Hey Owl
Other urls found in this thread:
What are some ideal VA's that could justice to these characters? For me, it's:
Olivia Olson - Megg
Nick Bakay - Mogg
Justin Roiland - Owl
Roger Craig Smith - WWJ
What a shit comic
Lindsey Lohan - Megg (this literally almost happened)
Eric Andre - Mogg
Will Arnet - WWJ
Roiland is a good pick for owl
>this literally almost happened
By that you mean Simon once said he'd prefer not to have an animated series but would like a live action and if that hypothetical ever came to fruition he'd love to see Lohan in the role, or?
Yes. Apparently he was in talks with her manager but it didnt happen
Source: I saw him at a signing a few days ago
How Owl's life would have been if he had never met Megg and Mogg?
What boards would he browse?
Damn Bad Gateway for actually making me feel sorry for Werewolf Jones and Megg's mom. It makes Xmas 2017 and Megg's Coven hit really hard.
I can't imagine Mogg with anything other than a shitty Garfield impression as a voice
me doing the voices out loud as I read the comic as always
And it makes Mike less cool. I thought he was just hangin'.
>I eat ass Megg, its what I do
I'd have to imagine he would still be somewhat a sheltered child but maybe a bit better off. Probably would have still wound up riddled with STD's.
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Yea Forums
What about just a drunk Lorenzo Music?
I was just thinking the same thing. I'm imagining an animated adaptation of the show where Mogg is inexplicably voiced by a crappy text-to-speech program.
>I am now going to kick Owl off the wagon.
you guys want a bad gateway storytime?
My favorite misery porn but its really getting stale now, you can only retell the same douchebag stories a limited times.
Did Owl moving out get any followup?
There was a thing where Megg and Mogg ran into him in town.
But Bad Gateway's supposed to advance the timeline.
owls a fool for not shoving his face in meggs ass there
Hey, fuck you.
Norm MacDonald as Mogg. All other answers are wrong!
okay here we go
love this shit
Megg's ass is probably disgusting because she lives off a diet of bongwater and pizza.
Yeah right these landscapes-esque stuff is great
Fat, unkempt, unwashed, and worshipped by desperate losers like Owl while you could probably fuck her for half a joint or a paper bag of cheeseburgers.
t. experienced actual druggie wamen
thanks a lot for this user, you rock
don't thank me, thank the kind user in the last thread who bought and scanned it
I love how gross and unflattering Hanselmann's art sometimes is. It feels very true-to-life even though he draws witches and werewolves.
I just got to Birdcage...holy shit
I feel quite desensitized by now. Not sure how I feel about bad gateway, very little happened to push the story or tell us much we did not already know.
i have specific voices for them in my head when i read the comics, but i have no clue who sounds similar to how i imagine them
Megg and Mogg would be in a better place if WWJ dying was canon.
I like how there are holes smashed in the wall. Combined with Owl's conspicuous absence, it's almost like his departure has left a figurative and literal hole in their lives.
WWJ's antics in this book come across as much more strange and disturbing than in previous books, with that being the peak. There isn't even anything funny about that part, it's just unnerving to see WWJ neglecting his infant daughter in such a heinous manner.
I enjoy it for that reason. Feels true to life. Stuck, addicted, depressed, inert, etc
WWJ dying is canon, it's just that it's being re-written to happen later after Owl left.
Megg's gonna become Owl.
It's more like Megg is the most responsible one after Owl, even if her competence is drastically lower. She's the one who has to try to maintain the group's stability now but she's much worse at it.
Even stagnant can get too stagnant after a while. Of course, they are worthless shits , but eventually you want to see them spiral deeper into failure.
I don't remember them meeting him at all, when was this?
So... even with Owl having covered most of the rent (80% I think, according to an older strip), Megg and Mogg are still struggling to make ends meet. It's only been a month and they're already on the verge of getting evicted. The fact that they're just barely able cover the small amount of money they still have to pay makes me wonder what will happen to them in a couple months after Owl's contribution to the rent runs out.
Gosh these people are disgusting
fucking captchas
God bless you for dumping this.
Its entertaining to see how much of a fuckup they are. Especially Mogg, he is a richfag and he could have went somewhere with his life but all he wanted is just to loaf around and do drugs. It was a very conscious choice from him.
They've been stuck like this since high school.
I wonder how old they actually are.
Maybe Owl comes back at some point?
they're like close to 30
God, I hope not. He deserves better than them, and the whole 'clip show' at the beginning really makes it clear.
