ITT: comics that are funny because they are true
ITT: comics that are funny because they are true
Other urls found in this thread:
>chick gains weight and stops taking care of herself once married
Yep. And then when she has kids it will get even worse.
>the guy is only just a little chubby in the 'married' timeline
lmao. LMAO.
>Doggy style while dating and missionary when married
Fine with me.
weight gain yes.
>While dating the woman tries to look her best
>While married the guy is so desperate for sex he'll take what he can get no matter what she looks like
It may be true but it is also very sad
>man is still expected to be attractive and in-shape
>female becomes a hairy slampig
It's either both or neither
She's a keeper
And women are shocked men cheat on them.
>inb4 a dozen guys trip over their own dicks to claim they prefer the girl at the bottom
Here's a pro-tip for you guys:
Chicks don't dig guys with low-standards, in fact they find it patronizing and insulting
Make it so both top and bottom are the same and it's true for me
spoken like a true virgin
Oh yeah I forgot all women have the same preferences
I mean are far less probe to weight gain then women are.
Spoken like a tub of lard with dyed hair
>t. cumbrain who doesn't care what hole he sticks his dick into
SOME of us have standards
I feel bad for men who don't like hairy women.
>Oh yeah I forgot all women have the same preferences
They do.
whining about it on the internet won't get you laid you perpetual fucking loser
Will you zoomers and rednecks kill yourselves already? I personally never had this problem in my family. EVER. Neither with my friends.
But that's because I don't hang out with SHIT TIER people.
makeup should be illegal
Fascinating pasta, not a clue why he used it here tho
Half of this comic is true
In real life his wife is actually suffering from severe depression and anxiety, on top of her self confidence issues due to the weight she’s gained. At the same time so focused on how miserable she is to realize she’s still wanted.
Her sex drive is almost completely gone due to how mentally draining her depression is. They have sex once a month if he’s lucky.
they're not the ones that created an entire incel culture
>muh depression
Didn't the term incel start by women referring to other women who can't get laid despite, or rather because they were financially and socially successful, as in, too successful?
If she's that upset she can get a treadmill or some exercise tapes
I mean he's clearly doing something to maintain his shape
It was made back in 1993 by a Canadian college student named Alana who started a website to chat with people like her who couldn't smash.
it was started by 1 woman talking about herself and then guys hijacked it and turned it into an entire culture of white men blaming women for all their problems
Where's the black guy she's fucking on the side?
>guys hijacked it
Seems more like women started using it as a general insult against men, who then started using it against each other. It's the new popular insult.
mostly bullshit
Off base.
The "culture" you're referring to is MGTOW, which is comprised of bitter boomer divorcees and young virgins living vicariously through bitter boomer divorcees
Top:after a date sex
Bottom:wakeup sex
It’s based off metabolism, not gender
People who think like this shouldn't be having sex anyway
What's the punchline? Is it that his shirt changed from blue to red?
I feel like this is the opposite of me. I don't give a shit about myself while I'm single but when I'm in a relationship I'm doing squats and eating healthy.
This is why you'll never get laid kid. Quit acting like you made some profound realization in life. It makes you a psuedo intellectual at best, a whiny fag at worst.
Amazing how this shit is allowed but Gumball threads get deleted if you dare to post art.
Are we having this thread every day?
True, some really pathetic guys think being a THICCfag or a femdomfag and letting everyone know will make them look quirky and more likely to get laid when in reality women think less of guys like that
how do you fucking retards not get that the point is that they love each other so much they don't care what they look like
Giving dating advice on Yea Forums is like announcing to the whole world that you've never had sex.
Agreed. The fact that there is no change in the happiness on their faces and she's still pulsating hearts points to that interpretation.
oh baby
There is literally not a single piece of dating / life / self help advice anyone on this site should ever be giving other than leave this site forever. It is a toxic place that is directly contrary to growth and maturity and being a good person.
No man. Bitch needs to shave at the very least.
Especially for Asians.
I ain't fucking a chick with hairy legs, pits, or super bush.
t. virgin with high expectations
Sadly this is true. Once you're married, you'll be lucky if she showers.
