What is a kids cartoon that actually had good advice on how to deal with a bully?
What is a kids cartoon that actually had good advice on how to deal with a bully?
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And none of the old advice works anymore thanks to the retarded zero-tolerance shit most schools enforce nowadays, where you can get fucking expelled for defending yourself against a bully.
Not even just defending any more. If you do nothing the school will just see you as the problem. It's just easier to get rid of the kid who gets beaten up than trying to deal with the bully.
This comic hurts me
I can't wait for the backlash of this mentality to finally hit into effect.
>Old advice doesn’t work
Sure it does, beat the shit out of your bully, get suspended for ten days, and he will stop bullying you when you get back.
>and what he said just sounded so fucking gay
>jeez dude your dad is a huge pussy, I aught to bully him instead.
It's a vicious cycle that'll get crime rates higher than ever.
>get suspended for ten days
Try "get expelled."
It already is, hence why we see so many mass shootings in America.
Amerimutts don't know how to raise their fucking kids.
Depends, which cartoon tells you to get your friends together and jump him after school?
Does King of the Hill count as a kids cartoon?
What did Bobby wrong again?
There was one
At a glance, I thought he was flipping off the kid.
based Russian/Chinese user
>Get expelled for fighting
Hello baby boomer
I'm 23.
When's the last time you were in school?
Kids got fucking arrested by actual cops with actual guns for fighting where I live, and most of them got expelled.
Christ where do you live
Pick any mid-sized (120k population) or larger American city.
That's what public school is like in all of them.
With Ted Wasonasong? Nothing. If some guy and his friends are trying to force you to eat dirty you have the free and clear to give that fucker a cashew blast. Afterwards when Bobby was out looking for excuses to give people squirrel taps he was being a dick.
Not really, it varies wildly depending on the school district. Where I live is still sane, while if you go out into the suburbs it's full-on zero tolerance retardation.
I mean, does the age matter?
I mean in Germany they call the cops if they are over 14 and started punching each other, but that almost never happens in the first place.
If they are 12, they just wait for somebody to go down, and then call the parents, give them a F to ruin their average, or just yell at the kids.
And which mid-sized American city do you live in?
All the ones I've been in or heard of have similarly retarded rules.
>I mean, does the age matter?
Not really, I live in a bonafide shithole so I've seen 6th graders get arrested for fighting.
good lord
I mean I love you American dudes but you have some fucked up aspects about your country.
Unironically Horse with the s1 catbird episode.
Meh, I stopped caring, just like everyone else.
No one gives a fuck anyways, it's all just posturing and whining about nonsensical shit so you might as well just ignore it.
>Getting caught in the first place
Just make sure you find a window where the teachers aren't watching, then kick him in the balls hard. Five seconds and you'll be saved years of trouble.
Getting expelled >>>>>>> being a victim
Hell, there was that recent story about that one handicapped kid recording his bully picking on him for proof, because none of the faculty would listen to him, and they punished him for it.
Yea Forums has lots of experience with bullies, but no good advice in how to deal with them, so asking them to recognize good advice is really beyond their capacity.
Not really, having to choose between ruining my life and being a victim is fucked, but I'd rather not fuck up literally my one and only 60-80 years on this planet because of some annoying cunt(s).
In a perfect world I'd be able to just get some buddies and jump them back, but that's not allowed anymore.
Hence why most kids end up just waiting until after school and fucking each other up then, where they're more likely to get even more hurt, or just fucking shoot/stab one another.
What? What the fuck would they even punish him for?
Unauthorized recording on government property.
The best modern show with good bully advice isn't a cartoon
and it's called COBRA KAI
Doesn't that end with everyone getting fucked up and the main kid getting crippled?
Parents don't have the backbone and speaking skills to contest half the shit Principals and Administrators try to put on the kids.
I was a shithead with anger issues growing up, and in the fourth grade when I was having a tantrum, the teacher tried dragging me out of the class and I accidentally kicked her. She tried suing my parents and the school opened a case where they interviewed me and my family to see if I needed to be sent to juvie and worse case scenario, if I needed to be taken away from my family.
Luckily my dad wasn't brain-dead, and he brought up the point that the teacher shouldn't have put her hands on me to begin with. Yeah, I got the ass beating of a lifetime and grounded for a month after the fact, but that was a much better alternative than just expelling a child for being stupid.
Reminder that freedom of speech gets revoked among someone throwing "fighting words" at you. Which means you can legally beat the shit out of someone making fun or teasing you because of that. Not only that but school is private property which means if the school DOES expel you for that, you can counter sue them for boatloads and violating first amendment rights.
By today's standards, nothing. Kids who play hardass love to fight dirty. He would just be fighting fire with fire.
I graduated high school 3 years ago
It already has, there's alot of school shootings caused by this.
It's about balance user
Bully specials always terrified me as a kid. They almost always end with the a solution that doesn't actually apply to real life, like Harold becoming Arnold's good friend between episodes, The accent hating kid from Dexter smashing his face against a statue or Spongebob being immune to physical harm.
I think the worst though was when the bully just gets written off. Like, if you encounter an asshole as school, you are just going to have to deal with them till you're no longer at the same school.
The irony is with all this built up fear and paranoia I never actually had to deal with bullies growing up. At least not the kind that would target specific people or become physically confrontational.
get video evidence and shame everyone who doesn't support you into submission
the bully gets expelled and definitely gets hounded through out his life
Literally everyone has a camera
There's no excuse for bullying nor is there any excuse for not reporting it
I lived in Ohio growing up and witnessed similar shit. Then again we also had a highschool security guard get one of the students pregnant, so maybe it was worse off there than usual.
>how to deal with a bully?
I miss the old days. You had beef, you fought and fought until you either won or lost, but in the end, you made a friend depending on what the fight was over. And your bond was tighter than most. What the fuck happened to society?
this isnt a shounen anime.
a serious fight wont always result in a friendship.
See Schools literally don't give a shit, they don't care about fixing the problem or justice, they just care about making it GO AWAY.
The fact that you're getting the shit kicked out of you is irrellevent to them, if you force the issue that makes them have to do work and its easier if you just take it and don't speak up for them.
If you DO force the issue that embarrasses the faculty, and they'll punish you for it.
The fuck kind of ideal world do you live in? If two kids got physically confrontational at my highschool, they would just get physically confrontational against the next time they saw each other. Specially girls who got into physical fights. It would just escalate regardless of who won.
>What is a kids cartoon that actually had good advice on how to deal with a bully?
Jackie Chan Adventures
Beat the shit out of them repeatedly until they leave you alone?
To expound on this, mind you I'm a mulatto. I've been called a nigger, uncle tom, most the time a spic because people assume I'm spanish. I've fought alot of people, and more times than not, I became friends with alot of people because of it. Sure I got suspended, or detention because it wasn't my fault, but kids/teens formed bonds after sharing fists. Now everyone's so fucking scared to fight. To me, it's part and parcel, if I'm using the term correctly, why young adults go crazy and kill each other, or themselves. I'm 31, but it wasn't so long ago where people beat their kids to force the right mind set, or let their kids fight. Hell, I left my hands in my pocket one time and let a spanish kid wail on my face to prove a point (i was the edgy, token black with metal friends), and when he came back from suspension, we were good friends until he blew his brains out over a cheating gf at 19. Everyone's so scared of confrontation. No ones allowed an outlet for anger or hatred, so no one grows. I'm probably just high, but not being able to fully express yourself, in all aspects, weither it's an old fashioned slug out, is ruining people.
