Second time this year.
Dana and the mouse are hiring
Everything about the Owl House's production screams cluster fuck up. Who knows maybe they'll pull off an Apocalypse Now styled miracle but every day it looks more and more like an absolute failure.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on over there. It can't be this hard to make a Disney version of Little Witch Academia.
this is probably because a bunch of storyboard guys are getting a chance to pitch their own shows, like contonguguo is. calm down, little babies.
as a white guy I wouldn't be hired anyway. not that I would want to work for a bunch of men hating feminists to make more sjw propaganda in the first place
worth noting that half of Amphibia's season 1 boarders didn't stick around for season 2 (and of the 4 that did, 2 of them got promoted to being directors), so there's like 6 new people boarding on season 2 of that show
kek, ngmi.
Industryfag here. Every. Show. Is hiring. It’s thanks to Netflix poaching jobs. Is there really not a single user on Yea Forums who knows anything about this industry?
Yeah but no one starts rumors about Matt Braly because he’s not a girl and doesn’t tweet politics.
that shit is gonna crash with no survivors
>hire story boarders directly off of tumblr or twitter because they agree with you on politics and for no other reason than that
>surprised to find out that their lack of professional experience in the job and lack of a professional attitude/work ethic means they don't pan out and cannot do the job
>have to let them go and hire a replacement
>hire another artist directly off of tumblr/twitter because they agree with you politically and for no other reason
>repeat the cycle
Honestly, showrunners like Dana and Hirsch and Sugar who constantly do this deserve the production headaches they get. It's no one's fault but their own.
It's specifically this show that's weirding people out with its production process. It seemed almost ready until not too long ago.
I was just gonna say that this probably doesn't have anything to do with Owl House.
the good thing about this trainwrek is that their absolute desperate need for people might help lesser talents to finally get a foot in the industry.
Like I said in the other thread It’s simple, user- the show is by a girl and has hot girl characters, so we’re just gonna piss ourselves and sperg out and make up rumors and jack off in a circle over it forever regardless of how it comes out or who is behind it. That’s just how we operate
>Is there really not a single user on Yea Forums who knows anything about this industry?
lol of course not. i had people argue with me a couple threads back that 'people don't hire on twitter'
Reminder that since no animated series on CN/Nick/Disney uses scripts and dedicated writers any more, all of these boarders they are hiring are also the "writers" for the episode. I'm sure they can handle it.
T. dischord tranny thinking it's smart
Twitter has been the "place" to get a job un animation for years.
It took infinity train 3 years just to make 10 episodes. Rick and Morty has year long hiatuses. Animation is slow as fuck. But no one is making up crap about how Owen Dennis is a lesbian warlock or whatever
I hope they already have episodes done, so we can witness the change of minds and new hire as the shit go
and to nobody's surprise, quality is nose diving.
No idea about Hirsch but considering Rebecca had an episode about a conservative character who wasn't tarred, feathreed and ran out of town by the end of it she's not interested in how their politics line up. The only poor hire she (or rather, CN) made was Zuke and she's been gone for a very long time now. Her replacement, Amber (who funnily enough is basically the opposite of Zuke in terms of talent) also came from tumblr and she was great for the short time she boarded episodes.
scripts aren't a guantee of quality
Your paranoid conspiracies are based on nothing. Art jobs have always been given due to portfolios. Whether that portfolio is online on twitter or in a physical book is a meaningless distinction to a showrunner. Your panic that this is somehow about politics exposes the real reason you’re making up rumors
Didn't one of the tumblr artists Rebecca Sugar hired to board SU turn out to be a crazy bitch who lost her find when one of her fanfic ships didn't make it into the show and got fired? Maybe hiring boarders with actual work experience instead of sycophantic fan artists from tumblr is a better idea.
But they are a better standard than throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks.
So did they scare everyone off so they have to ask people online that don’t know the job is trouble?
Yes, see
Anybody have that screenshot from one of the Gravity Falls storyboards where the boarder just wrote "lol I don't know how to make this pan work lol" and left the boarder blank instead of doing their job? That's what you get when you hire people with no experience just because they kissed your ass on twitter.
