It's slightly upsetting that I would really think this was cute if not for the fact that now nearly every cartoon needs...

It's slightly upsetting that I would really think this was cute if not for the fact that now nearly every cartoon needs lesbians for cheap inclusion

Attached: just lez it OUT.png (749x429, 430K)

Other urls found in this thread:!TxtCjQJT!l2MJKoUjbK7WbH1y9NULXQ

i'd like to see where it goes first. who knows, something really cool could come out of it, and it already has points over last minute lessies

She looks like she's about Sixteen at least.

This another instance of someone on the show working in their fantasies?

This show is hella gay.

She's an eighth grader and Reggie's probably in sixth. But you know, it's always unrealistic unless they're gay.

One of these days I'm going to go through every single cartoon and just COUNT how many lesbians, gays, and straights each one has. Make a cute little bar graph or something.

I don't know what the goal would be. Hard data never really ever changes anyone minds. So seeing the tiny little blips standing next to the giant tower won't DO anything. But it'd make me feel better.

>Yea Forums doesn’t like last-minute lesbians
>Yea Forums doesn’t like lesbians there from the start

The list with straights would be like Mt.Everest next to the gay pile of stacked newspapers. They're only seemingly numerous now because there was NOTHING before.

why is it always lesbians tho. gay dudes rarely appear and are usually just character of the week appearances like she-ra

Seconded. I appreciate shows that have the brass to establish and do something with a relationship rather than throw it in at the last second for a few more progressive points.

The going theory is that lesbians are just more socially acceptable and soft and gays are too hardcore and icky.

Where are the lewds of the brown girl? Asking for a friend

Because feminism is sexier than LGBT representation in progressive groups at the moment.

This is actually a problem specifically only in kids cartoons. The last time I saw some charts and graphs talking about the gays in mainstream media gay dudes outnumber every other kind of fagotry by a wide margarine.

Couldn't tell you why though.

Guilty as charged! We don't like lesbians at all.

Studies show that people have a repulsed reaction to gay men. Gay women? Not as much. So it's a safer option.

Maybe because more little girls watch cartoons than boys? Especially these types of cartoons.
Without going too deep into it basically they want the girl audiences to identify with the lesbian couples.

>I will only be satisfied when my 2% sexual abuse consequence has retroactive 50% parity with hetero romance stories, and exclusively in children-focused cartoons, all you have to do is match the entire canon and I’ll be satisfied, trust me
Or we could just kill you. Be done with this tolerance shit, and acting like every fucking tweak of degeneracy needs a voice. The liberals have it right, wishing death on as many people as possible openly and proudly just feels so much better. I wish faggots were rounded up, bred and enslave if bio women with intact shit, and murdered if otherwise. Fuck this shit, fuck this whole fucking shit to fucking Hell.

ay no homo but when we are gonna get gay niggas in cartoons this lesbo is kinda cringe no lie... desu i would like to see it but the i just know the internet wont stfu about it and will annoy the shit out of me on twitter

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Yeah we don’t like faggots. We didn’t pass your shit test. So come at me and my guns, you fedfaggot, see the fuck what happens.
>we’ll send a drone after you lol
Congratulations you are not oppressed then, you’re a core of the beast machine of evil that needs to be stopped. Death to the whore of Babylon, death to fucking faggot America!

But the show has a bara pair in the fantasy realm too

nice pasta

I remember a time when we would eat up this shit.

Yea Forums has changed

wait i've seen this exact wording before.. because I wrote it...

And I don’t give a DAMN about no fucking three day, faggots and the fucks that support them need to burn. All of them, to the fucking ground, with every bloody mess of this poz beast of the zog machine. We are a biblical-tier force of evil and it’s time we were burned to the ground. I hope it happens soon before more of this world is scoured with us. Death to faggots, death to jews, death to jannies and Death to America. Hail the fascist world to come from her ashes!

because SJWs soured it

You pearl clutchers do realize nothing has actually HAPPENED with that yet except for Reggie sperging out around her, right?
I mean you're not just foaming at the mouth because someone told you the gay exists, right?

Penetration is sodomy and hot girls appeal to male audiences

I remember a time when fanservice was fanservice and virtue signaling was reserved for idiots on livejournal and not content creators.

>nice pasta
My words are not processed, they are raw and from the pure soil and blood I hail. I will do whatever I can to make a better world to the one I was born to, and for that we all must burn. All of this nation is a box of shit.

That was before it became shoehorned in cartoons at the last minutes for cheap brownie points to deflect criticism. It all started with Korra.

But I love lesbians

Attached: a5fafd377dcc6f720bfac8717cca04420a5e19d1.png (902x852, 301K)

That's precisely why it's annoying. They've flat out said Reggie has a crush on the girl. It's bizarre given how blatantly gay the two fitness guys are.

Watching the last several episodes now and Reggie in general is getting really annoying. It's one thing to be the weird kid that everyone thinks is a freak, but it's another to be outlandishly weird and ignore everyone else's wants and feelings and then say THEY'RE the problem. Not to mention how she steamrolls the few friends she does have. She's just acting like a brat.

Wouldn't mind Coop being gay, but he totally likes chicks

Who is “they”?
Maybe you need to stop reading outside commentary and just form your own opinions

I kinda picture Coop being ace or aro

That the same time that had super diversity teams everywhere just for the sake of it?

Attached: planeteers-youth.jpg (780x439, 80K)

This. Preemptively treat every creator like JK Rowling and ignore them all.
Then come to Yea Forums and get bombarded with epic twitter screencap threads anyway

just make your own cartoon with straight people lmao

I thought it was because /pol/ leaked everywhere

Buddy Thunderstruck. Shut down for more Big Mouth jew shit.

You gotta add lesbians exactly in the middle, not one episode sooner or later

I really hope lesbian cuck user shows up in this thread

that's the point, how have you not grasped this? She drives away her friends by being a selfish shit and makes things worse by doing so and only is able to improve things when she makes an effort to be less of one
her use of Endless as an emotional shield to avoid facing her problems in the real world is never presented as a good thing

>implying Buddy and Darnell aren't fuckbuddies

>Buddy Thunderstruck
l m a o

>/pol/ leaked everywhere
Nigger, you’re the expat, /pol/ is what Yea Forums’s been from day one despite cuck mods and admins. I’ve been here since 2005, I’m not fucking leaving my board for government stooges liek you. Fuck you and fuck your zog troop badges.

There are not enough gay boys

I’m a lesbian in irl life and it’s getting to be a bit much. I constantly get asked to comment on this stuff at work and I haven’t even seen half of em.

>/pol/ is what Yea Forums’s been from day
Please stop bullshitting us with your revised history, /pol/fag.

>irl life

Lesbian cuck user is that you? I missed you.

People actually ask you?

That's like asking a black person on their opinion on every black show.

This wasn't even gay. You're all too imaginative


Attached: dexter.png (623x610, 246K)

>/pol/ is what Yea Forums’s been from day one
How easily we forget

Attached: 1 ijauyqjMW38QrPKjSOg-OA.jpg (692x360, 26K)

is that meant to be an example of something that doesn’t happen?
because let me tell you, it does happen

Stop projecting your lies. Yea Forums is love was tripfaggot prog hog slop, Yea Forums was white loud and proud.

Broseph that ferret is taking the knot at least twice a day

I agree. Too many lesbians these days in cartoons. Does every female character need to be a lesbian or a man-hating feminist or both?

>scientology and habbo hotel is white supremacy
There’s a reason people quickly got sick

Lesbians are only bad when they're pulled out of the ass at the last second like Korrasami.

Reggie and Conelly (dumb name btw) are established from the beginning and it's only a minor thing in the show so they don't bother me nearly as much

Sick of that shit when it started getting antifa’d.

Well,I don't remember people ever asking for my input.

Guys like lesbos.
It’s smarter to cater to men because they’re exponentially more likely to shoot up a store when they’re sad or mad or their peepee isn’t hard.

Reminder this is the user who was cucked by a literal female. He is autistic beyond belief and a failed artist that is nearly Chris Chan tier. It’s best to not respond to him.

>coworkers constantly asking me my opinion on Key and Peele
Send help

How would you fix lesbians in cartoons?

And no, you can't fridge them.

The creator and the Netflix descriptions dumbshit

Nigger what are you talking about?

That's just a show for white people, though.

Guy on guy is gross, girl on girl is hot. It's that simple

I wouldn't get rid of them. I would just have less of them and none of them would be Mary Sues.

You have to make their relationship interesting first. Enemy hero secret hatefucking or some shit. Every Yea Forums lesbian relationship is literally bland and vanilla as hell.

>not living in a lead-lined bunker disconnected from the internet and only watching episodes received by flash drive and stripped of all description and context
Anything less is just asking for your experience to be tainted

Publish easy cosplay guides so every convention is flooded with them and we get endless pics of girls dressed up and kissing


Have two lesbians that hate each other and one eventually kills the other for reasons other than they're lesbians

Sounds like you want a potential lesbian orgy with that kind of practice.

