Mao Mao - Heroes of Pure Heart


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Other urls found in this thread:!yE8QFASY!LJWYXOoUzjNhdzPH7p3gSg

i can’t believe they made fun of calarts. this show is based

So how did get the bean mouth? Magic? Science? Cartoon?

>Not just made fun of CalArts but SU as well
Jesus fuck my sides during that episode

He just practiced.

This is what Yea Forums actually thinks those shows are like instead of what they actually are. Mao Mao is funny, the people actually thinking its seriously bashing the shows are why this board is so shit these days.

Cartoon sight gag. His popularity with the Sweety Pies was terrible, so Snugglemagne suggested he rebrand. He uses a generic dubbed anime MC voice when he's like that and does a "Mao Mao living in the now now. Pow pow!" catchphrase with little punching motions like some kind of life coach.

Given the tone of the show, it was very clearly a pointed jab at sterile beanmouth shows where all the bad guys get redeemed because the heroes won't deliver justice. Pure Heart Valley winds up covered in burning trash that attracts a monster until Mao Mao snaps and goes on a psychotic heroing spree.

mao mao has incredible control over his face muscles

Checked and rec'd for correct.

Justice is for nerds and furries.

Watch the show, Mao Mao is a total based chad who traumatizes the villagers with his bloody decapitations and is a sheriff. He's not a nerd and justice is literally his job.

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I thought being a legend was his job.

That's his aspiration.

Worth mentioning, he eliminates the threat by burning it alive with a power blast of an energy weapon. The main cast literally got covered with monster's ash.
Love those kids shows.

it's absolutely poking fun at the "cal arts" stereotype, along with several other cartoons.

>’Mao Mao - Heroes of Pure Heart’
>not ‘Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart’
That’s how subtitles should work, OP. When has a hyphen ever taken the place of a far more appropriate colon?

If you’re gonna write out the full series title, at least do it properly.

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Sorry, mate. I just copy-pasted it straight from the file name of an episode (in windows you cannot use a colon in a file name).
I'll be more careful next time.

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why are you so triggered over the punctuation of a show title

Shit this show is actually fun, why didn't anyone fucking tell me this was good.

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>total based chad
Sure, if you ignore all of his insecurities and crippling family issues.

It’d be kind of funny if we found out Mao mao’s family were actually all pretty damn shitty and incompetent at heroinh but Mao Mao only sees them as these heroes of justice incarnate.

The first few episodes weren't that great which is why some anons chose to ignore it. Some are still sore about the lack of waifus and lore.

>lack of waifu's
what about the bat

I think it would be funny if they were actually chill as hell, but it would also mean that Mao Mao was just like that... for no reason

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Mao Mao wrote this post.

>internet episode where Mao Mao goes nuts over negative forum comments about him
>gets embroiled in internet arguments for days on end
>learns a lesson about not feeding trolls or something
>Yea Forums loses their mind over a potential Yea Forums reference in the background of one shot

>Mao Mao teaches Adorabat how to deal with anger on the internet by slicing the computer with his sword
>episode ends

I can’t believe they made fun of that intern's drawing. This show is superbased.

Mao Mao proved to be an unreliable narrator multiple times so it's possible.

>it's a sneed reference

>Adorabat wants to use the computer
>Badgerclops quickly closes a window containing photos of realistic badgers

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Is Adorabat a boy or a girl? Your answer will determine whether I watch the show or not.

She’s a girl.
But you should watch it anyway

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She can be whatever you want him to be

>Mao Mao ASRM

She's a katawa shoujo.

Interestingly, including Mao Mao's missing tail, all of the main characters are cripples.

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>(?) puppies kicking (some?) cupcakes


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Yea Forums didn't make this episode. Even people in the industry realize how shit certain trends are.

The missing tail doesn’t seem to impact his balance, though.

Of course adorabat’s pegleg doesn’t slow her down any, and Badgerclops missing eye doesn’t hurt his depth perception

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That’s a peg leg?

What'd you think it was? Her dick?

Yep, everyone in the sheriff's department is an amputee.

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Soul

I just figured she was the type of kid to walk around with one shoe.


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it's just bants, lad

There hasn’t really been a confirmation on what it is, so there’s been various theories. Peg leg kind of makes the most sense, but one shoe isn’t out of the question either

I swear an of Mao Mao literally has a line thats just an exact quote from the Stinkoman sbemail. Can't remember what episode or the line though.

>I see that one all the time
It took me way too long to figure out this was about TTG.


It kills me every time when the cutesy characters listen to metal
Then again it kind of fits since everyone in Pure Heart is fucked up

Nobody wears shoes in this

>Mao Mao is the only show to punch a jab at CN's bullshit schedule

Adorabat is only cute due to being raised in cutiepie culture. Adorabat raised anywhere else would be a scary fuck.

>In an alternate universe Adorabat is an extremely competent villain

Vic, Chubbum and Guard 1 do + Kevin's overalls cover his feet if you want to count that

Adorabat's already disturbingly psychotic. She watches Mao Mao slice up monsters with utter glee while the other Sweetypies get frightened and ill.