Something about possible lesbo pedo ship in the show
which isn't what storyboards are
hell, most animes animate first then get VAs to put the dialogue in afterwards
Le /pol/ obsessed user
that was a joke. by emmy cicierga, no less. are you stupid?
Emmy is also a great boarder who has worked on GF and Duck Tales And seems very talented and in demand. She’s your “proof” that you shouldn’t hire artists you find online?
It is in they aren't a well thought out narrative and you end up with just a shambling pile of ideas stitched together since the creator lost control of the thing.
>scripts aren't a guantee of quality
No, but board driven shows and script driven shows have very different sets of advantages and disadvantages. If you're trying to do a Deepest Lore series with ongoing story arcs, consistent character development, world building, and cumulative narrative payoff, those sorts of things are better suited to script driven series. Board driven series are better suited to 11-minute episodic gag shorts.
Trying to do a board driven series with the same scope as a script driven series is why we keep ending up with complete messes like SVTFOE, Adventure Time and SU. But hey, not hiring writers and just having the boarders do their jobs for them but at the same paygrade means those shows save a ton of money, so it's all good.
>hire a psycho fanartist off of tumblr because she repeated "ORANGE MAN BAD" enough times
>she goes ape shit over a shipping disagreement and has to be fired because, wow, she couldn't handle the job and wasn't psychologically fit to be working collaboratively with anyone
You didn't see any of that coming, Sugar? Really?
Owl House is script driven you absolute pseud
SU started in 2013 and production would've been at least a year before then. Was Trump even president by the time Zuke joined?
We are living in an age where LinkedIn is a legitimate place to hire people. Poaching people from Twitter and Facebook is nothing. It's not like the shit applicants with terrible portfolios are getting interviews. Would you rather they hire only their friends who went to Calarts?
Did everybody forget that C.H. Greenblatt hired Tumblr artists as storyboard artists for Harvey Beaks?
God this is just a complete shitshow, what an awful human being Zuke is.
No 22-minute cartoon is made without a script. Anybody who doesn't know this is a retard.
>It's not like the shit applicants with terrible portfolios are getting interviews.
No, they're getting JOBS. Look at SU or OK KO where the philosophy is "nothing has to be on-model, it can look like shit ON PURPOSE lol!" The fact of the matter is that hiring someone with no experience off of twitter means you can pay them a whole lot less than hiring someone who has been trained and worked in the industry for several years. When there is no standard of quality for the product, then you can get away with it.
Literally any fuck who can draw a stick figure can storyboard. Its not that hard and emmy is a hack
>No 22-minute cartoon is made without a script.
You mean two 11-minute cartoons aired back to back in a 22-minute block, right? Those never use scripts and are board-driven. They're also terrible.
Plenty of SU episodes look great. The odd moment where a board looks like shit is the absolute minimum. I can't speak for OK KO though since I don't watch it.
>Disney promotes a director from the show to showrunner
>Man that show's production must be terrible
>Literally any fuck who can draw a stick figure can storyboard. Its not that hard and emmy is a hack
Problem is that those childish stick figures on the boards get sent to Rough Draft Studios or some other low rent South Korean animation sweat shop with the instruction "Make the animation look just like the boards!" And lo, we have an OK KO or Steven Universe episode.
the quality of human intelligence in owl house threads is so low, i can't even tell if this is serious
Unlike what people say, Sugar and Crewniverse were perfectly fine with Zuke's lapidot shipping. Shit only hit the fan when Zuke wanted to derail the main plot for the sake of her barnfic after S3.
>Look at SU or OK KO where the philosophy is "nothing has to be on-model, it can look like shit ON PURPOSE lol!"
You can't blame the skill of the board artist on the poor ethics of the show.
This. They just let her think what she liked so long as she wasn't serious about it. The problem is she WAS serious about it and wanted to skip all the development to get right to the lesbian coffeeshop AU. When Lapis fucked off into space it's obvious that Zuke decided to gtfo out of there and took her ball and went home.
