Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Super faggpt every-time one of his villains murder innocents. fuck that righteous cunt. People die so he gets to feel moral superior

The artist

Joe Kelly, for failing to understand the nuances of Ellis's Authority run (a task that even a trained chimp like Mark Millar was capable of)

Manchester Black was fucking crazy
You are so the kinda guy who would join the Regime in Injustice.

Death Sentence is outdated faggot, there is a reason why US is the only western and only white majority country to still do that, 3/4 of all countries abolished this shit at this point and is basically agreed that is a human rights violation.

The comic defeats itself by having its hopeful conclusion come only from Superman being stronger than the Elite, proving their might makes right point. Manchester is still an annoying faggot though.

No, Superman stopped them without killing, he proved his point.

The only reason that supervillains keep escaping and killing more people is because comics would be boring if interesting characters got locked up for life or reformed after their first appearance. Within the world of the comic, it makes no utilitarian sense to not immediately murder the Joker on sight at this point; if you read comics as an exaggerated commentary on the real world, however, "criminals need to be murdered in case they do more crimes" is a bad message to imprint on your audience of manchildren

>it makes no utilitarian sense to not immediately murder the Joker on sight at this point
That's stupid, he died several times before, just like Darkseid, just like Zod, just like Osborn and Doctor Doom and Thanos

Killing them is more useless than jail, both by comic and real life logic executions are not a good choice.

>Death Sentence is outdated

>oh sure he used a weapon of mass destruction and killdd millions but he could be reformed guys
This is why the west is dying.

Im not saying superman should execute regular criminals fucktard. But supervcillans which his criminal system cannot deal with, they should be put down. unrepentant killers with the potential to take out entire cities are too dangerous. or would you rather we try sending doomsday to a correctional centre???

>He doesn’t Believe In Steven
That’s some big cringe, dawg.

>Due to legal reasons is more expensive than life sentence(without counting the money several jobs people in prison could do even without being forced)

>Several innocents die every year this way

>There is no evidence it reduce crimes.

So you admit it makes no real sense?

conceccion accepted.

>kill the villain
>he comes back randomly
>kill again
>he's baaaaack
>gueeess whooooo

killing them is fucking useless, at least in jail you know where they are
>b-but logically they should stay dead
Logically 99,9% shouldn't escape prison

There is simply no good reason to kill them besidess edgyfaggotry

>Due to legal reasons is more expensive than life sentence
Why not just fix those legal problems?

this scene in the movie was pure kino

No, it makes no sense to kill them

I accept your defeat.

The chipmunk audio in that upload ruins it.

Superman was right but his explanation and actions in this story are retarded

“Getting killed is scary and feels bad, so that means we shouldn’t do it”

That is a faggot reason not to put down dangerous criminals

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>become an unstoppable fascist to prove a point about justice and honour

you dont have an argument. but continue to stonewall and be in denial. you're only exposing yourself as a clown.


That doesn't contradict my post, user. He was only able to prove his point because he was stronger than them, proving their point that might makes right, as in who is stronger decides what the rules are.

Anyone can read this thread and see that there is no argument of yours that ins't refuted.

No "the west is dying" because retards like you think the big issues are what morals are preached by funnybooks.

That’s how it alwaysbstarts. Then Bam! You’re sending Doomsday to destroy New York


I hate that he legit lobotomized Manchester instead of giving him a concussion in the comics. That's tantamount to cutting off a dudes hands for using a gun

So you were just "trolling" all along, ok then.

You lost dweeb. You dont have an argument, you trying to save face is whats funny here.

>Hero's shouldn't kill! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

He has an argument, he's stated it: from an utilitarian standpoint killing them or leaving them alive is a wash.
From a logical standpoint prison, the phantom zone and all that shit should do just fine in stopping criminals, but they don't. They come back to life for the same reason they escape, neither is more effective and neither should be as ineffective as portrayed.

>NOOOOO The human holocaust just murdered 200 people but please save him!! Im sure hell stay in jail this time. if you kill you're just as bad!!!
>real life
>dangerous criminals shot and killed on site

Manchildren cant accept the real world. It make ssense

How I don't have an argument? This is getting ridiculous, point the comment with the argument that I failed to refute.

Or maybe you somehow just don't understand superhero fiction

Not him but here. You didn't even attempt to refute it.