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>I Hate You Oam Oam episode
>Orangusnake opens a portal to another dimension to summon Mao Mao, Badgerclops and Adorabat's evil counterparts thinking they'll be able to take them out
>they steal his ship and try to steal the Pure Heart Ruby so evil Badgerclops can make a doomsday weapon
>evil Adorabat is completely silent and just stares at people with wide eyes and occasionally pulls out a switchblade
>evil Mao Mao is almost exactly like regular Mao Mao, just obsessed with being a legendary villain instead of a legendary hero

>evil Mao Mao is almost exactly like regular Mao Mao
>So much that it's really hard to tell the difference

so like a Batman Catwoman thing

I skimmed through the calarts episode because I heard about it and was curious.

Then I started watching from the beginning and... I love this show. I have not enjoyed a show this much in ages.

Also finding out that the creator also animated dr mario with lyrics was pretty mindblowing

Glad to have you.

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hey there happy little monster guy, may i call you curtis...

this was the moment Mao Mao shat on Steven.

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Maybe he had to get used to it, and that's why BC remembers seeen him all beat up when they met.

Also his family is most likely going to make fun of him for it.

>Haha MuMu lost his tail, why don't you go back home before you get yourself killed

this is what got me to watch this show

Something seems suspicious about kingsnugglefuck and his underground shit. Im expecting it to be answered later though

Does anyone have this with sound?

Tumblr’s way ahead of you bro

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Gotta be able to crush the competition

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Because for some reason not a lot of people are giving it the time it deserves. It was created by a dude who came from the internet [Parker Simmons], one of the voice actors is Jackson Publick, best known for voicing HALF THE CAST of Venture Bros, and the art style is great.

It's not a perfect show [again the first few eps were okay], but boy the show hits a lot more than it misses with humor, mainly because the main trio are kind of terrible, but in a good way.

She's a child. Depending on how far gone you are, that either made you lose interest or gain way too much.

"I'm scarred for life!"

All I'm going to say is that this show is garbage and you're lucky the mods refuse to delete Gay Furry Shit.

>Only difference is that evil Mao Mao’s cape is slightly darker by a shade.

>"I'm not gere to sham-OH CURTIS NO!!!"
>As red splashes against Mao's face
Lost it at that. Loved it.

Six new episodes are up on the Cartoon Network website. I was not aware of this until now.

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Go quickly user!
Then come back and tell us your most and least fav ep

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So, cable is needed to watch on the CN site right? This is the first show that I actually want to support officially

Yes, currently the only legal ways to watch the new episodes that haven't aired on TV are through the app or Hulu.

But if you want to support the older episodes, there's iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, etc.

Nevermind about Hulu, only the app is the legal way.

Ah, you got me exited for a second there.

>Both Maos get into a fight and in the mix-up Badger and Adorabat can't tell which cat is their cat
>Mao Mao tells them the cape shade thing and complains that how can't their friends recognize he is the real him? are theg blind? his cape is much better than the impostor's
>They say that they aren't interior designers, how can they distinguish between shades of cherry red, carmesi red, ruby red or whatever red
>The only way they are able to say who is who is because both Maos' egos are so big they get completely pissed-off at being called a very selfless and noble hero/ a dastardly and cunning villain

>In contrast to his teammates' doppelgangers who are trying to mercilessly kill them, Mao Mao and evil Mao Mao actually stop mid-fight to have a heart-to-heart about their families and aspirations.

>Turns into a "my dad can beat your dad" argument

Not that user but since I just watched the latest 6 back to back I wanna add my 2-cents.

Personal ratings:
"Popularity Conquest" 10/10, So many small things to take away from this but it was incredibly fun. And Adorabat's "I love you" to cheer up Mao Mao at the end made me audibly "D'awww".
"Sick Mao" 8/10, it's shallow but mucous based humor grosses me out, it gets a point since Badgerclops points out he doesn't like such grossout humor either. But man did this deliver on the final action sequence. So freaking amazing, like the fever giving Mao-Mao a heat aura making him immune to the Ice-Dragon.
"Thumb War" 9/10, I'm biased. The super cute relationship between Mao-Mao and Adorabat is half the reason I'm watching. They influence each other SO much, it's so sweet. Also coolest Thumb-War EVER. It will never be topped.
"All By Mao-Self" 6/10, It was okay. The giant legs humor saved it.
"He's the Sheriff" 5/10, The king's gentleman's duel was kinda cool but eeh. He was cooler in the Thumb-war and Popularity episode.
"Bobo-chan" 7/10, Adorabat made this episode for me. She was extra blood-thirsty this time around, though it's kinda weird for her to hate monsters THAT much. Also Badgerclops "song" with Bobo-chan was so dumb it was hilarious.

Mega for new Mao?

>Mao Mao is loud with a gruff man's man voice
>Oam Oam speaks in a soft tone with a chillingly high voice

I took it as Adorabat being excited to have a monster on her weight class.


>Secret underground shit
>Super fucking strong
Is he even a fucking sweetiepie?!yE8QFASY!LJWYXOoUzjNhdzPH7p3gSg

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I like that things explode when they get cut up instead of getting flung into the distance. It works way better.
Weird how they can't have things get chopped up on TV. Why wouldn't they give Mao Mao a mace so that wouldn't be an issue?