How is Emmy a hack? By what metric?What are you even talking about? You’re basically admitting to making up rumors about people just because you don’t like them. Also if it’s so easy to draw boards let’s see you board better than emmy
The mouse? You mean Disney?
what's some decent job listing sites? you can only get so far with Twitter and Instagram
No, I mean a full 22-minute show. Every 11-minute episode is always treated as separate episode by production no mater how they're packaged.
Nice b8 m8
>On model
>Better coloring than the actual show
Yeah we’ve found a hack here, good job hack detectives we’ve cracked the case
it was pretty obvious netflix having so many projects upcoming would affect other shows production staff turn around rate, granted people moving to new shows isn't new in the slightest.but nah were not allowed to consider it because where ordered to repeat memes at the top of our lunges until retard newfags take them as fact.
You know it helps to actually finish a product before creating a whole new one with someone hasn't fully been proven as a production manager.
Shhh don’t tell OP how animation production works, he likes pretending to be mad over things he doesn’t understand
Hire artist from CalArts
Hire artist not from CalArts, ones you find all over the world online from different schools
At what point do we just admit we’re lonely and bored and mad about everything?
Don’t break Yea Forums‘s 4th wall user it’s bad for the property values
Glad she moved out of Owl House to make her show (probably disaster) show.
You realize Owl House season 1 is finished production right?
Am I high, or was there some stories from Korea (possibly leaked) about the animation studios doing all the actual work for these kindergarten-tier womanchildren, where they routinely complained about lacking, poorly-constructed and impossible to follow storyboards, bad character designs and badly described action scenes that were hard to translate into proper movement?
Maybe, just maybe you can hire people who are trained professionals AND from another animation schools that isn't calarts and people won't get annoyed.
You’re high. But you’re describing every single Korean animated American show, made by men, women, young or old. All of them are animated by better draftsmen in Korea, and all Korean studios complain that they want easier work and better/clearer materials shipped overseas
Wouldn't be surprised. I mean, look at this character model sheet from OK KO that got sent to the Korean animators. No instruction on how that thing is supposed to function in a three-dimensional turn-around. His stomach is a barrel yet it somehow connects without gap to a skinny length of pipe that is his pelvis without warping.
This is the shit the American artists give the Koreans to work with. They do the best they can, but if the parts don't work then they just don't work.
What about hiring raw natural talent before it gets sniped by another studio? What about trained professionals who did go to CalArts? I guess the important thing is hiring artists that you, random user, approves of. That’s the way to run a show. Not based on skill or availability, but based on an ever changing litmus test of anonymous amateurs who make up conspiracies all day
I already threw my hat in the ring the first time. I doubt I’ll get it this time either, especially cuz my reel is like 5 years old and everyone else’s is better
Which is why they're hiring revisionists and it won't release until next year?
>and people won't get annoyed.
who the fuck are you kidding? because it certainly isn't me. or anyone who has been on this board more than a couple of months to witness the lengths mob mentality retards will go to too form a hive mind.
Wouldn't put it past me.
First speak about yourself mr lonely and bored, second learn how to greentext, third stop using strawmen, user didn't said anything about her being from any other school.
“Finished” production could mean a lot of things. They might be done with preproduction but still be in post for the back end. That’s common
I don’t need a straw man, you are literally that artistic and buttmad over nothing
>What about hiring raw natural talent before it gets sniped by another studio?
There is no such raw natural talent in anything. I might not be in animation industry but it's obvious that hiring someone without any formal education on art is a disasterous choice. University education, at the whole, teaches you how to manage things and stuff like risk aversion which are fundemanteal in modern society and in cooperative business.
Yet you are constantly hiding behind them while projecting your frustration.
No wonder they switched to ToonBoom.
>teaches you how to manage things and stuff like risk aversion which are fundemanteal in modern society and in cooperative business.
sheesh nigga, they're just hiring a storyboard fodder, not an investment banker.
Really? I live just outside of LA and have a portfolio. How do I apply?
On Twitter. Duh.
>Really? I live just outside of LA and have a portfolio. How do I apply?
Go on Twitter, say "ORANGE MAN BAD" and tag every showrunner you know of. You'll get job offers within 24 hours.
