Spider-Man is a working class hero...

Spider-Man is a working class hero. Yet in the MCU he's a funded by a billionare and his villians are working class people and disgruntled employees.

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I guess that means he's not working class. Especially what with still being a child in the MCU. I'll consider him working class when he gets a job and starts paying the bills.

They're so fucked because they can't do so many Spider-man stories with him having billionaire money. When Happy came to pick Peter up in that plane, it made me sad.

The MCU sticker protects him from criticism, sorry.

How many of these threads are you gonna make HiTop?

He has a point. Before Peter snarked with everybody. Now he's Mr. Starks fuccboi

the problem with MCU Spider-Man is he lacks the cool confidence, he's still in the "aww isn't he cute? look at this little dork with a heart of gold!" stage. it will probably rectify itself when he grows up and gets a job at the Daily Bugle but we've already had 3 movies with this Spider-Man where oddly his first outing (Civil War) was his best portrayal.

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>3 movies with this Spider-Man
actually five including Infinity War and Endgame

stay based op spider-man: home alone was trash

>it will probably rectify itself when he grows up and gets a job at the Daily Bugle
Isn't the Daily Bugle the Alex Jones' show now?
Why would he go work there?

To write Buzzfeed tier articles

kill yourself raimicuck

They know who he is though

Same reason he worked for JJJ's tabloid toilet paper: he gets paid.

Civil War Spidey was pretty cool and confident. Kinda thought his spaghetti spilling was just because he waifu'd Tony.

He was already a ‘working-class’ hero when he made youtube videos and had a homemade outfit. He also helps out local civilian, which is so,etching none of the other heroes do. In the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon he both went to normal high school and was trained by Nick Fury at a SHIELD program, so the ‘modern’ Spider-Man will never just be ‘a kid from Queens’ and only that.

Plus, I think Captain America did a better job at the ‘zero-to-hero’ story than any of the Spider-Man reboots, so we don’t need an other one.

And can you people stop hating on MCU Spidey already, sheesh. They’re already positioning him as a solo hero now in the new Saga. Just enjoy it. Like, if you hate it then read the bajillion other comics,or whatever.

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With the new spider man they got a good actor that fits both roles of spider man and Peter Parker but they ruined the world around.

He no longer really has to deal with a bully at school since flash was ruined, no financial trouble due to billionaire funding, no loner life with bare minimum interaction with his only two friends since they now both know his identity so no need to hide it and try to live a normal life, he is no longer a smart kid among a lot of average kids since everyone seems to be smart just less than him (including flash).

>Same reason he worked for JJJ's tabloid toilet paper: he gets paid.
So is everyone ignoring the fact that the Bugle was a legit newspaper and that JJJ had integrity?

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Hello there, fellow redditor

is that true though
JJJ has autistic rage for Spider-Man, he'd spin any story to make Spidey look like dung. but he'd at least never willingly flat out lie and isn't heartless.

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Even if the OP is a faggot from reddit, why the fuck do you know about that?

I think you're looking too far into it.
Unironically I think the modern trend of super heroes always being richfags has more to do with how society views wealth = power and it being an obvious and easy way to get resources into the hands of the characters.

He does have an rageboner for Spidey, but when he's proven wrong he retracts the story and when the evidence points to someone else he wouldn't knowingly print the story and tarnish the reputation of the Bugle and his own.

This. I don’t even mind his bond with Tony Stark, to explain why he wouldn't leave Pete more than like, just a workshop space and some tools for making his suits by saying he basically had nothing left after using all his assets to stabilise the planet during The Snap, and leaving some things for his actual daughter and wife.

>he is no longer a smart kid among a lot of average kids since everyone seems to be smart just less than him
This is, I think, the one thing MCU did differently that I'm okay with as a different adaptation, because Peter is still way smarter than everyone else, it's just more impressive now because his peers are also smart in their own right. The rest is fucking terrible though and I don't know how they could get Spidey so wrong.