That's not todays episode

cause he does look samurai-y
plus katanas are just cool, dude

save it for later, it will be updated eventually

Isn't today's episode Popularity conquest and Sick Mao?

What? Its all episodes.

Das creepy, user

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god i love this show

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adorabat wants to be a hero like mao mao! So she's searching for the secret to a hero's power

it's not there, adorabat! look somewhere else...

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Mao Mao canonically sleeps curled up in his cape, this is ooc garbage shit trash

Keep rubbing that area Adorabat, just keep going,

>Mao Mao becomes Me-Mow

Who is the best boy and why is it King Snugglemagne?

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Last time this pic was posted it was up for days.
How long will it take them this time?

I'm glad he's getting more screen time

Is there any more old cartoon character references in this show? There's Morocco Mole and depressed Blues Clues because Steve is gone.

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>play the harpsichord
Objectively the manliest instrument.

The creator of Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart commented on vore art and retweeted it then deleted it shortly after. What did he mean by this?

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Oh no, he's into it! That's why the recent Mao Mao episode happened!

I'm disgusting that he didnt say he'd prefer Badgerclops.

>the episode where mao mao eats orangusnake

Maybe he was laughing at how cringy it is. I know I do.

Is the creator, dare I say, based?

alot of the fanart he likes come from porn artist
what could this all mean

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Thanks, buddy!

To be fair, Mao Mao doesn't get as much fanart as one would think.

Doesn't seem that way to me.

But if Parker is sexually attracted to his characters, he favors Mao Mao more than Badgerclaps clearly.

Shit taste.

Neko hentai is best hentai!

We need more Mao Mao porn!

That's the opposite of shit taste

Mao Mao has nothing to do offer that BC cant do better.

>Is there any more old cartoon character references in this show?
yes, look at this and tell me it isn't a The wind in the willows reference

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does he actually talk like morocco?

I absolutely love how certain shots from the show ,when taken completely out of context, can lead to so many questions...

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Sorry, but I'm not a gay chubby chaser

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And some people prefer lettuce over a steak I'm still right.

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yo when's it updating? it's been an hour

I want my furry shit

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If this shit gets a season 2 I will make a dedicated folder for Mao Mao images.

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>all the furry freaks ITT thinking "he's just like us!!!"
I'm not going to jump to conclusions but it was most probably his way of saying he's more than used to the horrors of the Internet.

Why do all the homos in the thread speak like Twitter/Tumblr expats?

Thank you captain obvious.

What an annoyingly roundbabout way of "I didn't like your post."

What an annoyingly roundbabout way of saying "I'm a faggot from Tumblr".

I don't give a shit about your website phobias, sorry. Are you gonna do anything about it besides cry at me?

>I was only pretending to be a sodomite


Welcome to Yea Forumsmblr, enjoy your stay


Dat manly swagger

CalArts Cats

reminder to report and hide all degenerate trannies (re)posting their furfag fantasies every thread before the jannies send this thread to /trash/

When is Badgerclops turning evil?

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When the creators realize he's the worst of the trio.

They're all great.

I'd like to see Adorabat have an edgy phase. It would probably be funny

Are these two moles the same guy?

Does anyone ELSE have a mega?
since this user is taking forever

No clue. I hope so, that'd be a fun twist in a later episode.

That's the MEGA folder for all episodes that aired online, including episodes that will be airing this month.
What are you waiting for?

Why aren’t YOU?

Ah, makes sense. As long as you’ve learned to be more careful in the future, then we cool.

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Oh I'm retarded

I already had the episodes downloaded and didnt realize the new eps were out this long

Not the guy who was asking for the mega.
Finally finished watched the episodes right now, loved them. Can't pick a favorite from tbis specific batch but if i had it would be "All by Mao self" if only for one thing, Orangusnake does care about his minions and views them as friends. Found it cute.
Love the series and especially the humor.

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Badgerclops isn't shortstack

Nice troll, retard.

That's not an advantage unless you really want to feel taller than somebody for once, manlet.

Heroing isn't psychotic. It's justice as fuck dude.

What if size difference is my fetish?

You're smaller than Badgerclops so there you go.

Not into fatties

Your loss.

It’s honestly worrying that people will probably start watching this show only because “dude it made fun of Steven Universe! Based!”

Whatever works.

>not liking badgerclops
Literally the best boy.

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His "friends" showed him how. He literally had to force his mouth to contort to it since it didn't come naturally.

You are disgusting


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Some people just have garbage taste. He's the nicest cutest boy.

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>Badger or Mao

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So do the villagers like him or what? It changes every few episodes.

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Yeah, the bad guys having the power of friendship for once was awesome.

This is Pinky's fetish.

>I love you Mao Mao!

Damn it that was precious

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I guess they respect his authority as sherif, but it just stand to reason that the sweetiepies would like more a person that is "cute" just like them.

Is this a Jojo reference?

So is this show good or nah

It's so weird seeing his visible nose

Mao Mao is cute

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Just to remind everyone, Tod is not Pinky's friend. He just followed him there.

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Bobo-chan wasn't my favorite episode overall, but the song was goddamn brilliant and got the biggest laugh from me.

CN is dumping Mao Mao on the app before releasing episodes on TV, you can't go by the broadcast schedule.

A lot gets drawn because the characters are easy and fun to draw, it's just being done by people who can't really draw and are embarrassed to share their work.