There isn't a punchline, really. It's more a simple statement that if you've fallen in love with someone you'll want them no matter what they look like. That dude? He could have gone ahead and cheated with someone attractive, but he didn't, he loves his wife and so finds her attractive regardless of her appearance. I think it speaks to a deeper attraction. That said, I'd want my wife to stay in shape so she doesn't die.
The point of courtship is to present the most appealing and attractive version of yourself according to the ideals of your lived-in society. If you form meaningful emotional connections with someone, you start caring less and less how they look unless you're a shallow piece of shit. While humans are indeed wired to want to attempt cheating if they think it will benefit their offspring or social status, that's also why devotion is such an attractive trait to mindful people.
What am I whining about? Literally everyone gets laid all the fucking time on Tinder by just slamming other hopeless people with no standards.
Yeah if you're trying to date up you're gonna have to worry about being perceived as desperate but if you just want to get laid you shouldn't give a shit.
this is worded as bait but reads as a serious comment.
This. If anything, being diagnosed with MDD is more of a motivator to get your shit together than anything. When you have undiagnosed MDD you don't want to be the muh depression guy and will more often than not just accept that you're a failure, especially if you have anhedonia and are chemically incapable of feeling rewarded from pursuing your interests.
When you have a diagnosis, it's easier to game yourself. You just operate opposite your intuition in some cases and learn to ignore those voices and gamble on letting people form their own opinion of you instead of just assuming you're best off hidden away and miserable.
>T. MDD for years and got incredibly out of shapw, and down 20lbs form a spring diagnosis.
There's nothing wrong with being comfortable in your skin, obviously, but resisting the urge to let yourself go, even after you've locked down a partner, is one of the best long-term investments for your health you can manage. ESPECIALLY if you have a history with depression. It''s been studied that being overweight and having high body fat percentages causes hormonal imbalances that can exacerbate depression, and that triggers a bit of a downward spiral if you handle depression by stress eating shitty foods. Also, being overweight will worsen stuff like acne.
But that's obviously for the weight. If you've got a thing for hairy mommy wives then you do you, man.
My wife and I shower daily, but she shaves like once a week or every 2 weeks before things get outta control.
Razors are fucking expensive, along with just about every female product.
Anons who are uptight about body hair are gonna learn quick to just accept it when you’re living with someone for so long and/or get married. It’s really not a big deal.
Setting himself up for failure from the get-go
hormones like insulin are what affect the ability to keep or lose subcutaneous fat actually
lol. reminds me of a restaurant I saw on the other side of town named "Italian Imigrant Restaurant"
it's some great marketing if you ask me.
the joke is that men never change in a relationship.
Men naturally burn more calories than women due to denser muscles requiring more energy to function normally and are far less susceptible to the negative effects of stress caused by raising children because male hormones can override stress, which is why teenage boys riding an androgen high think they're bulletproof but old men with dropping test turn into whiny bitches.
>hairy bush
>hairy legs wich means hairy armpits
so she gets hotter?
I got laid thanks to Yea Forums though
The trick is finding someone as miserable, bitter and sarcastic as you then catch them while they're horny
Thank the god above you've never been so thristy you became retarded in the process
>self-diagnosed depression and anxiety from being lazy
If it weren't for the acne the bottom chick would be way hotter
>The trick is finding someone as miserable, bitter and sarcastic as you then catch them while they're horny
So basically, you just fapped with your hand.
It's a word that existed a thousand years before your internet culture war and it is a perfect word to describe Yea Forums
You ever see something and realize you are so NOT the intended audience that you literally can't even comprehend the words that are being said?
>needs his hypothetical wife to have a perfect body for their entire relationship
>calls other anons cumbrains
I think it's about how she is about to look unquestionably female among whites people, but being around asians make it more apparent that she is a mtf trans.
white people cant tell male and female asians apart
worked in a taiwanese cafe, can confirm we had amigos working as kitchen staff
This. Shaving correctly is expensive and time consuming, I only do it maybe twice a week to keep things tame. No one is shaving everyday, if you both wanna fuck right then (which is a miracle)you can deal with it
>incel can't comprehend loving someone after their peak of youthful attractiveness
>concludes they must only be fucking out of desperation
I used to have this mindset. The simple truth is that most women are just not good at appreciating art (and the ones who are are crazy psychos). It's not necessarily a bad thing. If your woman is loving on you like in this comic, that should be so much better than watching any movie. Get over yourself and love her back.
