Why is Raven the one who’s always portrayed as having the bigger tits?
Why is Raven the one who’s always portrayed as having the bigger tits?
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Because goth girl with huge tits is a popular fetish
Less athletic so she ends up thiccer
desu small tit raven is best Raven
Because 2003 Teen Titans ruined Starfire
Wanda Maximoff has...average breasts.
That's like saying MCU ruined Mantis
>he likes comic Starfire
You are cancer.
It's just plain math.
she also has a big butt
2003 cartoonfags are the only cancer of this franchise
because she does?
raven is the best ever
What makes pre TT starfire great that the cartoon ruined?
He's just a casual shitposting, you will get a vague/meme answer at best.
Wait I thought that Raven was portrayed as the one with a bigger ass while Starfire was always portrayed as the titty monster and futa
Not, Raven is the thick one while Starfire is portrayed as raping her(sometimes as a futa)
This. TT Raven had some nice tits
To make up for her unfun shit personality that's why
Yea Forums's love for her gives them strength.
>don't like goth soft tsundere
Shitty taste
Because she had bigger tits.
well maybe Maximoff just isnt goth enough
Space slut
Raven has an hourglass figure, Starfire is more a perky sticc.
More than Raven. Just acting moody doesn't make you goth.
It's good for different characters to have different bodies. X-Men Evolution was good with this; Jean was a skinny model type, Rogue had big tits, and Kitty was a sticc.
How do i find a gf just like raven?
She pretty obviously did in the show.
Go to poetry slams.
>likes comic version
I’m not the biggest fan of Evolution’s art style but I kind of like this look.
>not thinking the 2003 cartoon is better in everyway to every other version
The size tends to be inconsistent. They vary from medium to JESUS CHRIST THIS IS A KID'S SHOW!
Does anyone have the dialogue version of this where they're making fun of your dick?
raven was always sticc but thicc in the right players
aka perfection
look at her beautiful smile
Wanda is probably one of the best goths I've seen in a cartoon. With the longcoat she looks fantastic.
I love the ankh theme she has going too.
why did that kino get canceled again
i remember trying to watch it at every chance when i was younger
Looks like Jean got the big tits of the show. At least according to the character designer.
Comic titans was pretty good after Infinity Crisis, Rose Wilson acting like a big sister to kid devil was cute.
A real Raven never leaves her room
Raven was always the more popular waifu so it stands that in all her fanart and lewds and porn she'd also end up getting the biggest rack
>not thinking the teen titans go is better in everyway to every other version
A real Raven would never date you.
Their movie was unironically kino and better than anything 2d marvel did since EMH
She was not that huge in the show.
Yes a real Raven would you fuck
kill yourself faggot
go is unironicly better than the comics
Raven would rather fuck beast boy than any of us user.
Think about that for a moment.
One man; endless dicks.
It's a pretty good deal.
nobody cares about shitty comic raven and bitchboy
Raven is mine
Incorrect. The character sheets floating around explicitly name Rogue the biggest in the show.
I'll need some proof... for reasons.
she looks hidous and tumblr tier in that
Because god forbid you jack it to a girl with average or fit proportions. Thicc is new meta
Thicc has been patrician taste since the dawn of man.
You need Dick
In comics yes.
puberty happened
I usually don't like fanart that has the same design but pumps up the tits but I grew to like Ravenravenraven's super-stacked Raven for this reason; imagining that she just grew.
raven would insta marry me
Because Star isn't fully developed into an ault tamarian yet
pedofaggots get the rope first
>Ravenravenraven's super-stacked Raven
post pls?
That's pretty great. Is there a borou or something that has more of his raven stuff?
Just look up RavenRavenRaven. Chappy has a Newgrounds and a deviantart page as far as I know. Might be on Twitter, but I avoid that shit-pit.
>MCU-loving cartoon secondary trying to call anyone else a onions
He has a pixiv
That I wasn't aware of, but eh. It's not like they have anything to censor in his art.
because she is a big titty goth girl
Both are BBC bait
Question! Why the fuck are we even hunting BBC? Are we going to chop them off and sell them for Chinese medicine purposes?
Please say yes.