Megg's apparently around 29 or something like that.
I hear you, I seem to recall Simon saying things are gonna change pretty drastically after this so we'll see what that could mean
There really is a catharsis factor going on when reading through these new strips. Especially seeing the depths they'll go to in order to avoid any sort of responsibilities.
It's shocking to me how incompetent and sad their lives are while still being perfectly realistic. When the book opens, Megg and Mogg have reached what feels like a nadir. But then the subsequent stories show them sinking down even further into the abyss.
fuckin lol
Jesus, Jones.
Can someone post the Peyote ones
Now there was a band
Are those his kids? That’s great.
Apparently the comic is supposed to take place in Seattle. Simon lives here and they even had the comic on display at an art museum up here.
I'd definitely believe there are people like Megg and Mogg up here.
>casual gay fisting threesome
WWJ living life to the fullest
Honestly, the only one I feel remotely sorry for is Megg. Mogg and WWJ are in a hell of their own creation. Owl's out, so I'm glad for him.
Megg's fucked. She's so deep in her depression and I know how hard it is to drag yourself out of that.
wasn't it australia?
I thought he hated Dracula Jr.
He's from Australia but moved to Seattle IIRC.
Meant for
but the comic is set in australia no?
its in seattle, they visited bruce lee's grave
Seattle has those people, but they live in tents around all the freeways.
But this is Australia.
huh, I wonder why we didn't see any snow in the xmas comic
Like said. Also this strip mentions Megg's mom lives four states over which wouldn't be possible in Australia I don't think.
Seattle's weather is really mild because of where it's located. Despite being the northernmost major city in the U.S. we really don't get much snow at all.
oh he's going to die, Hanselmann is just going to adapt into the larger ongoing narrative now.
>Mogg's full body net
oh I didnt know that, I thought anywhere that north would snow
Nah it just rains a lot. We get like, maybe a week or two of temps below freezing a year. That's part of the reason this place has so many fucking homeless people, the weather is so mild it's pretty comfortable to live in year round.
It's the little things
WWJ, what the actual fuck?
>I'm not trying to be a fuck up
I feel this all too well, except I don't do drugs and cum all over the kitchen with my weird fuckbuddies.
i don't enjoy reading these anymore because i've become mogg
alright, finishing the first part, I gotta take a quick brake, but I'll be back shortly
now THIS is comedy!
This last panel is a real kick in the knackers. Like it's just a matter of time before one of them kills the other and then themself. If Owl's lucky he won't get dragged into it.
Feeling really proud of yourselves huh? Take your time user, you're doing great
can't see either Meg or Mogg committing murder intentionally. suicide though, anyone in the comic (main characters or side characters) could commit that.
I doubt it would be intentional murder but I could definitely see one of them accidentally killing the other.
He will not, there is a comic set after WWJ is dead and Jaxon is a young adult and it looks like they haven't seen Owl in a long time.
But then they also talk about "going to the shops" and paying for things in euros... I think it's intentionally ambiguous
WWJ could kill a guy.
Some of those aren't really canon. Simon's fucked up the timeline some.
It disturbs me that WW has all these kids. And the "you don't know all my kids" crack, WWJ can't even take care of himself how many people is he responsible for? I hope his wife's atleast decent.
I think it takes place wherever Simon currently lives. In the old ones where they had white eyes, they were probably in Tasmania but the newer ones with pink eye they're in America. That's atleast the distinction I make.
The mountains so close to the water makes for damp but mild weather.
Snow happens, but not like in fucking Minnesota.
Washington west of the mountains is like England, and east is like Nevada.
You became a cat?
My grandfather was like that.
I think the guy who sang the “I Put A Spell On You” song was too.
I like that even though he phrases it in a kind of dumb way, the case worker is completely right. Megg does have problems, but nothing that should prevent her from turning her life around.
WWJ says 'Bins' in There's no way it's Seattle, they would call it a Trashcan or some shit
I think there's hope for Megg. Not alot, but she isn't the worst in the group.
I'm back
rescue fantasy because she has a hole, stop posting, Owl
I don’t think any of these characters are so gone they couldn’t turn their lives around (not even WWJ) but they just won’t.
Pics like this hit home
I always took "going to the shops" as going to weed shops. Some of my stoner friends call them that from time to time and I'm on the west coast of the US.
Yea Forums hes a pretentious fag with shit taste in music
Mogg’s pogs thanks for posting
user I'll suck your dick thank you!
my son, big hoss
She really is the new Owl
I wonder if she’ll realize that.
low-iq take
Would you let your best friend do you a Boston clanger for his birthday?