JJJ's integrity tends to vary wildly. And I don't remember the Buggle ever being treated in universe as the kind of newspaper anyone with a proper resume would work for.

>Tony takes the suit he made away and Peter tries to be a normal kid.
>Peter realizes he can ignore Evil Michael Keaton and puts on his homemade suit.
>Gets stuck. Calls out for help but realizes he has to get out on his own.
>Tony later offers him a role in the avengers and a new suit.
>Peter turns him down, no longer needing to rely on someone else and wants to look out for the 'little guy' instead.
Infinity War
>Tony immediately gives Peter a new suit and calls him an avenger making the end of the last movie pointless.
>Peter spend the rest of the movie in space away from the people he wanted to protect.

Why do MCU movies constantly trip over each other?

Robbie Robertson? Fucking Ben Urich??

They can easily fix all of those things but won't

>He no longer really has to deal with a bully at school since flash was ruined
Make it so OG flash still exists but he was old middle school and summer camp bully and bring him back in college
>no loner life with bare minimum interaction with his only two friends since they now both know his identity so no need to hide it and try to live a normal life
No that his identity is out have him cut them off for their safety
>he is no longer a smart kid among a lot of average kids since everyone seems to be smart just less than him (including flash).
All they need is a scene where Peter solves a insane equation or problem so that he can defeat a villian like electro or makes an insane gadget to defeat a villian like sandman

Because when you have multiple directors and writers shit gets fucked

Are you shitting on my man Robbie Robertson?

>seeing Endgame in a packed theater
>me and my gf are sitting next to a fat guy who smells like literal shit
>climax of the movie where everyone shows up in portals
>my gf is really excited
>Spider man shows up and everyone cheers except the fattie next to me
>suddenly the fat fuck next to me starts fidgetting in his sit, breathing heavily and mumbling under his breath "this is iron boy, not my spidey" over and over again
>suddenly starts screeching and hitting himself in the head

He then got up and left, weird situation, are spiderfags really this autistic?

>Peter given a new suit
>Called an Avenger

He refused to join the Avengers for fame or publicity, Tony called him an Avenger because he didnt hesitate to jump into action when the stakes were high enough for him to need to.

>Gets a new suit
Yeah because he's going to fucking space and without one he'll die of asphyxiation. real working class mantra there dying in vacuum.

>me and my gf
If you want to tell a lie stop making it so obvious

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And my dad works at nintendo.

>He refused to join the Avengers for fame or publicity
Where did you get that from?

>Tony called him an Avenger because he didnt hesitate to jump into action when the stakes were high enough for him to need to.
Dealing with a madman with alien technology and hitching a ride on a plane wasn't good enough I guess.

>>The rest is fucking terrible though and I don't know how they could get Spidey so wrong

off yourself, faggot

It's not Spider-Man faggot, it's Iron Boy

fucking based

Why do you faggots always do this?

>It's not Spider-Man faggot, it's Iron Boy GET IT RIGHT GOD DAMMIT

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>muh iron boy

shit's getting old, raimifag

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Because they have no rebuttals

M&M definitely know how to write for this Spidey. He's much more enjoyable in the crossover movies than his own.

I literally just outlined something about MCU Peter that was different and actually worked you autist. You can make changes to the character while still keeping to the spirit of the character.

>Jameson prints that Spider-Man and the Big Man are the same, gets proven wrong.
>Jameson claims Mysterio is a real hero and praises him until he's outed as a fake.
>Jameson claims that Electro is Spider-Man until it's proven wrong.
The validity of the Daily Bugle and how much it's taken seriously varies from interpretation to interpretation. But in the old Lee/Ditko days? JJJ is consistently made a laughingstock.

Forgot about Urich. Robbie's nice but he's hardly Pulitzer price material.

See it that way: that's a faithful adaptation of how much events fuck up solo comics.

Because they hope you'll end up hating the MCU more.