I remember when we celebrated when they got fucked by the FBI desu

but isn’t reducing the number counterproductive to that? 100 girls can’t all be Mary Sues, but if there’s only one then she’s The Girl by default

There is an user who spans every lesbian thread either calling other anons cucks for liking lesbian porn or sharing his violent fantasies about killing fags. He thinks he’s sneaky but he’s pretty easy to spot by his autistic typing style.

He’s admitted in past threads that his hatred stems from the fact that a girl he liked and was interested in him ditched him for a dyke. He copes by calling everyone else cucks and numales. He’s also depressed because he wants to be an animator but his art is pretty shit. He’s posted it before but I never saved it.

That would be the ideal end scenario yes

Established them from the start

Give them actual personalities.

Make them entertaining/interesting and give the good chemistry to watch on screen (this is actually the biggest problem with most Yuri pairs. Lack of any actual chemistry. They're almost never allowed to be fun because it's "Probmatic" to potray Lesbians as anything other than completely perfect. The only exception I've seen so far is She-Ra. Catra's very gay for Adora but also very entertaining to watch on screen)

Good point.

Then I guess why not just make the lesbians interesting characters and not focus on them being lesbians or women? They almost always seem to be tokens.

fetishes aside, cosplay guides are incredibly useful and I wish more IPs had them

Gee it's as if... Yea Forums doesn't like the idea of them not having a waifu to have/a male self insert to project themselves onto so they can excuse the fact that they're 14.

>100 girls can’t all be Mary Sues
Ohoho yes they can...

I like Reggie's crush so far because she clearly can't even compute what she's feeling and just books it from any situation where Conelly is present while dumping a truckload of pasta

I agree with this! Lesbians wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all feminist power fantasies.

>admitting the term has been watered down to the point of meaninglessness

Disaster Lesbians are a win-win because it still counts as representation and the abuse statistics posters can use it as evidence they’re right

Is it weird I want to fuck the rabbit?

Attached: bunny.png (432x382, 188K)

Make the entire main cast lesbians and gays so that statistically, one of them is going to be a good character.

It's even more realistic if that is a thing you care about, as we desperately try to find each other to avoid drowning in the sea of hets.

it'd be weird if you didn't

As much as networks love to pretend they're hip and cool and progressive with the current generation of young adults, they aren't actually willing to tank their own viewership with gay men since guys being intimate is viewed as ten times more taboo than women being intimate, since women have a history of being in close with each other, bunking with each other, and are not sexually intimidating like men are.

Look at what fucking happened with Arthur.

serious Yea Forumsux pas op
you're lucky i caught this

Attached: 1565062870486.jpg (749x429, 39K)

sir your on a board for cartoons

>used to not care if characters were gay or not
>Static Cling gets a release date
>is labelled LGBTQ on Netflix
>can't stop thinking about Rocko getting a boyfriend

What's wrong with me? It's probably not going to happen, anyway.

go outside for a bit and just exist without electronic media!TxtCjQJT!l2MJKoUjbK7WbH1y9NULXQ
seeing as how there's been all of this talk but no mega, I figured I'd oblige

I take a half-hour walk every night for exercise while I hum music to myself because I don't have a phone.

I love lesbians just not lgbt lesbians

Cause these shows are written by perverted men and stupid women that think lesbian representation is ""powerfull"" and """stunning"""

Explain the difference.

Believe it or not /pol/ likes lesbians

Lesbians are cool but lgbt lesbians are ugly hairy emotionally unstable college aged uggos that complain about muh oppression.

So lesbians are from anime but lgbt lesbians are from real life.

Is it like comparing someone who's likes something to someone who's part of a fandom of something

The thing with western cartoons is its usually the lgbt lesbians that are represented and those are the kind that Yea Forums complains about. An example of lesbians would be like clara and foxy making out in drawn together.
Lesbians have actual personalites and can be hot but lgbt lesbians personalities are usually just being lesbian and theres usually a politically correct agenda behind them being represented in the cartoon.
It's more complex than that id say

Its actually fucked up because lesbians are more mainstream and safe to include because of porn viewing Habits

Why are Twelve Forever threads always so garbage?

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Lack of frogs.

Attached: image.png (3909x4702, 1.07M)

Based Misha

Include me in this screencap.

Saved furever.

Because of (You)

there are gale males in this show
actually lesbians were added in the middle (or 3/4ths to be more accurate)

can you faggots just admit that you hate gays and don't watch this show? fucking pussies

I think it's better in this show because it adds another layer of emotional complexity to a character that already has trouble dealing with more mature feelings.

She's not only having her first crush despite her own wishes, but she's having it with another girl, which she will definitely not be ready for when she finally realises it.

Didn't she say a woman was hot when talking about B-movies in that one episode with the midget robot bounty hunter.

It being on another girl is probably the least of her concerns. Her first non-spaghetti dropping panic thought will probably be thinking she's cool and non-conformist instead of having a boring regular crush like Todd or Esther

Any hopes and predications for the next season ffffagots?

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Just let mah gal Reggie have one proper victory. Let her not spill her spaghetti in ONE situation.

She got a nice start on the last episode where she gets a really thoughtful gift for Todd. Now she needs to learn how to handle ONE emotional situation without fucking it up.

that there IS a next season

Buttwitch and Reggie teaming up against a bigger bad.

Attached: The Beast.png (1600x900, 220K)


And we shall call him ...


>he’s pretty easy to spot by his autistic typing style
I wonder if it's the same sperg who shits himself every She-Ra thread.

Do real gay people never shut the fuck up about how they're gay? I never see straight people telling me theyre straight all the time. Makes gay people.seem.really Fucking annoying.

It would be especially kino if Butt Witch is still a evil bitch.

I am sure it is mostly anti-degeneracy retards but every major cartoon having a big lesbian reveal or a lesbian subplot is starting to get really fucking old. It is like have picked one semi-controversial group to push for brownie points across the entire industry for whatever reason.
That being said Reggie seems like a step in the right direction since it is just treated like a normal thing instead of a huge moment.

Eleven and the Butt Witch should...

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Do never shut the fuck up about how triggered you are?

I was trying to say how its insulting to gay people. I'm on your side dipshit. Its the gay equivalent of blackface. I'm gay by the way. (See how annoying that is?)

But that's not really a thing that happens in the show, so why complain about a thing that isn't a factor?

pretty much this.

Plenty of 13 and even 12 year old girls can develop early.

Tell me Yea Forums. Why must I be attracted to a pubescent autism? What sin have I committed in a previous life to deserve this?

Attached: 1565029431364.png (1366x768, 1.1M)

Twelve Forever isn't holding out until the very last episode though. We have a confirmed main character dyke in the very first season, plus she's just a kid. More seasons means more fleshing out of a relationship that other token lesbian cartoons don't ever touch. No show has done this before.

I love Reggie but if I saw her like that I'd have to fight the urge to kick her shit in. Autism Reggie is so kickable.

>ywn make Reggie a woman

No sin from a previous life, just a common symptom of extended Yea Forums use

>Based Misha

Attached: wait a fucking second.jpg (753x555, 182K)

Teams like the Planeteers were so transparent though. It was laughable at what reaches the teams running those shows went to make things diverse. It was silly, as opposed to the forced diversity now which tends to be annoying.

It's not transparent now? They're the same thing you dumb fag.

Thank you! I'd been looking on TPB but there aren't any torrents there yet.

gotta teach those racist biggots kids have sexual needs and they can totally give consent like adults, especially to lgbt chosen ones, so the laws should be changed.

Lesbians basically have no place in children's media. It's a mature matter.

Frog Tribe!

Attached: 1563492244878.png (1092x605, 472K)

Imagine being this deranged

Why is it okay for little boys and girls to kiss each other?

This wasn't even gay. You're all too imaginative

What in the fuck are you even talking about user?
>Rated R for two girls holding hands

You mean it'll get worse? Fuck. I would say "I didn't ask for this", but I did. I did and now I'm reaping what I sow.

forced lesbo shit on straight girls is my fetish

Attached: 1563722208092.png (436x1372, 205K)

Because that's normal.

>Rated R for two girls holding hands
How'd that avoid the X rating? Was the hand holding not shown on screen or were they wearing gloves?

Attached: Lekmet ♀.png (735x1080, 472K)

Okay listen frogfriend. I like Amphibia and Anne is a cute low int waifu option but Reggie is ten times the clumsy brainlet she is. Nobody can remotely match Reggie in the special olympics.

Attached: very exploitable picture of reggie eating butter.jpg (809x550, 203K)

Attached: and mine too.gif (320x240, 496K)

It's fucking annoying, even fucking video games at this point. Id rather have a gay male that isnt a flaming queer than another goddamn cliche lesbian, it's a fucking trope at this point

What is a cartoon you like?
Because I guarantee that it either has something abnormal in it or it is boring as fuck.

>frail body
>socially awkward if not outright autistic
>displays an incredible lack of hygiene
>bad teeth
>horrible fashion sense
>unwashed hair
>would have and was forever alone before Ester and Todd
>kind of a bad singer
>horrible drawings and techniques
>pretty pathetic in general
I don't understand why I'm attracted to her at all.

Gap moe.