You wish. Raven is for green dick only
ravenravenraven is the best cartoon fan artistist of all time
nothing he draws is disgusting its all solo lesbian or faceless character
i want raven to vore me
Beast Boy deserves better than angsty goth drama. Given his skinny figure and constant need for attention, he needs a dick in his ass with a nice personality attached to it.
Cartoons are based mcu is cringe
comics are cringe
He does that giantess stuff which isn't my fetish.
I wouldn't call it disgusting, though.
>ravenravenraven is the best cartoon fan artistist of all time
Sure he is, buddy
What a fucking dumb and embarassing statement.
how tall is raven?
Okay, but it's not nearly as fun as you think.
neck yourself queer
you to faggot
literally die in a fire
i hope the cartel gets ahold of you
BBC is the non-thinking mans fetish. Who wants to see some big hulking giga nigga defiling their waifu instead of having them gently caress them into steamy hot vanilla sex
Zone is a overated faggot cuck
only good thing he did was wakfu
>beast boy cock
Wanna know how i know you don't belong here?
Because i have an IQ above 80?
That comic is from around 2005.
Not anymore.
BLACKED, and in record time
flashCHADS can't keep stealing our girls bros
first jinx now raven
Either Starfire is bigger, or ideally depict them with the same sized tits.
I don't hate Wally but he needs to back the fuck off.
Ravenravenraven is boring normie junk who's best quality is the fact that he draws a popular subject a lot instead of anything that is particular to him as an artist.
non cannon garbage
his stuff is top tier
This is not hot, thank god I don't find this hot.
Zone made a flash of his avatar getting gangbanged by niggers
vore is tame
Cope. Cracker. Cope.
They’re the fastest, man.
Kill yourself nigger
you apes with be extinct within a couple hudnred years tops
Raven makes my peepee stiff
I hate niggers
and what happened to flash being white
>not liking vore
Am i the only fucking one that likes raven for her character and personality?
Original Wally? He's currently stuck in suffering limbo. Pretty sure they're trying to get rid of him.
She's so fluffy.
don't exist, and for good reason.
she would be 2nd best if not for being a nigger lover only tolerate her because cyborgs based
I’m more into the GO personalities for them myself.
Man, I fucking love his STICC Jinx
>Some vore
>Okay yet hardly notable style
Yeah real exciting child.
Faggot im Brazilian and Hawaiian.
Cry more.
The tongue thing probably isn't actually vore, to be pedantic.
his art is top tier it's just hampered by the stupid giantess fetish he insists on focusing every god damn picture on.
it's such a shame.
nothing beats 2003 raven but go is alright
then you are a cuck
even worse
>>Some vore
okay so the best stuff?
and he's style if perfect
only thing close is shads best stuff and zone
how did CN get away with this!?
>Raven has nice round curves she keeps hidden
>Jinx is full on sticc and flexible and acrobatic
>Starfire is almost amazon tier in build (especially her height) but still on the slender side
Do I have it about right?
I love sticc vs. thicc in general
Futafags must die.
lol fag
Big tiddy Goth Girl makes my peepee hard
>For years, Raven has been stealing Jinx's breast matter.
>Jinx just can't seem to understand why she can't grow but Raven gets so big.
Can you tell me more? Your writing is interesting.
Also wow I just noticed Jinx is flat AF. Damn shame
That happens even within episodes; Fear Itself is a good example of this.
post full pick NOW
what did he mean by this?
A girl I know that is into comics told me im exactly like Slade. Is it a good or a bad thing? Is she into me or is he a freak? I dont follow TT.
If she was into comics she'd have called him death stroke.
>Is she into me or is he a freak?
depends on whether or not she self-inserts as Terra
She's probably into, but she's crazy and has issues.
This is from not long after she had been "Resurrected" entirely hairless by the cult of blood
sounds win-win
Comics Beastboy is charming as fuck, dude.
Bringing back the Raven/Kid Flash pairing goes as far back as her first appearances.
It's true i was the slade
called it
I never understood why Raven got more art and porn than Starfire.
Demon-child who cheats it.
Then again- Starfire literally had explosive adventure puberty becoming a coccoon, and Raven got "DADDY'S LITTLE GIRL" Tattoos, so they both had fucked coming of age stories.