Joke's on you, I don't have friends.
Jeez, what is Amyl?
>they don't even question all the doorknobs
Love this so much, hitting new lows every day
Fucking party foul, Jones
>self-referential slapstick
okay, lol
Mmm no, we still call them trashbins here in America.
The yellow eyes are throwing me off super hard
They cant move on and they cant live like that anymore
Jesus, they were bad before, but now they are just FUCKED without Owl. Its actually pitiful.
Probably because they're not stoned to shit.
Just finished reading up on Amyl, I'm super disappointing that they would seriously go that low to getting a high
More like hope fantasy because she's relatable
>(not even WWJ) but they just won’t.
Wew, you're really gonna be feeling that once user gets to THAT comic.
who the fuck is that?
>Just finished reading up on Amyl, I'm super disappointing
I'll say you are
the shitshow is just getting started
Who the fuck?
Fuck, now I'm disappointed in myself
human Jones
He retconned it to Seattle. Originally they lived in Tasmania
That makes two of us user
Which one?
The one he's on right now.
I don't even know what to say about Mogg now, just that he's a c complete degenerate, losers
Is mogg a... cycj
Lotta assplay (and straight up gay sex) in this comic.
Nah, he's actually seriously jealous and hurt whenever he thinks Megg's cheating on him.
He's just watching porn of a girl that looks like her.
Booger is a beta shemale orbiter, the worst saddest kind of filthy reprobate
I like sober human Jones
how dare booger feel bad for making mogg angry
He's calling booger a faggot that's orbiting Megg so he can get her pussy.
He's basically Owl if Owl was a tranny and not just closeted.
Fuck you mike!
Booger made a play on Mogg's girl. She should feel bad about it. Megg should, too.
But Mogg's still a terrible boyfriend and they need to break up. Booger would be a better choice.
except booger actually got some with megg
Working at Lowe's was comfy as fuck, the only annoying thing was picking wood and dealing with my strict and perpetually displeased immediate superior
Go fuck yourself Mike you fucking nigger.
That Mogg in the last panel looks pretty wonky
Man fuck Mike
oh shiiiiiiiiii
Aw fuck you Mike you're a shitty friend
the one time WWJ was a good person, it's fucking MIKE that ruins it
>posting pictures in a storytime
Found Mike.
Flanders was right: The devil really would be handsome
What’s Mike endgame?
Guy's Grocery Games is a good show
He better not be at the funeral it's his fault if ww falls of tf he wagon
He's a perpetually high guy who likes to get people high
So with Diesel and Jaxon, are they werewolves from sugar and caffeine?
God, this is beyond pathetic.
Hes gay
If I was to guess going off of growing up next to essentially lady WWJ and her 20 year older, chiller friend, who had a lot of odd visitors, I think it's to do with wanting to preserve the status quo, and not have anyone in your peer group rise above you so that you need to make a change in yourself.
It's laziness, complacency, fear of change, to some degree probably a kind of jealousy, and mental stagnation - choosing short-term comfort over letting a friend do what's good for them in the long term.
Or he doesn't wanna lose a customer, I guess.
Shouldn’t have gone the assplay path
Otherwise sold out WWJ zines are still available on HTML FLOWERS bigcartel
yeah, wwj basically only feeds them sugary ceral and energy drinks
the fucked up thing is he has custody so his wife is somehow worse (assuming WWJ didn't scam/bribe the judge)
Man, Megg is destorying Mogg.
Who's the cute loli
Don't tell me Owl or some shit is in there
that last panel made me L
prepare for the shitshow guys
That's what happens to druggies.
like where that scam is going
I hate that I know this feeling
I mean, it was mostly around my high school years, but there was nothing more frustrating than a whole day spent trying to get drugs, a spike of hope when a dude says he has some, the further prolonged frustration when he doesn't answer after waiting for him for hours, and the crushing depression of knowing it's time to give up and face a boring sober night
I'm gonna be frank with my future kids and try my best to warn them away from even smoking weed until they're adults
Looks like Mogg's got angry eyes, I hope he doesn't start shit with Booger now.
my captchas weren't being accepted for some reason
Neither are mine user, don't worry
There is just a fuck ton to unpack here
Captchas fucked up for everyone
So fucking tired of the Megg apologists in every one of these threads. Did you honestly just not read the part where she pretends to be insane just to avoid losing her benefits? She's as just as much of a lazy leech as Mogg, the only real difference is that she pretends to put on an air of responsibility, but never actually acts on it. Sure she's "capable" of change, that can be said about everyone in the comic, but she won't because she's a burnout with no motivation and just wants to get high so she can shut herself out from the rest of the world.