No, i'm gay and i fucked another guy
I wish I wasn't a virgin
Obviously if you weren't a pathetic loser you'd dump your fat wife and pickup a fresh new high school GF
>It's not necessarily a bad thing.
"Women are vapid and unable to value anything creative" is very much a bad thing.
If this thread proves anything it's that women are absolutely worthless
i hope some day there will be a spree shooting targeting men
I know who this is talking about but damn if it isn't every generation when it comes to the next.
Source? I've never heard of this origin for the term before.
why do you think women aren't people
hint: to consider women people you would realize they do not form a hivemind
There are it's just women never want to be left out of anything
the closest we will ever get is rhat woman that shoot google's
the source is their ass once again men twist the narrative to blame women for their own bullshit it's basically what entire male existence on top of being obsessed with women and projecting their faults at women
Daily reminder that Yea Forums belongs to women, gays and trannies now and that there's no point fighting them because the jannies are on their side.
Damn this is good
Too good to be a /pol/ shitpost in fact
>guys who coped hard enough they became chubby chasers
>guys who coped hard enough to become gay
>guys who are unhappily married
This thread has everything
The term became popular after some guys made the /r/incel subreddit, and self-identified themselves as such. While complaining about how the government should provide everyone with mandated girlfriends to fuck them at regular intervals to relieve stress. Then other people found this page, and started using it to insult people that sounded like they would post there.
Excuses. Hit a fuckin treadmill.
Before we broke up, me and my GF would alway cuddle like that and I would loved every moment of it. Just feeling her smooth skin against mine and her letting herself go around me and just the feeling that you have a person you can not only cuddle with but also be yourself around with is amazing.
Sometimes we'll switch roles and I'll be the one laying on her chest and just enjoying her warm cuddling body while she watches something on her phone or playing some indie game on her laptop.
Best relationship I ever had.
If you're unhappy just because you dont like hair on women you are mentally ill or stuck up or both
>bad relationship
>having an opinion
>good relationship
>agreeing with me
I more inclined to believe that since before that we used only robots like /r9k/
>a thread unironically filled with women and trannies talking about how all men are pigs
I hate this board so much now
Sorry no one wants to touch your fat ass but hey at least you have your cats and your tumblr account
>all these shooting sprees mostly kill men
>"ugh but it needs to specifically be a YASS KWEEN SLAY that does it"
You're lazy
I know right? Maybe if /pol/ was crying about black people, gays, and women every day we could have dealt with it before it got this bad.
>chubby chasers
See the problem with this is that I can go for petite, but I can also go for meat. It's all fine. No fatties though.
This is a fucking awful image.
The joke is she's in a nightie and is trying to be seductive when they're dating but after they're married she doesn't bother shaving her legs or waxing her snatch and they're both fatter. It doesn't matter so much to them because they love one another
yes, I know how much women vehemently despise the truth
You will never find true fulfilment and happiness if you don't realize that men and women are different and valuing "anything creative" is vapid in if itself next to knowing how to love and support you and knowing how to raise your children. Grow up and grow a pair.
and somehow you manage to cope above anyone else
>and they're both fatter
Oh yeah I guess he does have a little bit of a gut on him
But the bottom is unironically sexier.
How many of you are still virgins by the way?
It's amazing how Yea Forums is like a digital microcosm of what happens when a country opens its borders and indiscriminately welcomes everyone regardless of whether or not they conform or assimilate to the country's culture.
Just four years ago it would be unthinkable that a thread filled with posts like this would be anything other than a joke, but now you get multiple people unironically supporting them as if they're the most natural thing in the world. Meanwhile, if you click over to any other board on this site, you'll see the exact responses and content you'd expect to see from Yea Forums.