Even in Endless she's questionable.

you are getting lesbians because they only hire lesbians and transexuals pretending to be lesbians in their writting team, and those people can't write anything that isn't self insert and "hey remember when we were 12" shit.

Tard strength


I want all Yea Forums anime girls for me

Don't forget to include a timeline and a projection showing that if we don't do anything about this soon the ice caps will melt and we'll all drown in faggotry by 2053


What’s with all these retarded anons? What exactly points this cartoon character as being far older than the other one? Most women are done growing in middle school so it’s definitely not that.

>hating the fantasy of men for thousands of years
Where did we go wrong?

Attached: 1307767588022.jpg (360x202, 61K)

>"hey remember when we were 12" shit.
A lesbian transexual made Ed Edd n Eddy?

Yeah, but why couldn't it be like a cool kid, like Mandy from The Grim Misadventures series or one of the kids from KND? Is it because I want to prey on her vunerability ?

Lesbians are a dumb fantasy if you aren't a girl.

You do it based on timeframe, obviously. Nobody benefits from seeing a list of straight couples from the 1950s.

If you confine it to main characters, the lesbian chart grows pretty massive, considering what a piddling portion of the population they make up.

>if not for the fact that now nearly every cartoon needs lesbians for cheap inclusion
It's no more cheap than a straight couple. Gay exist in real life, no need to complain about it in fiction.

Conservacucks operate on denying basic pleasures and needs, or supporting a false worldview in which you believe your basic pleasures and needs have been denied to you. It's a brainwashing technique. It's the same reason ISIS bans music. You're not allowed to enjoy lesbians anymore, you have to hate them. You must deny yourself pleasure to subscribe to our ideology.

It's a mix of a lot of things but never forget that a lot of these shows are written, boarded, or created by bi / lesbian women. You write what you know, and gay girls know gay girls.

Similar reason to why every tomboy these days turns out to be a lesbian. Tomboys are hot. Lesbians find tomboys hot. If you're writing a story about somebody you find hot, it's not a stretch to think that you'd write them so they they're a compatible sexuality with you, or at least a sexuality that you personally find hot.

Truly these are dark times.

Attached: sinestro-face-when-2.jpg (450x450, 47K)

I drown in faggotry every time I go to their board honestly

Why can't we talk about Tasty Pete or Tater Tot or whatever? The politics are boring me to hell.

Fuck dykes and fags. Het or die.

Lots of media lately has been showcasing good parental examples, mainly fathers. Maybe your blooming paternal wants are getting crosswires with your libido.

Your want to nurture a vulnerable girl into a decent human being is getting mixed with your natural incel horniness.

This wasn't even gay. You're all too imaginative

Larping as christian conservatives online is the new counterculture.

>Gay exist in real life, no need to complain about it in fiction.
nearly no kid is gay, their hormones aren't settled yet. IT's a pedo fantasy to hammer that kids have sexuality just like adults, that's how they cope when they hunt for a victim, they actually believe kids are playing "hard to get" and not "desperate to save their life" when they do their ass dry in a parking lot

Lesbians are literally straighter than a straight couple because there's no dick involved.

At least they were all straight.

Gays out themselves quicker than vegans it's hilarious

>appeal to history
>a wrong history at that
what a literal fucking braindead cattle

That sounds highly dubious but whatever.

Reminder that the people who are complaining about the lack of gay men are mostly Concern Trolls and would be saying the same thing, but with lesbians, if there was more gay male characters.

Ebola exists too, we don't need to see it in a children's cartoon.

I beg to differ. Not enough cartoon shows with Ebola, imo.

>a decent human being
: O

since OP copypasted my post from an old thread, I guess I should clarify: I fucking LOVE yuri. The problem I have is that every single cartoon is featuring lesbians just for the cheap points they score with the social justice crowd. You don't really have to do much for those points, you just have to take a typical child/teen romance plot and make it two girls, then pat eachother on the backs for being so progressive and ending homophobia.

delusional lunatic shit. Learn facts, or fuck off, this is no place for retarded children like you

>A disease that kills people.
>Makes insecure people uncomfortable.

Not a very good comparison.

>just for the cheap points they score with the social justice crowd.
user, stop assuming people do this to score point. Why is it so hard to consider they simply do it because they want to do it.

Lesbian fetish is simply an extension of cuckold fetish. They simply don't want to see women liking men at all.

>we don't need to
>need to
It's funny because you are saying it's included as if to obey some sense of obligation. No one is putting gays because they are forced to.

If someone want to include gay, they can do it. because they can, not because they need to.

>you just have to take a typical child/teen romance plot and make it two girls, then pat eachother on the backs for being so progressive and ending homophobia.
Or maybe they just wanted to tell a romance between tow girls.

Baselessly assuming people re not telling those kind of romance because that's what they want to tell has never constituted a valid point.

Posted this on the previous thread, but it's dead now:

Ok, after lots of procrastinating, getting bored and doing something else, I've finally seen episode 17 and 18. I think I've also figured out how to articulate what exactly it is I hate about the show. At first I thought it was because with the first episode I wasn't sure if everything that happens in the Endless Island was even real because it was really easy to assume Reggie just chose to give-up everything for the garage sale, just keeping drawings of the things she had and trying to keep them in her memories/imagination. But with episode 17 and 18 it was like pulling teeth watching except for the flashbacks. That's when it hit me, the Endless Island bits are the only part of the show that's enjoyable. It's a fun idea coat of paint over a painfully dull coming-of-age tween drama story. It's another Steven Universe.

Attached: the jerk store called, they're running out of you.png (936x540, 439K)

>It's another Steven Universe.
But SU is a good show.

Go back to /pol/

You're the cuck. Or bisexual.

admitting defeat already?

Binged this show earlier, it was alright, better than I was expecting it to be.

Attached: burger.png (1118x1030, 1013K)

You will never convince me that it just happened to jump from 0% of cartoons to 100% of cartoons the second people realized you can get praised for "representation" in fiction.

>The writers just wanted to do it bro
Then why are almost all of them pushed off to side characters, or they're just last minute curveballs like korrasama, PB&marceline

You're fucking retarded but thanks for sharing that passionate coffee buzz fueled word vomit.

I say they're off screen.

Make them sexy and mentally stable like in the 2000s.

>male fantasy
>two women who aren't attracted to you
The male fantasy is having multiple bitches who fuck you, not fuck eachother and not you.

No, it's not.

Of the 5 episodes I've seen, 4 of them nothing that happened on Endless Island actually contributed anything to the plot of the episode. You could literally edit all the scenes there out and you've both removed everything fun about the episode and not hurt the plot in any significant way. Only the episode introducing Esther would be missing anything contributing to the plot, but Esther herself is so shit that she manages to bog-down the part taking place on Endless Island. The plots of the episodes are a burden keeping the show from being good.

>i can't enjoy this good thing because i know there's an agenda
Holy shit stop taking stuff seriously. Lesbians are hot as fuck like they've always been. You're literally opposing something that's great because you're concerned if it's genuine or not. Back in the 90s and 00s sex appeal was flung all over the place and it was shameless in its pandering. But as soon as you think it's for someone else you have a problem with it? This is the same shit with people complaining about Korrasami. A garbage show got a shit ton of great porn and people still get mad about the last few seconds of the last episode.

People just can't enjoy anything anymore. That's like turning down a $1000 scholarship because you know the company doing it is only doing so for good PR.

Attached: e45.png (720x528, 521K)

>Conservacucks operate on denying basic pleasures and needs
How is two women fucking eachother a basic need?

Just admit you self insert as the woman, tranny.

And a cuck fantasy is watching another guy fuck them.

Liking lesbians is like being cucked by multiple women at once.

5% of the population is gay. Gay is not a normal thing.

Tasty Troy
Also we don’t talk about Tasty Troy

>i can't watch porn if i don't see a naked dude waving his dick around
Not sure if gay, underage, or possibly both.

Uncommon =/= Not normal.

Damn and here I thought the screeching had died down

Being gay isnt normal. Otherwise they'd be straight.

>How is two women fucking eachother a basic need?
Oh look, the conservacuck is illiterate and doesn't understand when two things is in a sentence instead of one.
People don't define normalcy through statistics but through how little it conflicts with society. With acceptance, gays become normal. It is that simple.

Porn is separate from a story, my man.

That's why the guy is there for you to self insert as. Duh. All human empathy is based off of that principle.

Here watch this

Korra ended in 2014 and Yea Forums still seethes about once in a while.

>Porn is separate from a story, my man.
Yeah if you have no imagination or libido. Get your low test ass out of here.

>self insert

>nearly no kid is gay, their hormones aren't settled yet.
She is twelve, an age at which many are or already have figure their sexuality.

Porn is for low performance people that can't get laid and have a low paying jobs worth giving no shit about.

Taking the thesis or the hypothesis.

Look at this way, user. Being gay violated the one stated goal of our species: to procreate. Thus it can never be normal, because if it were to be so it we'd be a dead species.

Oh look, the libtard literally can't refute what I said.

Gays becoming normalized wasn't a natural process. It was caused by the media indoctrinating the next generation with it, the same shit that's happening with trannies. Gay acceptance wouldn't have happened organically.

