reason to go up against any of the heroes. He doesn't really leave Great Britain except for that one time he got lured to South America.

Maybe Constantine might mess with him and it would come down to whether the author's cock of choice to wank is John's or Alucard's.

Do you even have any sort of perspective on what Alucard is and how strong he becomes?

Competent magic users could probably challenge/neutralize him, but I don't see him losing to anybody who just uses brute strength, like the Hulk

What can he do?

Only beatable by magic fuckers basically

IIRC he was also dispatched to Ireland. So in theory Integra could dispatch him to capture/kill someone in say, Gotham or Star City.

He'd probably be immune to Joker's mind tricks.

Ghost Rider would fuck him up hard with penance Stare but he is otherwise nearly impossible to kill without divine assistance

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Is the very first vampire with a wide array of powers, can take control of peoples minds, read their minds by drinking their blood, and can recoup from even being decapitated as he's practically unkillable. The only thing that really stops him from fucking up everything is his loyalty to this chick who's blood he drank while near death.

Constantine could beat Alucard by his own rules as he is a good natured human. Alucard would subconsciously let him win

The original vampire

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meant to reply to

I guess Green Lantern could beat him.

That's kinda wrong, Alucard was effectively dead before Integra got shot, he just came back from it by the smell and licking up her blood splatter.

You know how twilight vampires have diamond skin, faster than eye speed, and are generally really strong? Remove most of that and replace it with eldrich tendrils and eyes. Also he gets a 1up for every person he drains and can resurrect them as minions.
>the sherodinger succ
No extra lives, but he can teleport to anywhere you arent looking and probably other bullshit. Literally stopped existing for 5 years because he acknowledged himself to hard.Its regarded as an overall improvement in terms of power

he is ridiculously OP because he feeds of the souls of everyone he bloodsucked
in the original anime/manga he could only be dispatched after every single one of those souls he imprisoned got double killed, and then they had to resort to some strange paradox shit with a cute shota Schrodinger

I know someone who could handle him no problem though

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If he did, he wouldn't have made such an absurdly retarded post.

But he's technically 'right' that Batman could fight him. Alucard's sole desire is to die at the hands of a true human who can beat him in a straight fight, and he subconsciously handicaps himself to enable this.

Constantine isn't fully human and is a fucking mess of a man, who actively cheats in 99% of his fights because he's squishy as fuck without his magic. I doubt Alucard would limit himself against him.

He stopped existing because he absorbed Schroedinger and the shock of being everywhere and nowhere at once made him implode.
After composing himself he's basically a god though

Blade, Blade would kill Alucard. All he's gotta do is break into the mansion, take hostages and he could force Alucard to kill himself in exchange for their freedom.


I don't think Alucard gives a shit about hostages. I mean, he literally shot Seras through the chest when she was in a hostage situation, before deciding to vamp her.

First of all, Blade would absolutely kill his way through the mansion's guards. But to think no one not even Walter wouldn't see his crazy ass coming you'd be stupid to believe that.

Besides, Alucard would still probably beat the shit out of Eric.

>vs battles wiki

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He dies, but is ressurected after a few months.