The worst I ever saw was actually in an anime. Accel World I think? The solution was just to trick the bully into hitting the main character when people were around, getting him expelled. Really seemed like the bully would just kick his ass later, probably with the added motivation of vengeance.
Where the fuck in the world is that true? Where do you live? Obviously they would reprimand the bully, they don't want parents to get involved and believe it or not teachers are not actually all cunt bags. I remember my principle running out to a soccer field a couple blocks from our school to stop a fight and even police getting involved and giving talks to troubled kids.
>Specially girls who got into physical fights
You may have noticed that males and females are different, especially during/after puberty. Men and women handle violence and social interaction differently, on average. Generally speaking, if two males fight over something relatively unimportant, that settles the issue, and things are peaceful until some new disagreement escalates to that level (which is less likely to happen now that they know who won the last time they fought). Women tend to hold grudges that escalate with each negative interaction. A practical upshot of this is that a group of men who don't like each other can still work together and be productive, while if you put a group of women together for an extended length of time, conflicts will develop even if there weren't any to start with.
Honestly, being denied education due being a huge piece of shit is a big enough punishment in the long term. Good luck graduating from middle school when you missed a week's worth of all your core classes.
Nice quads, but you're wrong. Men remember "disrespect" very sorely and will hate the person who beat the shit out of them on sight and want to get even with them.
That anti-bullying month campaign had to be the dumbest shit they tried really hard to push back when I was in high school. It seems to still be a thing but less forced nowadays.
I only got in trouble for defending myself once. 3 girls held me down and tried to suffocate me by placing industrial foam over my face and I stripped the top off one to get her to cover herself so I could get space to break free and escape.
Every other time I ended up in a fight in my teens I made a point to "run away" (never at max speed because I was generally never trying to get away) past as many people as possible while causing as much damage as possible to my pursuers with shit like sudden stops into back kicks or throws (preferably into other pursuers) or ye olde swing away on the gym climbing rope into a flying kick on the backswing. Genuinely cannot believe that last shit worked, but I bowling pinned 3 fuckers into a wall with that trick.
Another thing you can do is dodge across furniture and then kick or jostle the furniture as other people try to clear it so they fall badly if they don't go around.
As for how to deal with bullies, I prefer the violent approach. Get people pissed enough to jump you, lead them on a protracted chase where you get them injured as fuck, and mock them as they lie on the ground, and then fuck off. Fuck people up bad enough and they won't think you're worth it. The downside to this plan is if you DON'T fuck people up bad enough you're likely to get surprise tackled and beat to shit if they catch you alone so you genuinely have to fuck a motherfucker up if they go after you. Just make sure you have witnesses that at the least think they see you trying to get away while you do it. Remember, it's not a "fight" if you just kicked or threw people off you...into walls, people, and furniture...over and over again until they couldn't stand.
I got into trouble for defending myself exactly one time.
But, to be fair, I smashed the other kid's head into a brick wall. So yeah, I kinda deserved it. I went too far.
Well. Two times, but the second time I was verbally defending myself against a teacher.
Actually, that's not true. I got in trouble in elementary school for busting a kid's lip open with a headbutt when he grabbed me from behind. Forgot about that. I told the fucker to let go. Also got in trouble in Scouts for again chipping a kid's tooth with a headbutt, but that was a friendly brawl. Of the 3 I think the headbutt in elementary school was the most severe punishment, though I don't remember what it was. I think I missed out on a recess or something. The other two were just chewing outs.
I am pretty sure that in Japan if you're expelled from school you just commit sudoku.
Is this an RP thread?
That's only true in poor districts.
It was in Pennsylvania.
If everyone just listened to Bugs, the world would be Veidt's wet dream!
People shit on it but this is actually pretty decent advice, at least as a first attempt
Most kids are totally unprepared for something like that, more often than not kids that are being jerks aren't doing it out of true malice, at least at relatively young ages like that. Get them alone away from peer pressure and the need to perform for a crowd and straight up ask them why and tell them it's really shitting up your life and a lot of the time that will have been the first time they actually encounter the idea that their actions have serious effects on others.
If it doesn't work, you go through the proper channels to have a reliable fallback excuse, and then when that doesn't work you hit them in the back of the head with a 2x4
I did all of this as a weird kind of autistic loner who moved 3 times in elementary, but the last one only once because the first was actually pretty successful
Why do men commit more school shootings than women or kill their exes because they're bitter fucks
Male honor is a lie
And since that produces a dysfunctional society, those men are typically not the ones who make the rules.
...but that shit actually happened. I was bullied out of Boy Scouts (3 older kids regularly tried to beat the shit out of me, I held my but just barely and I drew the line after I had to stave them off with a pool cue from the bumper pool table while they came at me with their own and chairs), took up self defense at a local gym (which proved largely useless as I mostly fought dirty by that point), and got in regular fights at that same local gym because the kids that hung out there were scoundrels. First fight there was 3 kids stole some of my shit and then jumped me when I accused them. That was the rope swing. After that my mouth would get me into almost 1 fight a week because I just stopped taking shit from people and the crowd there did not take kind to being talked back to.
The foam was a block from the foam pit they had there. One particularly bad fight involved me getting my foot caught in a tramp and 4 girls bouncing on the thing to saw off part of my toe while laughing. Ripped my bloody toe out with just a flesh wound and kicked their asses for that.
Men commit shootings because they're often bitter assholes who have no one to turn to. Men are routinely mocked for seeking help of any kind, especially by women.
*unsheathes katana part way* You talk far, far too much for a puny Lowborn...
Marshal your words with greater care or my boredom may manifest as rage!
>Source: Male Menopause
They should've listened to Jackie. He didn't want no trouble.
>but no good advice in how to deal with them
There is no good advice frankly, if you're being bullied by someone bigger than you and don't have a group of friends who can back you in a fight then you're pretty much fucked.
Get a teacher/parent involved? Only makes things worse
Fight him? He'll kick your ass, and everyone around you will just watch and laugh at the nerd getting his shit pushed in
Talk to him? He'll laugh at your gay ass shit and then kick your ass
Avoid him? Yeah, like he's just gonna forget you exist
Face it user, all this anti-bullying shit is pretty much just a bunch of hippy teachers looking for ways to pat themselves on the back without actually helping anyone.
This was more
>Give me back the pokemon game you stole
>My friends and I say I didn't steal your Pokemon game
>Fuck you, give it back
>*punch up*
>Okay, you can have your fucking game back
That's it. You've set me off.
*growls as Chi energy slowly gathers around him*
*the waves build and build until a crown of blazing light white surrounds him*
ULTIMATE ATTACK.... *energy collects in his katana*
VIRGIN WAVE!!!!! *kills you utterly, leaving no trace*
>Beat the shit out of them repeatedly until they leave you alone?