Shes a cartoon written by fully developed grown adults

Whats the norm in your branch of reality?

But twelve forever is actually great whenever they're not in horrific toontown island. Endless island being a brain rotting hellscape is canon and fully intentional. Also the real world scenes are better and more grounded than those in Star vs, Amphibia, and IT so far. And SU too but that's hardly a feat.

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I'm not saying a story CAN'T be pornoghraphic, but it's not usually. When someone touts the "LOL YOU'RE WATCHING A DUDE FUCK A GIRL" thing they aren't usually talking about a story. They're talking about Creampie Compilation 208 or some shit.

Hell, I'd say a good story can enhance pornography, but that's not a common opinion.

Literally how our species does empathy. Self inserting is the root of all story telling.

>trying to status brag
>on fucking Yea Forums
>on fucking Yea Forums

I'll take that as me winning the argument, fag. Don't forget to reply with how much more money you make than me.

>Being gay violated the one stated goal of our species: to procreate.
S don't invocate Nature as your argument Sexual relationship is not just limited to procreation. For many social species, it is a way to establish relationship. We are no different.

By your logic, any straight couple who do not seek to have children are more guilty than gay who actually seek to get a kid. Or masturbating.

>there are too many main character lesbians
Uh, two? Who am I missing?

Normal is something that can fit and co-exist with the rest.

Im a loser aswell im just stating the facts of reality

Pb and Marcy were building for like half the show. Most already assumed they had dated in the past.

Maybe you just haven't been paying attention to the demographics shift of who is actually making these cartoons

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Irrelevant. She is still a character with an age where being attracted to other is normal.

Gay women appeal to men more.

Lesbians are boring desu. They stopped being hot once you graduated from softcore porn

You aren't wrong, generally, but it is ironic that you would make this point in a thread about a show that has a gay couple who are shown early and often.

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>You will never convince me that it just happened to jump from 0% of cartoons to 100% of cartoons the second people realized you can get praised for
No, it jumped when they realised they could actually do it and not be cancelled.

>Then why are almost all of them pushed off to side characters, or they're just last minute curveballs like korrasama, PB&marceline
If you are not happy with that, just write your own show where the main lead are Lesbian from the start.

Yes it is. Being straight is normal, seeing how 95% of the population is(literally billions of people).
You must be memeing if you seriously can't accept the lgbt community isnt normal. It's not my fault you associate not normal with an incredibly negative view.

Also these two are great, best part of the show for me (except the butt witch).

hey user you wanna play four square?

Attached: tasty troy four square.gif (500x282, 1.1M)

>S don't invocate Nature as your argument
Is it advocating nature to explain why homosexuality violates the only reason sexual attraction exists?
>Sexual relationship is not just limited to procreation
For other species, yes. Humans are unique in how long our pregnancies take, how long our babies are helpless and how dangerous pregnancy is to a woman. Human babies are born super immature compared to other apes, for instance.
>For many social species, it is a way to establish relationship.
Those species aren't us for a reason.
>We are no different.

>By your logic, any straight couple who do not seek to have children are more guilty than gay who actually seek to get a kid
I do think a straight couple who doesn't want kids is foolish, yes, and I think they're missing out.

>Being straight is normal, seeing how 95% of the population is(literally billions of people)
Being straight is normal, but not because of stats
Being gay is also normal.

>You must be memeing if you seriously can't accept the lgbt community isnt normal.
Being less frequent doesn't mean it's not normal. it still amount to plenty of millions of people.

>every single cartoon is featuring lesbians just for the cheap points
Twelve Forever isn't doing it for cheap points. It feels pretty sincere. They even take jabs at SJWs and jews for jokes in the same show.

is that you reggie?

This is bad writing. They shove the lesbo crap in our faces instead of being coy about it. All the calarts cartoons do this, they ruin lesbians with their shit writing then people bitch on Yea Forums and then die hard fans of these garbage shows accuse them of being muh /pol/ cause they are insecure.

Reminder that conservative virtue signaling is still virtue signaling.

>Being less frequent doesn't mean it's not normal
Then. what. is. normal. to. you?

>Is it advocating nature to explain why homosexuality violates the only reason sexual attraction exists?
It's not the only reason sexual relationship exist in nature.
>For other species, yes. Humans are unique in how long our pregnancies take
That's precisely why having a gay uncle/aunt help in increasing the change of survival of the baby. Also, Human is one of the animal who has the biggest amount of sex without seeking reproduction, you couldn't have picked a worst case of "it doesn't count for humans".
More importantly, being gay doesn't prevent you from having babies.

>I do think a straight couple who doesn't want kids is foolish, yes, and I think they're missing out.
So gays who get babies are actually better, for you?

I know, this is probably the best yuri story in a western cartoon so far. If I wasn't conditioned to view it through that lens I would've enjoyed it.

I already answered your questionNormal is something that can fit and co-exist with the rest.

>he actually likes the endless island shit over everything else
>But SU is a good show.

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>this thread
lmao i started watching this show cause of BW

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>obnoxious tumblrspeak
I'm an actual fag and even I want to take a hammer to your fucking teeth right now

I disagree. I think normal is the natural majority default and anything that isnt is consider not normal, it not about wether if it can or cant co-exist.

having a male voice ruins any sex appeal for me, which is probably intentional.

I still like the character though

>I think normal is the natural majority default
So living in a democracy is not normal?

>Being gay is also normal
It literally isn't by the definition of normal.

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Even one is too many.

I think the real thing here is that all these self-insertfags need someone to pretend to be while viewing porn. Which is quite possibly the most pathetic thing about this newfag culture that's developed, this wasn't here in 2008. Hell, this wasn't here in 2012. It's spineless, pathetic. Did you self-insert as fucking Ash Ketchum when looking at porn of him fucking Misty? Did you self-insert as fucking Zuko when you see pics of Katara practicing dickbending on him? Pornography is inherently voyeuristic. Every kind. Mistaking this for a cuckold fetish because you can't understand pornography without self-inserting is the problem. Lesbian porn, straight porn, gay porn, bi porn, horse porn, it doesn't fucking matter what. You're watching someone who is not you fuck someone who you can't fuck. Trying to pretend that one of them IS you is goddamn retarded, because I truly hope you don't genuinely self-insert to be the endless, Argentinian-grade failure that is Ash fucking Ketchum, even in your porn comics.

They're cartoons, they can't actually fuck you unless you an hero and join them on the other side. If you're so obsessed about cuckoldry, you'll need to accept some day that every cartoon bitch you make some dick butter for is cucking you. That, or you can accept that porn is porn, and you can fap to pictures of the butt witch with a free conscience.

>This is bad writing. They shove the hetero crap in our faces instead of being coy about it. All the Disney cartoons do this, they ruin hetero with their shit writing then people bitch on Yea Forums and then die hard fans of these garbage movies accuse them of being muh sjws cause they are insecure.

>It literally isn't by the definition of normal.
It is, because normal is not defined by being the most trending thing, it's defined with whether or not it's something that is perceived as expected to happens.

The topic is about sexuality not politics

Maybe it's because I'm a man and find all the teen girl drama shit boring? Honestly, I'd rather watch Summer Camp Island. It's funny, because I loved the pilot of Twelve Forever and hated the pilot for Summer Camp Island, but my opinions on the show completely flipped once they got full seasons.

That doesn't change the meaning of "normal".

Except it's not forced and it's completely natural. Your projection is quite tasty I do say.

That doesn't mean you can arbitrry change the meaning of normal.

"being able to fit with the current paradigm" seems like a good definition of "normal".

Human biology and politics are two completely different topics

No it makes it better.

>internet tough guy
>who also claims to be an actual fag without pics to prove it

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Comedy gay sidekicks mostly, like over the top flamee types where the joke is that they're gay

>Except it's not forced and it's completely natural
And gay in media isn't forced either and is also natural. what is your point?

Gay media is completely forced. You are a poop head

>Gay media is completely forced.

Hah, fucker damn near no Disney movie romance is actually natural. They're all spontaneous, true love at first sight, fairy tale shit that end "happily ever after."

>Strange design and we didn't really needed a second negro character
>Ended up being the best character in the series

based Esther

also fuck Endless, it's BORING, this show could be better by giving Endless less screen time

Attached: Esther_regular.png (787x1453, 102K)

>It's not the only reason sexual relationship exist in nature.
It is the only reason sexual relationships exist in nature.
>That's precisely why having a gay uncle/aunt help in increasing the change of survival of the baby
That's a net loss for the tribe, try again.
>lso, Human is one of the animal who has the biggest amount of sex without seeking reproduction
Yeah, because we have the ability. Our bodies haven't quite caught up to our society. Our bodies still think we're hunting mammoths. It's why it's so easy to get fat.
>More importantly, being gay doesn't prevent you from having babies.
It does in nature, fucktard.
>So gays who get babies are actually better, for you?
Nah, statistically gays molest kids at a higher rate so I'd rather they not.

>something I don't like therefore, there s no way anyone would put it in there on their own will because other can't sincserly like what I don't like.
It's nice knowing the meaning of words.

TF got you covered.

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Yeah but it's the hetero part thats natural.