That said- those stories might have been the perfect little catalysts for design changes if the show so wished, I.E Starfire becoming more mature, Raven getting more THICC- or sporting some other design change brining them closer to comics.
goths are more exotic than guido bimbos
the show is it's own fucking thing
fuck the shitty comics
she was neither a guinea nor a bimbo
As stated, goths are exotic
but I think the big part is Starfire's already paired up with Robin pretty heavily in the show.
and no one likes Robin.
>raven has athletic build with slightly bigger breasts
>american fans "all about that thicclolgangstashityo" draw totally off model
every fucking time.
>goths are exotic
As if a space alien isn't exotic?
>the big part is Starfire's already paired up with Robin pretty heavily in the show
Clearly the solution is to NTR Starfire away from Robin.
Why didn't they keep her shy?
they did
what do you mean?
I meant timid or whatever, she's better in their first meetup.
>Wanda Maximoff has...average breasts.
>MCU Wanda is bigger
>comic Wanda has big heaving sidewinders
Two more reasons X-Men Evolution is an in-name only version of her.
yes she's perfect
but it makes since she would get less timid around them
Soo, anyone else see the new Raven animation from that guy that did that Epic Crossover vid a year or two ago?
Providing context would help but i’m guessing you’re an idiot so ... she means you’re an asshole or a pedo
because she's thicc. I always saw star as the slim athletic one.
I agree she's best with her canon build; a shapely slim body with generous sized bust.
Best case scenario is she thinks you sound like Ron Perlman.
But that's not very likely, and you'd probably already know if you did without her telling you in an obtusely phrased way.
Did I use that term correctly?
>That embarassing age where Cartoons tried to imitate Anime
>considers that anything other than the golden age
>uses yikes
like pottery
tfw not there to catch raven
That wacky Spectre!
you must be some autistic monotone weirdo irl then
>insult anime and animelike cartoons
>anime fags screech like faggots
So she'll kill everyone and everyone, including herself, to one up the sister she wants to fuck?
That is pretty hardcore hate not going to lie.
full grown adults can be flat tho
also Raven's actual age is never mentioned. She could just as easily be 18-19 depending on which version of her you are looking at
raven has fucked everyone in entire teen titans
I really really like goth girls with black duck tape
>eyes on the road, cyborg
>curvy short girl and tall sticc girl
What are some other examples?
In a row?
She does in my dreams.
Does anyone have the copypasta where the guy is yelling about how he needs to fuck raven
>Raven would rather fuck beast boy
Supposedly she's 5'4
So we're working on another Teen Titans game. This thread has definitely been helpful in giving us reference material for how shapely Raven can be. I'm starting to think we'll have to bump her up a couple sizes just to keep her closer to her cartoon self.
I mean, if the
*I mean, if there was a Beast Girl, wouldn't you?
When will they learn?
>Beast Boy still thinking of Terra
>Raven: My FaThEr LoVeS mE
Wow, such revelations. Truth is, Raven is emotionally stunted to an autistic degree. Any woman who behaves like she does in real life would get heavy suggestions to try therapy.
*Steals you waifu*
Sorry anons but Raven is for Beast chad only.
Not like we can compete with someone who can give himself a literal horsecock. We can still dream of those gargantuan gray gazongas, though.
Shit, I am.
NEVER stick it into the crazy ones.
lol ok cockroach
Everyone loves Starfire!
>Being able to sample all kinds of animal pussy without going to jail
>Red Tornado considers building a family
Oh boy. It's the Vision family all over again.
I like goth girls with small titties, they look cute and playful. Big tits makes them look like a 5000 year old vampire.
Step right on in
Think Star's hair is actually hot?
trash site
>Not like we can compete with someone who can give himself a literal horsecock.
This. The only one that can compete with a shapeshifter is a telepath. A shapeshifter can make whatever cock or fetish the woman wants come true, the telepath can just stimulate the neural pathways and dial in the pleasure manually that way.
In as much as a big, healthy chest is a visual cue for an of age female, so too is a flat chest a visual cue for a female who is not of age. Preferring flat chests means that your broken ass lizard brain wants to fuck children and you're just rationalizing it.
Pedos get the rope first.