Retconning Flash is dumb. Flash and Peter was never really jock vs nerd. More often it's both are equally dicks to each other. Flash just had actual friends.
Did you not watch the London Fight? Where he uses signs and bits of Mysterio's drones to get to where he was because he ran out of webs?

>>Jameson prints that Spider-Man and the Big Man are the same, gets proven wrong.
>>Jameson claims Mysterio is a real hero and praises him until he's outed as a fake.
And then he retracts the story and begrudgingly admits that Spider-Man helped to bring them down.
>>Jameson claims that Electro is Spider-Man until it's proven wrong.
Peter did sell him pictures that made it look like he was.

> But in the old Lee/Ditko days? JJJ is consistently made a laughingstock.
Back then he was borderline insane with his hatred of Spider-Man.

And then there's the spidee-killing robot and the whole Scorpion debacle. I don't think anyone would consider a journo who tries to kill some guy he doesn't like and ends up fucking up the city to be a model journalist.

>Did Iron Boy just made a billion? Hold on mom, I'll be right back

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The original spider-slayer wasn't built to kill Spider-Man and when Smythe tried to kill Spidey JJJ told him that he was insane.

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Spider-man has always slummed it. With his skills and power set he's wasted on chasing purse snatchers but his survivor's guilt and arrested development prevent him from making the most of his gifts. He's not truly responsible, he's just playing at it.

Wut. It's literally JJJ piloting it and trying to fuck Spider-Man up. And it's fucking called the Spider-slayer.

Is /pol/ going insane since Trump basically disavowed them? What's with associating the killings with Spider-Man fans?

Have you not read the issues with the spier-slayers?
The first one only captures Peter, the second one was being controlled by Smythe and JJJ told him to go fuck himself when he found out that he wanted to kill Spider-Man and use him on his ploy and the rest of them were just Smythe.

The Dr. Strange shit will probably introduce Mephisto and have him reset the spidey shit and make aunt may old

The absolute state of Yea Forums

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Why do you keep saying this shit? One More Day is unsalvageable. It will never, EVER be adapted in any way, shape, or form.

As much as we all hate it, its iconic. I could see the MCU taking elements from it.

>its iconic
It's infamous, there's a difference.

>working class


>And I don't remember the Buggle ever being treated in universe as the kind of newspaper anyone with a proper resume would work for
Good job repeating what you heard on Yea Forums instead of from actual comics. Let me guess, you played the PS4 game? For fucks sake Stan Lee had the Daily Bugle as the most respected paper in NY next to the Daily Globe, silver age JJJ also owned a parody of Time magazine. Fucking Time Magazine

>With his skills and power set he's wasted on chasing purse snatchers
He's arguably the strongest street level hero in NY and does a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to fighting crime.

Ever since moot left and the /pol/tards took over misunderstanding what basic words mean is now one of 4chans callling cards. Theres like 3 times as many underage here now than before. Thanks Trump.

/pol/ is a shithole that never should've been made, but a lot of people seem to forget the damage that GG and the Fappening did to the site.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums were never able to recover.

I read the first appearance but it's been a while. I guess JJJ acting like a cackling maniac and fucking shit up left more of an imprint on me than "it's actually a spider-capturer!"

Woops, meant for As for , I don't own a PS4 nor have I played the game, but I have read some silver age Spidey.

I don't know why Power Girl of all people had to be a corporate executive but here we are.

what do the responses to this look like?

Stop trying to pretend you're not new here, newfriend.

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Another underrated issue was /pol/ giving up and stopping telling stormfront to fuck off. After that it became accepted that behaving like a stormfag was normal /pol/ behavior, which was a big boon to the later invasions and eventually to being a stormfag being considered proper Yea Forums etiquette.

top kek
this so much

Just a bunch of MCUcks seething. What else could you expect.

Thats every spidy movie in a nutshell. They either reset to life's punching bag or have an actor who can't deliver wise cracking smart ass.

It doesn't help either that the comics factory reset him every so often to dork because too much confidence show maturity.