How did sweetypie civilization survive without mao mao in the first place?

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Really? The same five pictures being posted every thread wasn’t a hint?

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I'm not allowed to post the kind of fanart I want to.

What do you think

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Does that bull have an erection

That's his knee dummy

It’s hip for cartoons to get gay these days, but MMHoPH has proven it’s not a hip shows

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reminder that badgerclops eats garbage and is teaching adorabat to do the same. Worst dad.

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i want to fix that

>buffallo penis
What the FUCK

screech bat

Is CN hoping for this to be popular in asian countries, because this series is barely getting a 1/4 million views per premiere.

CN is hoping it fails so they can demonstrate that only TTG sells and that they should not spend any money on new shows.

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Honestly for a wacky comedy, this show's core message of being honest with yourself has way more impact than any episode of Steven Universe.

>crossing her out
What the fuck is wrong with you?

There’s no chance
because they’re both bottoms and decided it wasn’t working out but their friendship is stronger because of it

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You're not my dad, I can do what I want.

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Anyone got requests? I’ve been wanting to practice draw mao mao lately

Mao Mao standing in a pitch black room naked with his eyes closed.

True madness.

Mao Mao in cool samurai gear
Literally any samurai-esque aesthetic

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MaoMao likes attention too much to bottom.

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Badgerclops deserves an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony just for his song.
Orangusnake with "Well Badgerclops, you and i never really got to know each other" and just dropping him then. The abrupt music pause somehow made me burst laughing more than him going back up over and over like a yo-yo even if i like that poor badger

Am I missing something with the song
Is it parodying something?

> if you can fly, you LEGALLY have to tell me

>Likes attention
>therefore can’t bottom
Have a (you) for sending my mind into a tailspin

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In general is a parody of all "missing someone so much both burst into a ballad moment" up to and including Badgr's face appearing on the moon and all lyrics are sung very emotionally as if it was a potent and powerful message yet all it says is literally "ba ba ba ba ba"

Fun fact! Ba ba is “daddy” in Chinese

>Ramaraffe slept through the whole ambush
>pops out in the background and then walks away silently a la "oh hey what did i miss well i'm leaving"

>that fucking smile
I swear to God this show is gonna end with a grizzled old one-armed Mao Mao taking down adult Adorabat after she decides she actually just wants to hurt things.

I feel what i want to request wouldn't be that good to ask. Even if it's a sfw thing.

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>hey guys, what's going on in this threNOPE

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Bullshit they love each other

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all of them should have hand like moo moo

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Just say it anyways

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What was the word?

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I swear i'm a stupid child, i laughed again.

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Fudge? As in the dessert?

A Bao Bao (imaginary and muscular one) sitting happy like the sweet guy he actually is looking at the camera. Face actually showing without the evil shadow over his eyes.

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Fuck this user

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The best thing about Adorabat is that her presence makes Mao Mao and Badgerclops seem like much better characters by comparison.

>A furfaggot show was created by an autistic pervert
Not really. It isn't really bad and it has the occasional decent line but there isn't much special about it.


I have a poll for you, Yea Forums

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never going to happen it's cute tho

here you go, cool prompt!

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Not the user that requested but that's very nicely done! Great job!
Do you have a social media handle that I can follow you on?

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Wow, that's really nice.

You skipped my Mao Mao in a dark room request though.

the only one i barely use now is my twitter, junkmix. thanks though!

thanks dude, but try another request though. haha

Bao Bao deserves more love.

Why'd you delete this? Did you notice a mistake?

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the other one's leg looked off to me.

You mean ? 7 years without an update seems a little unlikely.

Really great job!

Can you draw Mao Mao and Badgerclops hugging while they both look really happy? Usually whenever they hug in the show Mao Mao looks annoyed, so I wouldn't mind a hug with a great big smile.

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whoops forgot to add in the "art"


Again. Thank you, this is real cute.
Also, on "Bao Bao's revenge" his message reads "Bewore Manster Bao Bao"

Also I have to go to bed soon, so if you do end up drawing this I'll have to thank you later.

It lacks context

here you go, i'll be heading to sleep myself now. Good night!

Attached: badgermao.jpg (1000x1064, 132K)

I just voted for the character I want to fuck

Thank you so much! You have a good night!

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That is absolutely perfect.

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Cute stuff. Thanks once more for some more Bao bao and have a nice sleep.

Honestly the only difference between the image I had in my head while requesting, and your image, is that in my head Mao Mao had both eyes closed. Other than that it's 100% spot on, amazing job.

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But it's free food.

The Ruby Pure Heart probably kept them safe from more than just monsters, before it was broken.

Shut your whore fucking mouth, Rebecca and Pendletton. THIS IS EXACTLY what those crap bean mouth face cartoons are like.
God if I was your parent I'd whip your ass into next Tuesday.


The intern is the lead storyboard artist

>you're out of touch, i'm out of time but i'm out of my head when you're not around

No wonder your art is really good

2 of mao mao's 5 onee-chans

Attached: maomaosisters.jpg (1440x908, 147K)

>dat wiggle

So does he still have like a single vertebrate in there.

Jokes on YOU my friend, because I don't have any parents!