Children have no hips and flat asses
Raven is a kind of religious ascetic who expected to die at a young age due to demons, although that was averted.
This means that
a) she isn't used to getting attention for her curves and may not be aware how nice they are
b) she doesn't wear underwear
Morphing Shadow panties
>TT porn game with male character being beast boy, immediatly alienate much of your audience.
>not a faceless self insert oc that everyone can enjoy as themselves.
Telepathy wont save someone from getting mr. handsed
even the fucking cat
>That based age where Cartoons tried to imitate Anime
Yeah, sounds about right.
Here Yea Forums's horniness goes in-depth to the issue.
A true mans choice. Jinx is a gift.
don't give her balloon tits. even your pic is too big and looks stupid.
He's getting another series in a few months. Tom King just decided to absolutely wreck Wally.
Lmao you even look low IQ
this is one of the few times i've enjoyed this guy's art, and i honestly can't explain why. i'm not really a vorefag either.
she's never fucked anyone you faggot cuck bitch
I assumed Cyborg would be 6'0 maybe 6'1 starfire 5'8 robin 5'5 raven 5'2 and beastboy 5'0
at least let me play alt raven
>Raven is emotionally stunted to an autistic degree
perfection god i love her
my heaven would be crossing over into that dimension
and therapy is only for normalfags
If she wasn't a whore she'd be super based
>TT porn was the first porn I ever saw
It was 2004 and I happened to catch a topless Starfire on a google image search, and that was the day 10 year old me changed forever.
god i would dive right in
tfw not living in ravens mouth
sure seems like it
might get a tattoo or just plaster my entire house full of raven posters to prove im the biggest fan
Raven>>>>>Starfire=Jinx>>>>>>>>>Literal Shit>>>>>>Terra
if not for her canonically being into cyborg then yeah
In some of the later seasons, when Jinx is shipped more with Kid Flash, I think the show does both characters pretty well. Some alright fics out there between them too
Thanks but the way the dick is attached looks really weird
>topless Starfire
post pics
still liked cyborg though
i really hate interacial shit but i somehow kinda prefere the cyborg jinx ship since i like cyborg and hate kid flash
best would be jinx x blackfire though
yeah he did
2 of them if i recall
Less talking more titties, fags
>t. actual faggot
...are you talking about Bato the Cyborg's stuff?
would be worth it even if digested
I believe the artist is drawfag101
I just want him to stop being a pussy and draw legit nudity already.
Do IRL Goths even exist anymore?
Yes but a lot of them are fat so I hope you're into chubby girls.
It did.
cartoon Starfire is fine though. Not sure what that guy is getting at.
Jinx is stunned by Raven's superior body.
She wasn't a slut until New 52 ruined the entire DC universe.
99% of comics are literal basedboy garbage
>I hope you're into chubby girls.
why yes i am how could you tell?
Whenever I see chadposting the music from those mafiacity ads immediately starts playing in my head.
Only if her dick is feminine
How is she a whore, she was so dedicated to Dick she continued waiting for him even long after he dumped her and left town
AFAIK she never even showed interest in any other character until RHATO which was notoriously OOC and then that miniseries which was also notoriously OOC
All the more reason to further envy Beast Boy.
The dude can form a literal horsecock, how can we get better than that bro
This is the same show that had her outfit torn into a bikini by an adult male.
Is it true that dolphin pussy literally drives men insane with pleasure, or is that just a meme?
Don't rape the dolphins though.
Thanks user
You sound awfully mad. Maybe if you watched Clerks you'd have gotten the joke and have been less butthurt.
why do you think DOLPHIN RAPE CAVE is a meme? because it isn't, those lil minx will kill you with cave rape.
anyone got a link to that teen titans choose your own adventure porn game? you could choose hero or villain and villain route involved working for slade or something
But the supposed aphrodisiac effects of dolphin pussy juices just sounded too unreal to be true, and was most certainly just the mad ramblings of some animal fucking user. It was ridiculously elaborate though.
the non mad are onions
should raven have the bigger cock because she is magic, or starfire because she is an AYYYY?
petite or gargantuan, I just love Raven
huzzah, a man of quality
Why not both?
Raven by way of being half demon. It fucks your very soul.
go back to twitter fag.