>It doesn't help either that the comics factory reset him every so often to dork because too much confidence show maturity.
OMD is not indicative of the entire publication history of Spider-Man, and for a very long time his books were pretty consistent and he continued to grow as a person and character.

There is still one superhero that is not rich and is just an everyman in the mcu. Too bad that Marvel is reluctant to give him a third movie

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Its not just OMD. Its pretty much any translation to a different medium. Blame it on status quo being king or whatever but every so often the clock is reset and Pete's maturity gains are reset to bumbling guy barely making shit meet.

Other mediums get it worst because they are constantly having to story tell from square one or focus on his high school years. I think only exception was TAS and Sony's Amazing.

>constantly having to story tell from square one or focus on his high school years
I blame Ultimate.


Marvel did this for one reason: Sony.

You see, Marvel has a tentative deal with Sony based on a lot of factors. Marvel has in part made this Spider-Man very heavily connected to the MCU to make it difficult for Sony to go off and make their own Spider-Man films, hence Sony are doing spin-offs like Venom and Morbius.

Sony ruined their last attempt at Spider-Man by burning out by the second movie (see Amazing Spider-Man). They had dreams of rushing to a Sinister Six movie (pic related) and making a Spider-man cinematic universe. But they fucked it up with that shitty Electro.

You have a choice Yea Forums:
>Fun comedic Spider-Man in the MCU without the hardships that Spider-Man normally suffers.
>Allow Sony to spin the roulette wheel and take another crack at something they have fucked up recently.

Given how Venom was a bit eh I wouldn't exactly trust them with live action Spidey.

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Sony asked for Iron Man to be heavily featured in Homecoming. Because of course, what would be the point of the deal if it wasn't to make the movies required MCU viewing.

You think billionaires don’t work for their money?

He disavowed neo nazis before, didn't stop his /pol/ dickriders then, won't stop them now.

you're ignoring it on purpose aren't you?
Far From Home
>peter hates using the iron spider
>peter denounces himself as an avenger
>homecoming's stakes were never retconned
also you're clearly a raimi fag who has never read the comics. peter constantly leaves new york. he doesn't care about just one city he cares about basically everyone.

When they revealed J Jonah Jameson. It felt like this JJJ never actually owned and ran a newspaper publisher. Which kinda sucks. Should've done the PS4 route and made him transition to the talk show.

Sony firing the people who made ITSV took away all the hope that said movie gave me in that company redeeming itself.

He's a super genius who dates super models and has a powerset that lets him beat guys like Cap and Tony easily

How is that working class?

>Sony firing the people who made ITSV
They did not fucking do that, no one can be that stupid.

They are at least basing the script on a draft wrote by Phil Lord. Let's hope they don't butchered it.

He wasn't being as specific about specifically the internet radicalizing dummies though. That's gotta hurt.

Every exec ever thinks brand>talent. They aren't even wrong either which is depressing.

>Central part of Spider-Man is his conflict between his normal life and his responsibility.
>MCU movies nail this completely aside from maybe not mentioning Uncle Bend but this will most likely be rectified in the next film.

I mean, why do people just want Spider-Man to suffer in monetary ways when really his suffering was about his balance between life and being a superhero? You can show this in multiple ways.

By being working class? You can date a hot chick and beat whoever the hot MMA fighter around is, if you make your money collecting garbage you're working class.

Sony are a terrible company whose movie division made Ghostbusters reboot and spent millions making Ghost Corp department to make Ghostbusters spin offs which folded shortly after that film flopped as rumours suggested they needed like a billion to even break even (from Paul Feig's mouth).

Venom was their attempt at chucking shit against the wall to see if it would stick. Tom Hardy HATED how it was cut. They just want to try and make a marvel-esque universe with the few Spider-Man properties they have.

Honestly, Marvel made fun comedy Spider-Man with less serious shit going on just to completely detatch it from how bad Amazing Spider-Man was.

I would rather have MCU Spider-Man than let Sony back near it.

That's because MCU Spider-Man is shit.

