The Iron Giant 20th Anniversary

20 Years ago Today, the Iron Giant came out. I highly recommend that we all rewatch the Signature Edition of this Masterpiece Today.

Attached: the Iron Giant (Original VER.).jpg (1949x2902, 1.63M)

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No thank you OP, I'm going to molest my underaged girlfriend now.

Begone John

At least it looks like it took time and effort to draw and animate rather than looking like pic related with the consistent bean head bullshit.

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Might give it a watch later
Too bad they advertised it like shit

Holy shit, you’re delusional. What ISN’T “Calarts” in your eyes, then? Anime?

>When cartoonists refer to the "Cal Arts Style" they are talking about this recycled look that is not influenced by life or even other cartoon styles. It is strictly a straight line of inheritance through a few generations starting from somewhere around the "Aristocats". ...Losing important genetic code with each new generation and getting staler and staler.

Anything that isn't that.

>people using Yea Forums passes have a little clover by their name
When did this start?
Does chink-moot not understand that this is supposed to be an anonymous imageboard?

Here's a bump on me, OP.

It was 20 years ago today
General Rogard told the men to gay


Attached: the-iron-giant-the-general.png (780x428, 148K)

based and pedopilled

Based and redpilled John.
You aren't a blight on the industry at all.

Holy shit I'm old. Guess I better get a gf soon

1 bump
2 (you)s

Stopped liking it after all that Republican propoganda in the movie tried to shove itself down my throat during my first rematch since I was an innocent child.

You didnt need to post this autism you insufferable faggot

>"Stop discussing the topic at hand, just eat your memberberries and don't think about it on a higher level"
Okay pal

>be made of ranged weaponry
>melee a missile

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nah, your not dying yet

I guess he was afraid if he used his upgrades, he would revert to his original programming again? Rule of cool trumps all else.

Actually I just finished watching it on Blu-ray, it was next on my backlog pile. Had no idea today was the 20th anniversary of its release.

I remember seeing it in theaters as a teenager on opening day, being amazed by the movie and then being depressed at how few people were in attendance as I was leaving.

The failure of this and Titan A.E. were hard to swallow.

Warner Bros just suck at marketing.

Vin Diesel's greatest film role

Rule of Cool is not always a good idea. Just ask McConaughey

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Literally who are you quoting?



Titan A.E. was FOX and is now owned by Disney

Wait weren't the bad guys basically republican stereotypes if anything?
I haven't watched this movie in like 15 years.
>The failure of this and Titan A.E. were hard to swallow.
People don't go to see creative films. That is why every ultra successful movie is just a tweak on the last big successful movie or a remake. That goes double with animation.

No. CN's all-day marathon ruined it forever to me.

I respect a nigga willing to die looking cool than live looking like a bitch


Attached: in what location is the large machine, manfred.jpg (1280x544, 42K)

>Iron Giant bombed
>CGI Lion King remake made over a billion

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this movie sucked so it wasnt on my mind

Weird thing, my 1st time watching the Iron Giant was through a Disney XD airing.


At least it gets merchandise, large-scale home releases, constant nods and mentions
It might never get a sequel but it sure did show it would have done well if Warner didn't fuck it over

Brad Bird said that a Sequel will never happen and he doesn't want a Sequel


This is actually what "Cal-Arts Style" originally referred to. I don't know how it ended up referring to the bean-mouth stuff.

>Stopped liking it after all that Republican propoganda
I could say the same thing about democrats.
and no, I'm not republican

Has to last a few more hours


I for some reason always thought it was some old movie that came out in the 80s, not around the time of Spongebob. Lovely film either way; my animation teacher would put it on for each new class as one of his favorite examples of the medium

Motherfucker, it's off of Netflix

Anything with a Milt Kahl influence was branded as “cal arts” back in the day.
It’s only recently come to mean bean mouth

how would a movie of this turn out?

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