As a sidenote, I wonder what the overlap is on the people who ignore Megg's flaws and those who unironically identify as Owl. I'm guessing a hell of a lot.
Captcha was acting weird just now
I fucking miss Legacy
jesus fuck
damn it's weird seeing all of them not high at once
Amazing how one page can make you see someone as being so chill to 'fuck that guy' so fast.
You're wrong, but that's okay.
But she girl
Don't post pictures in a storytime
>You don't know all my kids
God I love that line.
>WWJ smiling and being jolly
>WWJ showing vulnerability
this is the closest I've seen WWJ to a normal human
Bad choice. Seattle is so fucking expensive to live in, no way they could. One of the priciest in the US.
Renton, Everett, maybe Bellingham or Spokane is more appropriate. Spokane has the nickname Spokompton, as in Compton CA, for a reason.
That's a pretty good fucking point. Seattle's so bougie all the poor people have been squeezed out
Man they really are gonna pull a double suicide
Mill Creek is great. Everett is pretty beautiful. Who the fuck would move to Seattle though, seriously?
Oh shit, is this the end of the book
not yet
>steering wheel is on the right
And this is supposed to be in America?
There's about fifty more pages.
There's a talking cat, a werewolf, and a witch.
Fucking hell, I need to go to sleep
Where do I start with this series? I've been seeing this comic posted around a lot and I'm interested. What am I in for exactly?
I remember this trip on another book.
What was the reason again?
How soon before Megg is blowing people for money/drugs
>Where do I start with this series?
chronologically in order of release, like everything else.
no picture in storytime stinkperson
I think her mother is sick, but its not mentioned in this book
also, I like how mogg is so fragile here
Why is "Don't post pictures in a storytime" such a hard concept for Yea Forums?
I don’t think many boards do storytimes anymore so new friends are oblivious
my voice for him completely changes whenever i see him as a human
That's why we have the age old concept of "lurk most"
Considering that these characters are based on an actual children’s cartoon, I’d imagine they’d sound like this but all drugged up and high as shit
>they're like close to 30
I feel that in my soul
This book confirms Megg as being 29 and a different one mentions Owl is 30. I sorta feel like WWJ is older but he cant be more than 31/32
Looking back on this page will be extra harrowing when we eventually see him die
Seeing Mogg getting cucked fills me with so much glee.
I don't get the Mike hate. When I saw everyone talking about him I was thinking he was going to give Jones some drugs laced with windex after being stood up with his dealer, or something. It's not like he forced WWJ to take that shit, he just said "Aw cmon". He stands by and lets Owl get raped and you treat him like a lovable rascal but this is over the line?
Pretty sure arguing morality and character redeemability in a MMO thread is pointless
That was passive though, this wasn't. Him actively doing this makes him worse than not doing anything
There are a lot of reasons, but a big part is that he was clean and we know he ODs
They were all in high school together, apparently in the same grade, so their age spread probably isn't more than a year. Two at the most.
It's the same shit as when Megg and Mogg spiked Owl's drink when he was trying to get sober. You don't do that shit to an addict.
Doing drugs with his high school friends.
Chris-Chan, no!
Dare i say /ourwitch/?
You not really peeing in bottle are you?
Don't forget about she helped Mogg ruin Owl's dream job for no real reason.
D'you think she has a straight up Wicked Witch laugh?
>dream job
Come on, it was just better than a call center.
Look how pleased he is with himself in panel 2
Not that one, the other one.
That right there is the kind of thing that will fuck you up for the rest of your life.
SJW detected, top kek my good sir
>owl probably plays as the eldar
Fuckin owl just walks around naked all thet ime and doesnt give a fuck
Does Owl just start walking about naked after he meets these people? He's worn clothes before meeting them
I can see Mogg taking it up the ass more likely
A cat is fine too
The one he lost because he smelled of semen.
And he smelled of semen because Megg whispered sexy shit in his ear and made him have a wet dream.
So it's even more her fault.
>Bottom left panel
You just KNOW
>the gretsksy
Oh god
She's usually more sympathetic than Mogg and Jones, showing sad feelings more often, that's all there is to it
And I'm pretty sure Owlfags hate all three of them equally
Then stole all his pants so he couldn't change.
