You are now employed at the Chum Bucket

You are now employed at the Chum Bucket
How you turn it into a success
No formula stealing
No brainwashing

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Rename it the Cum Bucket and hire prostitutes

Repurpose it as a night club
Have Karen be the DJ
Bring yer Chums

I ask Spongebob to give me the formula with at least 8 pretty pleases.

sell booze

I stick my whole dick inside Plankton.

Actually make good food.
Reminder that there is no formula and Krabs has Plankton in an endless chase

Since chum seems pretty useful for other stuff but food, just repurpose it. That and recycling plant. Plankton could probably create some machine that fixes old shit. Also sell meth too.

Start selling sea-food without telling anyone what it is.

Isnt chum just dead rotting fish

Considering what chum is plankton is already doing this.

Shittalk the Krusty Krab on twitter with dank memes.

I was gonna sell my own body but this works too

Sell cocaine

I convince Plankton to marry Mr. Krabs so that he can legally own the formula.

There. He didn't steal it and he realized that what he really needed was to leave his lesbian bitch of a wife and go with his one true love, his childhood friend he shouldn't have fought with for years.

turn it into a bar and drinking establishment.

Steal recipes from the human world.

You can do that if you want

start an army, conquer the krusty krab. force spongebob to make burgers
go on to claim all of bikini bottom for the hoosierreich

I don’t and cuck Plankton, Karen is mine now

...a fellow Child of the Corn?

born and raised in Fort Wayne.

Plainfield/Avon area, myself.

Turn it into a water park

Are you Chuck?

Spongebobs a stubborn fuck as shown in that one episode so you'll probably have to beat him senseless constantly until he has an attitude adjustment

Go into prison catering.

You are hired

Chum's Cum and Chums
Formerly Plankton's

Plankton's Pankton and Planktons

I don't get it

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Start a smear campaign agains krabs

It exists solely as a front/part of plan for (sea)world domination and enslavement of the fishkind.
The only way it will ever work is if you get rid of Plankton.