JSA Storytime: Gen13

Good evening owls,


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Finally read House and Power of X, when does everyone think that X-fags are going to turn on Hickman?

Hello, Storyteller.

Hm, these Warren drawn covers are usually fine, but this one seems off, like it was rushed.

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Some data for fun.
In 2001, this issue sold 21,316.
It beat Black Panther #36 by a couple hundred.
Legion Worlds #6 was right above it.



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Well, Black Panther is some secondary Fantastic Four character, no one buys his comics.

That printing error is a nice meta detail for this scene!

This is absolutely fucking great

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Hi OP running errands so just gonna bs on mobile with y’all and read the story later tonight
I already did


I’ll miss you all, and probably just you all, when this site finally gets properly axed

>that Carrier design
>straight up just The Massive from Invader Zim
The fuck. Warren, you goddamn nerd.

Off topic: OP the Dallas Opera is doing The Magic Flute, should I see it y/n
His run at the time was the Hawkguy/Vision/Immortal Hulk of its time, where the whole fandom was talking about it and praising it. There's a reason Priest instantly became "the black writer" after that book. Though unlike Hulk it didn't translate to sales.

>Batman down at rank 37 with 43K, being outsold by JSA and Superman
Ah, the good old days

When none of the "real" X-Men throw a punch by the 4th issue

Yeah, I'm not sure where else we could go

Flute is hard to fuck up

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Speaking of "the black writer," David F. Walker seems to be doing his "stories from the job" thing that Priest did after he quit in the 1990s.
A post about Nighthawk today confirmed that his series was supposed to be 12 issues, cut to six, then they told him it was cancelled on the monday that issue #1 was coming out. He had four issues written, so he had time to rewrite the fourth and info dump the last couple.

We blew up a van and got away with it, this is nothing

Oof, that's fucking rough

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Walker is the most boring token writer and the only black guy that feels comfortable in Oregon


>Marvel wanted NIGHTHAWK to be “dark and gritty,” and there were a lot of comparisons to BATMAN. The character of Nighthawk – a member of Squadron Supreme – had always been Marvel’s answer to Batman, and it became increasingly clear that some people really wanted this to be little more than a Batman rip-off. Both Squadron Supreme and Nighthawk got a major overhaul in 2003 with SUPREME POWER. In this version, Nighthawk was recast as an angry black man, and the similarities to Batman became more evident.
>I liked the series at the time, and the solo Nighthawk mini-series was good…though I felt both leaned in a bit too much on the fuck-you-whitey angry black man. Still, it was a character I really wanted to play around with.

Maybe he should try writing less generic comics

Only Grunge could stare a baby universe in the face and just be all "...dude, cool" about it.

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Hey OP. I do not understand what these expressions are trying to convey.

Gotta say I'm impressed with how Hickman went full Galaxy Brain with his "X... can also mean Ten!" twist.

Also, if that spoiler thread about Groundhog Moira is legit, the X-timeline is fucked beyond all imagining.

>Also, if that spoiler thread about Groundhog Moira is legit, the X-timeline is fucked beyond all imagining.
Do it Hickman.
Remove the mutants from the Marvel U

>"X... can also mean Ten!" twist.
that's a direct Morrison copy, too

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BRB, the ViDeo gAMeS told me to go kill people.

Hickman is a hack

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>White admitting that he's only recently started reading Morrison's x-men
How the fuck is he editing that entire line?

>he’s not a Loganfag
Jordan is a mistake

I'm getting kind of tired of not being allowed to like anything because everyone is a hack fraud apparently

Good, Morrison is dreck

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I missed the bi-line, and was about to say "is that Paquette?"
He's definitely done that exact pose (and body) a couple of times over the decades.
I think he was also doing Codename Knockout issues around this time

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this is legitimately amazing

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But everything is bad and you should always feel bad every moment of every day. Liking things is illegal.

If it hasn't been done already, I'd like for someone to study this phenomenon, cause it's fascinating in it's own stupid way.

Stop liking hacks, big guy

the trick is that "liking this is bad" is, much of the time, a tactical effort by someone to get you to instead like and produce content for something THEY like

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Bizzaro Grunge is wise.

this is better than any X-Men comic

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Wow, Warren even got the letterer to censor naughty words the same way he does.

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There was more in that two-parter than some things do a in a trade

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Adam is a better writer than most

>the trick is that "liking this is bad" is, much of the time, a tactical effort by someone to get you to instead like and produce content for something THEY like
If that's the case, maybe they should try, oh, I don't know... not being a gaping asshole.