Though Mogg did say to change Owl's alarm from 7am to 8:20am.
literally i guess
Jesus Jones...
A baby in wolf form. Meaning he gave her sugar. Or worse.
jesus fucking christ
How different her mom looked in the other comic?
what do you guys reckon will happen in next book? owl is going to appear? mogg and booger are going to reconcile?
Owl will certainly show up at least to have a final goodbye where he's a smug prick about being slightly healthier than them.
She’s screwing the government and society as a whole.
Which basically every character is doing.
She’s the least shit among the cast. Hence people rooting for her.
Is WWJ still alive?
i hope that mike does something, he's my favorite character
I want things to get even more bleak.
>the trash bags that are like solid black holes
Moggs missing so i can he crumbled under the pressure. Guessing the war is that WWJ must of overpowered Mogg and took over the house.
these spreads are so fucking good, this is my favorite
People who work there I guess. Or have boats.
I love visiting. But unless you own one of the houses on the outskirts, no way you could even rent.
so thats it, fucking hell of a book
if you liked this storytime, dont forget to support the artist, he deserves it
Aren't some of these lines the exact same as another story?
no mogg's there in the couch
simon a good artist
its a redo of "megg's coven."
worth a visit. and great if you're a certified aws tech. but nah dude east coast for life. MIT and NYC.
Huh, Space Needle.
But its CNN.
The general Seattle stations are Komo 4 and King 5.
Now it's just Mogg, all alone in the dark
Hopefully I'll buy ALL the printed books one day. I have "One More Year" but I've read it to death.
I will say that this book has gotten me invested in what happens to Mogg in a way none of the others has.
so previously, they all treated Owl like shit
i want to have a physical collection too one day, but damn its expensive, especially for 3rd world countries. I went to buy a couple of books from usagi yojimbo but it cost me almost 4 times the value
We know the next book is going to have some heavy shit, so I'm guessing this one's meant to be a breather?
Let me know how the quality on these came out. I ripped it pretty quick yesterday.
Looking at the relationship drama and the shit that went down with Werewolf Jones, the idea that this is a 'breather' is, frankly, horrifying.
The worst thing is having seen the first version of Megg's coven it was so easy to demonize her for being a shriveled up junkie, now you see all the good and bad at once she's so sad.
they were perfect, thanks user
A+ quality, ripman winkle.
he was actively trying to pressure him into it
Huh. I never really knew a super rich kid. Are they clingy? All me friends were poor or middle class. We lived upper class on a middle class income since we owned our house.
this is immensely satisfying to see
It messes me up I hate that it makes me think about my mom
Not the same user but I've been dodging work applications all day by reading this storytime.
My mother used to say stuff like this to me all the time, right up until she actually killed herself. Fuck.
I've been praying for death
More megg mogg and owl storytiming please
Seconded. Does anyone have the original Megg's Coven?
Also, what's the name of that other comic like this, with the possum girl?
>what's the name of that other comic like this, with the possum girl?
So to summarise
>Owl has left this house
>Everything is going badly for Megg and Mogg due to money mismanagement
>WWJ nearly OD'd
>Mogg hates Bogger and is worried Megg will leave him
>Megg has conflicting feelings for Mogg and Bogger
>Megg's mother is possibly ill
I guess the Megg-Mogg-Boger thing has been going on for a while with Mogg being afraid Megg will leave him (constant fear in lucid dreams), Megg being dissatisfied with Mogg (she once fantasied about him being a huge lumberjack), and Megg developing feelings for Boger (3 way with WWJ).
Also many strips have had WWJ dying so it won't be surprising if he's dead.
‘Terrible, Terrible, Terrible’ with Clementine the possum.
The comic that always makes me lose my shit is the one where her drunk friend vomits his heart and she tries to put it back.
It's catharsis to see because I've known a bunch of Moggs IRL
I love how WWJ shits his pants to make his point.
Alright, since you asked.
Bless you based user.
God this kills
I regret giving my mom the cold shoulder so many times when she just wanted to talk
In the strip where Werewolf Jones dies they're 37, but that's not the official timeline. But they've also made comments like Owl's crush on Megg having lasted decades, so they've got to be in their 30's.
Thank you based user
Birdcage was probably one of the most fucked-up things I think I've seen recently.
Like, fucking christ
>’Come closer’
>’I was raped Megg’
God dammit I laughed, am I an awful person?