There is one, SUE, play the money jewish game, fuck the school they will side with you when you play the law card
finally, some good fucking advice
So if you lack the money to have the clout to sue...?
Plenty of attorneys will work on contingency. Unless you're in a well-off district, most school districts don't have the spare cash to deal with lawsuits.
Is it genuinely hard to believe someone had a fucked up childhood in America? I've been stabbed in the hand with scissors. I've been hit in the face with a bench (broken nose and a concussion). One time I cold cocked a guy with a bar stool as he was coming out of a bathroom because he would not stop sucker punching me in the side every time he saw me as a game (somehow managed to catch him yawning and I was thrusting with it so I actually caught him in the back of the mouth with the leg). Violence happens.
america is a circus
Can someone find the creator of this comic and kick his ass in front of his son.
>I've been stabbed in the hand with scissors
I know someone who got stabbed in the knee with a pencil.
Two people actually. A teacher and another student, different people each time too.
Is this a mutt thing?
We still been doing this in europe
((Are you OOC right now? Because I killed you.))
Anti-bullying campaigns are the biggest joke in history, not to mention they’re three generations too late.
It's not every school district really. Rich white schools don't see fighting and cop-based escalation. Everyone (teachers, administrators, cops, parents) is just buying coke from the cool kids.
a billion hours wasted in gimp
>this doesn't have anything in it Yea Forums
They don't want the parents involved because the parents are, at best, loud with a lot of free time. At worst, you're dealing with a local or state politician's kid, and these parents will absolutely bury a teacher or administrator.
What happens when you're bully is the son of the Mayor?
In what universe did that castrated guy grew up to believe that shit would ever work, at all?
I hope she was hot and not the typical easy obese pig that sleep with anything.
One of my fondest memories was when my highschool teacher called my grandfather to tell him I'd been in a fight. He told her that not only did he not care, he told me to fight back.
Shame these days everyone panics at a little scrap.
>Try "get expelled."
Never happens and my cousin knocked the kids front teeth out. He was out for 2 weeks and came back to some after school detention.
That only applies to white people though
>What the fuck happened to society?
You stopped living in a fucking fantasy and finally joined it.
He went mad with power, starting fights in order to kick kids he didn't like in the balls. Then he tried to physically intimidate his father and tried the same move that hospitalized his dad on his mom
Man, Blood Meridian was really fucked up.
1) He started going after it on purpose.
He WAS wrong, but not for the reason Hank thought he was.
It's like this in NYC too
Pretty sure that's that "Toxic Masculinity" thing tumblr's always talking about.
>Be Mexican/Irish/Russian/Polynesian
>Jump the fucker.
See You either shut up and deal with it for years, or do something about it and get punished. BUT there is an alternative people have recently been turning to; a way to do something about the bully and NOT get punished! Hell, might even punish the faculty. All you need is a little bit of faith, good hand eye coordination, and a gun. It's called a school shooting, and according to the news, there are 0 ways to stop it except getting rid of all guns forever.
Ged's exist.
>if anyone bullies you just right back! Beat them up!
>Watch my brother raise my nephew with this policy
>Nephew grows up to be a belligerent cunt who will threaten violence at the drop of a hat if you do anything he doesn't like
>Gets into fights so often he changes school twice before being put into a referral unit for troubled youths
There's a reason you don't teach children to resolve their problems with violence, because they're goddamn children and don't have the same depth of understanding an adult does.
alternate interpretation:
>teach kid to fight back when assaulted
>ends up with many fights because school is rotten
more common than you'd think
"Ha ha user you are very funny and edgy."
There, is that what you wanted to hear, kid?
Steven Universe
That just sounds like your brother half assed everything after defending yourself.
Holy shit. Fighting back doesn't make you a bastard automatically unless your family isn't teaching you kindness.
Have sex.
One instance of this and I'd agree with you. Two I could understand. But pattern of behaviour in and around school over an extended period makes it hard to believe it was always his environment that made him this way.
Pretty much. However to give my brother and nephew their due, brother had to raise two kids as a single parent working full time with no government assistance because pay outs are for mothers only.
On top of that the mother was an undiagnosed basket case that only showed herself after pregnancy, then vanished from her children's lives to go do heroin.
So yeah, more to it than just misapplication of self defense. But still, don't teach your kids stuff like "if someone hits you, hit them back twice as hard".
He's right though
When I was bullied as a kid back in the early 2000s, I once tried keeping a record of it in a notebook so I'd have something to show the faculty that this was an ongoing issue and I needed help. When I showed it to them they confiscated it and gave me detention for keeping a shit list. That was pretty typical of how they treated the issue.
On the plus side, being relentlessly bullied as a kid builds character.
So basically, everything was already not in this kids favor and your brother just added to the dumpster fire?
Look. You have to avoid turning your kids violent or into bullies but make sure they'll stand up for themselves and others. It's hard but better than raising victims and cowards.
Never had to defend myself from bully's because I'm 6 foot 6 and not a pussy I was popular and people liked me. Feel sorry for you all though.
And yet you post on Yea Forums.
Eh, i live in Finland and i have seen same shit happen in here but then again i lived in shithole part of town where most of people were either alcholics or druggies and you would have hear police sirens every night.
That advice is basically inviting the bully to beat the kid up without any adult within earshot.
Everything in this comic is counter advice.
I assumed that being a comic it was telling a funny, for laffs
My teacher kicked me in the fifth grade. Well, the table I was sitting behind, but close enough. He asked me a question I forgot, for some reason I refused to answer, and then he kicked the table quite hard and stormed out. Whole class was quiet and I started sobbing to myself. I was a pretty shit kid but obviously kicking kids won't solve a thing.
Some people shouldn't be teachers.
Life with Louie was realistic in that regard. Sure, Glenn Glenn was occasionally humiliated, but he was a constant presence.
better grow up taking a few half kicks than growing up like OP's artist and dying stabbed in a dark alley because you tried to talk with a bunch of junkies asking for his boots.
Nah man, that teacher was just a shithead plain and simple. A kick in the stomach from a classmate might teach you how to not be a shithead, but not from a teacher. I've had other elementary teachers who were much better at dealing with me and I didn't misbehave in their classes as a result.
That's what I feel like the "fight back" people are missing. Bullies usually don't just flat-out beat the shit out of you, it's constant lower-grade violent harassment and flipping out and bodyslamming them isn't a long-term solution (unless it goes viral) because you can't just keep doing it. If you fight back, you get yourself into shit with the faculty. Kids are smart at finding ways to make other kids' lives miserable, and teachers just deal with what they see, if that.
Indoctrination is a hell of a drug. Poe's Law applies to a wider and wider domain each year.
Ask him the pronunciation of Chowder.
king of the hill
>hanks advice is to stand up to your bully
>bobby avoids getting bullied alltogether by being so fucking friendly everyone likes him
i stand by both
>black kids dont shoot each oyher every fucking day
Black shootings are typically gang violence and are contained in those gangs' areas, school shootings can happen anywhere where there is a frustrated white kid in school, it's just random and haphazard and there is almost never a specific target, just wanton murder.