There is countless terrorists, drug lords and warlords in jail that killed way more than that.

Fart sniffing pretentious fictional superior moral high ground faggotry is tiring as fuck to read.

Yes very good you refuse to kill the psycho with a 4000 kill count because it's wrong WE GET IT

There are plenty of comics where heroes are blasé about killing, that's why the comic in the OP existed in the first place. Go and read those instead of pissing and moaning online

They dont routinely escape to commit atrocities every weekend

According to this logic why do heroes even bother stopping villains? You say putting them in jail doesnt work and they shouldn't kill them according to you. So why bother stopping the inevitable?

Shut the fuck up. He asked a question and people answered you fucking faggot. There is no real reason mass murdered are kept alive outside IRL cashflow.

>why bother stopping the inevitable?
Because the plot requires it, obviously. You can read more into it if you want but I don't think either of us want to bother having that conversation

First off in real life there is criminals responsible for thousands of deaths and they are jailed instead of executed.

Second again killing those villains simply don't fucking work, how many times you have to hear it? Wolverine butchered Sabertooth with a sword to kill immortals and it didn't work. Almost every single big villain died more than once even the human ones. They just come back because death in DC/Marvel is a joke.

>According to this logic why do heroes even bother stopping villains? You say putting them in jail doesnt work and they shouldn't kill them according to you. So why bother stopping the inevitable?

It is pretty pointless, isn’t it, considering the universe is just going to get destroyed and recreated in a few months or years at most.

>asked a question

>Manchildren cant accept the real world. It make ssense
Great question, solid debate starter

It's just the unstoppable force meets the unmovable object, no need to get overly pissy about it. Even if every hero starts killing every criminal next issue there's still going to be someone killing just as many people next issue, might as well just keep the colorful characters instead of a collection of OC donuts.

They would be executed if in a violent engagement. Like a shootout or a spree or something.

The point being it's 100% acceptable to kill someone if they're putting people currently in danger.

Superman and other moral superheros live by the rule of never ever taking a villain out no matter what.

So if some dude is on a rampage killing people and the options are to use lethal force to stop anyone from getting hurt or take them alive at the cost of innocent lives the "heroes" will ALWAYS go for the latter. Which is just not how the fuck it works or should work.

If you have a kill shot you take it. You don't risk other people getting hurt. But because it's fart sniffing moral fiction the writer can simply just write that the Superheroes dumb stance never actually gets other people fucked over when it 1000000% would. Then superman can brag he does things the "right" way.

>"Might doesn't make right. And what I say goes because I'm the strongest."

>guy who is basically omnipotent should just break necks on sight instead of even trying to minimise casualties
How many times do I have to explain that colourful stories about a flying alien refugee follow different rules to your narrow understanding of real life

Absolute worst example of this was spiderman during maximum carnage. after carnage goes on a days long killing sprees venom finally makes siderman agree they need to kill carnage. right as they;re getting rid of carnage, an unrepentant sadistic serial killer spiderman loses his nerve ,saves carnage only for carnage to go on to murder 100s more before hes finally stopped

Fuck moral faggot heroes. those deaths are directly on him

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>someone has different morals from me
>not how the fuck it works
Legitimate autism.


This has been addressed. The answer is logically its retarded but these are comics where heroes get to be bleeding heart moral faggots without legitimate consequences so they get to have their cake and eat it with their moral highground.

Would have probably helped if Venom wasn't so giddy about killing Carnage. Also Iron Fist and Cap basically preaching non-violence. And Carnage being a villain who's existence Spidey feels partly responsible for. All in all it made sense in story for Spidey to feel conflicted.

Just rambling about some random shitty comic instead of even trying to respond to what I'm saying now? Okay man

>death sentence is outdated
How? Violent, irredeemable maniacs continue to exist, those who will do nothing but continue to harm others exist IRL. Why shouldn't we be able to destroy them, and prevent further harm to others?
>inb4 Innocents being killed
I also want to significantly increase the burden of proof needed to convict; I want those convicted to be executed promptly, but at the same time, I'd rather a guilty person go without punishment, then condemn an innocent.

Realistically the consequences of not killing criminals should be the criminal stays in jail, not criminal continues killing. You're scoping on the wrong part just to justify your bloodlust. Just go read Punisher. Or any comic for that matter, because you're clearly one of those autistic secondaries who think the media they don't even consume should bend to their personal morals. Like you know, SJWs.

