ITT:Post comics that make fun of libtards

ITT:Post comics that make fun of libtards

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Not a comic but plenty of libcucks get damm triggered over this IRL

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How? It's too fucking funny.

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Not feeling it yet guys

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>ITT: McLovins


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That soldier must have been pretty shitty if he couldn't defend himself against a bunch of blobs.

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Does anyone on the far right genuinely thinks that happens ? Say nigger and suddenly you destroy dem libtard cucks ?


First one that's actually funny

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It's a parody


Friendly reminder that it's legal to seek asylum.


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Tell that to all the morons on this website who jump at any occasion to use edgy buzzords to feel powerful.


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>sending back people to country were they will be killed somehow isn't the same as doing the killing yourself.

>chess pieces are blue and red
conservatives really are retarded and blind


Okay, this is actually pretty funny.

I am pretty sure immigrants aren't being released at the door of immigration center.

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Thanks for the free bumps :)

Hit a nerve huh?

>this whole thread

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Back to the future is a wholesome right wing movie


dilate tranny


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There's come a point where irony loses its edge and then you just look like a jackass. The rule is one bumper sticker, anymore and you've earned your gay card.


Is this TGT?


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We're a year away from reelection and the left(Yea Forums) still can't meme


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I assume we're getting the inftychan refugees displaced by the free market?


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This is clearly making run of the right though


It's also legal to tell people seeking asylum to fuck off.

Its one jackass who keeps spamming.

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Don't respond to the falsflagger

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>This entire thread
This is why the Dems won the House by such a historical amount.
The more you make fun of them the more they'll feel motivated to vote in some communist like AOC.
Thanks for setting up the Blue Wave 2020, shills.

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deluded SEETHING TRANNY spotted

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It's checkers even


Keep shitposting, kids. Your complacency is exactly what the Dems want. You don't get new voters by shitting in a circlejerk.

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What the fuck is up with the concentration camps posting, holy shit

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Some autistic conservacuck thinks that if he makes fun of the concept of concentration camps enough, then people will stop acknowledging that the United States has concentration camps on the border that are committing several crimes.


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>USA has concentration camps
Hitler wins again


I wish they were concentration camps.

I think its made fun of people that dislike something, get said they should do their own thing, than they do it. But the ones saying they should do their own thing than complain they are excluded.
Its very simplicistic.


Thats the absolute last thing I would've thought, what a load of mental gymnastics
My only thought was that the artists of the comics he was replying to were all jewish, or at least he assumed they were, and that they should thrown in camps.

>my hero magademia

Why are genuine weebs right wing fascists

Here's the study from the Williams Institute:
>Numerous environmental factors are associated with suicide attempt history among transgender individuals. Victimization experiences of childhood maltreatment, harassment, bullying, and sexual and physical violence victimization—including by law enforcement and coworkers—were associated with suicide attempt history (Clements-Nolle et al. 2006; Goldblum et al. 2012; Grossman and D'Augelli 2007; Haas et al. 2014; Maguen and Shiperd 2010; Testa et al. 2012). Furthermore, experiences of stigma and rejection, such as by family, friends, and healthcare providers, were associated with suicide attempt history (Clements-Nolle et al. 2006; Klein and Golub 2016; Haas et al. 2014; Perez-Brummer et al. 2015).
Also, there's no single "40%" figure. It cites a number of studies where the figure goes from 18%-45% across them, but that just proves it's difficult to accurately measure suicide rates among transgender people.


My guess is a /his/fag spamming it in an attempt to get the thread deleted, he won't get banned because he pays for a Yea Forums pass

It's a parody of strawman comics, specifically David Willis style.
The joke is that the usual strawman just doesn't give a shit, when usually the "right" character in those is pushing them around.


Good, your wish came true, go jerk off about it.
?? No, that's much more of a stretch than what I said, especially considering the anti-semitic content of some of those comics.

I always wanted somebody to redraw this with marvel characters, white male characters like hawk eye or spider-man having to carry sjw characters like black spider-man, afro ironwoman or muslim marvel

meanwhile in fantasy land


Post the one about Rubens being /fit/ IRL

Yeah I'm sure you fantasize about that shit all the time.

>lefties are fat wimps
>lefties are a world-conquering horde

Pick one.

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for anyone who gives a fuck or thinks fatness = beauty back then
fatness was associated with being very well economically, since most people couldn't afford food.
now days being fat just means you don't take care of yourself and means nothing, money wise. go to the gym you fat slut.