Adorabat NEEDS that booty.

Mao Mao - The CalArts Cats Series

I like Mao Mao but thirds episode was weirdly tone deaf. The things they were making fun of are mostly not like that. Especially the popularity contest part. And the catch phrase. The creators don't seem to get why they are popular or that their own style isn't really different at all.

You're an idiot. It was like a rightist mocking a leftist, completely oblivious to how off they are.

>mao mao's mouth is described as a bean in his own fucking song

Yikes! Looks like they aren't that different after all.

Except their own show isn't really any different. And they don't have catch phrases. That's retarded.

He's also almost always wrong

They tried, but were way off

They aren't really different at all. The episode seemed a desperate attempt at separating itself.

it is confirm maomao sister do have paw like maomao.

Attached: a a a a a.png (651x362, 297K)

His mouth is bean like in the show, but it’s not trapped in a sterile perma smile with three straight lines depicting teeth. If you watched the episode, you can see the shift from pointy cat fangs

Attached: B95C70C9-FA5E-4F16-BE2A-78C3BD6F1E41.jpg (795x718, 66K)

This video is predates the final designs for the show; and are you going to tell us that badgerclops has a butt shaped head, because the video tells you to draw a butt for his head?

Neither are the the shows getting reeeeeeed over

As a huge fan of both SU and this show and has seen all the episodes from both multiple times I can assure you not only that the style of smiles are less limited in Mao Mao, but also that the rounded out transformation was simply a referential shorthand for the generic calarts style which, considering the reaction, was pulled off successfully.

Attached: 8796D268-4E13-455D-B1EE-3ABB9C803B66.gif (480x270, 1.89M)

The style isn't different

>Currently a BG designer for Ducktales at Disney.


are you gonna be posting these onto your social media at all?

His wide-mouth laugh looks like Stitch.

You guys need to stop engaging these “everything is calarts” faggots. It’s pretty obviously just fishing for reactions by stating something obviously wrong. Also called pretending to be retarded.

But it is, is the thing.
There is an overt visual difference between these Mao Maos, the joke is as clear as can be.

Attached: B6A8202A-AD9C-424E-B87E-71F3450433AA.jpg (2048x2048, 397K)

is this show good
im rly bored and need to watch something

Pretty good show, I'm n episode 11 and really like how Adorabat became part of the team. Fire department episode when?

Attached: the-king's-quick-survey.png (960x720, 514K)

I wonder if Japan will keep the show's original title?

Attached: 愛してる。Mao Mao.png (662x245, 283K)

doing gods work

I’m not sure what else they would call it.
Is there an international release date posted anywhere? I’m curious how the VAs will sound.

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Taking bets, which one's gonna be the token nice sister?

hopefully the buff one
the world needs more gentle buff girls

Attached: 1561479635898.jpg (564x468, 50K)

>Not avalable to leafs
Fuck me

“Quinten gets pissed off by the king’s mistreatment and leaves” episode when?

there's a reason why he never skips arm day

Attached: ripped.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

If it’s the buff one, this show will be confirmed GOAT

Attached: 9C0FE835-31A9-45B7-BE5D-7C6D207D6AB7.jpg (1280x1280, 198K)

Buff sister pays 50:1 since she was seen laughing in that flashback scene.

>I was looking through my files and I found these! And now that some of you who I'm pals with may know the context of this and just so you know it does hurt me
What the FUCK did she mean by this

Attached: 44E95454-3510-4F93-AF52-653D78105E7F.jpg (1280x1280, 175K)

>the king is strong enough to defend his kingdom singlehandedly if he wasn't such a weenie
Can't wait for the "everyone gets captured and the king has to reluctantly be the hero for once" episode.

None of them
Mao Mao grew up thinking and idolizing his family as heroes
but they're really criminals, and Mao Mao has to fight them

j-just playful laughter exaggerated by Mao Mao
ha ha

Would you take care of him when he got sick, Yea Forums?

Attached: 3B9C6595-23B1-4D0D-9DDD-D2DE97E8100F.png (538x442, 219K)

Buff one or hat one.

I dunno. I think they will be asshile heroes who think helping the little guy is beneath them and strictly do high tier shit. They'd think defending the pure heart denizens is a fucking joke

Mao Mao on the other hand learns better so Adorabat ends up thinking he is far better than his hero family.

Attached: file.png (398x416, 31K)

So are we getting more "Mao Mao changes something about himself to please others" episodes? Or maybe something more extreme?

Attached: 20190806_124303.jpg (1080x861, 248K)


Attached: Pinky binoculars.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

"Sick Mao 2 : Dysphoria"

My guess it will go

>Beefcake = Big girl who mostly grunts but is actually pretty nice. Just wants to see Mao Mao toughen up
>Doctor Strange = superior than thou bitch who thinks she is better than everyone
>Karate girl = hothead who reminisces when she rekt Mao Mao in physical trials. Likes reminding him of it
>Gold Scarf = The leader. Mostly disregards Mao Mao to focus on more important shit
>Purple Hat = Quiet one who you mostly discern intent through how she looks at you. Probably looks down on Mao Maos swordplay. The Vergil to Mao Maos Dante

Mao Mao has to deal with the existential dread of knowing that one day, Badgerclops and Adorabat will have to leave
thus leaving him all alone again.