>rambling randomly
>literally giving you an example of moralfaggotry having major consequences

Whats your damage? Dont want to accept your wrong?

>What you think serial killers should be dealth with lethally even when not doing it gets innocents killed over and over??
>You're a SJW!!!

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>major consequences
Oh no, a bunch of fictional people died in a comic book. Marvel should've addressed that by telling their audience of angsty children that the death penalty is extremely cool and heroic

I still don't like that Superman got rid of his powers. Yeah he got them back but What gives him the right? I don't know the correct term but it is that slippery slope thing? If this is okay then it is okay to rip off the arms of another villain if it stops their powers?

You shouldn't post photos of yourself on Yea Forums, user.

and because of his weakness of innocents were slaughtered like cattle. Imagine if you were a marvel citizen and your mother was victim of a rampage because spiderman had bad fee fees

>according to bleeding hearts manchildren ITT this you should stick your neck out for this evil motherfucker

pathetic, true heroes like kaine arent afraid to get their hands dirty when it saves lived, irregardless of how they feel.

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We are talking about the reasons within within the medium you fucking moron?

Or did you not read the fucking OP you autistic faggot

>If heroes kill villans then they are just as bad!

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>I never got where this logic comes from, I mostly understand if the villain no longer poses a threat when the protags reach said villain, but for the majority of them, if the villain isn't killed, they WILL continue to harm the innocent.

Fuck, I didn't mean to green text that...

Forgive and Forget

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Carnage isn't real, user. He exists in a world that's literally founded on the fantastic. These fictional bad men take the form of recognisable boogiemen like serial killers and terrorists, but they represent the writers' and readers' broader anxieties about evil and injustice in the real world. And there's a lot of evil in the real world that's much more mild than a symbiote killing hundreds of people - for example, your weird obsession with justifiably murdering criminals. But instead of killing you for being a childish sadist who hides his fascination with violence behind confused appeals to the greater good, I would rather you had the chance to grow as a person, and chill the fuck out

What the fuck are you talking about? I value life, thats why these lunatics should be dead. You disregard life for flimsy whimsical messages that are teaching people to have mercy on eveil even when that evil is ACTIVELY CAUSING HARM. Dont you see how this makes no sense? Trying to gaslight me into being a sadist because I want to see justice wrong is pathetic and make no fucking sense. Is everybody who reads deadpool/wolverine/punisher a sadist because they enjoy violence in fiction? what the fuck are you talking about.

>my dream
Why is Superman such a fascist, he's extolling the importance of dreams and then immediately says only his dream is valid

This, those against the deaths of violent, homicidal maniacs, and repeat offenders of violent crime, don't comprehend cause and effect, and don't think about long term consequences/effects.

Because "fixing" that just amounts to making it easier for the government to execute you without being super extra sure that you're actually guilty.

Superman actually proves one thing and only that one thing. What thing did he proved? That might makes right. Villains > Civilians. So, to the villains they are right. Heroes > Villains. So, to the heroes they are right. Civilians > Motherfucking nobody. So, they are fodder. This is the world Superman want people to live in. The world where normal people are indebted to the heroes. Indebted to him.

get off the computer lex

>Why shouldn't we be able to destroy them, and prevent further harm to others?
Because real life is not comic books where prisons are made of wet toilet paper. It's not too hard to keep a captive prisoner from hurting other people without resorting to execution.

Do you think if cletus cassidy or the joker would send him to go therapy or give him the death penalty? Do you think this jury are also bloodthirsy killers?

These lunatics are fictional characters, they can't die because Marvel/DC need them to sell comics and writers want to use them in stories. Given that this cynical framework is inevitable, would you rather the audience get taught that lethal violence is the answer to society's problems or that trying to reform bad people is a worthwhile idea? I'm sick of both morals, but one of them has much worse irl consequences than the other if people take it seriously.

If your problem is that none of this make sense in-universe: obviously it doesn't, grow up and read a book without pictures if that bothers you

>ITT moral faggots being BTFO and being forced to say : "I-i-its just a comic book...not like the OP is about a premise within a comicbook or anything..."

Why bother spending the money really? I mean why fucking keep El Chapo alive, or at least alive past time potential info could be useful.