>its not violence, its just gang violence
>it doesnt matter since it only happens in gang areas
and yet black kids are shooting each other and fucking dieing every day and nobody cares
to think my mom managed to be worse than that.
? Who are you responding to? You're quoting something nobody said.
Fuck it I'm going to ask this here.
Alright bullying by teasing I get. Physical bullying is something I genuinely don't get. The stories I've heard as an adult of kids being physically bullied seem bizzare to me because in any of those situations despite being a loner loser, I'd have people who'd back me up because you got to look out for each other because everyone's parents were from the same place. Or they were deemed honorary members of that group. And it was the same going the other way. People called the one kid everyone knew was gay a faggot but holy shit did the exchange student who shoved him get fucked up almost casually.
It's shitty tribalism but don't people look out for each other because of stupid shit like that?
What? A week of class is nothing, you can easily recover from this if your study more after school for the month after
Even better when the bully's friends record it and then post it online on how the bully got owned by the bullied, hard.
Like the Richard Gale midget ratperson trying to hit the bigger guy Casey Heynes, punching him a few times while egged on by his friends, until Casey Heynes just picks up the little twerp and throws him on the ground.
Man, that little shitty Australian boy Richard Gale was so pathetic, and deserves to be forever reminded how ugly and weak he is.
Forever humiliated.
Shit. some of my earliest memories is my father teaching me "Jab, Jab, Cross".
well said
Holy shit that's awful advice even by this soibois standards
>telling your son to go somewhere isolated with his bully where no one is around to see if the bully beats the shit out of him
How the fuck did this even make it to print
Horse Show, though it wasn't directly about bullying, but when Fluttershy stood up to the minotaur who wanted her money
What do you think, genius
>don't know how
It's a vicious cycle where the media of the mid-20th century was dominated by figures that encouraged the youth to ignore their elders. Boomers revolted, Gen X dropped out. The advice given to them by the GI generation and Silent generation was ignored. Boomers got away with it because of the post-war economic boom, Gen X got badly grazed by the dotcom bubble. Millennials and Zoomers are just utterly fucked by the post-USSR world- their parent generations are incompetent retards who never listened to their own parents and hence never knew how to parent properly and just assumed things would work out because they lived in enough economic boomtimes that they assumed that was the norm. But housing costs are too high and the young don't know how to invest for retirement because they weren't taught, so there is no easy solution there.
The question is how Millennials and Zoomers raise their own kids, knowing that the world is harder than Boomers/Xers made it seem and knowing that they need to teach their kids how to survive instead of just hoping the public schools pick up the slack.
No? Maybe in your incestuous community, but I think it's more likely you're just fucking clueless and you didn't see it happening.
Why is it that when a bunch of black dudes jump somebody in a world star video other white dudes don't jump in?
Asians also commit school shootings
>the more you know
>you got to look out for each other because everyone's parents were from the same place
What place? Same street, Church, workplace, former country?
In my part of America, the buses will be pulling in kids from all over the school district which can encompass several towns in the county.
I couldn't even tell you what my neighbors looked like as a kid, we had so little contact with them.
Those connections just do not exist.
>No ones allowed an outlet for anger or hatred, so no one grows. I'm probably just high, but not being able to fully express yourself, in all aspects, weither it's an old fashioned slug out, is ruining people.
Oh wow you said it buddy, totally agree.
Blacks have more tribalism going on in their community than whites or this is what noticed when i lived in ghetto.
Just do your duty and murder the fucking bully. Bully is likely a sociopath, the suffering it will most likely inflict upon the world is higher than the suffering you will endure in correctional facility.
This honestly. If you have issues with someone, kick their ass. If they fuck off they fuck off. If not they’ll stand their ground and you can respect each other as warriors
Have sex
How to have sex on 4channel?
I was trying to avoid this question.
But yeah. The same place was either the islands or Mexico.
>being relentlessly bullied as a kid builds character
I keep hearing this darn phrase. Wat?!
I feel like I believe that but not really and I don’t like to. It may be I just haven’t heard much of others who have been bullied and how it may have helped them.
Jab>jab>cross is like the 3rd most common line of attack by someone that has no fucking idea what they're doing in a street fight (haymaker is first and tackle>rapid hooks, jabs, and the odd hammer fist is second) and anybody that has been in enough punch ups is going to read it like a book and wreck your shit. The problem with it is it's a natural rhythm. It's the punching equivalent of a waltz. I hope to god your father taught you more than that shit cause it's useless without being able to mix it up heavily.
Kick them in the balls, throw them into shit, throw shit into them, beat them with an improvised weapon, tackle them if you have any idea how to actually pin someone and there's only one opponent, at the very fucking least throw hooks and uppercuts. Frenzy and unpredictability are your friends. A single combo, especially the single most common combo, is a short path to an ass beating.
I don't have an expressive enough laughing gif for this entire post.
It went from trying too hard to full Warren Ellis within two paragraphs.
the only "Character" bullying builds is a shitty one based on being abused
thats not a healthy trait
I expected so, “builds character” does not exactly mean in a good way. I feel like a weight has been lifted on that phrase.
His kid is going to get raped doing that
Only when he started intimidating other people with his ballbusting rep
>You don't run from bullies, Sonny. Once you do you never stop running.
Reminder that Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
The best way to deal with a bully is to beat the shit out of them. Fight as dirty as you need to. Don't worry about teachers or parents being angry with you. Stick up for yourself, period.
I’ve only heard of this happening once and it was from my father who was already friends with the guy when they decided to settle their disagreements with a bathroom fight that left them black and blue all over before walking off
Other than that you’re either baiting hard or completely delusional
Like this? (Skip a minute or two).
>Fight him? He'll kick your ass, and everyone around you will just watch and laugh at the nerd getting his shit pushed in
This works because bullies hate difficult targets. You might lose but if you try to slap the shit out of him he'll only pester you as a last resort, because there's always that 1% shot of the nerd knocking him out and destroying his reputation. And even if he is such a gorilla he'd do serious damage the authorities would get involved, and no cop or lawyer is going to look kindly on a bully beating up some weaker kid.
You remember those lil missiles kids would make out of gum wrappers? Some kid launched one in the halls via rubber band and it took out some kids eyes (completely blinded in his eye). Never saw either of those kids ever again and gum was verboten forever
No, because in real life you're likely to get your ass kicked if the bully is that much bigger than you. But a few bruises or bloody nose is a small price to pay for your self respect.
Boys aren't allowed to be boys anymore and the lack of a strong father figure in low income homes breeds disaster. Bullying served to normailze that weird kid and his autism may have been just a phase a few decades ago. Now thanks to the advent of the internet, these gay retards can retreat into communities like a certain Mongolian Basket Weaving forum and feel validated when they find more gay retards just like them.
Have sex.
The best way to not get bullied is to have friends. There's safety in numbers.
That's why he had electrified jacket, duh.
There are no solution against bullying. Despite what they all try to tell you, bullies are not desperate children suffering from their own personal issues. At least not always. Some just like to be mean simply because they can and because it's fun. It's not even that they lack empathy, it's just that in their mind you're not even worth empathy. Or sometimes they are just plain stupid.