What did he mean by this?

Attached: sad mao mao is best mao mao.png (1920x1080, 619K)

>Pinky will never be the qt anime girl he wants to be
no wonder he's so deranged

>His mom is a villain
>tug of war about being a hero who isnt accepted by most of his family or a villain accepted by his loving mother

until I read the comments I thought this was supposed to be batman, but it's actually ttg robin and the king was making fun of the amount of reruns. Am I stupid for not noticing that?

Attached: robin.jpg (925x876, 62K)

>mao mao creates a shit ton of alter egos just to please different sweetypies
>turns out these alter egos have a mind of their own and have existed for a while
>"wait that's not how alter egos work?"

Why are you like this

Fuck did i write it wrong?

thats how its officially written

that's literally what the citizens of pure heart valley are called you retard
no he's just trying to be one of those "pokemon xd? go back to plebbit" type of retards

Oh ok

Who what

Is there a hidden dick in this picture or something, is that why the deletion

Was that a fucking G Gundam reference in the Sick Mao episode.

Are we gonna get a lovestruck guard episode?
Who is the object of his affection?


Attached: E0EE133B-21C6-40C9-B399-82C301BEFC4D.png (407x313, 39K)

I finally watched the whole show yesterday and it's fantastic. Really good breathe of fresh air for current cartoons.

Probably not the other guard.

They fucked in the animation, but that was decidedly not kid friendly so I doubt they’ll go that route in canon

I wish you weren't trolling.

He's not, though. Check the ending he was referencing.

Oh, I never actually watched the credits before.
Although if they invited her in the first place.....

Of course they did, that’s what made it not gay, duh

>the ending song

Attached: cd2.jpg (600x457, 35K)

they were in denial at first
then they saw each other's dick then they knew they're both cock gobblers

Just started on the new episodes and fuck man this show is so fun. On Sick Mao Mao now and I really like that Ice dragon design. Anyone got any webms for the fight with it?


What did it say?

That the two guards realized they were gay.

Anyone else love the villain's designs and voices? Especially Orangusnake, really feels like a perfect villain design.

All of the voice acting is so over the top in the best kind of way.
I personally appreciate a lot of badgerclops’ delivery, but you can’t go wrong with Publick

episode of mao mao before metting badgerclops and after losing bao bao. get ready guys this is going to be a ride.

Why does Orangusnake's voice sound so familiar? I know McCulloch does a load of voicework, but I feel like there's a specific character he reminds me of.

The monarch?

Also, Cobra Commander. Fitting since he's a giant King Cobra.

That's it, he sounds a bit like SPHINX Commander.

episodes about the sky pirates when?

Attached: boss hosstrich.png (1920x1080, 735K)

>ep where new better villains show up and the sky pirates get jealous/team up with mao mao to beat them
>ep where they defend mao mao from his family shit talking him
>mao mao defends them from his sister(s) who are even more brutal than he is towards them
>ep where they recruit sweetypies

It just means you haven't been subjected to ttg enough, which is a good thing.

The gentleman duel had me in tears


I really wanna see him just go apeshit on a villain or monster. He clearly has the strength.

Based as fuck

Attached: 13584518.png (259x224, 13K)

Prolly none but hopefully they show up soon

Attached: D4C29316-6399-4DF0-992E-0427609A8591.jpg (1609x1258, 118K)

Yo who in the HECK is you, i love your art gimme a place to follow you.

Attached: 1564900201047.webm (466x720, 184K)


>I put up with too much, y'all.

How to draw:
Mao Mao

>We Bare Bears is super popular in Asia
>lots of japanese artist are drawing Mao Mao fanart
so will there be a crossover?
or will Asia just get all the Mao Mao merch?

>Hey, when did you guys learn Japanese?
Caught me by surprise

Where are these lots of Japanese artists and how can I find them

Not sure, but "mao" sounds like the word for "demon king" in Japanese in addition to meaning "cat" in Chinese.


I was gonna do a few more sketches and maybe color it before posting.

if you're still taking requests, i was wondering if you could draw Mao Mao under the effects of catnip
or badgerclops messing around with mao mao with a laser pointer

>>lots of japanese artist are drawing Mao Mao fanart
Are they? I can't find anything in pixiv and I have no idea how to look for stuff on twitter.

>Demon King Cat
That's pretty badass. Mao Mao would approve.

>Demon Cat King

Mao Mao was the runt of the litter. It comes across even more when he's stripped of his adventureware.

>alternate universe evil Mao Mao is named Maou Maou
>everyone keeps getting confused so they constantly stop fighting to explain the difference in pronunciation to people

I would give him some chicken soup and then pet_ the ever living hell out of him and then finish it off with some close contact cuddling

Attached: ABB82D91-1ED8-45DA-B8B0-B9E0F4937482.png (1060x1164, 122K)

All of them.

I'd love to see some reference to Ice Bearclops.

>wait these are magical

>nothing is magic
Then explain this

Attached: 70EC236B-3BF8-4046-9706-5011244B9137.jpg (1242x348, 76K)

The fingers of the gloves have prosthetic extensions to make it easier to hold a sword, but actually because he's self conscious about his small hands.