The comic is about the frailty of the politically correct crowd and how they give complete power over to literally any harmless clown willing to use certain dirty words and phrases against them. If getting called a nigger can send someone into a flustered state of "I can't even-" then you're too frail and there's nothing morally superior about that.

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But you freak out whenever someone calls you an incel and suggests that you have sex, though.

>go make your own thing, racist sexist incel nerds
>let us in, you racist sexist incel nerds
>this isn't a place for you, racist sexist incel nerds
And repeat



Wage gap is a myth. It’s based off misinformation and a ploy made by women to do less and get paid the same, if not more. Women only get paid less for pursuing different career fields

i really like back to the future, what a nice and comfy movie.


>depicting your political opponents as a Chaos cult from 40k

Interesting choice but I can dig it

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You don't make anything, though, you just copy shit. You've been regurgitating wojack and pepe memes for half a decade, and all your badly drawn comics have the exact same punchlines copied from one another.


Thing would be a lot better if they actually were concentration camps.

You're right, the actual number is 60%.
40% of trannies tried by failed to commit suicide; the other 60% had already succeeded, therefore were do to dead to respond to the survey.

They actually are concentration camps and as you can see, it solved none of your problems.


>the ALPHA MALES are back
Somebody kindly post a photo of the El Paso shooter.

>committing several crimes.
The aliens, not the concentration camps


As we learned from fascism, many weak twigs can make a mighty faggot. This is true across all political lines.

>The more you make fun of them the more they'll feel motivated to vote
wasn't that the case with Trump tho?
Every news outlet was bashing him and his voters to the point that people just voted for him out of spite.

Sorry user but wishful thinking isn't science, especially wishful thinking based on debunked numbers. Maybe take a maths course sometime. Oh wait you're an Americuck and going to college will literally bankrupt you nevermind.

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>he still thinks is about comics
Filthy dumb liberal scum


I find it really interesting that the hard right is so obsessed with memes. I think the answer why lies in the fact that the right bases itself on emotional arguments rather than facts, and memes scratch that emotional itch really easily.

Its why you get the whole 'The Left can't meme' joke, which misses the point. The Left tries to sway you with an actual explanation of the problem and how to fix it. The Right sways you by replacing understanding of a situation with a three word phrase you can say whenever the conversation comes up instead. It doesn't matter that the three word phrase doesn't actually mean anything, because the emotional response is all you need to feel like you won.

Because they're not concentration camps.
I doubt Auschwitz ever had a problem with "overcrowding".

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No but I've called people out in the fact that they would sweat bullets at even the idea of doing political incorrect stuff like saying nigger themselves regardless of context.

If they actually were concentration camps, lots of problems would be solved. As the problems aren't solved, they obviously aren't concentration camps.


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>meme jealousy
The telltale sign of the left

because the nose, fears the samurai.

>leftist's argument is "no u", but said in about ten times as many words as necessary
Literal pottery, you have no self awareness.

Historically speaking, that's incorrect. They've been a drain on resources that does nothing but appease an exploited people; a scapegoat gets taken care of, that's all they see, and nothing gets solved because they're satisfied that the scapegoat is killed.

>I think the answer why lies in the fact that the right bases itself on emotional arguments rather than facts, and memes scratch that emotional itch really easily.
Yes user, you cracked the code. It's clearly the right who hates facts and statistics.

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Goddammit, I hate you both. The joke is that she did half the work so she got half the pay. Look at the third panels.

It's Schrodinger's Libcuck; liberals are limp-wristed pansies AND dangerous thugs who are totally the REAL Nazis at the same time, because alt-tards need to both dehumanise anybody calling them out on their bullshit and project their own violent tendencies onto them so MAGApedes can tar anyone who is anti-fascist as the terrorist sympathisers they actually are.


Isnt concentration camps a word for a camp in which something is collected and bought together. But the nazi perverted it real word meaning by making it death camps?
Like Gulags are just working prisons but thanks to udssr it got camps of death.

That's different, because reasons.


Why not the Ohio one?
You know, the Elizabeth Warren fanboy

That's actually correct, though. Notice how the right winger conservacuck seethes and recoils if you try to discuss economic factors in crime statistics. They want to convince you that correlation equals causation, even though that's the first thing they teach you is incorrect in any statistics class.

Lone wolves, user.

Oh, I completely missed that. Apologies

care to post proof?


Except preventing crime.

Because that's not real.
>but i read it on facebook and brietbart dot com
Yeah like how the Las Vegas shooter is an ISIS operative? Go make another pipe bomb, retard.