The only solution? Being lucky. Not even joking. Being lucky that you'll find at least more support in your life --whether it's from family, friends, teachers or whatever-- than bullies. It's literally the only way. Hopefully you'll be strong enough to survive.
If not, please don't go against the weaker fish to feel better or "because it's apparently the only way". Not only will you give reason to all these awful kids cartoon you tried to listen for advice in the first place (expect it will now only apply to you), you will likely not be strong enough to survive the retaliation the original chad bullies can take on a daily basis because they either don't give a fuck or have enough power or influence to bypass it.
You think he wants that shit out in the press? He'll settle to ensure silence and browbeat his son into line, nobody is ruthless to their own children like politicians.
Being rude =/= being a bully you extremist idiot
At work I have situations all the time where one person says something the other person thought was rude or disrespectful, and the problem is almost always solved when either one realizes it and apologizes or the other tells the other that they were upset by it and they make up, usually with a "sorry I was just in a bad mood and taking it out on you".
I don't know why I expect people on this site to not be completely socially inept and inexperienced.
holy shit that pic
>especially by women.
have you been on this site for all of 10 minutes
Why do you think The US has so much school shootings?
What does it mean if you relate more to the female depression side than the male side?
That it's bullshit
It means you’ll kill yourself alone in your house instead of taking a dozen people out with you in a grocery store.
Which I personally feel is the better way to go, so hey at least you got that.
The traditional sort of bully hasn’t existed for a while. Most usually just talk shit about you online.
The only way to deal with a bully is to find someone smaller and weaker to pick on
I also feel that getting bullied by girls may have gave me some sort of tsundere fetish
Lunarbaboon might be the worst webcomic today.
Everything is utterly toothless for the sake of collecting backpats from the "hey so wholesome" crowd. It's like Family Circus crossed with that bit on The Simpsons where Itchy and Scratchy just sit around drinking lemonade.
Like fuck I pretty much never use the phrase "cuck" unironically but I'm willing to make an exception for this balding shit. It doesn't come off as someone trying to be genuinely nice. It feels like a weak, insecure man trying to keep the world from constantly kicking his ass by appearing so docile and demure that it literally wouldn't be worth the effort. Just a bland, spineless sack of nothing drifting through life. He can't write, he can't draw, he can't construct solid jokes; why do I always see this literal sewer trash posted fucking EVERYWHERE?
They're even better at than white people. Fucking oriental overachievers.
All schools have a police liaison, who will arrest kids who have a history of delinquency if they start fights.
Simspons Season 1 episode 5
And that lesson is that the adults will not defend you, and you can not appease the bully. You must assemble a posse, and train them hard, then bring the bully's world down on them.
Bad shit in general builds character. It teaches you how to deal with bad shit.
It means the picture is idiotic.
Doesn’t mean you learn how to deal with it in a healthy way.
>No ones allowed an outlet for anger or hatred, so no one grows
How about gyms or martial arts clubs?
Shit became more popular recently.
better than not learning anything and still being afraid of red ink pens as an adult
but why tho?
If I'm going to kill myself and go to hell, why I shouldn't take some scumbags with me as well?
So how is this handled in Europe? I see people writing shit about the USA but not saying how they deal with it where they are.
>That time Pushover Smurf became Bodybagger Smurf
Eternally humiliated, picked-up-and-thrown-downatized, foreverally shamed and hating it.
>in Europe
From my French experience teachers simply don't give a fuck, and it's overall the same "if you retaliate you are as guilty" bullshit.
At the same time there are obviously bullies like everywhere else but again from my experience it was way less intense than some shit I have seen in the US, it is a lot more passive aggressive. I have been bullied my entire school life, but it never got worse than loneliness, name-calling and eraser pieces throwing (which is in some aspect even worst because you can't really make a case against people that are simply mildly annoying, even to your own parents).
>all these school shooting news
>yo guys, know that lonely kid in the back?
>let's make fun of him and call him the next shooter
>get shot
Sometimes amerimutts deserve it.
They tried to do some weird "Just say STOP" campaign at my Scandi school back in the day, which went about as well as you'd expect
There were a decent amount of schoolyard fights though, I hurled the class bully over my shoulder once and pinned him until I made him promise to stop, after that he was content with just hurling verbal insults at me from a distance and went after some easier target
Things could've changed in the last 15 years though, but I havent heard much about it
>tried the same move that hospitalized his dad on his mom
Probably the only time Peggy was actually kind of great for once. That scene is hilarious.
people don't sue over every single issue in yurop, so while there's a decent ammount of political correctness going on you dont really have kids being sent off to the police over a playground brawl
Or you get 3 of your friends and jump him on the way home from school, good luck snitching on those bruises to the teacher
Eat shit, the kid deserved what he got. Heynes is lucky the video went viral though, otherwise he'd be the one the faculty came down on.
Ok, sounds similar to some of what I've seen and dealt with in parts of the U.S. Were you rural or city?
Animaniacs, "Bully for Skippy".
there's no bullying, not in the same way at least. a fight get you in not much troubles, but if it becomes common, you get expelled, and sent to psychiatry. most countries don't follow the "free spirit omg teenagers gonna teenager" bullshit.
You can become a victim of the pressure of the rest of the school though, it will just be unfocused, people in general will laugh at you, or see you as weak and easily try to force their shit on you.
Some schools have "ritual bullying", kinda, but it's ponctual, the old guys doing shit to the newbies.
You come from either a fancy-ass school or a fancy-ass nation.
You say that as if bullied kids have lots of friends and bullies don't live in pack.
I went to a lot of different schools, city, rural, both good and bad neighborhoods. It never really changed anything. Always been called an egghead and a teacher's pet, even though teachers were always on my back because I had terrible grades. Go figure.
who would win in a fight between Lunarbaboon and Shencomix?
Despite being the bikecuck, Shen is less of a cuck so Shen.
So what I'm getting from this thread is that the best way to actually deal with bullying is not be a suburban white kid.
His comics feel like a truly depressing life seen through the lenses of the rose-colored glasses
>The question is how Millennials and Zoomers raise their own kids
Ever heard of, the Behavioral Sink? It is the end of civilizations, even species, if it hits hard enough.
Social hyperstimulation and a lack of available, meaningful hierarchical slots to fill can basically destroy the reproductive creatures like rats or mice, species which are literally known for being able to breed their way through the worst of conditions otherwise.
The male rodents become incels, homosexuals, rageholics (complete with the rodent equivalent of 'school shootings'), the females either shun all sexual contact in the most remote chambers of the nesting site, or have an endless train run on them by all the most dominant males. Those few able to find a viable nesting site and give birth are completely inept at raising those young, often abandoning them, neglecting their grooming, or even killing their own offspring. Within two years, a colony started from a seed of population of a dozen would peak at 2,200, and then crash, with no plagues, no starvation, just the complete breakdown of... whatever.
Did someone say Lunarbaboon?! His marriage looks very healthy!
You can say that again, user...
Just don't slap them for some reason.
>a man who receives no love from his wife and can only give basic advice to his son
>The only way to survive bullying is to be hard enough (or soft enough) to endure the pain and move on because no one will help you.