"Yea Forums is love" was really the downfall of this board when coupled with the general shift of comics and cartoons towards SJW/female pandering. There are so few reasons to come here anymore, and they seem to dwindle each day.
This one is finding ways to convince himself he's happy with his wife so he doesn't have do anything to fix his situation
This one is delusional enough to think he's talking to a woman
This one felt attacked at being labeled a harpooner and is now backtracking when he was once so proud to claim his love for fat chicks
My gf does that but instead of the last panel she leads me to her bedroom.
>incels and trannies this angry at each other
The problem is neither the patriarchy expecting a physical standard, nor it it evil cat lady fatties oppressing men with their bulk.
The problem is that we've come to understand physical fitness as something someone maintains for others.
It is a service to the self; to your own health, enjoyment of life, and very soul.
Unless they start cheating on you then opposite reaction
desu /pol/ racism is a lot more tolerable than tumblr prudishness/sensitivity
Sure is comics and cartoons in here.
Now, I have to disagree here.
He did at least one thing wrong, he lost the war.
When your wrong about everything so you write fanfiction about strangers
Was this board always so... normie?
At least one of Yea Forums's jannies is either a women or a literal tranny, this is known.
Missionary is my least favorite sexual position and I hate that my wife prefers it more.
My wife was a solid 7/10 in college. Now she looks like a wildebeest. But a vagina is a vagina.
men like you are the reason why women are a privileged class
>jannie deleting the orbiter cautionary tale
Why tho?
What? I got 100 razor blades for $10. Stop buying multiblade garbage.
Maybe a male janitor slipped through and actually deleted something off-topic instead of just things they don't want to see like the tranny janny
Okay Joe Rogan.
I dont know who that is but you should really consider smarter shopping choices
>she loves you
>still putting out
That's all men really need.
And yet so many women are incapable of it
If my boyfriend got fat I'll leave him.
If I get fat, I'd leave myself.
>they hated him because he spoke the truth
i don't get it, you guys spam "have sex" but when this happens you get mad.
If my girlfriend tried to leave me, I'd kill her
Hot. Gimme your number
>just buy shitty razors that do a choppy job
No thanks, my standards are a little higher than the average femanon
The fuck is going on in this thread? Some bitch on her period?
>everyone arguing in this thread
Have sex
Just the new, female-friendly Yea Forums @ in action
>he thinks he isnt an average user
I'm too charismatic and non-white for that
All I want is a women that I can have this sort of relationship with. Maybe we both gain a little weight, or we dont always look our best, but we still find each other sexy enough to still mess around even as we get older.
>Pubes and Leg hair
/his/fag with a Yea Forums pass, can spam without cooldowns and is immune from bans, that's what those 20 bucks buy you
Knowing context of this comic, this has to be the shittiest take I have ever seen
Being a pass user doesn't make you immune from bans. I got banned from Yea Forums for a week for posting a thread the tranny janny hated.
>And yet so many women are incapable of loving me
hmmm i wonder what the common denominator is
Have sex
That's not what any of the incel mass murderers looked like though.
Are you an idiot? Chicks don’t like it when you tell them they’re a 2/10, but that’s ok because you have low standards. They’re ok if you don’t bring it up and accept them as a human being.
Is this some sort of incel projection thing? You think you’re so unworthy of human contact there must be something wrong with anyone who is attracted to you?
Earning a woman's "love" is easy. It's basically all about adopting an outmoded facade of masculinity and lying through your teeth until one of you wises up and bails out of the relationship. The real common denominator is the female propensity towards sexual promiscuity and unwillingness to sympathise with men emotionally.
needs fatter
been browsing since 2006, I confirm this
t. fatty
The real pro-tip is that women don't like men who they think need them more than they need him.
>someone's actual feelings got hurt from this thread.
ayy lmao
Man, it's hard to imagine a Yea Forums that could produce something like this nowadays. It really goes to show how much women have seeped into this place and made it their own.
>getting pimples at 40
reported for flameposting
It's too cheap to ignore
This image was made by an incel and you're a faggot for posting your bad opinions.
