Why do people love him? It feels like all his works are written by an edgy teen.
Why do people love him? It feels like all his works are written by an edgy teen
Some people like gore for the sake of gore. Also I guess even with all the edge his writing is far from the dirt worst by comic book standards.
Maybe because he has written some of the medium's best work to this day? And his books are fairly entertaining as long as he doesn't unleash his full ww2/vietnam for the milionth time. Personally I also enjoy his sense of humor and you should definitely readhis wormwood.
He writes emotionally resonating stories. It says something that it still shines through despite the toilet humor.
Hitman is one of the greatest comics ever written
He's the sole carrier of war stories in the medium, and also the best writer of the genre.
Well, if he's the sole carrier then of course he's gonna be the best
He’s written some pretty alright comics but best of the medium? Jesus Christ read more comics you fucking pleb
He's edgy in safe/'acceptable ways.
I've read more comic books than you could name you fucking faggot
His edgelording and preachiness get eye-rolling at times, but at the end of the day he really can write a compelling story with interesting and memorable characters in a way that no one else really can.
Not sure if I’d consider gruesomely detailed on-panel rape, cannibalism, baby murder, and necrophilia to be “safe and acceptable”
-His war comics are 10/10.
-god-tier run on Punisher
-Hellblazer run is 2nd only to Mike Carey
And frankly, his comedy is hilarious. People who bitch about "edginess" or "toilet humour" need to stop taking themselves so seriously.
I dont talk for other people, but i hate him, because, uh, vertigo started selling reprints of his hellblazer run, preacher, sandman, and swamp thing. Got all of swampthing, dropped preacher book 3 and sandman book 4 because the rip off of moore was very, uh, gay.
Hellblazer i only completed dangerous habits, but still bought issues if i read them at the store and liked them, but even then i stopped soon before the worst shit happened. Going hobo over your waifu that youre using this fictional character to have? I hate kit more than i hate myself.
But no, i hate ennis because its his fault constant teen is always this alchoholic, or teens idea of cool guy
>Sawmp Thing
What the flaming fuck are you talking about?
What people miss about Ennis amid all the lowbrow humor and science is that Ennis writes stories about people better than just about anyone. The core of Hitman is the friendship of the two main characters, and the group that frequents the bars. Even Preacher is a book about relationships. He does strong character work
You're not sure? Way to prove my point. If anyone was genuinely offended at anything he's done, his story wouldn't be adapted by bigwigs into a TV show.
Ennis is great when he actually tries. I fucking hate that he has only a handful of storylines/character arcs up his sleeve and constantly reuses them, though
Sorry, i was kinda peaking. The post was more longer and theres stuff i omitted. Yeah, i was going, his hellblazer sucks, and sandman sucks, because they only exist because they thought hm this constantine is my character now and i can do whatever the fuck i want and...
I hate ennis hellblazer. But i also hate sandman. And i hate moore, but i dont hate his books so much
Pretty much this, Ennis always plays it safe. Just look at his depictions of rape for example
>raping a man
funny joke
>raping a woman
greatest crime imaginable
Dastardly and Muttley showed me he still has a few cards left to play
Ennis was 20 or 21 when he wrote Dangerous Habits. He basically was a teen.
When user storytimed preacher, and we got to book five, and jesse forced that nazi to kys himself. Way to ruin the best book in the series
I was too, when i started reading him (2014) and an atheist too. But in the last five years ive recovered my faith trough reading proper literature, and now i feel ashamed i ever liked this prick. Its not just that his comics are bad on all technical accounts. His argument for why gods a villain is the weakest, most basic excuse of a 13yo, and it offends me on a personal level (basically when saint of killers tells god "its your fault for letting us kill one another" the motherfucker literally blames god for giving us freedom of choice, he's a fascist) i would take everything written by this illuminati piece of trash and throw it into the fire. Never read his other stuff. Never will
beyond his often distracting and shitty humor, he can make some surprisingly poignant and just well-written stories.
fury: my war gone by is easily one of the best comics by marvel to come out in the last ten years and if it was recognized by more people it'd be praised the same way comics like born again are.
punisher MAX is absolutely kino and probably the best punisher run ever, and its very moody and dark without a lot of ennis' shit-tier humor.
the boys is pretty meh but preacher was good.
Youd be surprises how little is actually (((safe and acceptable)))
>the motherfucker literally blames god for giving us freedom of choice
I found "freedom of choice" argument to be flawed due it backwards application. You say god created a universe where I can make my fellow man suffer and die to give me choice, yet it does not bother you that the same god created a universe where I can levitate with the power of the mind or teleport across the universe. The fucker would rather let me shoot someone than to let me explore the universe, how fucked up is that?
You merely excuse the status quo and are not making a consistent argument.
>I can levitate
I meant "can't", obviously.
I concede that im rambling on like a homeless person, but i do have a consistent argument: i simply hate ennis on a personal level
>I can levitate with the power of the mind or teleport across the universe
Because that would go against the laws of physics he established, duh. And human interraction, unless you go with the predestination stuff, may be crucial in the grand testing ground that earth is supposed to be. More importantly why would a fucking omniscent, omnipotent, omnipresent being even care about humans and what they do?
Preacher was goodish for the most part, it was great when Ennis let in some humor. To be frank I'm a fan of his jokes, except maybe for Dicks
No one is obligated to give you a platform to rant about white genocide and Jewish media control.
Even the Boys is about a bunch of fucked up people coming together as a surrogate family to fuck up the people who fucked them up.
My favorite bits are the Frenchman and Female's relationship.