They're probably mechanical

Attached: 1563847191169.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)


How come nobody called him a hero? He was braver and more effectual than Adorabat in No Shortcuts.

It's ninja science, I ain't gotta explain shit.

Attached: 1548696730160.jpg (1280x721, 99K)

Is Badgerclops gay? He talks kinda gay, he has a gay but charming laugh, and when he falls in love with a blob he calls it a he and plays the part of the woman.

In the Popularity episode Badgerclops fires out Mao Mao's glove already holding his sword so this seems likely.

Your logic doesn't follow

This little fucking gremlin is my favorite villager.

Badgerclops is clearly a dysphoric black wxmxn.

Tops are the stars.

They kicked her out halfway through though

Reminder that this tubbo can go full Doc Ock at any time.

Attached: bc2.jpg (1920x1080, 788K)

Sex is practically just the top giving the bottom attention though.

What are you talking....

Oh, right, sometimes I forget that most people are straight.

Have you ever heard of a power bottom? Or does that register as a top to you?

They're a minority.

That's not how gay sex works, that's why power bottoms are so common.

That's like saying men are a minority because they only comprise 49% of humans. Not only is the minority status a mere technicality, they're a majorly visible and defining portion of faggotry.

cause he gets stuck in fences everyday

I dunno, are power bottoms really that common?

I don't think they're that prominent. But I guess it depends on how you define power bottom.

Yay, LA release soon. Maybe if this succeeds in other regions CN decides not to cancel it, like with WBB.

Attached: jajaja.png (640x383, 56K)

I wanna hear Spanish BC.

It just means interested in getting fucked in the ass and can range from leather daddies mocking twinks into pounding them to twinks themselves aggressively presenting. Power tops are disinterested in ass play but want to do things and have things done to their dicks by other men.

This is why homosexuals will never know true love.

Homosexuals are the ONLY ones who know true love.

That's an even more liberal definition than I thought you'd give.

Attached: catnip.jpg (1000x626, 284K)


Wait, did the drawfag draw this just now?

What is this C.A.L.A.R.T.S. C.A.T.S. faggotry?

It most certainly was!
They even parodied Kohei Tanaka's music.
Is there no end to this show's based nature?

Attached: My body burns with a terrible fever.png (1920x1080, 524K)

You have no idea what a clueless moron you just made yourself look like.

Attached: 1544758372654.png (752x542, 269K)

It's still Calarts Cats.

If you hate it, THEN GET THE FUCK OUT.

Attached: you dun fucked up.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

Kek, get a load of this guy!

A true hero would never judge a show without watching it first!

Such is the nature of Jokes

I hope they hire this man for BC

Attached: file.png (719x720, 885K)

Attached: ff456154314e12d14c.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

>ahegao mao
Fucking bless you

>Not “ahegao gao”
You had ONE chance.


Attached: dadmao.jpg (1000x915, 192K)

Holy shit

Attached: C758D940-D381-4772-8045-39BD507443B7.gif (300x224, 1.15M)

You're a saint.

Attached: file.png (357x259, 122K)

The definitive mexican cast

Attached: va.png (1436x720, 1.75M)


Still doesn't change that it's CalArts Cats.

We should make a booru for your MaoMao art.

requesting badgerclops comforting mao mao

There already is. You can find it here.

>finally watch this
>Mao-Mao isn't voiced by Wayne Knight
Sounds like wasted potential.

That doesn't fix my hamburger

oh my

Attached: 1499632083792.jpg (223x288, 18K)


you can put this one there to start haha

Attached: maotail.jpg (1000x915, 145K)

While I personally prefer Badgerclops over Mao, I can still tell this is really tasty. People are gonna like you. What time zone are you in though, you only pop up late at night.

>We should make a booru
>more boorus for booru's sake
Terminate yourself, my man.

What. are you gonna put Mao Mao art on the WBB booru?

I think you're missing the point of a booru. It isn't to add another booru to your fucking list, it's for convenience.

Attached: 139646781157.png (661x667, 301K)

Don't your bosses frown upon you being here, bro? There's your real name in that, and all. Plus there's all this recent stuff that happened, and I mean, 4 is still close to 8,

>it's for convenience.
Convenience for who? Is being online too complicated for you?
You archive fetishists sure came out of the woodwork after /trash/ was made. She has her own site. Multiple, even.

Convenience for people who want to check up on new art, idiot.

Bah Gawd! Even her poor sweet Momma is in there!

>You archive fetishists
Of all the things to get mad about in 2019.

Which one of you will be the Admin for it?

[L I T E R A L L Y S E E T H I N G]

Sure, why not.

Is there a way to give somebody mod privileges? I don't have much interesting in moderating it myself.

Also I'm assuming stylesheets is what spices up the look of the booru, if anyone has any I can try them.

What are you on about?

Ask a vaguer question.


Did you miss the link? I don't know what you're asking.

>Registration is closed.

The name should be Mao Mao: Booru of Pure Heart.

The state of your drawthread-like demeanor, mate.

Still literally Calarts Cats.

You don't need an account to upload at the moment. Maybe later.

I live CA. The only free time I have is night.

what are you talking about?