>It is the only reason sexual relationships exist in nature.
It literally isn't. Many social species use it as a way to establish relationships.
>That's a net loss for the tribe, try again.
There is a gain for the family
>Yeah, because we have the ability. Our bodies haven't quite caught up to our society. Our bodies still think we're hunting mammoths. It's why it's so easy to get fat.
It doesn't change that it's natural for humans to seek sex without seeking to obtain babies.
>It does in nature, fucktard.
In nature, having kids isn't the only reason beings fuck.
>Nah, statistically gays molest kids at a higher rate

>haha you faker show us your dick
>as a joke haha

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Nothing about it is natural, though. It's all fairy tale bullshit.

Self insertion is literally the basis of human empathy. Cry harder.

And being gay is also natural.

>a second negro character
What is Todd anyway? Indian? A spic? He's just some vague brown race.

The amount of gay representation has skyrocketed in the last ten years at an extremely unatural rate. It's completely forced and you just can't swallow that pill.

Im not saying disney film reflect real life. Im saying the man and woman being sexually attracted to eachother is
Yeah, but it's not normal.

I bet towards latino of some kind

>The amount of gay representation has skyrocketed in the last ten years at an extremely unatural rate.
Prove it, show me your maths.

The pill you can not actually swallow is that now that showrunner are allowed to put gay, they don't limit themselves to straight people.

The thing that was forced before was the high ratio of straight couple in stories because writer were basically forbidden to include them. now that they are allowed, they are getting lose about it.

None of them are forced to put gays.

>Yeah, but it's not normal.
It is also normal. not being the main trend doesn't mean not normal.

Otherwise it would be considered not normal to dislike the most popular music band.

>Im saying the man and woman being sexually attracted to eachother is
And so is people of the smae gender being attracted to each other, it also reflect normal life.

Here's a pill for you.

The majority of people don't like gays.

Not even close. Your Anti-Vax mom tier understanding of psychology has no ground here. Your attempt at justify getting your dick hard ignores the truth. Self-insertion is a lie you tell yourself to make yourself feel better about viewing something that is inherently voyeuristic. You're not emphasizing with any of the participants. You're trying to make your penis become the big penis.

The majority of people haven't met gays.

The majority of people are apathetic to everything

user, the whole point of empathy is the ability to put yourself in someone else's place. Tell me how that is not self insertion.

>The majority of people don't like gays.

You're confusing empathy with sympathy

You're not putting yourself in their place to understand them. You're replacing them. You're leeching off the pleasure they get to bring about your own pleasure. It's a one-way street centered entirely on getting your dick hard. You're lying to yourself if you claim otherwise.

My observations with the current state of cartoons on CN, nick and disney are what im going by. Name 5 kids cartoons in the 2000s that featured homo or lesbian couples. Almost every cartoon currently airing on CN has featured a gay couple.
Im not saying forced at gun point im saying forced as in pushed, like an agenda

What you consider normal and not normal is completely opinionated

Gee how about the constant failure to make gay marriage accepted via state voting and having to go around the backs of the People and force it in via the Judicial branch?

Do you actually empathize with any of the characters you see in porn through self-insertion though?

These threads are why I dont like LGBT shit, its a fucking cancer

One facilitates the other, retard.

How funny. You lie to yourself that you don't self insert, everyone does. The only way we can attempt to understand others is in relation to ourselves. This is perfectly natural behaviour, but retards like you say you're "above it"

Depends on the porno. If it's a sappy vanilla hentai doujin then sure, but if it's Creampie Sluts Vol 291180 then no.

Which is why I exclusively jack it to sappy vanilla shit. Emotion enhances sex.

It's an energy felt between all straights, no words are needed. Your soul has been corrupted by the gay so you can't receive these vibes of reality properly. Sorry my homo, maybe next life.

>Name 5 kids cartoons in the 2000s that featured homo or lesbian couples. Almost every cartoon currently airing on CN has featured a gay couple.
And that's normal.
>Im not saying forced at gun point im saying forced as in pushed, like an agenda
And again, there is nothing forcing them to do something they don't want to do. On the other hand, there would strong editorial push back in the past if one tried to introduce a gay MC.

Whether or not something can co-exist with the rest is a rather objective standard. And trying to define normal as "the main trend" is clearly not working the moment you try to apply the word to most normal things.

What the fuck are you even trying to say, user? You have this backwards, completely. Empathy would mean showing understanding of the emotions people are going through in porn. You can empathize with Peter Parker getting his dick squeezed by Black Cat without self-inserting as Spidey. In fact if you need to self-insert to empathize, that's a problem and a sign of autism.

Hah, look at this coward, hasn't even jacked it to tentacle porn.

There's a hugeass difference between sharing emotions with characters, empathy, and self-inserting them. Are you actually autistic?

>Gee how about the constant failure to make gay marriage accepted via state voting
You mean, how it is now completely legal after more and more states actually legalised it first? Or how most of Europe had it legaliseed before the USA? Or, how in most of the world, ther isn't actually hate for gays and was sometimes even considered socially acceptable way before it was in the occident? The world isn't limited to just the USA, you know?

>and having to go around the backs of the People
At that point, the majority of US citizens where for gay marriage, so no.

>How funny. You lie to yourself that you don't self insert, everyone does. The only way we can attempt to understand others is in relation to ourselves. This is perfectly natural behaviour, but retards like you say you're "above it"
Man get over yourself.

Pics, or GTFO.

>Which is why I exclusively jack it to sappy vanilla shit.
Look at this nigga, I bet you've never clicked on /d/.

I've never really seen the appeal of tentacle rape if I'm honest.

I guess if it's a hot squid monstergirl maybe.

>You can empathize with Peter Parker getting his dick squeezed by Black Cat without self-inserting as Spidey
Keep lying to yourself, man, if it makes you feel like some kind of advanced human. But make no mistake, you are lying.

Then find it cute you incel dumbass.

>One facilitates the other, retard.
No it doesn't. Just because I can whistle and burp doesn't mean if I whistle then I'll next burp.

This is more like you can whistle because you have have a tongue. One facilitates the other.

Look whose talking.

I'm not particularly into dicks, to be frank. Most degenerate shit I enjoy is impregnation.

Not him, but no one said whistle facilitated burping or vice-versa. And the argument wasn't that being able to do two things meant that one facilitate the other.

Lying about what? My thought process doesn't need to be any deeper than "nice" to appreciate that kind of smut. Fuck's sake, if a girl is enjoying a nice thick dick and you like that does that mean you're self-inserting as the girl too?

Have YOU ever clicked on /d/? After awhile hardcore deviancy becomes repetitive and kind of stale. You can only take so many fart and dickgirl threads before the simple thought of two people enjoying each other's company becomes a refuge.

Lemme break it down to you, my man.

You enjoy the pleasure that girl is feeling in relation to pleasure you've personally felt, get it? That's literally all I'm talking about, that we can only really understand things in relation to our existence.

My dude. You sound like you have actual autism. Because it sounds very much like you've developed a method of understanding people that isn't actually how most people actually empathize with one another.

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That's not self-inserting you dumbass.

But it is. That's my point. People think self inserting is "that's literally me XD" but that's incorrect.

It sounds like you actually can't read. Or you're a retard.

This fucking guy
Is this what we have to look forward to for these threads?

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If only this wasn't a Y7 show. I want to see Reggie accidentally get her first orgasm while playing like a spastic autist around the house and rubbing herself against a stair railing or something. I want to see Conelly stick her hand down Reggie's pants just to see the reaction of a nearly friendless loser who's never even held hands with someone before. I want to see Reggie crying because she's confused and scared about these things but also extremely aroused.

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You're confusing self-insertion for both empathy and sympathy, and mixing both of those words together.

I bet her moans are extremely cute

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No moaning, she makes high pitched little whimpers while trying to force herself not to.

>Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of another person. It goes beyond sympathy, which is caring and understanding for the suffering of others
Self insertion is empathy.

Just make 12 forever threads geared towards the show itself. an OP like this was just asking for all the wrong kinds of autism

>peebs and marcy
>korra and asami
>skout and brown chick
>blake and yang
>WE ARE THE CRYSTAL GEMS x3 at the BARE minimum
>jackie doesn't really count by season 4 but she was a main character at some point
>reggie and brown chick (allegedly)
>catra and adora (allegedly)
>anne and white girl (allegedly)
>cassandra (allegedly)
Not counting the allegeds and Jackie that's already 5 shows, upwards of 10 lesbian main characters. Counting the allegeds we're reaching like 15 main characters and a few extra on the side. There's probably at least one pair I've forgotten, too.

When I said main character I meant characters in the main cast, which I know you'll point to as backpeddling or something but it's what I was alluding to. Not specifically protagonist.

I hate the idea that tomboys aren't allowed to be straight. Fuck off with that idea.

Finished watching this show and I am really glad I gave this show a chance. The show was kind of hard to get into, but it had a really strong finish.

Does anyone else really love this shot from the theme song? I know the blue stuff is supposed to be ocean, but it looks like it's just Reggie and her little island, alone together in the abyss. So cheery but so isolated in her own little world and ironically it makes "Endless" Island look so tiny and confining.