The media is just one part of it. And their genocide extends far beyond race.
Now dilate you fucking tranny
He could have established different laws of physics.
Edge can be a draw to some people especially the crowd that prides being anti-PC over everything else.
Personally I think his books are mostly damn near unreadable tripe especially when he goes for humor but he works very well in the right setting.
His war stories and his run on Punisher are his best stuff that I have read.
But he didn't. That's the point
Yes, and that's not very benevolent of him. That's my point.
Of course, I find the idea of antropomorphic god itself preposterously arrogant, but I want to debate "free will as an excuse for evil" argument in particular.
I just want another Fury/Punisher Max story.
I like 'edgy' the way he does it, aka. not too cheap but not too dramatic.
Please don't shoot up any public places.
>faithful Christian
Fuck outta this website.
who is a bigger alcoholic between him and Ellis
He's the Jim Norton of comics, both in appearance and material. A weird talented guy who lost his touch a long time ago and pushes too many of his opinions. At least I don't think Ennis has fucked any trannies
With the way Ennis approaches homosexuality if you're dominant you're asserting your alpha male status I'd actually be surpried if he didn't
He's fun. I wish there were more comics like his. Yes, there's 2000AD but in the NA market.
Ennis seems to really enjoy seeing straight guys get raped and sexually humiliated by other supposedly "straight" guys. It's like the #1 most common gag throughout his works and it always has a really sadistic edge to it, as if he's trying to say they "deserved" it for not being sufficiently masculine. Meanwhile when he writes actual gay characters they're usually pretty normal and sympathetic. It's really weird.
>pretty normal
Good one. He always makes them feminine, affectionate and slender, while his REAL men are always brick shithouses
Im not christian
Brick shithouses aren't normal.
I don't think people love him anymore. He used to be revered, but people grew up. Ennis didn't
None of his book could pass as the best. Original? Perhaps. Over the top. Certainly. But good? Maybe on bizarro earth
Apparently, you must have read mountains of garbage to consider Wormwood in any way "good"
I still love him, I hate him nearly just as much but his name on the cover is still enough to separate me from my money.
careful with that edge user, too much ennis, I see?
There's nothing wrong with that. I still like Mignola, even if he sucks big time nowadays. It's just that it's better to tell like it is
The gore and rape jokes are the pleb filter and those who pass get to witness the kino.
>Tfw The Boys had a surprisingly touching story about masculinity.
>I always wanted a little brother
I read all the books recommended by Moore, most of the stuff advocated here and a ton of european/japanese comics. I still find Ennis' Wormwood hilarious and you would too if you could get your head out of your ass for a few minutes you pretentious faggot.
Did you like Where Monsters Dwell? That was a pinnacle of Pennis
>When you find out what Butcher actually meant by that
>hilarious = good
oh boy
Pretentious is actually what you would have to be in order to pretend something like Wormwood is a good comic. It's awful all around. Edgy premise, awful artwork, terrible jokes that aren't clever in any way. I don't pretend comics are high art.
The problem with boys isn't the boys story, it's all the fucking filler about vietnam that one was actually enjoyable and world war, mallory, herogasm, highland laddie, butcher baker coupled with absolutely shittiest art that brings this comic down. It's too unfocused.
And what was that?
It might come as a shock for you, but when reading a comedy series I expect to get a laugh out of it not a literary masterpiece. Wormwood delivered on that therefore it's good.
Could he though? Thats a question Einstein wrestled with all his life.
>He had an actual younger brother who died and Butcher feels immense guilt over not being able to save him.
>He tries to save Hughie by toughening him against this shitty world
He REALLY understands superhero genre
>comedy series I expect to get a laugh out of it not a literary masterpiece
>what is shakespear
to each his own. don't sell it as something good, though
>It might come as a shock to you
Lmao don't act all smarmy and condescending to me, you faggot internet tough guy.
When I read a comedy series I expect to laugh, shame that didn't happen with Wormwood.
>holding Garth Ennis to Shakespeare standard
Audibly kek'd. Thanks user. When can I expect your rant about Stan Lee not being James fucking Joyce?
That stick up your ass seems very long, how do you keep sitting in front of your computer like this?
>Resorts to name calling right out of the gate, can't even defend his shitty series without insults
Go to bed Ennis
>resorts to acting offended despite being the first one to start flinging insults
I truly think he’s the greatest active comic writer. He has deeper themes conveyed through the absurd. He’s a genius in his own way.
How many writers have not even one classic? Or at least have written works you can’t name? What has Ennis done people are aware about?
Punisher Max
The Boys
He’s also written for Judge Dredd, Spider-Man, and dozens of famous characters.
I said you must have read mountains of garbage, I didn't insult you, just what you read.
Go to bed Ennis
Sara is the best comic of 2019. Prove me wrong.
Ellis is sometimes better, Coates seems pretty competent too, I don't keep up with the industry too much these days, I only follow the writters I already know, but I'm certain there are some other promising newcomers
I implied you have a long slender piece of wood going through the lower end of your digestive tract, I didn't insult you, just stated the obvious.
Go to bed, pseud
Holy fuck I think he is my favorite writer and I never realized it because I almost never check who the writer is before reading.
You seem to thoroughly enjoy the idea of men being sodomized. Probably from reading too many awful Ennis comics.
Comic books have writers? wtf
I actually don't, your obsession with Garth seems completely unhealthy, though
Coates is terrible, m8. No new comers are any good. Very less are even readable. The industry becomes more incestuous with every generation.
Because most of his works are read by edgy teens.
Shit. At least we get good artists from time to time