Because they can't slap you.
Nah, this Chad has life all figured out.
Beat the shit out of this one kid bullying me years back. Principle wanted to suspend me. Parents laughed in their face and nothing happened
Might get suspended, but get parents involved and you’ll realize the administration doesn’t have any backbone. That’s how to do it
Whoa based????
I learned a valuable lesson in middle school when the I whipped the bully who had been tormenting me across the face with a belt. Like magic, he stopped messing with me afterwards, much more effective than those "sit-downs" the teachers would have us do under their supervision where we pretend to play nice.
Funny how these altruistic children that want to help the homeless appear in comics all the fucking time but I've never seen one of the irl. Hell, at this age I already knew most of the homeless were drug addicts
This actually helped in preventing me from being bullied in HS. Someone started a rumor about me being on the edge / psychopathic and suddenly everyone left me the fuck alone.
You're no George S. Patton.
This guy just took a martial arts class for the first time and wants to show off on Yea Forums because nobody IRL gives a shit that he just got a hobby.
The Lockhorns are in a healthier comic marriage, fucking BLEAK
Reminder this guy is only like 38 and already has arthritis
He's up there with that guy who wrote that comic about how people should be happy being fat and people who are in shape are tryhards
Whachu talkin' about user?!
>not a GigaChad
You're just an incel who can't understand the joys of raising your wife's son and daughter.
>He's up there with that guy who wrote that comic about how people should be happy being fat and people who are in shape are tryhards
but he also believes this
The irony is that the surfer is likely very chill and cool to hang out with.
You're just mad nobody cares about your shitty abs. People prefer round bellies to hug, incel!
Most people would rather hang out with Ed Kemper than LunarBaboon, let's be honest.
yeah, the asshole jock stereotype is not that common irl as it is in hollywood movies and series
The best (worst) part about fat people is that they can look "decent" on the picture, but everything cracks when you meet them irl. Fat fucks just smells wrong and their movements are just bizarre compared to any normal human being.
Yup. I've noticed it myself. Due to various factors (and being a lazy fuck) I've put on ~30 extra kgs. I'm 6'1",so I should be around 85 kg or so. With clothes I look okay because I've got a wide back, but my jawline's not defined anymore, I can feel my thighs sweating while walking, and at this point I only wear shirts with colored cotton pants to take eyes away from the "love handles" (I hate that name; it's fat, nothing "loving" about it). I'm about 10kgs down, so I have ways to go, but Jesus, I hate being fat. I go back to the days when I was a /fit/fag and it keeps me going. How anyone can even pretend to like being a landwhale is beyond me.
I felt less bad about being bullied when I found out that my bully got beaten up by his step father regularly. I don't mean just normal spanking on butt or smacking in face like all the kids got once in a while.
Detrimentally kind.
Like yeah consent is important but it's portrayed so coldly here
>"I am not in the mood to be touched", his wife says, not even looking at him
>"O-okay honey! I l-love y-you..."
If you're in the kind of relationship where THIS is what intimacy looks like, fucking run. Consent is important. Open communication is important. But this is just sad.
That's what happens when you name your kid "Moishe"
Would be legit hilarious without the last panel
Haha, what a weirdo!
This is actually making me feel better. Lunarbaboon is the Anthony Burch of webcomics; things might get bad, but at least I'm not a balding beta male trapped in a loveless marriage.
A lot of legit jews are real hardasses on their kids though.
>scalie big butt mind control
It's not a bad tactic depending of the cultural context. If getting expelled is considered a big thing in Japan (like it is), then it's basically ruining your entire social reputation which is far worse than getting beaten up.
It's like whenever there's a mass murder, everyone hopes it's not someone from your side. It's because being violent is considered socially bad in our culture, and whenever a leftist/right-wing supporter kills people it will affect the political climate. No one wants to be seen as "that violent person who can't control their emotions", which is why people like Jordan Peterson are so extremely calm and collected. He knows how this kind of psychology works. Just provoke your opponent with civil arguments and they'll unleash their rage, which leaves these people in bad spotlight.
No bullied kid thinks whether they get hurt or not if they beat up someone, they think whether it will make their social standing even worse. Since we have laws against violent behavior, smart men know that getting violent might just make them lose.
Of course, this doesn't work with kids so well. Kids are very straight-forward and lack empathy or critical thinking. That's why boys get constantly in fights. It's our true nature. It's at some point they realize that the only reason they are still alive is because some grown-up hasn't decided to fuck them up. That's how you learn to respect social cliques and laws.
Shut the fuck up incel, he'sthe c00l3$t!
>Kids should be allowed bodily autonomy
He's actually right about this. The mentality of "they're a friendly adult, I HAVE to hug and kiss them" is how you get molested.
THIS, however, is some straight faggot garbage. I'm a fat fuck who just got back from the gym, I'm actually trying, fuck this asshole. Just because he's content having bigger tits than his wife doesn't mean there's anything wrong with wanting to better oneself.
It's all but completely absent in my experience. The biggest douchebags I've ever met have all been limp-wristed soiboy types. Jocks might be a little tactless but I've yet to meet one I'd describe as a true scumbag.
I suddenly feel better about my boring life.
I fucking hate how I agree with the spirit of these strips but disagree with the execution.
Like realistically, there's more important shit than if your kid memorized the scantrons. I'd rather have a dumb kid who does right by everyone than a smart asshole. But fucks sake you should be concerned if your kid gets literally STRAIGHT Fs. That means you're not fucking helping them with their work and are failing as a parent.
Being kind is important but this asshole clearly uses it as an excuse to cover up his own insecurities and shortcomings.
>I might have a myriad of health problems from being out of shape, but I'm NICE
>My kids might be failing school, but they're NICE
>My wife doesn't respect me, but I don't care because I'm NICE
Like, douchebag, you're damaging those around you for the sake of being seen as "nice". Your kids prospects are going down the shitter but you don't care because they're "helpful". Be fucking selfish to the point of having some basic self preservation instinct for you and your kin. Fucks sake.
is the yellowpill a more extreme bluepill?
>He's actually right about this. The mentality of "they're a friendly adult, I HAVE to hug and kiss them" is how you get molested.
Nigger, he's her dad. Kissing/hugging your mom and dad doesn't suddenly make you get buttfucked in the pussy by your creepy uncle.
Depression and pills are a jewish lie to get you addicted.
>I'd rather have a dumb kid who does right by everyone than a smart asshole.
He's crying out for help at this point.
I notice a trend with these kinds of people. Where they're all about standing up for weirdos and spreading body positivity and all kinds of other shit, but the second they encounter a normally functioning human it's like
>Ew what a FREAK
and you understand it's not empathy from a place of "I've been picked on for being The Other, so I'm especially nice to weirdos now" so much as it is a twisted desire for retribution disguised as good-naturedness.
>just consume bro!
>love handles
It's because that's the shit you grab onto when you're plowing an especially fat ass
To be fair I do this with original mst3k.
And since he's a family man it's better than him hauling off, getting piss drunk and passing out on a toilet (my dad did/does this and it's disconcerting)
Eh, I prefer fat fold; it's honest.