>the majority of people who seethe about trump on Yea Forums are non-american and thus unable to vote
really makes you think

Only if you enter through an authorized point of entry and apply the proper way. Just crossing the border does not constitute seeking asylum. That's like breaking into someone's home and then saying "Oh, I just wanted to get out of the rain. Haha."

Historic? Literally obama lost more seats in 2010 and not only was he actually popular but he had a supermajority that he did nothing with

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Alpha males don't need to shoot

So why not have a wholesale politics comic thread rather than one bashing a side of the spectrum you disagree with?

Tbh, how is that any different from Neo Nazis? In case you haven't notice, most of any group are fairly useless on their own or without a good leader. Plus, while some of them do have diabolical minds, most lack the skill or will to put that to good use. (see also: Moviebob)

The ones you SHOULD watch out for are the ones with good direction.

Which it hasn't done.
>Only if you enter through an authorized point of entry and apply the proper way.
Those people got thrown in concentration camps too. It's a zero tolerance policy and you're making excuses for crimes by your own government.

The are not concentration camps and as someone who grew up with a country that does have them, fuck you, upper class "liberals".
You have no idea what concentration camps are.

>Notice how the right winger conservacuck seethes and recoils if you try to discuss economic factors in crime statistics.
No they don't, because wealthy black men still commit more crime than poor white men.
It's also why rightwingers value free speech, and lefties hate it; the facts support rightwing viewpoints, and the only counterpoint leftists have is to try to censor everything.


Historically speaking, that's not true, because the holocaust never happened. The world would be a lot better off if it did, though.


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if you buy a 4channel pass you can nothing in half the time

Grandpa being a nazi is not something to be proud of, user.

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>illegals arent free to commit crime
>except it hasn't done

>Notice how the right winger conservacuck seethes and recoils if you try to discuss economic factors in crime statistics.
Niggers being poor still doesn't fully explain their propensity for chimping out.


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That's very dishonest user. First we accept that's a factor but the left get extremely upset that anything biological could be a factor. Second, even if that was the exclusive factor it still means some groups are more prone to crime making it a sensible to avoid being near them and again, pointing this out extremely upsets you

Except it is.

He tweeted back and forth with MovieBob, loved Elizabeth Warren and was a weeb.
>pipe bomb
Actually it was a propane tank, aimed at and ICE facility, by an Antifa

hate speech =/= free speech

>getting rid of browns
>"a crime"

The Israel part is just silly. Trump is by far the most pro-israel president in a long time. They even built him a giant billboard to thank him in Jerusalem.


I recognize Slott there but who's the guy with the white knight shirt


And not because of the cheap b movie titties, gore and exploitive labor practices? Clever.

Republican voters pay more money purely so that they can stay poor, vote to keep guns in the hands of criminals so that they can hold onto a disproven vigilante fantasy, and keep trying Reaganomics even though at this point its failed more times as an economic system than even communism. The voter base of the Right absolutely has a history of voting against its own interests in defiance of any kind of fact based approach.

The greatest trick the GOP ever pulled was convincing poor people that race was more important than class. "We are on the same side" says the CEO on top of his piles of money to the single mother working three jobs to just barely make rent and send her kids to school. "You can tell because we look kinda alike. Not like those OTHER people that are in the exact same situation that you are in. They are browner than you are, so that means you are on different teams. Don't work together, you'd hate that. Trust me."

>but conservatives get mad about stuff too sometimes
>they're the real snowflakes when you think about it
I'm not a conservative, and if you're suggesting that there's literally anything on the right comparable to the way leftists react to words like "nigger" then you're willingly delusional. Modern leftists glorify victimhood and have an actual incentive to be victims. Victims are not given a special, empowered status among conservatives, so they tend to not do that shit.

Women have vaginas
Men have penises

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This man is canadian

Tell us more about how all climate scientists in the world are conspiring to undermine the US while oil corporations are fighting for the truth.


Personally, I'm fine with the concentration camp meme.
Any American who uses it unironically comes across looking like they suffer from psychosis, and at the same time, I'm more than willing to let foreigners believe that illegally crossing into the US will result in their entire family getting holocausted.

Lone wolves die, yes.

That's just crude gamer humor from 20 years ago.


Or how Antifa murders far more people than right-wing terrorists but the FBI is keeping the real statistics secret.

Class is a spook, you silly commiecuck.