Then this one IS getting banned but he just buys another pass to keep going like the romanian autist of Yea Forums, or he's personal friends with the mods
>Man still looks just as attractive as he used to
>Woman completely lets herself go
>The man is still expected to love her for who she is regardless of appearances whereas he is expected to maintain his looks and be conventionally attractive
really tickles the mindberries
amazing, nothing you said had any substance or bearing on me whatsoever
As a gay, fuck women and fuck trannies, nobody needs them
The last few generations of men coddled women far too much.
They're not real, most of the guys I dated were fat before even got together
Based bromosexual.
Gay dudes can be cool so long as they're not complete faggots. Unfortunately, most women are incapable of not being faggots and trannies are faggots by definition.
I'm sorry for calling you a faggot and hurting your feelings, incel.
This is what happens when you raise a generation of men to put pussy on a pedestal: it creates a generation of sociopathic and narcissistic women.
I mean obviously women are naturally sociopathic and narcissistic to some degree, but by removing most if not all of their societal responsibilities we've basically sent them spiralling out of control.
That's okay, I forgive you. I know you can't help yourself as a woman.
The only thing that really annoys me about the usage of the term "incel" is the assumption that you can't hate women and have sex with them. I mean, if anything that's just historically and provably false.
>tfw my fianceé really liked Blade Runner 2049
If you're passionate about something, they'll be passionate too.
That’s latinas in a nutshell
When they are young they are as fit as possible
When they get old they are barrels of fat
That’s why you don’t marry fucking latinas
Holy shit that guy is unironically pathetic. You can't feel bad for these dweebs that think you can get a "qt 3.14 gamer girlfriend" just by leaving her a fat donation. Never give women any meaningful money before they're willing put out, that should be like rule number 1 of any "relationship".
So true and relateable, right guys?
>stress caused by raising children
Aw the poor widdle girl has to raise a child, a whole one child? How will she cope?
>It's basically all about adopting an outmoded facade of masculinity and lying through your teeth until one of you wises up and bails out of the relationship.
You are doing that wrong
Mine aren't
They were the other BAD END. Ugly lanklets who had a permanent frown.
Their brains are a third the size of a man's after all
I like hairy chicks.
Hey, member when this thread was about COMICS?
>pubs peaking out of thongkini
>leg hair
You like men
I may be a misogynist, but even I'm willing to admit that the real menace are beta male orbiters and white knights who spend their lives constantly inflating the female ego and serving them like slaves in the hopes that it'll earn them a crumb of pussy. If all beta males and white knights ceased to exist, women would get a lot more tolerable as a whole.
>and the ones who are are crazy psychos
Pretty mean desu. Why do you think that?
kek obviously I don't do it on Yea Forums, I don't give a shit what any of you people think, you don't even know my real name.
nah, you're off the mark, altho not by much since there is indeed women involved.
Yea Forums was just fine until tumblr, reddit and other cancer came here with SJW convictions and other similar bullshit, they stick around since then and shill the worst cancer comic and cartoons have to offer.
The good thing about this is that they disgust everyone with half a brain and most sane people who browse Yea Forums last around 15 minutes before seeing the need of geting Hitler out of the freezer.
Don't forget supporting women financially, which in turn causes businesses to kiss up to them.
It's amazing how aggressive people get in threads like these. It's like anything you say is a direct attack on someone as a person. Chill out and remember 99% of everything posted here is bullshit, bait or embellished.
Damn it, user, don't you know that being a mother is the hardest job in the world? Even harder than being a soldier or an astronaut or a miner! There is nothing more stressful or difficult for a human being than voluntarily having children and then being forced to actually take responsibility for them!
There was a time when I thought that the Syrian civil war could "redpill" people on where the jihadis were actually coming from, but it looks like conservatism is a form of dumb that can't be cured with knowledge.