Dude, his uncle work at nintendo and told him to never explain anything.
That depends, are you A. White, or B. Male?
this same studio was hiring writers a month ago so i sent them a copy of this book, pretending to be the author, and they told me they'd do everything in their power to ensure I'd never work in the industry again and now I kind of feel bad for getting a stranger black balled
online with the careers tab generally. also networking your name out there with having a public art blog and or various art accounts. connections mean a lot.
Shit. I’m both.
Maybe just by contacting them through mail?
Ew... I mean, Oh no sweetie, that won't work.
We don't have anything for someone with those qualifications right now, soooh-ryyy!
They are retarded if they took such a clear as day bait.
Just prepare a cv alongside with your portfolio and send though e-mail. Do not listen those losers who say you can contact that stuff through social media. Professionals always contact through e-mail.
>Do not listen those losers who say you can contact that stuff through social media. Professionals always contact through e-mail.
Sugar hired Zuke off of tumblr. Sorry, but different rules for different people.
Does that actually work? And how do you even find the email addresses for the right people?
>just pray that some studio hire you becase of your doodles or have important friends
This is the most basic info possible and actually make Owl House way of hiring look weird compared to everyone else, whatever falseflag
Zuke was an exception, not the rule.
Studios never, EVER review unsolicited portfolio submissions. It is a legal matter. If they do not contact you to request a submission then they are not going to review your work for hiring purposes. It's a "Don't call us, we'll call you" industry.
Your show's been canned now dawg!
>the person giving you basic information is the falseflag and not the shitposters telling you meme advice.
great priorities champ, good luck out there.
What’s the alternative, then? Applying to postings on the career pages? I’m not enthusiastic about jumping onto social media. Maybe I don’t have a choice
The memers are not pretending to know shit, mr industryfag with basic google knowledge.
All major studios have specific mail adresses only for applications. Obviously you can't directly contact with an animatior unless you have made a direct connection. Besides as for portfolio and job applications, most of them use a private and different e-mail address which is nearly impossible to obtain unless you personally know the person. At best you will be ignored and at worst, he/she will demand how you got his/her address and you might get blacklisted before even you start your career.
never claimed to be in the industry just observation and knowledge from having nothing better to do with my life over the past 12 or so years.
>What’s the alternative, then?
You won't get hired unless you get the call to submit your portfolio. If you want to get that call, then you have to put your work out there in a public venue (the internet) where they can see it. You have to establish a means of contact so that if they like what they see they can call you and ask for a submission.
Social media is the best way to accomplish that. You have your work out in the public eye where they can see it and you have a means of contact ready and available to them. What a lot of people do is gild the lily by also being sycophantic suckups to the people they want to hire them on social media. Liking, retweeting every post they make, agreeing with them on everything they say, and parroting back their own opinions on all topics, including (and especially) politics. THAT will get you hired via social media because everyone likes a good ego stroke.
So being a suck-up really is the best route to take, after all. Damn. I’d need to betray any sense of self-respect and principles just for the chance of being noticed.
It certainly sounds no more awful than squatting in this hive of Assburgers and hiveminding how terrible everything is and how Eeeeeevul a movie production studio is.
>Studios never, EVER review unsolicited portfolio submissions
All studios have a secret archive (albeit illegal) for contact purposes when it's needed. One of my friends got a call from Disney 5 years after he got submitted his portfolio.
>any sense of self-respect and principles
So there's no problem at all, eh?
This user is right.
This user is also right.
Overall, it's a luck thing.
Several things are wrong with this post
Work begins on further episodes before the first season airs.
The post doesn't say DTVA is hiring for the Owl House, they have several other shows in production
Baseless doomsaying is fucking retarded
Not really, at least faggots here don't expect to earn anything, living by spreading someone else views just to get 1/10000 odds of being hired is just ridiculous.
>spreading someone else views just to get 1/10000 odds of being hired is just ridiculous.
Better than the 0/10000 odds you'll be left with if you publicly state that you voted for Drumpf.