>Nobody can remotely match Reggie in the special olympics.
That's not a good thing. To be honest, I really disliked Reggie at the start of the show but as I saw more of her now I just kind of want her to get her shit together so she can be happy with her friends and her family and her hipster waifu.


Autists and other people on the spectrum can't self-insert since the idea of identifying as other people is alien to them.

We learn that there are lands beyond Endless, so are there more islands like Endless, or are things more "normal" out there?

>implying you can't die from ass disease after your buttbuddy fills your butt full of AIDS

>Honestly, I'd rather watch Summer Camp Island.
Opinion discarded, even getting a root canal is better than watching Summer Cringe Island.

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Only Korra applies. PB and Marceline aren't the main characters, nor are the crystal gems. I don't know who skout, blake, and yang are, so they're too literal who to matter. Nice attempt.

>Most women are done growing in middle school
wherever you live, they're pumping something in the water

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>>implying you can't die from ass disease after your buttbuddy fills your butt full of AIDS
You know AIDS is also obtained from straight couples, right? There isn't a single MST specific to gays.

Self-insertion is beyond empathy, it means one needs to actually insert one's self (hence the fucking name) into the act in order to enjoy that. EMPATHY would mean that you can see two chicks, two dudes, ten dudes and ten chicks, whatever all going at it and be able to share with their emotional enjoyment, because you empathize with the emotions they are going through. Self-inserting means one has to place themself into one of the participants in order to empathize.

Straight people rarely get aids unless they're drug addicts

>the crystal gems aren't main characters
>in a series whose theme song starts "we are the crystal gems"
This isn't the only point you're wrong on but it alone is enough to completely invalidate your entire post. You're obviously trolling and / or retarded.

Or they do anal.

Still, it's really hard to get AIDs through PIV intercourse.

A majority of AIDS cases come from heterosexual couples in sub-saharan Africa.

Well africa is a third world dumpster so no wonder a bunch of dirty africans have aids

>in a series whose theme song starts "we are the crystal gems"
>in a show titled "Steven Universe"

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Fact remains. A majority of AIDS cases come from heterosexual couples in sub-saharan Africa.

Sorry user, your shitty sticc waifu and her two pals are not the main characters. They only exist to support Steven and his story. I'd especially love to see you try and explain why Garnet and Amethyst qualify as main characters.

Using the most extreme case isnt a good argument. It's like saying abortion should be legal so women can about their rape or incest babies

>tfw was hoping for a cute comfy thread to talk about /u/ in
>instead, anons are discussing statistics and AIDS and the health concerns of butt fucking

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The number of AIDS cases in the world are exponentially higher in sub-Saharan Africa, among heterosexual couples. They are also exceptionally high in Russia, again, among heterosexual couples, especially in places like Kaliningrad. You wanted the truth, don't run from it.

Anons, I'm not saying this isn't lez, but did you never have a pre-puberty crush? It's not about sex, you just think someone's really cool and go spaghetti around them. Reggie can have a girlcrush and not be gay, this is normal kid shit.

Anne threads are the best so far.

>now I just kind of want her to get her shit together so she can be happy with her friends and her family and her hipster waifu
Yeah Reggie can be grating and obnoxious but also enough of an underdog that you want to see her win for real, not some fantasy win. She has no idea she's been losing at life this entire time, even if she defeats yet another monster of the week. It's a pretty tragic thing to watch.

>Most extreme
>Majority of cases
Then it isn't extreme user

>trust me bro. mom always believe me, and so do you

>Straight people rarely get aids
False. The only reason gay male tended to get AIDS more was because they didn't use condom.

Straight people who don't use condom are just as likely to get AIDS.

Not quite true. Unprotected anal sex is more likely to spread it than unprotected vaginal sex, but obviously both are massively more likely than protected sex of either kind and it doesn't matter if you're assbanging a man or a woman.

That would actually work really well. Reggie would have to accept help from BW, the adult life, but the figuring it out in her own way of doing it besides BW’s killjoy way.

Pedophiles target easy to manipulate kids, yeah.

We’re on the same boat. Reggie gives me feelings and it makes me want to kms

To be fair lesbians are pretty awful people.

It was definitely gay.

>Fuck off with your Freudian mumbo-jumbo, I just want to rape children

She’s unapologetically autsitic. Honestly it’s brave.

t. gay guy

This really is irritating. I was called a tomboy all through school, but now liking sports is “coded male” and I’ve repeatedly had people try to push testosterone on me. To “unlock my true self”. Where did these people come from??

>We learn that there are lands beyond Endless, so are there more islands like Endless, or are things more "normal" out there?
It probably depends on who has "curated" them with their influence and contributions

You can look it up if you want.

why do women come here

Why does anyone?

People who had trouble coming to terms with themselves are always super eager to assume the same of others. It's like how I can't bang dudes without people insisting I'm gay.

That, plus most other female protagonists are portrayed as flawless and smarter, more capable than everyone else especially their male peers. It would be fine if it worked naturally for the characters, but it never is. Reggie is the complete opposite. She only looks cool and powerful on Endless Island. In the real world, she's a sad mess nearly beyond help, and 100% oblivious to it.

>here lies Reggie
>She never scored

Attached: smooth as sandpaper.png (1365x695, 537K)

This cult of gender essentialists just appeared overnight. They claim to be progressive but it just seems like they want to enforce rigid gender roles. The most fanatical of the bunch transition themselves and just act out stereotypes in the name of “passing”. It’s bizarre.

>I hate the idea that tomboys aren't allowed to be straight.
They are allowed to.

People assuming they are gay is due to stereotype built by straight people.

>and I’ve repeatedly had people try to push testosterone on me. To “unlock my true self”. Where did these people come from??
user, that was just your coach trying to make you cheat at competition.

I like comics and cartoons and insulting strangers

What do you mean? That very show has at least one gay couple on the fantasy island in form of the bodybuilder. Galaxander is clearly angling for gay dude. In other cartoons, too. Bow’s parents in She Ra are two gay dudes who adopt a lot.

>stereotype built by straight people
I don't disagree but I sure wish so many queer people didn't buy harder into it than any straight has ever done.

I assure you there's more than just one person that goes into She-Ra threads to talk about that they don't like that stuff.

Not with that attitude. After all, "this guy's the limit."

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fuck that brown girl is so fucking cute
>thicc eyebrows
does she take the position of "unattainable older crush" that you usually see in cartoons starring boys, like s1 adventure time and stuff?

I'm listening.

Watch the show
At the moment she’s chill and into some of Reggie’s antics, even asking for her help in workshopping her amateur filmmaking
Reggie just turns into a sputtering cauldron of autism the moment she walks into the room

>Watch the show
i dont have netflix or cable

Reggie’s powerlevel is so high she scares off the kid who wears a trench coat and cargo shorts to a school dance

>does she take the position of "unattainable older crush"
She's the one who approaches Reggie, twice. Our little autist just vomits spaghetti and flees everytime. So yes, she's unattainable because of Reggie.

He's saying male gays are always tertiary characters whereas lesbians are popular for significant cast members, nothing you said disputes that.

I posted a mega link

>maybe even considering it when her key starts glowing prominently
The Endless is an evil place and it doesn’t want Reggie to leave

You let this happen by tolerating those mentally ill tranny fucktards.

Only thing worse than a tranny is a kike nigger-chink crossbreed tranny faggot, am I right? Excuse me while I go fuck my sister.

It was literally written by a gay woman, retard.

Because the real problem with homoshit has always been a guy taking it up the ass or just being submissive in general. No one gives a fuck about dykes for the same reason no one gives a fuck about women

So do Adventure Time, Regular Show, Amphibia, Twelve Forever, etc. just not have main characters in your weird psycholand? Because they don't have any characters in their titles.

Do we just have to start using male and female in common parlance now in order to fully get across what we mean? Or are they going to start claiming that biology is wrong as well?

I never liked lesbians

Are you being retarded on purpose? I'm saying Steven is the title character of the show, and the one practically every episode focuses on. The gems are of course important characters in the show, but they're all a tier lower than Steven.

Yeah, no shit, the main cast is a tier lower than the literal fucking protagonist. It's not an ensemble show. They're STILL the main cast. Onion is a side character, Onion's mom is a side character, Blue and Yellow and White are side characters, the watermelon dudes are side characters. The crystal gems are not fucking side characters.

>the watermelon dudes are side characters.
Now you're just being silly. Or do you always think in binary?

isn't Bow extra plus gay on that and also there's a tranny princess

Oh yeah? Which one is the tranny then if you're so sure?

The difference between a "side" or a "minor" or a "nothing" or a "one-off" or fucking whatever is purely arbitrary AND semantic. Calling the Crystal Gems not main characters in a show which has their name in the first line of the theme song, the animation for that theme song containing at least Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst in high prominence alongside Steve, and the entire fucking plot of the show revolving around them (in relative contrast to the townies and other side characteyr, whose lives are of essentially no import), is utterly fucking ridiculous.

And regardless, your fucking stupid rhetoric isn't going to distract from the obvious truth that there is a much larger concentration of main / core / key / prominent lesbian characters in recent cartoons than their actual proportion in society AND that whatever you make of the disputed status of that proportion they certainly should not rival the fucking straight relationships of the same relative prominence. You being glib and pedantic doesn't make me wrong and you know it.