Because comics are cartoons are for NORMIES now. Except /MLP/
I actually think it's because the average age of Yea Forums(nel) was like 15 a decade ago and is now around 25. The Zoomers are all on Tiktok jerking off to girls dressed as japanese idol characters dancing to shitty mumblerap, Yea Forums(nel) has become 30yo boomer central since the audience that was here when they were 14 never left. It's not a bad thing, but I think content creators are probably out there trying to get paid for the content they produce now, instead of making a dozen page saga of a sexy SJW princess getting btfo by a green asshole.
Whoa cool it with the antisemitism!
They were always here user
The last generation which didn't have women like that were the silent generation. Fitting I guess that my grandmother born in the 1930s recently died and my cunt mother is glad because it means she can probably go into semi-retirement several years early from her inheritance.
We live in a declining society.
Yeah, but now they're loud and proud instead of quiet and willing to assimilate is the difference.
That's not what I said, I said no fat chicks. But when you see a girl that's maybe 25-30% BF with a nice butt walking around you just want to walk up and sexually harass her.
>adopting an outmoded facade of masculinity
The guys who say retarded shit like this are always the ones who like femdom and other retarded fetishes and wish they could be "househusbands"
God I wish
women have a biological clock that makes them infertile at certain age, meanwhile a man remains fertile no matter his age. this is why a woman once she gets married and has children, she already reached her goal. while the man can continue since he needs to plant his seeds as much as he can
Yea Forums was always a contrarian site when your opinion is worthless, you`re judged by quality of content you produce, namefagging is one of cardinal sins and OP is always a faggot.
Due to left leaning tendencies of mass media, right leanings become contrarian, thus
However, they usually contribute off-topic WHAT ABOUT NIGGERS and repost rockthrow for the 100th time, becoming a laughing stock.
Their conclusion is that they are ridiculed for their political beliefs, so they think their opponents are trannies and SJWs.
The fourth panel reeks of insecurity
>onions was filtered after like 3 days
>cumbrain banned on Yea Forums after a day
why haven't the mods filtered incel yet? its been going on for fucking years now
>mom only worked weekends so she could be home for us after school
>but then when I got into 8th grade, which was about a year or two into this, she got bored and started going to grad school and was never home
Based women, being a mother is so hard
No, that's the /pol/tards
3rd panel is literally muh fetish
I draw it all the time
>guy doesn't make any styling effort either way
Either grow that beard or shave it, faggot.
I want to be a househusband but I'm not into femdom. Sh-should I be?
i know this is about lgbt and race issues, but it makes me think about gamers and hobbyists first
Why did Hitler shave his mustache?
Cause if they ban incels all mods have to leave
>I don't hang out with SHIT TIER people
hate to break it to you user, but if you don't know any shit tier people, you're probably the shit tier person.
I think house husbands are cute but in this economy? If he was a twitch streamer maybe but wolf
this makes me so horny I now want to kill myself because the thirst is insufferable
I'm having an existential crisis about wanting to fuck a cute brown girl with hairy pubes, legs and armpits and a cute tummy so fucking badly. I can literally smell the girl sweat from this picture.
>not into femdom
>but want to fuck a /fit girl who could at least put up a proper struggle, if she wanted
>the only /fit girl i got close to (she was my sort of gym buddy for a bit) dated some uberchad.
>She isn't even fatter after marriage
Step up
Technically, they are.
Ditch the pimples and leg hair and increase the amount of pubes and add a treasure tail reaching the navel and we're game.
great time to share fetish pics I guess
t. Landwhale
Good god all of you here need to find a good partner.
For god's sake, I've been married, divorced, and managed to find someone who means everything to me again almost immediately after, and I'm a 6 foot 5 chubby bear man who weighs 300 pounds.
Get off Yea Forums and start living life instead on complaining in front of a computer screen on a board for kids shows.
Jannies love incel posting. They're all either beta male pussy worshippers, trannies who want to stick it to /pol/ and /r9k, or women.
Chicks like bears though
Too skinny, otherwise very nice.
Why don't the self proclaimed feminist comic book authors have chicks have armor hair and noon trimmed bikini lines?
Post girls that are canon hairy
Why would i waste time on cantonese basketweaving forum discussing comics and cartoons if i wasn`t a mess of a man who is trapped between apathy and unhealthy attachment to relationship that stopped working ages ago?