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This thread is a microcosm of everything TRULY wrong with America. You both cannot wait to subjugate or wipe out the other in cold blood.

So when is Civil War or a race war happening? I'd give it a few more years. You yanks can't keep this up. And that's not to say Europe will come out of this alive either. Your lot will be displaced by muslims and say goodbye to everything you love in your culture.


>this entire post
"Let me tell you what your interests are"

>Republican voters pay more money purely so that they can stay poor, vote to keep guns in the hands of criminals
Yeah, your pet project in uplifting the niggers definitely made them not-poor, huh?

>Modern leftists glorify victimhood and have an actual incentive to be victims.
Like Christians.

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They did, but they found a solution.


Does liberals unintentionally making fun of themselves count?

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ngl, i prefer these shootings if it deters illegal immigration. And even then that probably doesn't cut it.

>is canadian
>uses "yanks"

Yes it does nigger

I eagerly await it, user.


My grandpa fought Nazis. Then was interred by the Commies.
Fuck identitarians, they bring nothing but misery.


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no it isn't sweetie

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man i just wanna cum on her pearly white donkey teeth. as well as her breast.

You think "the hard right" is obsessed with memes because you spend too much time on the internet and don't actually know anybody on the right, hard or otherwise. The right excels at memes right now because they're the counterculture.
Also, the psychological models for liberals and conservatives is pretty well understood by this point, and your "conservatives are emotional" thing is straight-up wrong. It's standard for liberals attack conservatives for a perceived lack of compassion all the time and you know it.

Literally aren't. Cry more, terrorist.

Not Canadian either. I doubt they'd survive the fallout either.

I don't think it'll become a civil war, there isn't enough thought on either side for it to come to that. Its more like two dogs are going to growl at each other while the house their in burns down. The problem isn't that the dogs hate each other the problem is both think that they deserve destruction so its never going to get better because we don't believe in each other or ourselves enough for it to get better

go finish your rape list, antifa.


The two-party system and tribalistic politics encourage and reward extremism on both sides. There are two ways this ends: things continue to escalate until America ceases to function as a nation (either in the form of a civil war, or in the form of the government being paralyzed by inability to act due to a lack of any kind of common ground between the two parties) and we go the way of the Roman empire, or we burst the tribal bubbles and shift back towards the middle instead of focusing our attention purely at the furthest edges we can find.

That second one is the preferable option, but its not going to be easy. We got here as a result of systemic problems that can only be solved by the people who rise to power as a result of exploiting the existing system, so that's not great. Otherwise we are relying on tech companies like Google to prevent ideological bubbles from festering by exposing people to information beyond what they have already favorited, but there isn't any oversight there so thats depending on for-profit companies to have the best interests of the nation at heart, which is shakey as fuck.

And thats before you get into the involvement of foreign powers. Its no secret that Russia and China are using social media to influence American politics, and their goal is destabilization and unrest. Because every time we give up hard-won influence in the rest of the world because we are too bust trying to chop our own nuts off, Russia and China are there to pick up the slack.

By the time America pulls its head out of its ass, the first thing it will ask it why no one considers it a superpower anymore. And the answer will be 'because you aren't one, you stopped doing superpower things and you pulled out of all of the treaties and trade agreements that gave you that position'.

Christianity is not interchangeable with conservatism. Not in practice or theory. Though if you had to find something even remotely comparable to how leftists react to "nigger" then the alleged war on Christmas is about as close as it gets.

>The right excels at memes right now because they're the counterculture.
I don't think that's it.
When/where has the left ever been capable of memeing?

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You really think anyone tells these people they will be put in concentration camps?
They believe they will be given everything for free. And for many those "concentration camps" are actually an improvement in living standard compared to home.
Too bad like 80% of women attempting the trek get raped on the way and many of the kids are with adults that aren't their relatives.


2020 elections are going to be the spark on the powder keg.


Like the antifa terrorist attacks that never happened? Antifa are patriots keeping filthy terrorists like you in check.

I was worried about you, I thought you came to your senses and started contributing to the conversation.


>Antifa are patriots keeping filthy terrorists like you in check.
Is that why you wear masks? to hide your identity from the women you rape on your rape list?




>left-leaning men have lower IQ, lower testosterone and are more likely to be rapists
I love how "sex pest" became a new insult


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are we in glorious auto sage?

Horseshoe theory is bullshit, but Yea Forums loves to hateread shitty political comics just like /pol/

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Why must we hate
Why must we fight
Why can't we cringe

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Nice tanked thread, incels