Mainstream media loves gay characters because they funny to write for. Cartoons tend to be more... theoretically equal, but shows with female main characters tend to have more romance, so more lesbians than boy-lesbians.

>The difference between a "side" or a "minor" or a "nothing" or a "one-off" or fucking whatever is purely arbitrary AND semantic.
It's not, but that's entirely beside the point.

Saying that the gems are not the main characters of Steven Universe does not relegate them to the same level of "the watermelon dudes" who live on an island completely removed from the show's setting.

It was just so strange, and it keeps happening. I wasn’t sure how to react

Representation. People bitch about how there's too many men in everything and want more women, so if a character is going to be added for diversity, you bet it's gonna be a woman for extra points.

Maybe watch the show before trying to post about it? There are no trannies and Bow is the most heterosexual male in the entire cast.

>And regardless, your fucking stupid rhetoric isn't going to distract from the obvious truth that there is a much larger concentration of main / core / key / prominent lesbian characters in recent cartoons than their actual proportion in society
And this is where I should point out that I'm not the user you were having this silly conversation with.
That aside however, I wonder if you feel the same way about the amount of lesbians in cartoons as you do the amount of wimpy kids standing up to their bullies.

Yet another user here, but the proportions bit can apply to a lot of things. Statistically should less cartoon teens grow up in a household with both biological parents? Should more of them consume drugs and alcohol on-screen? Should less of them survive until adulthood? Should there be more unwanted teen pregnancies, abortions and shotgun weddings?
Since the invention of television, shows have portrayed someone's fantasy of the world as it should be. All that has changed are the details of that unrealistic world.

>they certainly should not rival the fucking straight relationships of the same relative prominence
Why not?

>wimpy kids standing up to their bullies.
This is a pretty different issue. It's very cultural. You don't see the same things happening in Japanese or especially Chinese media. As a whole, Western media has had this theming for hundreds if not thousands of years. By contrast, the lesbian thing has been around for less than ten.

>silly conversation
While I believe you, this is also exactly the sort of thing that a fucking loser would say to try and save face after being utterly demolished in an argument and realizing they have no leg to stand on.

I understand the idea here but first of all realize that you're comparing being a lesbian (well, sexuality in general) to having a single parent, consuming drugs, dying young, and getting teen pregnant. There are very good reasons why few cartoons include that subject matter and if you're willing to use them as an analogy against lesbianism you have be be willing to suffer the consequences of the unfortunate comparison. I.E. Why are those things too mature for cartoons but being a lesbian isn't?

Well for one thing they're all terribly done. Even if you support lesbian representation in cartoons you shouldn't be supporting THIS lesbian representation because it's low-quality, detracts from the show, and only hurts the cause. Romances in cartoons are already touchy in terms of quality adding more girls to the mix hasn't improved anything. For another thing, or possibly an extension of the first, they're getting stale - people complain all the time about stale romance cliches, lesbians aren't immune. First girl wins, manic pixie dream girls, only getting together at the end of the series, the list goes on.

This all comes back to thematic cohesion. At the least we should assume that if a character's a lesbian that it is FOR A REASON. Nothing should exist in a story without a proper narrative reason. Romance is a pillar of storytelling. Romance "just because" isn't good storytelling.

>Most women are done growing in middle school
Explains why they're all so juvenile.

>due to stereotype built by straight people.
Stop blaming others for your shitty community causing the most harm to its own movement

Those are valid complaints, but mostly boil down to "lesbian romance is shit in the same way as straight romance". It's stale, sure. But lots of things are stale. The amount of bitching I hear over lesbians is out of all proportion.

>bad straight romance between characters with no build-up or chemistry
>obviously the writing is the problem
>bad gay romance between characters with no build-up or chemistry
>obviously homosexuality is the problem
I just don't get it, man.

>The amount of bitching I hear over lesbians is out of all proportion.
This is a publicity issue. I'm not going to make any particular judgments, but I will say that I think it'd be the "smart" move to cut back on lesbians for a while to build some goodwill with the community, and only return to the topic once you're sure you've got something that people will accept.

I understand that the actual reasons behind the trend are fairly benign (many queer writers joining the industry / getting their shows, simple author appeal, "good intentions"), but it comes off as a bit preachy and cultish when so many are happening at once, and the few bad apples like Zuke do spoil the impression of the bunch. Cartoons ARE public works and they ARE going to be subject to public criticism. That criticism can't just be ignored by handwaving it all as unnecessary outrage or insecurity or intolerance. People are people. They have feelings and they act on them. If you're willing to weather the storm then whatever but I think that they're just going to create more hate and animosity if they keep pushing and don't show a bit of goodwill.

Most large companies handle controversy by shutting up for a while and waiting for it to die down before quietly starting up again, and the whole LGBT / progressive / left-wing / whatever movement has never really learned that tactic. I'm sure there are reasons for that you could infer from the demographic (heavily middle-class white, especially females), but ultimately what it comes down to is the choice of strategy.

That's the risk you take when writing about something political. Not to sound harsh, but an adult writer in this day and age shouldn't be allowed to throw up their hands and say they "didn't expect it". Not to make any moral judgments, but ignorance of basic action-reaction suggests some level of stupidity or immaturity.

At the very least you can't say that the lesbianism is HELPING those romances.

Bump towards this shit thread dying

it makes no sense for straight people to hate gays but love lesbians
more gay = more girls available since they won't go after them

encouraging lesbianism is the epitome of stupidity
the more lesbians the less girls will be interested in you and woud rather make out with the same sex than with you

all you idiotic mongrels always support lesbians, and lesbians are way more prominent in cartoons/television than gays
it is your fault, all of you, you will see the consequences

Because people are finally waking up to the superiority of yuri

Never fails, any time this stupid subject comes up it's always "guys hate lesbians because it means less available women for them", it can't possibly be that they find most or all LGBT involved people they've seen or met annoying. This shit in turn literally supports that feeling. It almost never comes up, it's always some demonized reason you must not like them. I don't hate LGBT people on principal, I just know that most of them are insufferable. This board's users that defend them demonstrate it seemingly without even realizing it, by responding in that
>oh yes, how dare they be happy
kind of way. I feel like every single LGBT defender or involved person I have ever interacted with or seen posting has either had no self awareness or are cancerous in some other way. Not just here, and not just online.

Ignoring the mental illness shit or whatever I wonder if I will ever meet a down to earth nice LGBT type person in my life. One that doesn't flip their shit or resort to ad hominem any time they meet someone who thinks differently, or has to make it known about their troubles and who their are and what their group deals with. It's tiring as shit. It'd be cool if I met someone in that group who I never knew was, but I feel like that's relatively impossible.

Anyway this show sucks ass because the crew is shit. Making her a lesbian is like, one shit aspect among a million. It usually is always this way. I can't think of a time where a series made a character LGBT that didn't have issues from crew members with a mindset to do that. AT is a shining example, along with SU, but I guess that goes without saying.

If this gets a response I probably won't see it because I don't ever get someone who even understands what I mean even if they disagree. It's always the same hotblooded incel or tone shifting shit. I won't even bother to find an image for this.

This IS pasta, right?

I'm sure it like every other post with more than two sentences will turn into one, in these threads I've seen many original posts become it just to spite whoever made it and/or make it seem like they're spamming or shitposting it themselves.

Sea Hawk is straighter by virtue of having a confirmed girlfriend

I don't care about the publicity, the controversy, or even the criticism very much. But people - not yourself - sure do get a lot more worked up about it than is reasonable, and they ain't fooling anyone about why. It's tiresome how many posts on Yea Forums are devoted to this stuff.

>If this gets a response I probably won't see it
Write it in your fucking diary then

>Even if you support lesbian representation in cartoons you shouldn't be supporting THIS lesbian representation because it's low-quality, detracts from the show, and only hurts the cause.
>Making her a lesbian is like, one shit aspect among a million. It usually is always this way.
It's funny how all these anons bitching about cheap lesbian inclusion are assuming it's "obviously" the case for OP's pic. You clearly haven't watched the show. It's dealt with in a way that sets up yet another interesting challenge for the main character among all the other shit she's headed for. Being a lesbian makes up 5% of her personality, imagine that. This show isn't even being hyped up as SO WOKE LGBEES REPRESENTATION like SU and nuShera are. If I had to pick a single cartoon out of the entire pile that isn't shit about it, it's this one. Out of all of them. I could care less about an SU movie and final season, seeing anymore of tranny dyke-ra, seeing any future Korra material or PB/Marceline material or any of the other token lesbian Yea Forums stuff I'm forgetting. I'd trade them all just for one more season of Twelve Forever.

Attached: hayyy guuurl.jpg (783x548, 218K)

>if you watched it you would absolutely have to love it, the only way you can not like it is if you haven't seen it

Sure that's what I said. It's got flaws but purely for the sake of OP's claim, it's untrue and towers over all the other shows in this regard. I wasn't even interested in this show and only gave it a chance because its threads here are somehow better at marketing than netflix's entire advertising department.