This image angers and confuses me on a spiritual and psychological level.
cute feet
Because you work with and are friends of people who create cartoons and comics, and you like to see fans of those shows talk about them, and you also look for upcoming talent to help promote to your connections so that you can pave the new generation of content creators.
I thought that was sort of, you know, kind of the point yes?
Why? Afraid of strong women?
did kate leth start doing another autobiographical comic?
I think its the incestuous vibes of the image, along with the /ss/ aspect of that. That, and seeing humanizations of Simpsons characters is very unnerving as well.
I don't mind muscle women, as that is one of my many interests, however off model interpretations, especially ones that imply incest and pedophilia greatly disturbs me.
I give you no corn chips and I hope you recieve a wacking from the "bad user" stick.
this would be hot if it wasn't marge
I'm into femdom conceptually, but I acknowledge that it doesn't work in 3D.
>Yea Forums was just fine until tumblr, reddit and other cancer came here with SJW convictions and other similar bullshit, they stick around since then and shill the worst cancer comic and cartoons have to offer.
Being here since 2008 i can tell you Yea Forums was never fine, it's always been the wimpiest, cattiest, whinniest board, full of orbitters, creeps and women, much like /cgl/, the comic con and cosplay scenes and the associated attention whoring, drama and literal whoring ran rampant, only they had their Yea Forums is love" bullshit. The MLP flood destroyed that facade.
I think Yea Forums is a little better if only because there are no tripfags and cosplayers everywhere anymore. Those people were always rabid SJWs and just degenerated as time went.
Needs more bruises, otherwise it's easy to miss.
On a related note why haven't they stopped filtering onions? Wordfilters never used to last this long. Then again fags haven't stopped being pissy about it.
>This one is finding ways to convince himself he's happy with his wife so he doesn't have do anything to fix his situation
So you're saying that he should be cheating his wife?, Jesus """lady""". You're pathetic
>This one felt attacked at being labeled a harpooner and is now backtracking when he was once so proud to claim his love for fat chicks
Did you know that men can have multiple tastes about women and one doesn't cancel the other?
Try to get out more and experience real life, roastie. I can smell the cat piss from here
subtlety is key, I like that you can't tell from the thumbnail if you don't know it's there.
>Dating mudslimes in first place
>being a gold digger too
Bitch unironically deserves it
>conveniently left himself out
This one is so desperate for any female contact he deludes himself into thinking the people who call him retarded are women
The pass-paying spamming /his/fag got his wish
you can still check all those marks and still get laid
you just need money
do you think the faceless oldman fucking young babes is a meme? this happens irl too
money/power blind woman
well, its just sex thou, not wife material
Man, remember when Cap used to be based?
>Wordfilters never used to last this long
desu senpai
Bisexual here, based gayposter, trannies are literal scum
You lost again
how ironic
t. assblasted roastie that can't handle men not bending themselves over for """her"""
>This one is so desperate for any female contact
>thinking the people who call him retarded are women
That's not how males trying to attract women work
I'd love to get my hands on a cowboy henk book.
Which one is a good grab?
Spoken like a desperate faggot
when the dicc is inside nothing else matters
Ya thread dead
spoken like a true beta cuck
Yea Forums is love didn't kill the board Yea Forums never learning not to take the bait and shit mods killed it
>guy starts thread with women/pol shit/anything slightly controversial
>imediate shitpost
>someone takes the bait
>more people join in baiting and bait taking
>whole thread dissolves into shitposting while mods and jannies do nothing
all that needs to happen is either mods do their jobs or /pol/ and Tumblr fuck off
> who’s never had a clingy gf
Shit gets real old real fast. Especially when you’re trying to show them something you love and appreciate. You can love them literally any other time but they choose the worst moments to do that kind of stuff. I’ll show my gf something I really like and halfway through she’ll literally say, “Pay attention to meee.” Maybe when you get one someday (I doubt it) you’ll understand
hahaha lol!
This. I've been married for eight years, and it has never been an issue for me
If only