You are fired

Attached: 1560588799243[1].jpg (800x420, 181K)

redpill me in this.

artist is hardline muslim supporter and he inserted muslim dogwhistle into panels.

Wasn't it less that it was pro-muslim than it was anti-semitic?

how so?

You know how Evangelicals tend to use certain verses of the Bible to justify their regressive beliefs despite the fact that those verses may have been written in different sociopolitical contexts?

Imagine that, but with some conservative Muslims in Indonesia - the artist came from there. Specifically: they really hated the then-governor of the captial Jakarta who was a Chinese Christian, and they thus decided to use a particular verse of a particular chapter (hence the QS) to justify their belief that Christians or non-Muslims in general (re: "Kafir" in the local derogatory) shouldn't rule over Muslims.

Important ot note too: these conservos also tend to be very skeptical of Indonesia's secular founded government and think democracy was some "Western evul".

t. Malaysian who reads his regional news

Yes and it only affected him because it was a little anti-semitic and not because it was more anti-Christian. Christians don't matter.

Thanks to this thread I found out he works mostly for Bumilangit now. Atleast now I know which series to pass for giving money to this islamofascist shithead

redpill us on bumilangit

Attached: bum.jpg (1018x883, 221K)

there was more than the shirt as well. some of the buildings had little verses on them as well, and there was another reference somewhere but I forgot what it was

there was a thing with Kitty entering a Jeweller's store

it was, she was standing outside it and the framing made her block the "eller" part of the sign

Also important to note that it wasn't just peaceful protesting; when he tried to defend himself and argue that they were intentionally misinterpreting the verse to smear him (apparently there is some controversy over the Indonesian translation of the verse and whether or not it's wholly correct), he wound up being thrown in jail for two years for blasphemy.

will the Bumilangut Cinematic Universe surpass DC?

Attached: 082615700_1561707042-GUNDALA_MainPoster.jpg (640x853, 82K)

I don't get it, is OP saying Kurt is gonna be expelled for cheating in casual mutant baseball?

Can verify this company is supposed to be Indonesia's very own comic label with separate superheroes series: Ardian is on Mandala while Joko Anwar () works on the Gundala movie; the latter's hands are clean, I think - kinda like what some Marvel fans stay away from Chris Pratt due to his ties with Hillsong...

Naaaah - unlike the Anglosphere, Malaysia and Indonesia don't have as much of a shared popular culture exchange until the mid-2000s. We don't know much of each other's popular book titles let alone comics...Malaysians like me who would be watching in for Bront Palarae would be so confused on who are the characters referenced.

I find our collective cultural insulation with each other really tragic considering how the region's people were free to move from shore to shore before we got politically separated because of squabbling Bongs and Dutchies. You'd think that having a shared linguistic heritage would help both of our countries to heal and reconnect with each other after both countries were free from colonial rule and Cold War-era conflicts...but alas.

The code on his shirt looked like a Koran quote, so I looked it up. It basically says "don't trust Christians or Jews".

We need to focus on that shit way he hit the ball. Got to get it further down on the barrel and not near the grip.

Dirty Malingshit

Yeah it was in the background and she was partially covering it, so it looked like JEW
The same artist did some more subtle ones at DC, with the same Quran phrase (using it in clocks, for instance)

This is a good thread.

The silliest one was where he drew it so it looked like Kurt was hitting Kitty's face with a bat.

Attached: Kitty Bat.png (1031x600, 1.17M)

Imagine really needing to tell people you're muslim

>Imagine really needing to tell people you're muslim
nothing inherently wrong with this.
using your religion to validate your hate for Kitty Pryde is wack.
Kitty-hating is the right of all sentient beings.

He wasn’t fried

Since when are Russians good at boreball?

Colossus took Kitty’s rejection so hard that it prompted him to convert to Islam and wage a holy war against the Jewish people.

why are Indonesians and Malaysians so overly Islamic,I have met Pakistani and Arabs who all considered Indonesians and Malaysians to be overly Islamic

>regressive beliefs
>love your parents
>don't rape
>don't kill
yea really regressive

Asians don't half-ass anything. Just look at Korean Christians.

I have see Christians in anime a lot.

And as everyone knows anime is an accurate representation of reality.

>love your parents
>don't kill
>don't rape
>unless, of course, we want you to do the opposite, in which case, you better fucking jump when we tell you

What are you on about? When can any Western religious order do this? Cultists or something?

I'm triggered that he either didn't know how to draw swinging a bat at a ball or he did and just ignored it so he could have his little gag.

can't you fucking mention what fucking issue you are talking about fucking faggots are becoming Yea Forums shitposters

It's X-Men Gold #1 you fucking moron. It's literally one of the first things that comes up when you google the artist.

honestly I was expecting some boogie man shit but it's all real
at first I thought Colossus was wearing some kind of Quicksilver shirt

>"i-it was out of context!! christians are evil too"
the proof that god isn't real is that he never wiped out you muslim cockroaches from the face of the earth

The artist's name hasn't even been mentioned in this thread except for his first name, once, in passing. That being said, the image itself is still searchable, not to mention just writing "x-men art controversy".

Good. Fuck Muslim scum!

Malings and Indonesians are subhumans. Worst combination of Arab, Chink and Indians

>Malings and Indonesians are subhumans. Worst combination of Arab, Chink and Indians
Are you a neo-Nazi?

>poc being a neo nazi
fuck you're retarded

They have the least culture and furthest away from Middle East of all Muslims, so to compensate, they are extra religious. Because they (especially Malaysian) have no culture.

Indonesian still have the history of pre-Islamic Srivijaya, Majapahit Hindu etc. Malaysia has nothing, that is why they are considered culture thieves and called Maling

Honest question: Why IS the Islamic world full of so many retards? Im asking genuinely, Memeri TV is a real thing

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inbreeding, you know how we make fun of southerners in the south for its incest? Well imagine a entire country being run by them.
Now imagine you have that one person who understands his religion was created to help people become united in a more trying and dangerous time but has lagged behind. Now imagine him trying to explain this to his inbreed brothers who are big on stoning anyone who questions their faith. Thats Islam, anyone who wants to reform their faith is stoned to death.