I never understood why normies think lesbians are great. There's literally nothing worse.

her family actually seems well endowed, they just havnt grown in yet

I'm tired of fags being included in everything. Tranny propganda


When does the show get good? Butt Witch literally goes from being introduced as a fun, cool character to causing a minor inconvenience before fucking off for the rest of the episode.

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She shows up occasionally, and when she does it's always a blast. The show gets deeper midway.

>netflix's entire advertising departmen
Ouch. I wish they'll do it justice later, because reception seems great.

She showed up in Esther forever, caused a minor inconvenience because the plot demanded it, then fucked off for the rest of the episode for no reason.

>The show gets deeper
But does it get better? The first several episodes are dull. I don't care about lore, lore is just questions about the show that could have been answered, but the answers are deliberately withheld until later just to bait you.

Lore and feels are often confused as with depth by retards.

Endless, as I see it, is some sort of dimension where people can influence it with their minds, and may be outright made due to the ideas and emotions of reality. It can even be like Chaos from Warhammer in this regard. It would explain why everything is so nonsensical, since the totality of human consciousness would be madding to see.

No, not like that, but with characters having more depth and the story being more refined. Reggie is a prime example.

I mean, questions and implications of the setting are raised, so "deepest lore" is still a thing, but it's mostly in the background and helps with the story's theme.

So it stays boring then? I'll pass.

>tfw I keep trying to like this show and I just keep hating it
I just wanted to join the fun.

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No one unironically wants to imagine some dude sticking his dick up another dude's pooper

>liking older girls

Hey user, if you don't like it, you're not obliged to stay. If it doesn't hook you in with first episode, then perhaps its not for you.

>You may think I'm a loser in real life
>But in Endless. You're the loser

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>Autism Reggie is so kickable.
Isn't she always like that?

Show's kind of a slow boil. It starts picking up as her friends start getting sick of Reggie's shit over the course of several episodes in the second half of the show, and their negative emotions contribute to the Butt Witch's rise back to power.

Which makes me think, now that the kids now that that is how the Butt Witch becomes more powerful, if Reggie will be in situations that are unpleasant for her, but she's forced to deal with them because escaping to Endless would just empower the Butt Witch and put her friends in danger, so her presence there cuts her off from her safe space.

Or an episode about Butt Witch or some other monster escaping endless and Reggie and co have to deal with it while being powerless.

At least you gave it a chance.

>I got two personalities...
>Nicest girl you'll ever meet...
>And twisted fucking maniac!

Well, it's really about some loser girl learning to be mature, and if you don't like that, then perhaps its not for you. The action scenes, while pretty okay, are more like icing.

Reggie would makes those kinds of pictures. She may already have done it.

Yes. Most people just ironically imagine that.

I like Ester and Todd. I thought they're were kinda annoying early on, with me thinking Todd to be somewhat generic, but they really evolve later on.

So, by rough statistics, being white isn't normal. Neither is being male as there's a higher female population completely excluding trannies. But seeing as you are moving goalposts as shown here It's just that you're stupid.

I want to FUCK Pretty Please!

Attached: Pretty_Please.PNG.png (519x891, 492K)

I really do wanna cum on Reggie’s face.

>not wanting to fuck Borbo
Get da fuck outta here

I also want to do illicit, morally questionable actions with Reggie.

...I'm not gay, and Borbo fugly. How can you not want to pound Pretty Please into sexual squeaky toy?

They also have far more money to spend on entertainment, because they both earn more and spend less on other things

Or they relate to tomboy characters and feel characters like them would share their sexuality

Do you think she has a panty to pair with that robot-patterned bra of hers?

>ywn plop your glop in Reggie's undies
>ywn see her shiver at your slimy surprise

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Connelly’s design looks like something from Nu-Ducktales but I can’t exactly pinpoint WHY

Is Reggie gross enough to like it?

She had a collection book of scabs for years user, cum would be pretty low tier. I could see her tasting it out of curiosity and spitting it almost instantly due to the taste. She must have a infantile palate so anything like that would revolting in that sense.

*revolting to her*

Considering she holds onto a lot of stinky clothes/plushies, Reggie may have the beginnings of some truly degenerate fetishes, like smegma and scat.

>you will never see a cartoon without lesbians in it ever again
How does this make you feel?

Yeah that's nice and all but where is the porn of the brown girl?

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Her lack of hygiene is mostly due to her immaturity than anything I believe. A incessant need to cling to the past, and for things to remain static I figured.

I don't really see the appeal of her much. Then again, I'm attracted to the autismo so what do I know?

What kind of cartoons do you like then, user?

user seems like a fan for action shows, and doesn't really care for the relationships in shows.

Willing to bet it was caused by her father leaving. If she doesn't wind up a lesbian hoarder, Reggie'll probably develop daddy issues, the dark path to THOTdom.

Worst character on the show? How would you fix him/her?

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I could see that. She didn't really seem to change much appearance wise since that age, aside from size. Behavior seems largely the same too.

I just don’t like most of the island people. They’re unpleasant to look at and listen too
Delete and try again

Go home, Butt Witch. You're drunk.

I wonder what's her real name. Maybe it's uber normal, like Jennifer.

There's a theory that it's Regina, as she represents Reggie's internal fear of growing up.

Yeah but she has moments like that scene and pic related where she goes full turbo autism. I want to bully her so badly and make her cry.

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Well its obvious that Butt Witch is some kind manifestation concerning adulthood, I believe her to be a entity that was already present well before Eleven came along.

I wish they did more moments like this. Buttwitch makes everything better.

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Yea Forums went from being gay to being /pol/ in 10 years time. SAD!

Maybe the problem is that nobody really goes out and bully her. Bullying is bad, sure, but at least it helps teaching her social norms. Everyone must've ignored her or talked behind her back, which may be even worse.

Kinda wish Roger had stayed that way. So some character growth could happen. Consequences between the three of them.

Like staying there for a week started to really damage them. Which makes it possible some of those were real people at some point.

I am too lazy to search right now but one of the show's writers tweeted about semen making great skin moisturizer. It's a fair bet Reggie would love a facial from user. She also loves anime so you know she'll only get freakier as she gets older.

I wonder how the show would do with her inside the cage. I guess she could just escape and resume being the main villain but perhaps they'll introduce a new villain and Eleven would need the aid of the Witch to help fend off the new threat. Since Butt Witch, at least from a narrative sense, represents a sort of "dark side" to Regina. The monster within the character. A character learning to wield the powers of the beasts while maintain their sense of right is a huge thing in fiction since forever so maybe something like that would happen.

Reggie doesn't even seem to shower regularly, I doubt she'll like it for that. That fits Ester more than anything.

All newly created islanders have stated their name in the first line they speak since bursting from the ground. Buttwitch's first words were just "Full grown".

I guess its fits her? Makes sense as much as anyone's else.

I cant think of anyone where that was the case compared to ones like
Brown roger who doesn’t even “talk”, Guy Pleasant, or Sadmantha

the online store still refers to her as butt witch, even though they sell a "full grown" shirt, so i think her real name is still a mystery.

If Gwen were to enter Endless, do you think she'll get a supernatural themed power? A user in a previous thread pointed out that her last outfit greatly resemble the main guy in Danny Phantom.

Attached: Vamp.jpg (1280x716, 171K)

between her regular clothes and vaguely gothic lolita outfit for the party, I could see it

Reggie is strength, Ester has mobility and utility, and Todd has versatility. Maybe she'll get a power that'll her operate like a scalpel, unlike the "hammer" of the others. Perhaps possession.

So they are going gay now?
Too bad, I kinda liked the show.

You'd know the answer if you'd actually watched the show and weren't just pretending to be outraged

Haven't reached that episode yet.
But knowing now that they are going gay just to be inclusive I'll drop it.

It's handled well user, believe me.

>gay just to be inclusive
Adios, you will not be missed

Sorry buddy, but there is no "handled well" in cartoons now days, likethe gay parents in She-Ra.
Now say it again without crying.

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If Reggie and Conelly actually get together, would the show be willing to portray actual gay bullying? That one executive producer seemed to confirm Conelly is gay but terrified of backlash. Hooking her up with someone like Reggie would put her in range of Reggie's neon flashing "Please bully me!" sign. Reggie would not be subtle. I also really want to see Reggie get her ass kicked in the real world

Maybe it turns out Cornelly is a huge bitch to her.

that was literally fanfiction of how they could make the show as gay as possible if the sole purpose was to anger people like this very thread
shadi never wrote for the show


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Her fanfiction parts are for Shane. She mentioned Conelly as if it's an existing characterization of hers. I could be reading too much into a sjw tweet though.

>doesn't actually plant the kiss herself
what a fuckin ripoff

Regina is kinda gross, to be fair.

I’d like it more if the art style was less weird
I’m not into seeing two beige cubes mack on each other

Hey, at least it's the typical "cal-arts" style.

That would be hot but i don't see it happening. She's been very open and nice to her so far. Also now dumping BW to clean the remaining stink off this thread before it dies.

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based user

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>doesn’t appreciate abstract cubist art
Literal plebian

*it's not*

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