>real world
Yes, the real world where no matter how top of the line, triple max security a prison is, a literal fucking clown can escape it a hundred times over.

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carnage or the joker or watever only get out of prision because the writers want it so.
in a superhero filled universe Dr.richards or tony stark would have came up with a super prision already. the villains are killed time to time kinda like in this page here, but eventually just like cucky or krueger, they bring tem back because is fun to fight them.

Has Joker actually been put in a high security place? Because Arkham sure as hell ain't.

When will they execute this monster? He’s destroyed countless planets.

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I actually understand what you are saying to an extent., The problem is These guys get to murder and murder over and over again. What message do YOU think its sending when villains can blow up an entire building of innocent building, then get comparatively a slap on the wrist?

>If your problem is that none of this make sense in-universe: obviously it doesn't, grow up and read a book without pictures if that bothers you

Well, idiot, a lot of grown adults unironically think it does make sense because they are fed this evil brainwashing horseshit that "violent criminals are people just like you and me".

>one of them has much worse irl consequences than the other if people take it seriously.

Yeah, the idea that reforming bad people is a good idea. See:



And every murder or serious violent crime committed by a piece of shit with a litany of priors who should have never been let out of jail, which is most murders and serious violent crimes.

>Because real life is not comic books where prisons are made of wet toilet paper.
You're right, it's worse, most violent criminals only spend a few years in prison before being released, and then they continue their crimes.
>would you rather the audience get taught that lethal violence is the answer to society's problems
You say that like it already isn't, at the end of the day, all of the laws we follow are, for the most part, obeyed due to the threat of violence from police if we don't.

Does Looney Tunes take itself seriously or purport to teach morals to children? No it does not. Capeshit does. Also, I can't remember Bugs Bunny ever crying like a faggot over Marvin's right to live even though he constantly tries to destroy the world.

If you have an issue with it take it up with his queen.

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We need to kill her. Stop her tyranny.

>We need to fuck her. Stop her tyranny.

Not now, Greg Universe.

The fight was a diversion. The plan wouldn’t have worked if he didn’t convince the alien space ship to work with him.

cherrypicking serial killers doesn't change the fact that most criminologists agree that restorative justice and reformation has a much bigger impact on reducing crime rates than punitive measures like mass incarceration and capital punishment

Whoa, two Wikipedia articles about monstrous people? You're right, let's start pumping Zyklon-B into prisons right now

What about mass capital punishments?

Is it weird that Martian Manhunter’s most interesting story is literally him Vs Marvin The Martian in their Looney Tunes Crossover comic?

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You don't pump it in it starts as a solid and turns to gas with heat.

I agree that there's a problem there, but I have no idea how to solve it. Hopefully someone'll figure it out at some point before cape comics die completely

It seems we agree somewhat, sorry for calling you a faggot and autistic user.

>all of the laws we follow are, for the most part, obeyed due to the threat of violence from police if we don't.

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Sorry if I was a dick, I'm glad you see my POV

>the only reason he doesnt rape his teacher is because police will kill him

Who was in the wrong here?

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The author, really. I didn't read the comic, but I watched the cartoon it's adapted from and honestly . . . the story doesn't work for me because it doesn't show Superman to be correct. Like, he beats up the Elite, but his methods aren't vindicated by that.

Like, the cartoon shows the radioactive dude breaking out like three times, and the black professor type who is a strong Superman proponent gets killed after one of those subsequent escapes. The Elite show up and put an end to this radioactive asshole who has escaped and murdered in front of our eyes with no hint of remorse or reformation.

Honestly, this story should've never been told. The cyclical nature of capeshit undermines the heroes too much. It doesn't make Superman better, it just makes the Authority worse.

>People die so he gets to feel moral superior
I think you've confusing Superman with Batman there.

breddy much.

>The human holocaust just murdered 200 people
Y'know, I'm something of a Rami fan myself...

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You missed the point. Superman was trying to show Black that constant terror is no way to live, and that's the only way to live when the men with all the power - like him and Superman - are unchecked, violent and cruel. So they need to be something better, and never stop trying to be.

DC, for bringing back Manchester Black several times. He was a great 1-off villain.