"I could do what I enjoy for a living, but that risks my personal work being rejected, much better to just anonymously throw shit on this time-sink shithole until Trump's pajeet shuts it all down."
Actually, can they bias against you for being mentally disabled?
Chances are they won’t hire you because you’re a retard who worries about SJWs taking over media and not because of your politics
>Work begins on further episodes before the first season airs.
>Thinking the Owl House will get more than one season
Alright, enjoy praying every night to be the one in a thousand randomly choosen by a nepotistic monopoly (it will not happen but alright dream on)
In the mean time be sure to make daily public posts like the attention whore you turned into that probably don't reflect your personal views, now that is a life to be proud of.
That or the fact that he's hidden (badly) penises in the background of all of his submissions.
I'm not trying to get hired, I'm just an observer.
And I personally believe that every big company does whatever it can to get monies, within the flimsy limits of gov't regulation. Whether they be Disney Studios or Fox News.
I also believe punching Nazi larpers is a public service.
I also believe you voted for a shyster real estate con-artist who gleefully hires illegals and dumps his failed construction projects on taxpayers, to "build a wall to keep out illegals".
I believe you are not terribly smart, and have been played for an angry little chumperoo.
>I will now be retarded on purpose
It’s not Owl House specifically that’s hiring, DTVA is hiring on a bunch of projects including streaming service exclusives
what a fucking trainwreck lmao
Reminder Amphibia got a whole fucking season released and is working on a second and Owl House doesn't even have any voice acting yet.
At this rate Amphibia might be done by the time Owl House crew even finishes one episode.
Buddy, in all honesty how many shows, animated or otherwise, do you know get renewed for a second season right out the gate before even a pilot or short is released to the public? That's just fortuitous thinking on your part.
why do i have a feeling they're talking about car seat headrest.
It's always been?
here it is... it's obviously a joke, but still a lazy, unprofessional route for her to take. Emmy's lucky that she had a boss as lenient as Alex.
...the band?
>Anybody have that screenshot from one of the Gravity Falls storyboards where the boarder just wrote "lol I don't know how to make this pan work lol" and left the boarder blank instead of doing their job?
>here it is...
In the time she spent doodling a self portrait making a "LOL I DUNNO" pose, she probably could have figured how to make the pan work. Stupid cunt.
Can you imagine if every job was like that? "LOL I don't know how to do the thing you're paying me to do so I'm just not gonna do it! It's ok though because I'm cute lolol!" But hey, hire boarders off of twitter and tumblr so you can pay them bottom dollar. You get what you spend.
I hope she hires people with actual fucking experience. I'm getting second hand embarrassment from the entitled little shits who moved to LA without a job lined up and have ZERO experience in the industry but think 20k twitter followers makes them a shoo in.
Is the only way to get into this industry by getting incredibly lucky and getting popular and gaining a lot of twitter followers? I've followed people with incredible talent that have less than 5,000 followers and get little to no exposer on any of their art while other people with no talent get famous by orbiting people like Tyson Hesse and the Game Grumps. That's why all these new shows look like trash.
>Emmy's lucky that she had a boss as lenient as Alex.
I'd bet anything he banged her, so no wonder he'd be lenient
>It's easier than ever to get a job making cartoons for people who don't already live in LA or have gone to a prestigious art school
>Instead of taking advantage of this and actually sticking your neck out, you shriek about pink haired feminists and create excuses about why you'll never get in because you're an oppressed white man.
I know you're being ironic but when you say pink haired feminists you're basically talking about white women and, yeah, they generally are the only ones to get these jobs. I'd be incredibly surprised if a woc is even considered for this job.
That's standard. This is why something like Glitch Techs which Nick refuses to air is still producing a second season, why shows Nick never planned on renewing like welcome to the wayne or harvey beaks get 2 seasons. Or disney shows like big hero 6 Big Hero 6 and Milo Murphy's Law.
Starting production on a second season immediately is much better for the crew because theyre not out of work for months waiting, and the network because theyre not wasting months not producing what could be a hit.
Dana already liked a few of the replies on the main tweet so those are the only ones the's even going to consider.
Oh well. Maybe next time.