One of the easiest way to turn someone off from something you like is to present it as being superior to something they like.
>"Hey, you should play X, it makes X look like shit."
>"Well fuck you, X is awesome and you're a douche."

I like that Swift's reaction is that Grunge is faking a brain aneurysm.

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Agreed. But its a price worth paying, i guess.

I do wonder what (n+1)chan will be like.

>oh shit user has an opinion
stop being so defensive about people who write children’s pictures books and will never acknowledge your existence

oh, these days it's also the concern troll "Did you know that X is problematic? You should try Y instead, it's better representation"

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This was before decompression ruined modern comics wasn't it?

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no, Ellis was already popular

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Hiro will probably somehow keep this out alive, again, like when he was running out of money and turned to sell it our metadata to Indonesian terrorists.

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Dude if I tried to talk about big 2 comics I like, of which there are a lot!!, all I get is weak insults and I’d snap. These threads are great but there’s that undercurrent

Anyway HOXPOX is fun and exciting and I hope 2 is as big as the hype.

Also a Jarro spotlight JL issue, looking like a good comic week

I also want a Celestial X Host to show!!! Go all out with 10-X.

It's almost like stretching out a story to six issues creates pacing problems that typically don't exist in the span of 1-2.

>oh, these days it's also the concern troll "Did you know that X is problematic? You should try Y instead, it's better representation"
That's just plain annoying. Yes, of course I know X is problematic, but you deal with that shit and maybe even have a discussion. It's like these people have never heard the phrase 'warts and all'.

Seriously, try watching Zeta Gundam without cringing at least a little at the fucked gender politics going on.

You mean Bendis.

Ellis does decompression well, and doesn't write for the trade.

>Ellis does ________ well

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Fuck no. Even at the start of the 1990s all the Legends of the Dark Knight arcs had to be 4-5 issues.
Which led to a lot of stories being a bit too long

well I am happy you are enjoying comics

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Walker and Villalobos Nightwing rules btw

swell, go to hugspaces like reddit or find youtubers who agree, there a huge communities with similar opinions for like everything, not everyone has to agree with your taste in cheap media

Is Synder's JL as fun as everything I've seen from it makes it seem?

Yeah, and I hates the crap out of Weapon Ten, becuase it fucked with like twenty years of various other Weapon X projects and examples of Marvel Canada being hilariously evil.

None of the other Weapon Plus things were Canadian.

not really

Tieri's Weapon X stuff was more fun than anything Morrison did

It's the best thing of Walker's I've read, which isn't saying much

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>Marvel Canada being hilariously evil.
this is the best thing about Marvel Canada!

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Only for brainlets

I seriously have no idea who's even doing the book right now because the Ric stuff made me quit pulling it. What issue did they start?

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who cares about any Dick Grayson comic

you replied to a typo. Nighthawk, not Nightwing.
Nightwing's still Ric stuff bullshit until at least november.
Meanwhile, his sales are almost at a historic low

I know!

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Fuck you, I miss Grayson

>his sales are almost at a historic low
lying on the internet
for what purpose

the Ric stuff is just deeply confusing to me because what demographic that has usually pulled the book is that supposed to appeal to in any way

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You're a homo, read Red Hood or Young Justice instead for good characters

Lmao mixing up night hawk and wing.

Yeah it rules, Justice League actually fighting massive universe shattering events? Thank you

Brain the size of a spaceship Grunge finally smart enough to tell Roxy to find a better man.

You just have bad taste

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The most confusing/funniest thing to me is that King had nothing to do with the Ric shit. I think he was just like “I need dick not talking to Bruce bc my plot needs him isolated” and someone came up with this ric shit.

Jurgens Batman Beyond has been surprisingly enjoyable and I hope it doesn’t end cause Bendis