-Because it's a form of divine retribution for bible faggots (even though it contradicts the 10 commandments and the entire new testament)
-Because it's been shown to not be an effective deterrent (the whole argument for doing it)
-Because it costs more than just letting them rot in prison for life (after cost of appeals to state)
-Because hundreds of americans murdered on death row have since been exonerated with DNA evidence
-Because even DNA evidence can wrongly convict people sometimes (there's a handful of cases where a relative was executed and the perpetrator came forward after their death.

>violates the 10 Commandments
It isn't murder if it's justified. Also, I don't see the death penalty is retribution; if you're doing it for revenge, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. The death penalty should be used to dispose of those who will always pose a threat.
>it costs more than just letting them rot in prison for life (after cost of appeals to state)
You should only get one appeal, to the SCOTUS, if that fails, you die.

If he missed the point then the story did not do its job very well, but the point of the story was less what you assert and more a middle finger to the Authority.

The story doesn't show that Superman's way is better, after all. Not effectively.

Pic related shows being better in a superior manner in two cropped pages than the story we are discussing manages in however many pages it took.

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The writer.

One of the worst stories ever written. Even Warren Ellis has indicated that when he came up with the Authority he figured it was a power corrupts situation. No restraint and no oversight? It should have been a matter of time before they fucked up bigtime.

Writing a story about Superman confronting that ideology should have been a layup.

Instead we got a story of a whiny Superman throwing a tantrum because they didn't do what he told him them to. He compared them to Nazis. And the climax was Superman using shitloads of power to put each of them in a situation where they thought they were going to die. Then he went "it feels bad when you think you're going to die, doesn't it? Yeah, this proves me right. Somehow." Which it doesn't.

Everyone that thinks this was a good Superman story should be waterboarded. And if you're wondering how that makes sense, well, maybe you shouldn't praise a story that goes "making you afraid you might die makes me right."

>Even Warren Ellis has indicated that when he came up with the Authority he figured it was a power corrupts situation.

Yeah, this is my exact issue with What's So Funny... - Kelly treating a comic that was already very self-aware about the problems with violent anti-heroes like it was some British Punisher knockoff written by a 13-year-old boy

Libshits will end up killing us all.

Psychotic evil nutjobs like this are fucking everywhere and dumb shitlibs like you trade words with them on twitter daily instead of getting rid of them. That's why the literal nazis are back. But keep defending to your death their right to commit crimes against humanity so you can feel morally superior, fuckwit.

>let's not murder people who might be innocent just because some weirdos are horny for criminal blood

Amazing. You find a way to both overestimate and underestimate people as a whole.

And the ones who are guilty?

Humans are fucking garbage. They can only be allowed to exist beneath the heel of an angry god.

Nah, they’re sweethearts.

>That's why the literal nazis are back.

>Psychotic evil nutjobs like this
Like the serial killer who mind-melded with an evil alien and slaughtered hundreds with his superpowers?

I think the guys you describe should be locked up, failing which, if they're armed and pose a clear and present danger to the public, I'm not against them getting shot. I still don't think comic books should be used as propaganda for trigger-happy cops and pro-death penalty freaks

He meant killing them is just a deterrent, you bumbling retard.

Glad to see you're against the Nazi comeback btw, a lot of people on this site aren't. I don't think they should be shot on sight though

>Forgives a race of super space Nazi's who have killed so many there isn't a number that can express it.
>Straight guy hits on a girl, unforgivable

>what makes us different then
uh, well kaine was literally an assassin, so theres that

Kevin was also hitting on him since he and Connie were fused. Not everyone is gay like you.

>I think the guys you describe should be locked up
Because you're a shitlib.

>I'm not against them getting shot.
As long as it's a cop in his official capacity, I'm sure, because you're a shitlib.

>I still don't think comic books should be used as propaganda for trigger-happy cops
Sure as fuck doesn't sound that way.

The internet is dogshit because humans are dogshit. And here's a nasty wakeup call for your lot. This isn't going away. This little half-century experiment with liberalism was an aberration in human history. It was never meant to last and it's over now. Now it's back to the bad old days of public rape, blatant oppression and violence by rulers and constant warfare. You have no idea how seriously fucked things are going to get, and it's entirely your fault. You can't expect a species with the average intelligence of moss-covered rocks to not act like shit-flinging chimpanzees. But all the slightly less retarded humans ever wanted to do was make excuses for why nothing could ever be done to rock the boat because the nice men with too much money told you everything was always getting better and nobody's allowed to solve the problems because there really aren't any.