Holy shit
How was I being a Megg apologist? I was pointing out that the case worker was right to say she's lazy and wallowing in her misery. He was saying she's more than capable of going out and being productive but she chooses not to.
And that's it. Some things I noticed when comparing these to the redone version
>"I would've done it years ago in the late 80s" is now "the early 2000s"
>Auntie Benita's name is now "Auntie" Krystal
>Megg says "mum" in the original, but "ma" in the new pages. Probably part of the whole shifting the setting from Aus to the US thing
I noticed the year change as well.
maybe there's two sets of meggs moggs and owlses. An older version in Tasmania and the younger American ones
This is true, but we did have record snow this year.
40k for losers confirmed. WFB was the superior game.
Finding a slice of tomato in your fake weed you bought to calm down after seeing the hell your family is going through is a joke only Hanselman could write
I don't blame Mike. Jones would be tempted, but he's not a child, he's an adult and make a bad decision. If it wasn't Mike he would have been offered drugs by someone else or had a weak moment eventually.
I'm surprised their first thought is to go get Amyl instead of some booze. I'd think for twenty bucks you could get at least four or five Steel Reserves at a liquor store. That'd get them all completely hammered, I'd think.
megg's still a shitty person, but she's probably one of the most sympathetic out of the bunch, arguably even more-so than owl since owl was perfectly capable of getting himself out at any time but didn't. megg's actually struggling with pretty horrible depression and is shown to regret a lot of her decisions. you can tell she's genuinely having a hard time of getting out of the mindset she's fallen into and is at least seeking help and actively going to therapy, unfortunately she keeps ending up with pretty fucking terrible therapists so that's another thing that's certainly not helping her situation
i don't think it excuses her shitty actions, but you can understand the mindset she's fallen into and can see that she is trying to an extent. i'm probably biased though because she's probably the closest character i can relate to, except with genuine crippling anxiety
megg was offering him some of devil's lettuce before he even left for work
i really fucking love how "dirty" his art is. he generates the atmosphere of the comics so fucking well
Mogg's also big into ass-play, which Megg's disgusted by.
alright nevermind fuck megg
Rusty Brown?
based case worker telling her what she doesn't want to hear.
The 'Hanselman dots' are a real artistic phenomenon. I don't know any other artist who does that
It's not an actual rule, just a courtesy thing. I dislike it too but it's not illegal or anything.
All the anons complaining about no progress aren't seeing the big picture. Jones and Megg are both being responsible adults and Mogg is left alone. The downward spiral for Mogg has begun.
I used to think Mike was cool because he was good at hanging out but he's a bad influence on Warehouse Jones.
I always thought it was supposed to be a condom.
this is one of the biggest problems for drug addicts to stay clean.
They lose every social life outside of other addicts and dealers, they have trouble finding work so they have to rely on dealing, which puts them into a vicious circle, and if they try to get clean, even if they manage to find a job, if they don't have the necessary social support they'll have to be battling lonelness on top of withdrawal, while old bad friends keep trying to pull you in again.
she's way more fucked up in the original comic
The first and only time I've ever felt bad for Werewolf Jones.
Mike is, by himself and to everyone else, what M&M are to Owl.
Huh. WWJ being a Bernie 16 guy makes sense, but I see him as a Trump guy.
Hey, at least they have plenty of replacement doorknobs.
Just remember the swim park where he was a lifeguard who spent all of his time spying on women who lost their tops, masturbating, and listening to music on top of the life guard towers rather than do his job.
Mike's actually as much of a bastard as anyone else.
Kids raised by complete trash is the saddest thing. Its damn near impossible to change them so you get to watch some neglected thing grow into a real shithead.
Bad influence on a guy who puts babies in bird-cages in car trunks, creates porn of his kids to frame people with, and generally makes everyones' life around him a living hell. What an awful person he is for peer pressuring his friend-by-way-of-doing-drugs-together into doing drugs together.
Fuck Jones.
How does the wolf guy works?
I've read a bunch of the comics and the guy just hangs around, do drugs, and have gay sex. The transformation works with drugs or sugar as someone said in previous posts, i'm curious being that is literally unimportant for the story.
dat '89 Batman love
Finally a good thread with a storytime of Bad Gateway. Absolutely based user. Now it's time to wait for the next book, which will be excruciating.
it's just a gag
I don't get why people hate him, he's genuinely the best character in this comic
Alone, forced to be sober, and with no power or friends to hang out with for several days is the best way I know to force someone to confront their inner demons and figure their shit out.
I doubt it will happen, but its like the restart button of life.
