Why’s it so good boys?
Is it gonna get season 2?
Doom Patrol
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Unfortunately yes there will, they announced it at SDCC.
I say unfortunate because the first season's ending was...well, felt final, closing the book on the story and I'd have been okay with that.
Because it has best boy
Yes, it got announced at the SDCC, personally I can't fucking wait.
>Why’s it so good boys?
It's Doom Patrol.
>Is it gonna get season 2?
Because it actually cares about the source material
Was thinking about picking this up. Is it actually good or is that just a meme
>Season 2 confirmed
Awwwww fuck yeah!!!!!!
Actually fucking good.
It's not perfect, but it's fun and weird. Most of the main cast are pretty likable and have character arcs over the season.
The first and last episodes kind of suck. Everything in between is pretty great outside of Jane being an incredibly annoying character compared to her comic counterpart and Mr.Nobody not being nearly as fun.
I’m really excited for season 2. Feel pretty bad because swamp thing didn’t get a season 2. That ending was more open ended than doom patrols. The Alan more existential Swamp Thing felt so shoved in at the last second.
She's really irritating for the first few episodes, but she mellows out over the course of the season as some more of her personalities emerge.
I didn't really get that impression until like the last four desu.
Most of the time they defaulted to Jane and Hammerhead who were almost identical in terms of prickly bitchiness.
>Finale has full on make out scene between a giant cockroach and a giant rat
Maybe I just got used to her being so bitchy?
I might be the odd man out on this one but seeing Rita's growth over the entire season was one of the more compelling pieces of television I've had the pleasure of watching. Her breakdown when Cliff was trying to capture Francis was the real moment for me. Seeing her express all of those negative emotions, not because she was upset, but because she didn't know how to get Cliff back because she cared about him. It was small, but incredibly moving. That actress is a real standout.
>Cliff: I'm here.
>God fucking dammit.
Rita was my favorite.
You won't catch me arguing. Rita, Larry, and to a lesser extent Cliff and Victor were handled ridiculously well for a live action series in general let alone a superhero show.
Timothy Dalton is in it.
Alan Tudyk is in it.
Brendan Frasier's voice is in it.
TV Crazy Jane is a garbage character and the writers never figured out what to do with her so she just randomly spurts out retarded lines about toxic masculinity and fascism. Also completely ruined the dynamic that's supposed to be there between her and Cliff since TV Crazy Jane is incapable of sincerity and everything she says or does has to involve some sort of conflict and/or insults, which is particularly annoying to watch if you read the comic and had that version of Crazy Jane in mind who was generally a pretty nice and likable person.
Instead of doing the Morrison run Rebus character, you have Larry as regular Negative Man, but also they decided to make him gay, which doesn't really add anything to the story except for awkward forced moments where Larry has some emotional gay identity politics related drama.
More generally the show erred a bit on the side of too much forced emotional drama. Characters are sometimes written as just talking about their feelings and emotional problems apropos of nothing e.g. When Chief was back briefly from his abduction and torture to help solve the Decreator problem, Larry takes the first chance he gets while alone with the Chief to just start monologuing about himself out of nowhere:
>Larry... that name.
>My name.
>Sounds so long ago.
>So foreign.
>Sometimes I wonder if Larry Trainor died years ago and this is some fucked-up afterlife.
>Other times, I think I am the fucked-up afterlife.
Honestly, what the fuck? You would think with Chief temporarily back after being stuck in magic torture hell for so long Larry would be a little less selfish and focus on how Niles is holding up rather than do go off on some acting school soliloquy.
Anywho, I liked it, but not nearly as much as I like Legion for example.
Does anyone have the webm of Cliff crying on that tv show?
I remember pointing this out while the show was airing and some user throwing a hissy fit because of it. Hammerhead felt entirely superfluous since "base" Jane was already very stand-off-ish. And honestly, the actress wasn't particularity good either.
But yeah, she mellows out a bit by the end.
>Why’s it so good boys?
It isn't, I dropped the serie in ep 8, Jane is a shitty character
She wasn't my favorite either, but I liked the other characters enough to watch the rest of the season.
I hope Dorothy brings light into the show, and that they kept her power as it is, which means complete psychedelic horror
Captain America BTFO
Did it get better after the second episode because
honestly I watched the first two and thought the jokes were Deadpool reddit trash and a lot of the performances were bad and it came nowhere close to capturing the authentic weirdness of Morrison's run?