If they're likely to reoffend just keep them locked up, it's not like committing more violence erases the original crime.

>your lot
I'm a socialist, dickhead

Sounds like somebody needs to Believe In Steven

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Recent Kamen Rider shows do it this way. You either pay for your crimes as a human losing your monster powers (Kamen Rider W and most other HEisei Era Riders), or you die a monster (Showa Kamen Rider and Heisei Riders if they're major villains).

>”making you afraid you might die makes me right."
nah. It’s just Supes giving them a taste of their own medicine. They were literally going all tyrannical anyhow, so it’s a really simple solution.

No, stupid. It prevents new ones. Here's YOUR version of "justice" in action:

>The state requested that Brockway’s bond be set to $100,000, but a judge ruled that Brockway can be released on his own recognizance.

There is no real difference between leftists and liberals. You have exactly the same policies and beliefs. You just have a hard-on for workers' unions, which aren't even socialism. Same dumb as dogshit incrementalism that just shifts the overton window to the right, same "electoral politics will fix it all" mentality as democrats. You're not different. You're just smug for a different reason than donut twitter. You're both wrong and stupid. Any of these villains like Carnage or The Joker should have been flat out assassinated decades ago.

I don't watch poorly-animated garbage.


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God just look at it.

You should, you're missing out

Isn’t it great?

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>Become an unstoppable fascist for all of 10 minutes to 4 people about to institute their unstoppable fascist rule on the middle east; then move outward
God, There are so many fascists in this day and age, you fascist fuck.

>most criminologists agree that restorative justice and reformation has a much bigger impact on reducing crime rates
Which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with violent offenders. And if they claim it does, they're lying through their libshit teeth. MOST murderers have priors. Most violent criminals work their way up to their worst offenses and you can see it coming DECADES before they explode.

When did being incapable of drawing become a marketable trait?

So you gonna Believe In Steven or what?

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Hell no. That shit is cancer. Yet another spawning ground for paraphilia bullshit.


Superman uses his strength to beat them down. Once again, the strongest wins.

Peace and Love, brother.

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What does that have to do with keeping violent criminals locked up instead of the state murdering them? Lol @ you acting like you're above it all but going on about "donut Twitter". Sorry for preferring trade unionism to "everyone but me is a feral chimp, murder is extremely badass", you fucking dork

Why is the state allowed to lock people up but not kill them?

This. Holy shit this. The entire argument is libshit nonsense.

>Hurr durr u cant du nuffin to bad people
Fuck you.

>Lol @ you acting like you're above it all but going on about "donut Twitter". Sorry for preferring trade unionism to "everyone but me is a feral chimp, murder is extremely badass", you fucking dork
You fucking idiot. You're the reason shit is like this. You CHOSE to just fight a little instead of overhauling this entire rotten load of shit, because you're just in it for your own payout like everyone else. Socialists like you are just capitalists who lie about it.

Peace and Love, carry them with you.

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>libshit libshit libshit
I've already said that I'm fine with somebody getting shot if they're about to kill somebody else, do you want me to advocate shooting people at random just in case they wake up one day and consider committing a crime or what

But not after. If someone kills a million people, surely we shall reform them. After all, Steven Pinker says (after he's done raping kids)...

If only I knew the perfect ideology that you're being deliberately vague about, maybe then I'd see the light. Bitter misanthropy, murder in the streets... sounds like a laugh

I don't really care if they die but I don't think the state should kill someone out of a sadistic sense of justice. It doesn't solve anything, it just gives you a hard-on

Superman was more right because anyone with his power and not his moral system would be fucking terrifying
Imagine if anytime you see something morally wrong you could shoot over to who's causing it and karate chop their head off and throw their body into space faster than light
Even if you weren't legally the dictator of the world you would need to be treated as such
Setting himself up as a benevolent being willing to work with humanity rather than forcefully mold it into his vison is important to superman being superman

Reminder that Hal wouldn’t have given a fuck

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There's no vagueness. I'm just tired of the constant liberalist nonsense in all media and in real life that nobody is allowed to actually do anything against people who are very clearly insanely evil like mass murderers or war criminals. That shit drives me and most people fucking nuts. And comics are rife with it. The only reason Bruce Wayne isn't buried in some prison so deep Satan couldn't escape is because he's a billionaire.