Attached: crymao.jpg (923x915, 140K)

Mao Mao sounds like fucking BoJack. Any cuteness in this show is there to be mocked or set up a disturbing joke. The three main characters are all amputees FFS, this is not a comfy tapioca flavored snoozefest. The only lesson being taught is get pissed off at the weak and incompetent.

Still doesn't stop it from being CalArts Cats.

Then thank you for using said free time to make some nice images for us.

Help them

also did anyone else find it upsetting seeing adorabat crying as she was about to be executed?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 11.31.06 PM.png (771x495, 516K)

Not that it matters unless somebody wants mod controls, but registration is allowed now.

Everyone itt needs a good night’s sleep, ffs

Attached: E67B0560-6B0A-4ABE-B5DD-221A89CB8ACA.jpg (1280x960, 324K)

It's cool, it's been a while since I've drawn fanart. Thanks for the practice!

good night mao mao

whoops meant for

Yea Forums has a notorious image because Yea Forums is a ground zero for internet shock humor and /pol/ is allowed to be ass backwards about things. The media pretends the entire site is an unmoderated alt-right neonazi staging area where everything vile and hateful on the internet originates.

Another chan founded because it felt Yea Forums was too restrictive just got services pulled by Cloudflare, champions of hands-off free speech because they had their third strike of a white supremacist mass shooter posting his intent to do it on the site before doing it on top of their propagation of seething incel culture.

You probably shouldn't post your Twitter in threads or use a handle that can be traced back to it on a booru if you're gonna hang out with Yea Forums. We're not exactly Disney-approved due to negative media perception and imageboards are especially under fire at the moment.

dude the creator of Mao Mao replied to and retweeted vore art of his own character on Twitter for all his followers to see. drawing a cat's butt on Yea Forums is fucking nothing

I can't imagine being as retarded as you

Mao Mao isn't DuckTales, it airs on the same channel as Tigtone and Ballmastrz.

Sadly there doesn't seem to be a title edit option, which is lame.

Been trying to edit the colors on the booru with the .css file, I guess it's more complicated than just swapping the hex codes because doing that changed absolutely nothing. Oh well, whatever.

Just leave it be for now and upload everything you have so far, I'll post a link in a Mao Mao thread when East Coast burgers are awake and let them know you're looking for advice and/or an admin.

The mass-upload function doesn't seem to be working, but I've uploaded everything the based drawfag has done so far at least.

Neat. I'm going to bed. Pow-pow!

Attached: 1556582873554.jpg (640x640, 33K)

I've also uploaded a lewd to the booru just to show that yes, lewds are allowed.


So, what do you guys think will be the one thing to make Mao Mao go apeshit on hsi family?
Them mocking his staus as hero of pure heart valley...
or them mocking Adorabat, pushing his buttons so hard he is absolutely livid and defeats them in such a swit move, even Adorabat is scared.

getting .css to work still eludes me but I added some basic new number counters to replace the catgirls on at least.

If a drawfag wants to draw some new ones, cool.

I also thought the same, Rene voice realy fits Mao

i think's custom CSS function overwrites the default sheet rather than add a second one to the stack, so you have to patch selectors one-by-one. i'm too lazy to do that, but if you have Stylish you can test out this quick and dirty usersheet i just made:

it also adds "Booru of Pure Heart" at the end of the title

Well, it did do what you said it would at least.

Attached: file.png (818x522, 38K)

Main page is odd too. I'll leave it as this for now since it's not like it's unusable, but unfortunately if nobody can figure out how to fix the layout within a few days, I'll have to change it back.

Attached: file.png (640x429, 48K)

How did you get access to the CalArts servers to get those CalArts Cats pictures?

Please stop it with the booru shit, y'all gonna get us vanished to /trash/

Attached: 1561835429740.jpg (1242x1242, 239K)

As long as nobody keeps linking it in the OP like a general, nobody's going to care.

here, I patched the default.css with my modifications, try it now

That's better. Thanks.

Congratulations, dipshit, you made the booru against the rules to link to with furry porn. Off-site beefcake of Mao and BC was already pushing it.

Attached: 1562199341153.png (587x673, 346K)

Attached: 1446629548681.jpg (363x541, 35K)

Um, the booru that's in the OP of every drawfag thread has furry porn in it.
A lot.

noice, no prob

Attached: 1534832653572.gif (412x480, 25K)

I want to pet this fucking cat so badly.

Oh. Didn't know that.

That... does not actually make me feel any better, I wanted to be able to look at cute picture of Mao Mao without seeing cat and badger dicks.

My Account > Options > Tag Blacklist
enter " rating:explicit, nsfw "
there you go

Yeah, and if you listen closely you can hear her shrill shrieking when Badgerclops says 'Here I come Bobo-Chan'.
What got me is Orangusnake tossing Badgerclops over like a sack of potatoes without any emotion or farewell. Damn.

Attached: sadbat.gif (333x480, 1.12M)

I dunno about TTG Robin here, but he looked to me more like Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension.

Attached: d79dxcz-d0ab5a0b-8f7b-4c92-a232-2a921659f6c7.jpg (582x900, 418K)

Scenes like this involving the sky pirates as ruthless thugs is refreshing and I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen it done this well on any other CN show

Attached: 39E678D1-72AA-4A6C-ACE8-1CF24A04F11E.png (187x200, 54K)