From my experience love handles are the hardest to get rid of. Maybe it depends on genetics, I dunno. Was a fatass once so it's probably a little loose skin too.
This guy is the kind of guy that will one day snap and kill all of his family and then kill himself.
Again, nice message, but conveyed in such a mundane, self-fellating way.
His resentment seeps out occasionally.
Just the latter really.
I'm talking very young kids. Some kids are just shy, instilling the idea that
>this person has status, you must kiss them/allow physical contact if they ask
can lead to some bad shit.
I agree that not wanting to hug your fucking dad is concerning though. Like it'd be a totally fine strip if the follow up was them talking it out or something rather than "haha y-yeah...!"
This one's actually pretty funny
He has impeccable movie taste tho.
>still being afraid of red ink pens as an adult
Do I detect an amusing anecdote?
I was at the pool today and a little girl was doing some swim lessons and when her mom started criticizing her she got out of the poll and sassed her saying "get back into the chair". The mother look like she was in her 40s/was morbidly obese and the daughter was like 8.
This country is going to shit and Degeneration X is somehow worse at parenting than Boomers were.
Also unable to use the laplane because the college cunt swim coach was doing private lessons in a fucking public pool (though it requires membership). I'm pretty sure that's not legal.
>never happens
Welcome, welcome to any time period past the 90s
>What is a kids cartoon that actually had good advice on how to deal with a bully?
there is one but its weeb shit
I swear to fucking god if koe no katachi was drawn and animated using the old 2d animation style like Iron Giant, it would have so much more impact- but its alright as anime too because not everything is perfect
It's passive aggression. Sois aren't ever strong enough to do anything upfront, which is why instead they weasel their way into existing businesses and reshape them to their ideals once they get enough power. Marx literally did the same thing.
>Also unable to use the laplane because the college cunt swim coach was doing private lessons in a fucking public pool (though it requires membership). I'm pretty sure that's not legal.
Did you ask anybody working there about it?
But honestly fuck swimming laps at the public pool from the hours of 9am to closing, Children and geezers soiling themselves, fucking three lanes open and all of them crammed to the brim with 2-3 people sharing a lane.
I gave up trying and just hike instead, worse for my joints and takes three times as long for a decent workout but I'm not floating around in pube soup anymore.
Is this an edit or is his kid's name really Moishe?
>What is a kids cartoon that actually had good advice on how to deal with a bully?
>Depends, which cartoon tells you to get your friends together and jump him after school?
Bart the General episode of Simpsons? BTW,solution from Bully for Steve of seems to be interesting, although You would might have to deal with more powerful enemy.
Static Shock. Bullies deserve a bullet to the head.
>Paddington 2
Like I said, impeccable.
It means you need to take hormones.
There's so many poor transgender women that don't even know it. We need to convince them to transition by any means necessary.
Why do something if you're not going to do it well?
The actual real way of stopping bullying:
Start wearing camo and being weirdly interested in guns, the military, and hunting.
please don't make me pull out my FBI crime statistics user
That study does not transfer over to humans for multiple reasons one of which is simply having a separate room to yourself
>Is it genuinely hard to believe someone had a fucked up childhood in America?
You need to understand that most of Yea Forums is sheltered white women and faggots, so they think everyone had their upbringing, without realizing that 60%+ of the country lives in inner cities.
Okay whats the FBI stats on school mass shootings
Nah, this is retarded, I'm black and went to a shitty inner city school and not only did a black kid shoot some kids who were bullying him, but a Hispanic kid also stabbed his bully.
That shit happens all the time, and sometimes it gets classified as gang violence when it's not.
Suffering builds character in general.
For instance, if white women suffered a bit more as children they wouldn't be so horribly annoying as grown adults.
It's because most of these comics are made by suburban NIMBYs and not people who, y'know, actually grew up around homeless people.
They usually grow up after high school, whereas some of the people like the dad in this comic don't mature past 10th grade.
>especially by women
This is actually true. Women want men to pretend vulneraviliy, not to be actual vulnerable. Brene Brown argues that this is because women find actual weakness to be untractive and so, men go down a spiral of shame that ends in very bitter ways.
In a way, women are one of the biggest reasons for males not seeking mental health care.
Jesus christ, I refuse to believe this isn't an edit.
Have parents who give a shit and are willing to sue and you'll see how fast a school changes it's tune. Nothing freaks out school boards more than parents who give a shit.
>people storming the beaches and swimmingpools
>crowded as fuck
>me, going to icerink
>it's almost empty and chilly
I don't get it why people are going to a beach to chill. The water is usually filled with people already, and you're constantly exposed to the Sun and high temperatures.
The Spiral of Shame also affect women that realizes what they are doing. Similarly to men not realizing they are doing sexism without realizing.
But the part women play in this cycle of suicide that men go through, isnt that great.
Everyone experiences depression differently, and it's not a gender specific thing like whatever retard that made this image says it is. I've never met a single person that felt it was entirely easy to talk about the shit they were going through. Maybe some of the surface level, more easy to digest stuff, but never the real horrible shit that's making them hurt.
There are no women on Yea Forums.
I know there are because my sister browses Yea Forums.
People who are well in their body and mind are usually also nicer as a result.
That fits since his wife gives him no love
>high temperatures
Are easier to stand than cold ones, though spring is probably the best season
>On the plus side, being relentlessly bullied as a kid builds character.
Yet here you are.
Weird, I can bear cold a lot more easily than heat
>Not receiving mandatory cuddle time with your parents.
I'm sorry about your childhood user
Most popular kids are popular for a reason and being a good person to hang out with is up there, if you're already at the top you have nothing to prove.
What did she say?
>shilling Barney this hard
drink bleach
Act like a chihuahua, they're small and you can kick them easily, but bloody hell if one of them attacks you, they don't stop.
You could probably beat 80% of the population with the good ol jab jab cross espeically if you get them in the chin cause they ain't expecting it
>black people literally dont matter\
i mean i support you on that
> I'd have people who'd back me up because you got to look out for each other because everyone's parents were from the same place. Or they were deemed honorary members of that group
This is actually well-documented social science.
In the vast majority of groups from family to race to ethnicity to culture: That's how it should work.
But congratulations, you don't live in that society anymore.
You see, people like are among the ever-growing segment of the population who have more out-group preferences than in-group preferences, completely flipping previous social science on its head.
And in fact, a sentiment still shared by the vast majority of the human race like
>It's shitty tribalism but don't people look out for each other because of stupid shit like that?
Isn't 'normal' like the science says that it is, it's racist.
wow I'm 16 for 16
The Boondocks
You don't fight the bully, you don't try to reason with them and you certainly don't snitch to the authorities(you'll me marked as a bitch ass nigga and become a social pariah).
Instead, you get your crew to dunk that punk.
Not even close. Modern politicians simply hire a PR firm and/or troll farms to convince the public that their relative/child/friend/etc is an angel and is the victim of a smear campaign.
Virtually the only kind of people who run for political office are the kind of people who want the position *specifically* so they and their kin can do whatever they want with immunity. The kind of politician you're referring to largely doesn't exist.
Static Shock. Shoot 'em.