Again, you've been told this is because of your brain parasite. It's not for "justice", you faggot retard. You eliminate that which is poison. There is 0 reason to keep it around.

You just want to play Dirty Harry because you're a moody little boy. Stop acting out just because I'm not a reactionary edgelord like you

1: Your family has way too much money
2: Your father should have hit you as a child

You were raised wrong and you're poisoning society with your softness just as surely as nazis are with their low IQs and short tempers.

Oof, why you gotta expose yourself. Let me guess, daddy hit you because he was mad he was broke?

No. I had a relatively average, if poor childhood. But I certainly wasn't raised so rich I lost connection to reality like all libs do both on the right and left.

Nah, he must have gotten pretty pissed your mom had to spread her legs to the neighborhood to make ends meet. Probably punched your shit in to deal with fact his wife was a whore while bitching about the democrats.

Lol, why am I not surprised that you're pro-hitting kids. Speaking from experience, it doesn't work - there's been plenty of studies too but obvs you'd refuse to listen to anything except your own gut feelings (i.e. deeply ingrained ideology). Drop the tough guy shit, you're on a cartoons forum crying about the Joker's crimes against humanity

So, you never answered the question.

Why should the state be allowed to lock anyone up?

Glad you accept your daddy fucked you up. Probably fucked you in other ways judging by your asshurt.

I know, nothing ever works. There's just nothing we can do. We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas. And you can drop your intellectual fartsniffing bullshit. Your policies don't work in real fucking life and they never have. And now, the bad old days are returning because priviliged assholes like you squandered what good was made of society to live as well as you could and sniff your own assholes while the world continued to implode. And you're still riding that bullshit down all the way straight to hell.

That's not me dickhead. Stop crying crocodile libertarian tears over violent criminals getting detained for the good of everyone when you're gagging for public executions. You're closer to a Nazi than I'll ever be lol

But you'll be fine, right? None of this affects you. You'll live in daddy's gated suburb while the world burns.

You're all the fucking same muppet.

le epic villain monologue

Have fun in your little bunker, thinking axe murderers are around every corner while you piss your pants scared.

BTW, that's why it's literally impossible to reason with you or change your mind about anything. You're EXACTLY like the nazis you supposedly hate in the only way that matters: your family has too much money and that insulates you from having to face the consequences of your bullshit policies.

Nobody ever said that.

>think most people are scum
>love murder for murder's sake
>hate liberals and conservatives, but hate socialists even more

You've got a lot of nerve bringing up Nazis every five seconds

You implied that you were pissing yourself when you burst into a thread about Superman to scream about hypothetical mass murderers and the collapse of civil society at the hands of the anti-death penalty libs

Superman is not authorized by anyone to just murder anyone he sees fit.

super faggot is the worst faggot character ever

Because the people who work for the state are fuck ups and sometimes lock up innocent people.
Yes it's a bog standard argument, but that's because it's a fucking reasonable one.

Why are Greg and Steven floating?

I think it’s supposed to be an angled perspective

Is this really Hal, or another alien controlling him?

>proves might makes right
>by shutting down everyone and telling them not to pull that shit again

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Pure Hal. But to be fair, that guy trafficked kids.

I know, but like everything in SU it's poorly executed so it looks like the animators fucked up the layout

>Why not just fix those legal problems?

Because if we're going to kill someone for a crime, we want to be super sure that they actually committed that crime. A trial jury is not fallible. They make mistakes, they can be manipulated, they can make bad decisions. That is why we have appeal processes in place, instead of immediately executing someone after their death sentence.

Works for me!

>It’s just Supes giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Okay, put Supes in jail with a life sentence. Give him "a taste of his own medicine."

If he doesn't like it, it means he shouldn't do it to criminals.

"We should totally have the death penalty. If we have a habit of executing people that turn out to be innocent, well, let's just save the death penalty for people we're REALLY sure are guilty!"

That's literally what we're meant to have now, and we still keep going "oops, our bad."

Put him in jail for..what?

>Put him in jail for..what?
Having underwear on the outside is clearly violating some sort of decency law!?

What was it he "gave them a taste of their own medicine" for? Vigilantism?

That'll do.

Nice Quads.

