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This episode pissed me off because we never ever find out who ran over Brian
It was you, user. Don't you remember?
it was Quagmire
"Brians's dead?
Don't blame me. This is just a damn cartoon.
It was Qegmare
Oh my gawd, Petah!
Our dog, Brian Griffin, is dead!!
Oh shit, Brian can't hear you cause he's wearing his air pods
I can't believe deoxys is fucking dead
>they're all hunched in EXACTLY the same position
this shouldn't bother me as much as it does
Fucking this. Does anyone have that "how to draw like seth mcfarlane" image because it's perfect for this
Noticed this too
Also Meg and Chris's arms looks really off
if they get upset or laugh they always put their hands in that position
shits ridiculous
Perished! Never to return.
>occupation: assassin
>power/skills: driving
>hobby: driving
Remember the guy who got a RIP tattoo of Brian after this episode?
This asinine shit always gets a chuckle out of me
Reminder that Brian was dead for literally two weeks.
Could be referring to the 2 times the show was cancelled
Holy crap Lois
When I die, I want to have an open casket wake and have my body positioned in the Seth MacFarlane death pose
>someone has to print that image to explain to everyone that shows up