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is it really gone?


Based incels.


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a place on 8chn. I just used it dump new porn I found and find stuff that I didn't find

>/cake/ is gone

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they will just find a new host and put everything back, some files will be missesd but that is it.

And this Yea Forums, how? Explain yourself, fellow 4channeler.

>The actual child porn and underage model sets wasn't enough to take down cripplechan.
>No, it's a couple of mclovin looking la creaturas posting manifestos what did it in.
God, I love how out of left field this country can be some times.

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that's where all of the gooks posted their lewds of Tangled the series

Degenerate Koreans who browse here lost their wankbank

Wouldn't be surprised if the FBI has their eyes on this website.

Well, they actually banned the underage models and similar.
it is not, at all.

>/delicious/ is gone

Fucking RIP

>I wonder if that asshat ruined the site
>actually fucks it up
Fuck you incels, you managed to fuck up something while still being a virgin

>abusefag OP

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Wonder when /pol/'s going to do the same for us

I will be so goddamn angry if that happens. I just wanted to tall about cartoons and video games

The feds have been watching Yea Forums for years.
>Cue the transcripts of moot explaining memes at the Sarah Palin hacker trial.
This shit just probably made our blip on their radar larger. Especially since the feds didn't want the site to be fully shut down so as to be able to keep a better eye on them AND the fact that while the admins find another host you can bet some of their ilk will come crawling back here to shit things up even more.

It's eventually going to happen and hiro will instantly jump ship before he gets to be responsible for it. It's the reason why mootykins gave up Yea Forums from trying to protect the site multiple times.

The Chans are all coming down.
They can't grab the guns. They can't prevent the Active Shooter bullshit, but Trump needs to do "something" to look "effective".
Killing these boards is the obvious and easy choice. I bet you think Trump's internet pajeet will have mercy on you, but you are wrong.

Do you faggots even have a MEGA of the images?

The host didn't want to keep going with cripplechan, they will just move to other place.

ChinkMoot will hand the FBI everything, the ISP's and VPNs will cooperate to reel in the nastiest denizens. Federal warrants have that kind of effectiveness, even overseas.

You don't understand the difference between hosts NOPEing away from a radioactive board and the Feds getting the greenlight from Trump to remove an embarrassment.

Why not post to /aco/
Assuming it's people like Rapunzel

honestly i prefer the yandere and tsundere arch types, not that abuse shit. Give me something to work with here

Who says I'm not doing that?

So actual question:
Where do we go if this site poofs?
I'm only on this site because this is just about the only good place for cartoon discussion unless i'm talking to my friends directly


It's retarded, Yea Forums is another social media, anyone can post their virgin manifesto here, the site is not responsible for their actions.


fucking cute based gif

Anime workers get killed.
Sadpanda almost gone.
Eight chan is deleted.
Truly the darkest hour.

what the fuck happened

Three shooters over the last year posted their intentions there, including the El Paso shooter.

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The very specific and slow moving boards were super useful for stashing art and information, most parts of Yea Forums move to fast to really work for that sort of thing.

>/beast/ is gone
Well, at least something good came of this debacle.

Honestly aside from the porn boards nothing of value was lost.

What's this and do I even want to know?

dcaco had loli and shota
why would I even fap to Rapunzel abuse if there's no Varian

>January 2025
>President AOC just signed new internet safety act
>All comments to any website now linked to government provided username, and must be approved before made public.
>Using fa**ot is now punishable by death
>Steven Universe the National Cartoon of America
>Muslims praised for 9/11 2
>All former chan users are banned from voting

Not deleting /pol/ before handing off the site was Moot's biggest mistake.
I am not out to censor you. You can talk about /pol/ shit. But for the love of god, a hobby forum is not the place for it.

fags like you ruined it in the first place.
every single little shit making it known here.