>Which has absolutely nothing whatever to do with violent offenders.
reducing crime rates has a lot to do with violent offenders consider that those are some of the people doing the crimes
>MOST murderers have priors. Most violent criminals work their way up to their worst offenses and you can see it coming DECADES before they explode.
which further proves the point that punitive measures like capital punishment do not actually deter crime while an alternative system based on restorative justice would encourage those people to not escalate their crimes and become murderers

Nice dubs

superman's being a huge fag
also this

Because death sentence is always more expensive than life sentence, it also takes several years to be finished.

>Because death sentence is always more expensive than life sentence
this is your brain on drugs

It is unless you skipp the whole process what will increase drastically the number of innocents being executed.

So you want to see his bulge in his tight suit like this gay ass spider twink?

>So you want to see his bulge in his tight suit

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Even Manchester didn’t believe the shit he was selling.

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No it keeps violent offenders from recidivism in real life but it wouldn't in comics

I really like that Chess was so disturbed by Clark rolling as hard as his Authority knockoff.

And when they're put in a criminal system that cares more about just locking them up than trying to reform them and after they're out, the system keeps punishing them by not being willing to offer them fair employment opportunities or housing, why wouldn't the go back to crime? If you keep beating people with a stick, they're not going to just become model citizens, they begin to hate the entire system and break its laws.

That's the point, he was throwing their philosophy right back at them to show how hypocritical it is.

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Man I love me some Jenson Ackles, he was great in this

>explodes Grongi fucking shits on sight
Kamen Rider is based

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The artist

You have to remember, the year was 2001. We had just come off of a decade of cut-yourself-on-their-edge UK authors constantly having superheroes rape puppies and literally eat babies. You wanna talk about Miller being edgy? He's got nothing on all those guys, and they had just been going and going and going... it really was time for someone to say, "Shut the fuck up with the nihilism shit for five fucking seconds."

This page is great. And it is absolutely exhilarating how the edgelord faggots still cannot understand the point. Or more like, they don't want to.

Even Manchester was blubbering about how he was supposed to be Superman and isn’t like this.
Also this.

Didn’t you know? Bad writing gets a pass on capeshit. It’s obligatory if you want to read the same stories with the same characters over and over again.

But user who cares if an innocent gets executed lmao

>they are fed this evil brainwashing horseshit that "violent criminals are people just like you and me"

But they are, user

Committing violent, horrific acts is not some great cosmic aberration from human nature, it IS human nature

It's perfectly within bounds of what humans can do, and the people who commit them are people all the same, no matter how broken and dangerous

>people who study [thing] don't know shit! My feelings are the truth!

Thanks president Luthor. You always have my vote.

Yeah or you're just not a human from the start and you get deleted, like the roidmudes or whatever the baddies were called in Ex-Aid

Why I don't see people bitching about Spideman/Daredevil no kill rule, but always Superman and Batman?

The movie handled it better by having Superman's VA act and speak more like Sephiroth to better convey how legit terrifying an anti-hero Supes would be.

>What was it he "gave them a taste of their own medicine" for? Vigilantism?
Except it’s legal for Superman, as said much in DC earth, retard

>Okay, put Supes in jail with a life sentence. Give him "a taste of his own medicine."
For what? Making Black think he killed the Elite? That’s not illegal, dumbass. Blacks the one who tried to take over the world.

Superman's desire to protect Metropolis is rooted in a need to be a positive role model and civil servant. He doesn't want to be judge, jury, and executioner unless the villain proves to be too much of a threat.

He was only showing that HE was acting hypocritical and that THEY were right for using force to achieve their goals.

I think you replied to the wrong user

The argument wasn’t that violence wasn’t the answer.

Clarify for everyone then. What was the argument.

Superpowered people acting as judge, jury and executioners without due process are a bad precedent.

So Superman's counter to The Authority's position was that Superpowered people acting as judge and jury ONLY without due process is a GOOD precedent.

So as long as no one LITERALLY DIES any other kind of body horror torture is fine and dandy?

There was no bodyhorror torture. A couple of people got knocked out and one guy was giving a migraine or something.
They were then all arrested and out under custody for their actions of vigilantism and murders.

So YOU'RE SAYING that Superpowered people acting as judge and jury ONLY without due process is a GOOD precedent.

Also you're arguing in bad faith if you're saying that involuntary brain surgery isn't body horror.