If RRR were to make an actual raven porn game, without any vore or giantess fetish shit, all from the pov of a self insert oc, then I think my dick could die happy.
>literally just Robin annd Raven having sex followed by Starfire showing up
I don't care about this at all.
I wonder what ravens cock smells like
haha yeah
Really big.
Starfire bigger normally, but Raven can probably use magic to make hers bigger.
I could write up a short description of it if you'd like.
Not just the smell though. And the word "short" won't be in the description. Wink wink, nudge nudge
>I could write up a short description of it if you'd like.
>new gfs name is raven
>beg her to cosplay as raven for a con
>she tells me she doesnt like teen titans or raven
>i ask her to elaborate
>shes been talking about teen titans go
>i tell her about the original show
>i have her watch a few episodes and she starts to like it
>still doesnt like raven
Since Beast Boy can turn into any animal, shouldn't he be able to turn into female animals? And if humans count as animals as well, couldn't he turn into a female human too?
Raven spends most of her time on-screen being a grumpy asshole. Goth GF Raven is confined to a handful of episodes.
hentai of waifu material is disgusting
Kill her
fuck you faggot
Raven is perfection
I would prefer a porn game by RRR involving giantesses though
sauce please
Is this an edit?
Raven is an appealing character design with a tired "you are all too stupid for me to tolerate" personality shtick attached it. Good Raven episodes like from the fourth season are rare exceptions. People are only remembering the good parts.
views n toys
>with a tired "you are all too stupid for me to tolerate" personality shtick attached it
as i said
Cute and playful and 5000 year old vampire are both good options.
There's a lot of elements to vore. At least one of them usually appeals to most people.
both are good
I feel you buddy.
But you're sure you'd rather go to her than bring her to you? That'd be pretty dangerous.
Because most people who like Raven relate to Beast Boy.
But healing can, and that was her original power.
Raven's is adjustable through magic.
Starfire's looks like something from Bad Dragon to fit her reoccurring "weird alien organs" thing.
Alright. I apologize for nothing.
13 inches long while flaccid, very large balls, and since she doesn't shave, there's a jungle of purple pubes above her cock and her scrotum is similarly hairy. She's uncircumcised, and her foreskin tends to accumulate smegma rapidly, meaning that in addition to the scent of ballsweat and a general musk, her penis usually has a rather cheesy smell added in Her potent jizz is thick, sticking in ropes and globs onto whatever it lands on more easily than trickling down and off.Additionally, she's capable of sealing her pussy, making it appear to dissapear on the outside, although everything's still technically there, it's just inside her, so if she wants to make sure her partner (fucktoy) focuses on worshipping her cock instead of just fingering her vagina. This makes her unshaved taint more closely resemble a male's, despite not being one.
I recall a porn comic posted a few months ago, that had Raven, Beast Boy and Jinx as high school students. BB used one of Raven's spellbooks to molest her in the middle of class, Jinx noticed and used her own magic to help the humilliation. Raven faints, goes to the nurse room, Jinx appears to mock her but Raven is all BITCH I MAY LET THAT GREEN IDIOT DO THAT, BUT I AM NOT TAKING ANY SHIT FROM YOU. Raven quickly immobilizes Jinx, uses a spell to literally put Beast Boy's cock on herself, and proceeds to fuck Jinx silly. The artwork was good and the dialogues were surprisingly cute.
Anybody has any idea of what comic was that?
Zillionaire drew that one. Luckless.
Fuck yeah that's the one, you are my Yea Forumspilot
She ends up with Kid Flash in the end.
What this user said
Fat ass Raven is far superior to big tits Raven.
There's never enough Jinx.
>raven was always sticc but thicc in the right players
that's what thicc is to began with. dont let fatfags cloud your mind
because starfire has the bigger dick
Ass > tits in general
Starfire looks great in here.
Guys I like Raven as much as the next guy, but how about posting some newer non-RRR stuff for once?
Most overrated bland goth toon slut in fiction.
Stupid thread is stupid.
Wait, i'm sure I have seen that image of people and desks somewhere, do you know where it comes from?
jews are writing comics these days it seems
jews created super hero comics ya stupid faggot
Because she is best girl
>tfw no giant raven gf
It's not fair bros