Comichron's shitting up for me right now so I can't get the exact numbers, but that's what the guy who does the month-to-month sales charts for DC books said.
06/2004: Nightwing #94 -- 30,155
06/2014: --
06/2015: Grayson #9 -- 39,610 [40,478]
06/2016: --
06/2017: Nightwing #22 -- 36,343 [36,441]
06/2017: Nightwing #23 -- 36,055 [36,265]
06/2018: Nightwing #45 -- 26,242 (- 0.0%) [26,270]
07/2018: Nightwing #46 -- 26,899 (+ 2.5%) [26,931]
08/2018: Nightwing #47 -- 26,467 (- 1.8%) [26,440]
09/2018: Nightwing #48 -- 25,733 (- 2.7%)
09/2018: Nightwing #49 -- 25,475 (- 1.0%)
10/2018: Nightwing #50 -- 29,450 (+ 24.6%) [31,751]
10/2018: Nightwing #51 -- 35,026 (+ 11.4%) [35,379]
11/2018: Nightwing #52 -- 26,623 (- 24.5%) [26,705]
11/2018: Nightwing #53 -- 26,442 (+ 0.5%) [26,826]
12/2018: Nightwing #54 -- 28,269 (+ 5.4%)
12/2018: Nightwing #55 -- 26,060 (- 7.8%)
01/2019: Nightwing #56 -- 25,044 (- 3.9%)
02/2019: Nightwing #57 -- 26,845 (+ 7.2%)
03/2019: Nightwing #58 -- 25,433 (- 5.3%)
04/2019: Nightwing #59 -- 24,677 (- 3.0%)
05/2019: Nightwing #60 -- 24,233 (- 1.8%)
06/2019: Nightwing #61 -- 22,621 (- 6.7%)
Nightwing #94 up there in 2004 was part of Devin Grayson's terrible run. The guy who collects this says it's the lowest the book has been since march 2001.

I do because I'm a retard, please let me enjoy the couple of tiny things that make the crushing awfulness of life bearable

Fuck, Villalobos Nightwang might have been at least worth pirating

DESU I think the editorial intent was literally to scare away the fans and go scorched earth on the character since Didio hates him but can't do anything because the admitted rabidness of the fanbase, yet the baffling part is they didn't even manage to do that and the thing ends up being one part "Dick sucks so let's just reboot him from scratch" yet one part "let's explore who Dick is as a character and what the Nightwing identity means" while not delivering on either

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What happened now? Why is this placer going to die again?

the worst of the current chans made the news and has been cut off by their hosts, nothing of value except maybe containment was lost

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Fake news

Calling it now, Alvarez is pissed that her co-workers were going to fire on her, she switches sides, and starts a relationship with Sarah because romances in this book aren't allowed to not be weird and fucked up.

Adam Warren is a fun writer.

I recommend Livewires for somewhere down the line.

Team deplatforming works reporting in

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Well, unfortunately for you, there's just six issues left

>The worst of the current chans
I am unironically scared.

Paquette is 100% the correct way to use open as an art reference.

And using 'write for the trade' Ellis characters at thar!

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there’s like a hundred minis, one shots and spinoffs

"mooks turned away from the dark side by the sex" should be a themed collection

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It was literally created for all the gamergate retards to go to after this site got sick of being associated to them
take a minute to unpack all that

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it existed before that. But there was a big migration during that

thanks for reading


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>So I'm rather cute, huh?

>"mooks turned away from the dark side by the sex" should be a themed collection
I feel this trope can be borderline offensive when done wrong.
>"I'll just change sides and reverse my entire idelogy and values just to get that sweet sweet puss."
Like, fuckin' wat.

thanks OP, you're da best and this book stays really fucking fun

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

Couldn't help but notice that Alvarez is blonde. She's probably a metalhead too. Just saying.

Also, this issue was basically just "Oh shit, we haven't really done anything with Sarah lately, so we'll just have her be a complete badass for an issue.". And that's fine.

Doesn't this series have a dark ending?

>Get Wild
I prefer Angel Night but okay.

Hawkeye is obviously the keystone character of that.
His dick is magic!

Thanks for running, OP.

Actually, if you look, the last four issues have more or less been single(/double) character stories.

Kat vs. Quantum Wanker. Roxy and Grunge vs. their relatiinship. Rainmaker vs. science uneducation.

I wish I wasn’t on mobile so I could post that Green Arrow/Black Canary panel from JLA/Avengers

>His dick is magic!
Alan Scott brother. He's magical, AND managed to reform two villainnesses by loving them

I never got what swift was doing in the authority, all the others were city or planet buster tier and she's a chick with wings

She was special or something. There's a bit in millar's "secret history of Jenny" that has Jenny finding her as a sacred egg.
And then it ends with the two of them in a bed a couple decades later, which is kind of fucked from a grooming perspective.

She became The Doctor right around when Flashpoint happened.

In Authority proper, she was basically the Team's Conscience. Pulled them away from turning into proper, world conquering fascists, instead of edgy, semi-competent Superheroes with a vague understanding and general contempt for Realpolitik.

Not exactly. Though, the two of them do sort of, hook up.