Not surprising, these doggos were bred to kill rats
Realy? What was the advice there? Far as i remenber the lesson was dont get together whit lion hawk because she a bitch
>That anatomy
Cumbrain mode engaged
Americans believe in "Tough" """Love""", basically abusing people for shits and giggles and getting thanked for it.
>im such a caring and empathetic and doormat-like person, except when it comes to the people I hate! Then I hate them!
I just ignored the high school bully and sneaked past him that one time when we were leaving, granted, couple of girls from my class called me coward for that... I was the class asocial dude aniway.
As for my 4y older brother/bully, i started actively bullying him back when i turned 17 regardless of consequences... Im a way worse person for it, but honestly, i still cant think of a lesser evil
Shit user, tha sucks... Guess theres a bright side to not being born american
This is a weird real-life example. My country has compulsory national service, and there's a lot of tension between the Muslims and the Chinese. One member of my platoon was a farmer's son from China, who barely spoke English. He was a big, ugly but cheerful sort.
For some reason, the Malay-Muslims would pick fights with him and he would cry afterward. I was in a different section, so I don't know what their beef was. But one time, in the rec room, they pushed him too far. He shoved one boy out of his chair, jumped on him, and began throttling him until the Sergeant broke the fight up. After that, they left him alone. He was basically a big, harmless baby, but I suppose everyone has a limit.
>someone bother you? Just go somewhere else in the playground!
In honor based society it works. Getting expelled not only fucks up your reputation but your parents as well
He did. The bully tried to kill him with a car.
You forgot to mention that Accel World takes place in a cyberpunk dystopia, and the bully was goaded into accidentally hitting the school's richest, most popular girl. He was literally locked up for Forcible Upcaste Contact. Her parents threatened to sue the school if they didn't do something about him. No one gave a fuck about the fat kid, it was the girl that made it a crime.
Sounds like a lovely show
Is it just me or is does it just become really sad when people push high school levels of bullying past college and even into high school, it happened to me but I managed to actually get him to fuck off but was in a dorm, then when everyone moved out it turned out he was just a chronically depressed asshole with a bitch of a girlfriend that everyone realized was shit, I just found new freinds and moved on but it just seems weird
Given how privacy laws and the right to your own thoughts and beliefs are being eroded everyday, you may not even GET that room.
It's great. The one downside is that the protagonist is a fat, ugly kid. He's not chubby, he's fat. Fat. Fatty. Fatttttttttttt.
For what it's worth, the same writer's previous (and most famous) protagonist is a dual-wielding gamer who ends up becoming God-Emperor of a virtual world. No, I'm not kidding.
first you rekt him with FACTS and ARGUMENTS then when he runs away with his tail between his legs you physically assault him
Hank was just not good at explaining why it was bad but Bobby shouldn't have kicked Hank. He should have used a nuclear warfare analogy. Bobby called Hank getting Peggy to fight for him "a dirty move" which Hank agrees but states it doesn't feel nice when someone fights dirty.
>Bully specials always terrified me as a kid.
I wish that shows would drop the bad home life excuse.
Make sure to hit them in places that it is easier to hide bruises.
>which is simply having a separate room to yourself
social media says hello, then good bye to your falsely smart answer.
Americans have banned red pens in school because the color triggered some kids and mostly their parents. That's why they use purple now.
yeah, 50% muslim savages, what a privilege. But there it's the group that either accept or rejects you, it's not a bully, and it's not physical attacks. Sorry if you grew up in an USA petland like Germany.
What kind of goddamn retard is this kid.
Also why is there no grade for English? Does reading/writing get rolled under Language instead of that being related to study of a foreign language?
The hell is Social Studies?
My parents used to drink heavily and argue, especially on the weekends.
I was the one who had to get between them and stop things from escalating, get my mom and younger brother out the house. Ended up having panic attacks at night.
I was at the supermarket yesterday and a cheerful little Indian kid ran up to me in the queue and asked for a fistbump
The more I hear about this things the more America seem like a parody instead of an actual place
I haven't heard of this, but california banned plastic straws and made it legal to knowingly give someone else hiv so the sky is the limit for whatever retarded things that post-american shithole might do.
>elementary schoolers
>foreign language
You do not begin being allowed to study a foreign language until middle school and it isn't required until highschool.
>Let's start studying foreign languages the latest possible despite being easier the earliest you begin
God America education is a mess
>Despite what they all try to tell you, bullies are not desperate children suffering from their own personal issues. Some just like to be mean simply because they can and because it's fun. It's not even that they lack empathy, it's just that in their mind you're not even worth empathy.
>The only solution? Being lucky.
This but unironically.
>elementary school
>ring of guys kicking a clumsy on the ground (nothing hard just pushing him over with their foot whenever he tried to up)
>thought it was funny at first but they don't let up after 3, keeps going to 5 then more then just stomping on him
>myself and others start getting annoyed when they don't let up, some go in and start pushing them off the kid, they push back
>grab a guy by his arms and pull him back he doesn't go back and kick the kid, let go when he agrees that he won't
>later get called up and punished for fighting
>we all got the same punishment as the bullies sold it to the teachers as a free-for-all scrap and the kid who was being kicked didn't come forward
Social Studies is history but they try to make it sound cooler.
>Moishe will spend his entire life in this school as janitor, and his father is totaly happy about that
I don't really get the pats on the back for being nice. Isn't it kind of expected from everybody by default?
>they have their "personal spaces" walled like a fucking Fort Knox
>they have nothing to talk about besides le ebin TV memes
>their reaction to each other's problems is "i don't listen lalalalala"
>their kids disregard them completely
Why the fuck they even have a relationships, let alone a family? Serious question, i genuinely wonder how that happened.
The nigger.
Two bikes!
Both described pairs of parents are shit desu.
Teachers are worthless. This goes for highschool too.
Is it edit?
No he isn't. The only way to not get punished for shooting up a school is if your last bullet is aimed at yourself, and I'd call that a punishment too.
>Uncle Bruce, no!
One reason is group think, another is opportunity to show off your body or ogle others, third is swimming is fun only when it's sunny and hot. Also it's usually cooler near water.
The biggest fantasy here is that he expects his son to grow up as anything other than a pathetic incel.
>For some reason
The reason is Uyghurs. Muslims have a reason to have a beef with Chinese.
What happens if you don't fight back against them at all?
>isn’t it kind of expected from everybody by default?
Yes and no, there are some genuine people who are nice from the beginning and some who just aren’t and expect other people are the same. So it’s a strange kind of cycle of expectations..
OH NOO, not expelled from the precious corrupt common core school system
so fucking what, stand up for yourself anyway, knock a throat out if you have to.
>I would totally wreck that kids guys holy shit man up like me!
nothing sadder than an adult roleplaying as a kid to win arguments...
Why would you be friends with someone who beat you up?
The cool wine aunt reached her mid 30s and looked around for a beta provider. I doubt the kid is even his.
Because better be friends with someone stronger than enemies.
Yeah, but they’re still just some violent piece of shit who you know means you harm. You’d just be fooling each other over the “friendship.”
Understand that we do not care about hungary or denmark or whatever and we're never going to care, then fuck off. You are not important, your country will never be important.