I guess i understand that he is someone i'd totally hate to have around in any way, but seems like fun, but only in retrospective.
In his softer moments he's an entertaining, if flawed, character.
But the shit he does just make him a vile person. Keeping his baby in a cage, trapping his sons in garbage cans, forcing his kids to make felt hats, 'raping' Owl, beating Owl and forcing him to eat his own vomit...
Its all just there to make their world more surreal, and serve as an immediate indicator which characters are broken people who will be important.
Also, visual humor.
Jones is a deep end addict who goes from 0 to 11 with no time in the middle.
That’s the problem with Mike. Jones was at 0 for the first time we’ve ever seen. Even as a 16 year old kid he wasn’t that sober. Mike literally just pushed him right back into the hole with the same amount of thought he puts into anything else.
You think Owl could have easily fucked Megg by saving some of his money to buy an ounce of really good weed and then wait till there was a dryspell and offer it to Megg but only if she is down for some fuck and if not he will just flush it right then and there?
why do you keep posting this
It's still not Mike's fault.
She'd just beat the shit out of him and take it from him for being a gross fag most likely. Wouldn't be surprised if WWJ and Mogg got in on it too since they assault him constantly WITHOUT a reason.
sure, he could make her jerk his dick
but not his heart
No, the fault ultimately lies with Jones for giving in.
But Mike is partially at fault for enabling him.
So is Megg's Coven being retconned/repurposed for the new stuff? I get that the timeline's always been a little loose, but it seemed before like it was mostly a reluctant trip for Megg to catch up with family (unless I'm missing something) but now it seems like its been spun into an emergency.
Also feels a little crow-barred in, since before it seemed kind of relaxed and slow, as the shitty state of Megg's friends and family starts to sink in. Now, with the urgency of the call she got from her mom, all of the rest of the events playing out similarly to how they were in Coven seems a bit weird.
Man, that character had to be a pain to draw continuously
Sort of surprised they never did anything. Megg fucks everyone she knows except Owl.. and Mike, I guess. Owl has fucked a million chicks out there. I guess it's just awkward.
So... was WWJ already neglecting his daughter while he was sober? Her being unwashed and locked in a cage doesn't seem like a recent development.
I remember being one of those guys.
Good times, but I understand why it cost me some friends in retrospect
I'm reminded of the line in True Detective where Rust mentions having shot a tweaker for injecting a baby with crystal right in front of him.
fuck, I don't remember what was gong on with megg's mom.
does anybody remember?
she worked at mcdonalds last year
>I hope his wife's atleast decent.
I think in a different comic, his wife lost a custody battle against WWJ, implying she's even worse than him.
I thought he shat himself because he hated Scott Pilgrim THAT much.
My cousin was like that, divorced druggie parents who were both too fucked to get their act together even while fighting for custody of her
At least the mom cleaned up and she's doing OK now
Megg's Coven is supposed to be the darkest, most personal one yet.
mike is the guy who can hang on the line without falling too deep, he manages to stay on the thin line between being a total fuck up and keeping his shit together, this is why he looks cool. He can stare into the abyss whenever he likes and then just go back home.
The others can't. Especially WWJ, and Mike knows this and yet he not only offers him weed, but enourages him to take it after seeing how he was actually doing better.
Mike an swim better than the others. When WWJ managed to get a hold of a float and started going bak to the river Mike convinced him to get back into the current.
yeah but what was the emergency?
jones being a little shit who can't take care of himself doesn't absolve mike of his actions and doesn't make him less of a piece of shit.
Mike knows his friend like drugs. He offered him some. He's supposed to be the sober police?
People that hate megg for not "getting out" or making something of herself don't believe in mental problems. She is fully culpable for ALL the shitty things she's done but I don't think having to scam for unemployment really belongs in the same category. The guys argument against her being on disability is just stating her age.
Well we don't know that he rapes them or actively tries to make them unhappy at every turn, we just know that he's pushy about doing drugs with you.
I'd hate to think what WWJ means when he says his dad is "on the rag."
Yeah, if she needed disability she wouldn't have to scam for it. She just doesn't want to have to work.
I get it, I am going through something similar but do have depression and pain issues from a permanent injury and going through the process now. They keep pushing you towards employment because they don't want you in the system unless it absolutely is necessary.
I'd rather work than go through this miserable existence.
>confront their inner demons
You mean "commit suicide"?
The idea is that he is a werewolf when fucked up and human when he's sober. He's a party animal.