They should just call the MCU Spidey movies Iron spider, it would solve a lot of confusion.

I saw it from a different angle after realizing that. These are fucking great Iron Spider movies, but they're shit tier Spider-Man movies. Spider-Verse did a better true spidey than Tobey McGuire, Sonyverse and Whiny MCU Peter combined.

But if taken on their own as the fun exploration of Iron Spider as a concept, Homecoming and Far from Home are pretty good. Especially considering we got Mysterio vs. Iron Spidey, which was a combo no one's ever really tried before.

They'll never do something that stupid to please some vocal comicbook nerds that are like the 1 or 2% of the total box office
In this verse:
Peter is Stark's protegee
Flash is a rich pejeet
MJ is black and a feminist cunt
Aunt May is a hot milf
All while making millions of dollars for Sony
You are free to criticize it all you want but they aint changing shit for the "not muh" fags

Did he really say he hated using it? I Dont remember that.
Anyway my point isn't that spiderman cant leave new york or anything. Just that its awkward in the narrative to flip flop as often as these movies do.
Thor does it to. Ragnarok ends with him becoming king of Asgard. And in Endgame he decides to fuck off to space and leave valkyrie in charge.
These things make since if you look at the movies in isolation, but together they are really incohesive.

Are you retarded?

They literally showed SKRULLS in the fucking after credits.

One of the Skrulls will pretend to be Peter while Spider-Man is around.

I suspect some 8fags are returning/coming for the first time after their shit got nuked

sony's amazing spider-man only graduates high school at the end of the 2nd movie and the movie ends without much time passing
raimi's graduates high school and is working for the bugle in the first movie, 2 is college years, and I don't think 3 has any college stuff so he's graduated I guess

>I would rather have MCU Spider-Man than let Sony back near it.
MCU Spider-Man is still Sony's just with some collaboration from Marvel Studios. Sony gets all the money from the B.O. and are free from breaking the contract anytime they want, Sony will hold Spider-Man's film rights forever as long as they keep making flicks with the related characters

>they should call these Spider-Man movies Iron Spider so it doesn't triggers my autism
>Even if the comics were Peter used the Iron Spider suit were still titled Spider-Man

>Spider-Verse did a better true spidey than Tobey McGuire, Sonyverse and Whiny MCU Peter combined.
yes, and he died very early in the movie

>yes, and he died very early in the movie
The blonde Peter was basically a chessy '66 Batman' kind of hero with his own Spider-cave and Spider-gadgets and loved by the general public though
Peter B. was closer to the comics with his shitty life and working class problems while not being thanked or admired by nobody

>Especially what with still being a child in the MCU
He was 17 pre-snap in Infinity War. Minimum age to work in the US is 14 years old, 16 is the minimum for working a full time job. MCU Peter is able to get a job.

The thing is he really has no reason to work, Aunt May took care of him even after uncle Ben died (or was out of the picture since the Director said he could still be alive) and after Peter met Stark he was set for life (you think Tony didn't leave him a sizeable trustfund and a scholarship and made sure he didn't suffer any hardships?). He has no reason to work as a freelance photographer (especially with social media), and he has much less reason to be a pizza delivery boy or do any retail dead end low menial job or blue collar jobs.

Hell he doesn't even need to do intern jobs since he's going to have recommendations from Stark Industries and that alone will open any doors for him, and in the small chance that doesn't happen he's going to have a secure job at Stark Industries.

>Sony firing the people who made ITSV
What the fuck? Seriously?

Because him having money problems or worrying about a parental figure having money problems and feeling like you're not contributing enough is something that the average joe relates to and it's something Stan Lee made a point of him having when he made the character. Spidey is also suppose to be an underdog and he's not known for being a superhero who is very financially well off.

Still it's not something that's a must have for him, the MCU movies proved that and the majority of kids nowadays are usually middle class and financially well off. MCU Spidey is more than anything just a power fantasy movie for kids and it does it's job there.

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