Oh fuck she did the dildo show
Owl is genuinely not that bad a person, and that's coming from someone who thinks he's a scumbag.
Plus Owl could never successfully hide weed from Megg, Mogg, or especially WWJ
mie knows WWJ an't handle drugs and his life was shit, and he also knows how much better he's doing off drugs.
We're not responsible for the action of others, but we're responsible for our own actions. And Mike is a piece of shit for not only offering but encouraging and insisting. He would be a piece of shit even if WWJ had rejected, the fact that he accepted and fell into a spiral that led to his death just makes it more dramatic and Mike's assholery more evident.
I think Owl will have a brief cameo where he meets his old friends, shakes his head in despair at the sad state of their lives, and then disappears again.
I think the conceit was that the programs were cracking down on depression cases, probably because they lost some funding or got new management.
I genuinely don't think Megg is capable of working or living a normal life. She could become a better person, certainly, but I don't think she could manage a 9-5. Hell, sometimes she hallucinates vividly.
if you have disability due to mental issues you're probably among the first to be rejected by tough systes, unless it's extremely advanced forms of psychiatric illness.
I didn't manage to get on disability for my anxiety and panic attacks because after the 4th interview with different panels I couldn't handle going to a 5th, anxiety got too much.
Scammers with little dignity have no probles putting on a show like Megg.
Such is life.
Simon, are you proud of drawing the world's first ever dick and pussy Whack-a-Mole game?
I've never touched a woman, do they enjoy having their vaginas beaten with hammers?
Yeah, I realize that. I have a bit more going on than just mental issues with my workplace injury, but since I "present well" I "should be able to get a job". I'd rather be working. I tried to find work for years without luck, so now I am going the disability route and other options.
Yeah that's how you have sex you just smack the shit out of it like your dick is a hammer. It's why big ones are better.
Is this page foreshadowing some catastrophe that's going to happen in the next book? Like, Megg returns home to discover that WWJ burnt the house down with him inside? I get the feeling that it's followed by whatever the panel in the middle on this page is supposed to indicate
It was top-notch, user. Thank you again for doing this. You're incredibly based and redpilled for doing this free of charge and anonymously.
As garbage as she is, the people around her are worse
I think Owl is the best of the bunch.
That's a pretty cute seal desu. I hope nothing bad happens to it or the dogs.
I wonder how he's going to be reintroduced!
Owl's big flaws are that he's spineless, pushy (but lacks the persistence to make it count), and he thinks he's better than everyone around him.
That said, he's still not a dirtbag like his housemates.
Mike really is the secret villain of MMO. He's that guy who keeps his friends boozed up because he's unable to make new ones and is aware that the moment they're sober they'll leave him. He more than anyone wants everyone to stay buried in their problems, and if they start digging their way out he'll toss more dirt on top of them. And because their problems are more evident we think of him as the cool quiet guy.
And he's a pretentious geek and a bad lover
He managed to get out from all the toxic/shitty people in his life to forge his own destiny. They dragged him back in somehow. I bet it's Megg since he has had a crush on her all those years.
He is spineless and pushy. He wants to fit in so goes along with what they do, but is trying to push them in a better direction.
He is better than everyone around him.
He's better than Megg, Mogg, and WWJ.
But if you look at some of his thought bubbles when he's dealing with other people, he tends to think of them as simpletons or morons, even when their only flaw is not giving him what he wants.
Interesting thesis, I like that idea.
Wait who's Mike is he the wizard looking dude
everyone's fat as shit in this comic
To be fair, if you've been around weed heads they aren't the skinniest people. And Megg's anti-depressants probably add on some pounds.
And he had been clean for what, like an hour or two at that point?
niffa you post pics in a story time like we got money for a graphic novel
Personality-wise, I only like him better than Mogg
It'd been a little while. A few days, maybe weeks. It doesn't specify. He did manage to find a job too in that time.
Funnily enough, my anti-depressants have weight loss as a side effect.
Is this "ice" or weed?
It's weird reading some of the old Truth Zone stuff seeing as it's basically just Megg, Owl, and WWJ, who's more of a belligerent drunk and less of an insane meth addict.
He's not naked, there was a page where he was washing his "skin" in the sink.
Is it weird i find booger kind of hot?
don't be stupid.
live you bastart
Nah. But it wigs me out, is she literally made of boogers?
Nah, she's got scales. No goopy shit. More like a fish person.
obviously a reptile person of some sort
What if Megg's mom is Diesel and Jaxon's mom too
It's past bump limit you donut.